Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ I Have Confidence ❯ Side Story #2: Hearts in Ice ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The second "I Have Confidence Side-Story!" ^_^ This one mainly revolves around Matt and Heather ;-)

Hearts In Ice
by PikaChan (Heza Ishida)

The 13 people and the 9 Digimon trudged through the sudden snowfall. They had been walking around in the Digiworld for quite some thime now, and were almost frozen.

Heather was the most effected out of all of them. She lived in the hot climate of Sixton, and was not at ALL used to the cold (like any of them are 9.9;). "Gaahh, it's frrezing out here!!" she complained, and Heather was not one to complain.

"We have to move on, though! You can't give up now," Tai said, shielding his eyes from the flying snow.

"I don't know how much longer I can take it..." Mimi said, rubbing her arms.

"I'm allergic to snow!" Joe complained.

"You're allergic to everything, Joe," Gomamon said, sitting on his shoulders.

"Ah...ahh...ahhhh...CHOO!" Paula sneezed. "Man, I'm not used to this kind of weather..."

Jeff, however, was really enjoying it. Since he lived in a country where it was winter year-round (hence the name, Winters), he was obviously used to the cold.

"Paula, can you melt some of the snow with your PSI Fire?" Ness asked.

"I'll try..." She stepped up to the front of the group. "PSI Fire Omega!" The wind started blowing harder, and it blew the attack backwards, barely missing the freezing travelers. "Umm...I guess it didn't work..."

The wind turned into near-hurricane force. Suddenly, a voice rang out from nowhere: "Hearts of Ice!" A shower of tiny frosted hearts covered the startled travelers.

"Who's there?!" Tai shouted. A few moments later, a human-shape Digimon formed from the blizzard. It was a female, with silver hair, light blue skin, and solid white clothing. Over her face hung a powder-blue veil.

"Who are you?!" Sora asked.

"My name is Kaguyamon. I am the queen of the snow, and I am here, sent by Lady Kitusomon to freeze you all to death!" the Digimon said. "I have been sent to especially eradicate you," she said, pointing directly at Heather.

"Why me?" she weakly asked.

"That will be revealed to you in time..."

"We're not about to let an ice queen like you stop us!" Lunamon retorted, stepping to the front of the group. "You guys, let's Digivolve!" she shouted to the other Digimon.

"Agumon! Digivolve tooo.......Greymon!"
"Gabumon! Digivolve tooo.......Garurumon!"
"Biyomon! Digivolve tooo.......Birdramon!"
"Tentomon! Digivolve tooo.......Kabuterimon!"
"Palmon! Digivolve tooo.......Togemon!"
"Gomamon! Digivolve tooo.......Ikkakumon!"
"Patamon! Digivolve tooo.......Angemon!"
"Salamon! Digivolve tooo.......Gatomon!"
"Lunamon! Digivolve tooo.......Galaxiamon!"

Kaguyamon, a Mega-level Digimon, only laughed at the nine Champion-level Digimon standing before her. "You think nine Champion Digimon can defeat a Mega? You make me laugh. Prepare to meet a frozen doom....Ice Portals!!"

Just then, several blue portals appeared out of nowhere and each pulled a few people or Digimon through them. Tai, Sora, Ness, and Paula flew through one, then Izzy, Mimi, Jeff, and Joe. Next came Poo, TK, and Kari, then all of the Digimon went through the same portal. Finally, Matt and Heather were pulled into the last one.


Paula came to in an icy cave. She opened her blue eyes and looked around at her surroundings. The walls had millions of tiny ice crystals and gemstones embedded in them, and there were ice pillars everywhere. Overall, it looked beautiful, but it was also very cold. That was when Paula noticed her three fallen comrades, and began shaking them awake.

"Tai...Sora...Ness! Wake up!!" she said, shaking each of them by the shoulders.

Tai sat up, rubbing the back of his head. "Wh...what happened?" he mumbled, as if he were awakened from a peaceful sleep. His eyes popped wide open when he saw his surroundings, and he jumped up and looked at the walls closely. "Where the smeg ARE we?!"

Sora was the next person to come around. She slowly sat up, as if she had been greatly weakened. She looked around, feeling the bitter cold. "How did we end up here? Are we still in the Digiworld?"

"I think those portals teleported us here," Paula said, shaking Ness.

After a few minutes, he finally stirred. "Moooooom, it's not time for school to start yet..." Paula shook him again, only to have him mumbling again.

"Gah, this is taking forEVER," she said. She poked Ness again, only to have him wave her off. '*sigh*...Time to resort to desperate measures...' Paula thought. She lifted Ness up by the head.

"Umm, Paula...this really isn't the time to.....OOOOOOOH...." Tai mumbled, realizing what she was doing. He got an ebil grin...


Izzy sat up and rubbed his neck. His body ached all over, as if he'd been thrown into a blender. "What in the name of pants just happened?" he asked, wondering if anyone else had awakened yet. He looked around at his surroundings, which were pretty much the same as the cave in which Paula, Ness, Tai, and Sora were in.

"My guess is that when we went through those portals, they must have greatly weakened us," Jeff's voice rang out in the freezing cave.

"Jeff? How long have you been awake?" Izzy asked.

"Not long. I've been trying to calculate the data from the portals, but...my laptop got a little...smashed..." Jeff said, holding up his broken laptop. "I could repair it, but I don't have the proper tools with me...confound it!"

Izzy looked at his own laptop. "AAH! It's...completely destroyed! What are we gonna do now?!"

"Well, first we should wake Joe and Mimi, then we can figure out how to get out of here." Jeff dug around in his brown backpack. "Hrm. This Horn of Life should revive the both of them..." Jeff played a short tune on the Horn of Life, awakening them.

Mimi sat up, shaking the frost from her hair. "Where ARE we? My dress is filthy!"

Joe groped around for his glasses, and finally set them back on his nose. "Hoboy...now we'll all freeze to death..." he muttered.

"It's so cold in here...it's not good for my skin!" Mimi complained, rubbing her hands across each arm.

Jeff looked at the shivering girl, then removed the jacket to his school uniform. He walked over to Mimi and handed it to her. "Here, you'll need it more than I would, as I am used to the cold..."

Mimi blushed, then covered herself with the gray jacket. Jeff sat down next to her and put one arm around her waist. The two fell asleep a few minutes later.

Joe turned away, a pained expression on his face. He lay down on the cold ground and drifted off to sleep.


"Pepper Breath!"

Agumon's attack didn't even put a crack in the icy walls of the cave. He sat down, sighing. The nine Digimon had all de-digivolved back to their Rookie forms.

"I have no idea how we can get out of here," Biyomon said. "Without our partners, we can't digivolve! This is bad."

"I still don't see why that Kaguyamon would just attack us from nowhere," Gomamon said.

"Do you have to be so dense, Gomamon?" Gatomon asked. "Kaguyamon said that she was sent by Kitusomon to destroy us."

"Well, we should get some sleep, we'll need our energy," Gabumon pointed out.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," Lunamon agreed.

All of the Digimon soon fell asleep.


"Poo? Poo, wake up!" a young voice echoed in the Dalaamese prince's ears.

"Ugh..." Poo moaned, opening his eyes to see TK and Kari standing over him. "Hey...are you two alright?" He asked, sitting up.

"We're fine. Are you okay?" Kari asked.

"Yeah, I'm a little sore though..." Poo looked around at his surroundings. (Duh, they're in a similar cave to all the others.) "Those portals must have brought us here...I barely remember what happened before that..."

"We were attacked by Kaguyamon, and we were pulled through those weird portals..." TK said, biting his lip. He then burst into tears.

"What's wrong, TK?" Poo asked.

"I'm so scared, and I'm worried about everyone! Matt, and Patamon, and Heather, and Tai, and--"

"It's going to be alright, TK. We'll find them all," Kari reassured him.

"That's right. We'll find all of them. You shouldn't give up hope. After all, that's what your crest symbolizes, right?" Poo asked.

"Yeah...you're right, Poo! I won't give up," TK said, a smile now on his face.

"Okay. Maybe we should get some rest," Kari said. The two boys nodded their heads in agreement.


Matt spit out a mouthful of snow and sat up. He felt numb all over, and was in quite a bit of pain. He looked around at the blue-tinted cave, and his eyes rested on the girl laying face-down a couple of meters away. Her brown hair was covered in a light frost and her skin was very pale, almost white. "Heather!" he shouted, moving over to her.

She slowly lifted her head up from the ground. "Matt...?" she said, her voice barely audible. "What...happened?"

"That's not important. Are you okay?!" he asked her.

"I think so, but I feel like a popsicle..." Heather said weakly, trying to sit up. She managed to lean against the wall after a few minutes.

"Are you sure?" Matt asked.

"Yes, I'm okay. Don't worry..." she said, flashing a light grin.

"Okayy..." Matt said, not completely convinced. He leaned against the wall next to her, looking at the millions of ice crystals embedded in the walls.

The two were silent for a moment when Heather spoke up: "Do think we'll ever see the others again...?" she asked.

"Of course we will!" Matt said, taking her cold hands in his so she faced him. He locked his blue eyes with her brown ones. "We ARE going to get out of here. I promise."

"But how long will it take? We might freeze to death before we can get started!" Heather said, her eyes welling up. "I'm so worried about them..." She wiped her eye on her sleeve, which quickly froze.

Matt reached up and wiped the tears from her other eye. "Hey...it's going to be okay...don't cry..." he whispered.

That only made her cry more. "I...I'm just scared...going totally against my crest...I can't..." She wiped her eyes again.

Matt sighed, then pulled her closer. She wrapped her arms around his waist and cried onto his shoulder, while he rubbed her back in a comforting manner. They stayed like that for a while, when Heather drifted off to sleep.

Matt lay her on her left side. He watched her sleep, her skin still pale. 'I guess the cold really was too much for her...I hope she'll be okay...' he thought, laying down on his back and looking up at the ceiling.


Ness was fully awake now, due to the "awakening technique" that Paula used on him. Afterwards, he couldn't shut his eyes for a second.

"I think he's in shock," Tai said.

"Nice way to wake someone up, Paula," Sora said, nudging Paula. "I should try that when Tai oversleeps." Tai's face nearly turned crimson. He looked down and twiddled his thumbs. "I'm just kidding, Tai. No need to get your thumbs in a knot," Sora teased, giggling.

"Uhh...right," Tai said, blushing.

Suddenly, a voice rang out. "Ice Magma!" A blue gellish substance flew towards the four startled kids. Paula and Tai managed to jump out of the way, but the blast hit Ness and Sora head-on.

"Gah! What was that?!" Tai shouted.

"I dunno, but it got Ness and Sora! And that voice sounded like...Kaguyamon!" Paula said.

"Correct." Kaguyamon appeared out of nowhere. "Now. Which one of you is the ninth DigiDestined?" she asked, charging a Hearts of Ice attack.

"It's not any of us!" Paula shouted. "PSI Fire Omega!"

Kaguyamon stuck one hand out in front of her. "Hearts of Ice!" The millions of tiny frosted hearts blew away the PSI Fire attack, merged with it, and struck Paula, causing severe damage.

"Paula!" Ness shouted, finally out of his trance. The blue goo seemed to be draining him of his psychic energy, but he had just enough energy for... "PSI Flash Omega!" A brilliant flash of light filled the room, temporary blinding Kaguyamon, but also dissolving the goo!

She regained control, and retreated, shouting "I'll find the ninth DigiDestined! You can bet on that!!"


Kaguyamon searched the other chambers of the icy dungeon, and did not succeed in finding the ninth DigiDestined, until she appeared in the room containing the Digimon. They were unaware of Kaguyamon's prescence. Kaguyamon quickly took a count of all of them, to make sure they were all there, but was a bit startled when she discovered that there were nine. 'Perfect...' she thought, emerging from her hiding place in a column of ice.

Lunamon suddenly woke up. 'Why do I have the feeling that something's in here...?' she thought, slowly turning around. She immediately froze upon seeing Kaguyamon floating in front of her with an evil smirk. "Uhh...g-g-g-guys?" she stuttered, starting to shake the other Digimon.

Agumon sleepily liffted his head. "Whaa...?" He took notice of Kaguyamon, as did the other Digimon.

Kaguyamon stared hard at Lunamon, knowing she was the Digimon of the ninth DigiDestined. Lunamon just stared right back.

Lunamon turned towards the other Digimon. They all knew what to do.

"Pepper Breath!"
"Blue Blaster!"
"Spiral Twister!"
"Super Shocker!"
"Poison Ivy!"
"Marching Fishes!"
"Boom Bubble!"
"Lightning Claw!"
"Star Dust!"

The attacks barely phased Kaguyamon, being that she was a Mega-level Digimon. She counter-attacked with Hearts of Ice, severely damaging the nine Digimon. A few of them even de-digivolved to their In-Training stages!

Nyaromon, Tanemon, Koromon, and Bukamon each tried to get up, but the attack was too strong and they promptly fainted. Gabumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, Patamon, and Lunamon were greatly weakened, but didn't de-digivolve.

Lunamon shakily stood up, glaring death-rays at Kaguyamon.

"So. This is all the ninth Digimon has to offer?" Kaguyamon asked, powering up another Hearts of Ice.

"I'm not through with you yet," Lunamon said. 'I have just enough power to digivolve...' Lunamon stood tall. "Lunamon! Digivolve toooo.......Galaxiamon!"

Kaguyamon only snickered at the Champion-level Digimon standing before her. "Do you really think you'll last long enough to even ATTEMPT to defeat me?" she asked.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to try. Rainbow LIGHTNING!!!" Multicolored sparks flew from Galaxiamon's hands, turning into whips made of prismatic energy, and crashing into Kaguyamon. Kaguyamon barely flinched, and Galaxiamon could tell that the attack had dealt a LITTLE damage. "Ahh, so you're NOT all-powerful!" Galaxiamon siad, sneering. She then dropped to one knee, as the cold began to get to her.

Kaguyamon glared "deadly" rays at Lunamon.

Unbeknownst to them, in the room next door was exactly what Kaguyamon was looking for...


In the next room...

Matt woke up nearly frozen. He sat up and began rubbing his arms, trying to warm them up. He looked at Heather, who was sleeping on the ground a couple of feet away. Her skin was still pale, and had gotten even more so while she was sleeping. Her brown hair....really stood out against her almost-white skin.

Matt suddenly heard noises nearby. He looked around, seeing that the room was quite small, and there was no one else in there except for Heather. He stood up and put his ear to the wall, nearly yanking away because of the cold. There were definete noises coming from a room next door, he thought he could hear the shout of a Digimon. That's when the wall broke.

The next thing he knew, Matt was laying on the ground, chunks of rock around him, and a rather large Digimon sitting on him. Matt got a quick glimpse of the face. "Galaxiamon!"

The noise was enough to wake Heather, who sat up, her hair almost icicles. She looked over at where the noise had come from, and her eyes widened in shock. "GALAXIAMON!!" She quickly scrambled over to her fallen friends. "What happened?!"

"I don't know!" Matt said. "I was listening through the wall, them BLAM! She flew right through it!"

"Galaxiamon! Can you hear me?" Heather asked, shaking the Digimon's shoulder.

Galaxiamon slowly opened her eyes. "I...I'm ok." She quickly jumped up off of Matt, then dropped to he knees, just as Kaguyamon floated into the room.

"Oh no!" Heather shouted.

"Ahh. I finally found the ninth DigiDestined..." Kaguyamon said, a blue glob forming in her hand. "Ice Magma!"

Before Heather had a chance to react, a wave of ice-cold goo engulfed her and threw her against the wall. "Ouch..."

"Heather!" Matt shouted, running over to her.

"I...I'm alright, geez this stuff is cold..." Heather muttered, trying to move. The goo acted like ice, temporarily paralyzing her.

Galaxiamon glared at Kaguyamon, stretching her hands. "Nebula Beam!!" A cluster of multicolored rings crashed into Kaguyamon, but the attack barely bruised her. "Crud..."

"You really think that hurt me? You're in for a bif surprise. Hearts of Ice!" Kaguyamon shouted, initiating her attack once again.

Just then, another shout was heard. "Blue Blaster!"

Kaguyamon was hit by the small blue blast, and was distracted for a moment. She turned around and saw Gabumon standing in the hole in the wall.

"Gabumon!" Matt shouted, grinning.

"It appears you could use some help, Galaxiamon," Gabumon said, turning to the other Digimon.

"Would I ever!" Galaxiamon said happily.

"Alright then. Gabumon! Digivolve toooo.......Garurumon!"

"Go get 'em, Garurumon!" Matt shouted, raising a fist.

"Let's double-team her!" Galaxiamon said. "Rainbow Lightning!"

"Howling Blaster!"

The combined attacks dealt a bit of damage to Kaguyamon, but still not enough to weaken her. "Is that all you've got? Ice Magma!" She shot out more globs of blue gel at the other two Digimon. Garurumon swiftly dodged them, buit one glob nailed Galaxiamon. She was glued to her spot.

"I...I can't move!!!" Galaxiamon shouted, failing to even flinch.

Heather looked up and saw her Digimon friend, frozen in place (no pun intended ^^;). "Galaxiamon!!!" she shouted. "You can do it!!!!" Her Crest glowed with a bright fuschia light, shattering the ice.

Galaxiamon felt tremendous amounts of energy flowing into her, and felt herself changing. "Galaxiamon! Digivolve toooo......."

Not only did she get taller, but her hair grew longer and turned gold, braiding itself. Her skin turned from lavender to pale pink. Silver dust circled her, forming new clothing. She curled up into a ball, letting huge white wings emerge, one at a time. She touched the ground with one foot, and spun around several times, the transformation almost complete. Finally, a series of small stars appeared on her forehead, befitting her new name.


Now free from the ice, GaiaGalaxiamon glared at Kaguyamon, who was still not impressed with the Ultimate-level Digimon standing before her. "You think a new form will help you anymore? That's something I would like to see! Hearts of Ice!"

"Moon Prism Shockwave!!" GaiaGalaxiamon shouted. Moon-shaped beams, in different colors, shot out from her extended hands. The two attacks collided, sending a spray of color throughout the room. The ligh cleared out, leaving an unharmed Kaguyamon. "Darnit!" GaiaGalaxiamon swore to herself.

"Uh, Garurumon, I think she could use some help!" Matt said, turning to Garurumon.

"Gotcha. Garurumon! Digivolve toooo........WereGarurumon!! (I have a feeling you know what he looks like ;-] )"

Kaguyamon looked nervously at the two Ultimate-level Digimon now standing before her. True, she could outsmart one Ultimate, but not two. This was bad.

"That's right! Double-team!!" Heather shouted, completely healed from the cold.

"Wolf Claw!"

"Moon Prism Shockwave!"

Kaguyamon was unable to guard herself against both attacks at once, and was greatly weakened, almost to thwe point where she would dissolve at any moment.

GaiaGalaxiamon knew what she had to do, but not quite yet....

Then, a miracle happened.

"Spiral Twister!"
"Super Shocker!"
"Boom Bubble!"

Several Bubble Blows followed the three attacks, weakening Kaguyamon enough so GaiaGalaxiamon could...

"Alright! You guys are lifesavers!" GaiaGalaxiamon shouted, turning to Biyomon, Tentomon, Patamon, Koromon, Tanemon, Nyaromon, and Bukamon. WereGarurumon flashed a thumbs-up in appreciation. GaiaGalaxiamon turned back to Kaguyamon, who was now on one knee, gasping for air. "And as for you...." She held her hands out, wrists together. "BLACK HOLE!!!!"

Kaguyamon began to disentigrate, her dust flying into the small black vortex between GaiaGalaxiamon's palms. "Now! I banish you to the edges of the universe!!!!" The vortex turned into a black ball, and disappeared. Kaguyamon was no more.

"ALL RIIIIIIIIGHT!!!" Heather shouted, running up to GaiaGalaxiamon and throwing her arms around her. Just as she did though, GaiaGalaxiamon de-digivolved all the way down to Kiyonimon. "Oh, poor thing, you must be pooped...."

WereGarurumon also de-digivolved, down to Tsunomon. Matt walked over and scooped up his friend. "Ya did good, old buddy."

"Yeah, but I am like...REALLY tired..." Tsunomon said.

Matt and Heather turned to the other Digimon. "Thanks a lot for helping us out, you guys," Heather said, standing up.

The other Digimon nodded, happy that at least a few of their friends were alright. Just then a blue portal opened up and Kaguyamon stepped out.

"WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!!? I thought I banished you to the edges of the universe!!!!!!" Kiyonimon shouted, almost causing Heather to go deaf.

"Actually, that was just a Black Gear. Thank you for releasing me..." Kaguyamon said, bowing. "In gratitude, I will lead you to your friends."

Everyone else looked at each other and smiled.


An hour later, everyone was standing outside, now in a snow-less Digiworld. Kaguyamon had cleared up all of the ice and snow, and was ready to retreat back into her icy lair.

"I can't thank you enough," she said, bowing to everyone.

"Actually, it's the Digimon you should thank," Sora said, patting Biyomon's head. "They were the ones who weakened you enough to where GaiaGalaxiamon could drain you of that Black Gear."

A slight blush crossed Kiyonimon's nose. "Hehe, it was all thanks to Heather's determination that allowed me to digivolve..." she said, rubbling the back of her head.

Kaguyamon smiled lightly, then walked into her blue portal to go back into her icy underground palace.

"Well, we had better get going if we want to make it to Kitusomon's lair," Tai said, cracking his knuckles. Everyone agreed with that.


A few minutes later...

Heather then remembered something. "Hey Matt?"

Matt looked at Heather. "Yeah?"

"Remember when I asked why Kaguyamon was looking for me, and she said 'That will be revealed to you in time,' what do you think she meant? She never did tell me why...." Heather said, looking up at the sky as she walked. The two, also including Kiyonimon and Tsunomon, were at the back of the group.

"I dunno. Maybe we'll find out sooner...." Matt muttered, shrugging. He sighed in relief, thinking she was going to say something about that time in the cave.

"I hope so...." The group continued to make their way to Kitusomon's fortress.

YAYYYYYYYY!!! ! I *FINALLY* finished the second side-story!!!! This one may be a bit longer than the first one, but no worries, they range in length. Mebbe I should make the first one a bit longer =/ Oh well, my writer's block is almost gone, too. Hope ya liked this one! ^^;

-- PikaChan (Heza Ishida)