Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koushirou's Search! ❯ Koushirou's Thoughts... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi again everyone. I hope that the last chapter wasn't too unrealistic. Of course I have no idea how a person like Koushirou would react to such a thing. Oh, and as for the comment I made about Koushirou's parents being “open”…well, to my knowledge, sex education and talking to one's kids about sex isn't very common due to the subject of sex being sort of a taboo. Kind of ironic, eh? Of course there are some that do and some who don't like pretty much anyplace, probably.
Oh yes, almost forgot to mention this. The names of the parents and siblings of the Chosen Children (Digidestined) are all original, meaning, I didn't make them up. Ironically, for the most part, the adults' given names were based on the given names of the seiyuu (voice actors) voicing the characters.
Anyway, this chapter is just about Koushirou's feelings on the entire thing and the doubt he's starting to feel over his mother's being pregnant. Some of the others show up as well, Taichi and Yamato being two of them. The two have a slight discussion in this chapter about girls, and I personally found Yamato a bit out of character for it. In my mind, I just can't picture a character like his speaking openly on the subject to the extent of mentioning which types of girls he'd reject and which types he'd take looks wise.
Now, as always, I do not own anything dealing with the Digimon series or franchise. Bandai and Toei have that honor, and as a reminder, here are the ages of the characters once again:
Jou: 16-17 (Year 10-11; First/second year of High School)
Taichi/Sora/Yamato: 15-16 (Year 09-10; Last year of Junior High School/First year high school)
Koushirou/Mimi: 14-15 (Year 08-09; Second/Last year of Junior High School)
Miyako: 13-14 (Year 07-08; First/second year of Junior High School)
Takeru/Hikari/Daisuke/Ken: 12 (Year 06; Final year of Elementary/First year of Junior High School)
Iori: 10-11 (Year 04-05)
Chapter 03: The Thoughts of Koushirou…
`A baby? She's going to have a baby?'
The boy, who had been in his room close to a half hour, continued to pace back and forth, his mind on all that was said over dinner. The main thing that stuck in his mind, though, was what was from his mother's slip up earlier...“It's like a blessing, my having a child of my very own.” That statement had hurt him more than he had let on. To him, it felt as if his “mother” was already rejecting him. He wasn't certain as to how he should feel. He didn't know whether or not to be thrilled over the soon to be new addition or not. Old thoughts and doubts started to resurface in his mind that really hadn't for years pertaining to his being adopted and of what his true place was within the Izumi family.
He paced back and forth a bit more, pondering over the idea of an infant being in the home and the set up he'd grown accustomed to over the years. He stopped circling his room, and felt the need to apologize. Even when something upset the boy, if he acted unusual or a bit rashly over the situation, he would still go out of his way to apologize for it, like a perfect, selfless gentleman. He felt it was out of place to have left dinner so abruptly. That aside, he was still a little hungry since he had left without having any seconds.
“I guess I could get myself a bite to eat,” he laughed lightly while holding his growling stomach.
Walking down the hall, he overheard a couple of voices coming from his parents' bedroom. He was about to keep going, until he heard his father mention something about the “new addition”. Curious, Koushirou peaked through the slightly ajar door to see his father sitting in a chair, while his mother was sitting on the bed comfortably. It was pretty much similar to when he'd overheard his parents talking about his adoption years earlier.
“Yoshie, I really can't wait for you to have the baby.”
“I can't wait either!” Mrs. Izumi patted her not-yet showing pregnant tummy. “According to the doctor, I'm about three weeks along. We have just a little over eight months to go until the big day and I'll have a baby of my very own.” Tears formed in her eyes, as she giggled like a school girl from happiness. The woman stood and went over to her husband, giving him a big hug. “Masami-san, I feel so much closer to you right now since we know for sure. We're going to have a child of our own…after all of these years. Who would've guessed that it would be possible?”
He nodded. “We just have to come up with names for him.”
Or her,” Mrs. Izumi added, letting him go.
“That's right, but whether you give me a son or a daughter, I'll love the child just the same.”
She retook her seat on the bed. “How about I come up with the name if we have a girl, and you come up with a name if it's a boy?”
“That sounds fair.”
“Oh, and as a rule, we must both agree on the name chosen.”
Koushirou frowned and didn't stick around for the rest of the conversation. To him, it felt as if the two had disowned him already or had disavowed any knowledge of his existence. He sighed and sulked while heading back to his room, his hunger suddenly gone.
“How do you think things will be around here with the upcoming change?” asked Mrs. Izumi after Koushirou had left. “How do you think Koushirou will adjust to having a younger sibling? He doesn't really have much experience with younger children.”
“He'll probably do fine. He did grow up around Hikari and Takeru and then there's also Mimi. Her aunt and uncle have two small children and Koushirou hangs around there every once in a while.”
“You're probably right. I'm confident that Koushirou will be a great older brother, as he's our son. As far as I'm concerned, he will always be my firstborn, and I'll always love him as if he were my very own, even if I didn't physically have him.” The woman stood.
“Where are you going?”
“I'm going to go check on Koushirou since he did leave dinner so quickly. I'm going to see if he'd like any type of a snack.”
With that, the woman exited the room…
Koushirou was back in his room, lying on his back staring blankly up at the ceiling in thought over what he'd overheard.
`They don't want me around. If the two of them have a child of their own, they'll have a good reason to reject me as an Izumi. I've never seen mother so happy before, father either for that matter.
`I sometimes wonder what my biological parents are like and where they live.' Something else then came to mind, which caused him to sit up. `I wonder why I was put up for adoption in the first place and how the Izumis came to adopt me…'
His thoughts were soon broken by that of knocking. He asked who it was.
“It's me, dear.” Koushirou opened the door. “I just wanted to make sure everything was alright since you didn't finish your dinner earlier.”
“I'm fine mother. I was…um…just anxious to start my history assignment.”
“Are you sure everything is okay?”
“Y-yes. I'm thinking of maybe going to bed early too.”
“But it's barely 19:30 (7:30). It's so early.”
“What was that saying…`early to bed and early to rise makes the man healthy, wealthy, and wise'.”
“That's a very good philosophy to go by,” she smiled. “I'll leave you to it then. I'll see you at breakfast, unless you do decide you want a snack or either some of the leftovers from dinner.” The woman found that odd to say, since they usually never had leftovers due to Koushirou's massive appetite as he'd grown older. “Just let me know.”
“Don't worry, I will. Good night, mother.”
Mrs. Izumi walked away as Koushirou started to close the door, but heard her singing lightly about the new baby. He just sighed and threw himself back onto his bed, lying face up once again.
`What exactly should I do? They're ignoring me already, and this child hasn't even been born yet. I wonder if I should move so that I won't get in the way. Maybe I should go find my…real family.
`I would hate to burden them with my being around. At least that way, they'll be able to spend even more time with their real son or daughter—a true Izumi…'
Mr. and Mrs. Izumi had moved back to the living room, talking about going out for a short while to celebrate and maybe bring Koushirou along, if he felt up to it, despite the fact that he'd said he'd wanted to go to sleep early. Before they could get into it, they heard a knock on the front door. Mrs. Izumi rushed to open it and smiled cheerfully to the group that stood before her.
“Hello everyone.”
“Hello, Mrs. Izumi,” the five teenagers greeted.
“Taichi-kun, Yamato-kun, Sora-chan, Miyako-chan, Mimi-chan, it's wonderful to see you all again. It's been a while.”
“It's nice to see you as well, Mrs. Izumi,” the short-haired Sora said.
The big-haired boy of the group spoke up next, asking, “Is Koushirou around?”
“Yes, he promised to join us tonight at the new karaoke place in Palette Town,” Sora explained.
“Well, it's not actually new,” Mimi corrected, “it's just finished being remodeled. It looks really good now!”
“Of course it was her idea to go there,” Miyako pointed with a laugh. “Mimi-sama loves to karaoke, and the only other person who was fully willing to go along with her on the idea was Yamato-san.”
The blonde-haired-boy crossed his arms coolly. “Do you want my great singing talent to go to waste? I have to keep my voice fresh for my fans when the band and I take a break from performing.”
Taichi just rolled his eyes at his friend, and impatiently asked, “Is he coming?”
“I'm not entirely sure. He did mention wanting to work on his history assignment.”
“His history assignment?” Mimi asked in surprise. `Why would he start it without me? I'm supposed to be his partner for it.'
“Mimi-chan, you're in his class, right?” She nodded. “So what historical figure did you choose to do your report on?”
“Historical figure? Are we talking about the same assignment? The one that's due a week from now?”
“Well, that's what he told us.”
“Mimi-chan, what's wrong,” whispered Sora.
“I'll tell you about it later,” she whispered back. “Can we go see him now, Mrs. Izumi?”
“Oh yes, how rude of me. Come on in.” She moved aside for the teens to enter. “I'll go back and check on him to see if he's willing to come out of his room. He didn't even finish his dinner tonight.”
“Thank you,” the children thanked her.
While the kids made themselves comfortable in the living room with Mr. Izumi, Mrs. Izumi rushed to Koushirou's and knocked on the door. Already in his bed clothing, he, reluctantly, answered.
“It's me again.”
“What is it, mother?”
“I know you said you wanted to get started on your history assignment and then go to bed, but your friends are here to see you.”
He opened the door. “My friends?”
“Yes, they are here to fetch you.”
“Fetch me? What friends?”
“Let's see. Taichi-kun, Sora-chan, Yamato-kun, Mimi-chan, and Miyako-chan are all here to get you and go with them out for group karaoke.”
“I forgot all about that! How could I have forgotten about that!” the boy cried out while slapping his forehead in stupidity. `How in the world did I let them talk me into going in the first place? I'm not very good at karaoke compared to Yamato-san or Mimi-san, but the food is good.'
“You should go talk with them. They're waiting for you. Your father and I are going to go out for a little while, so if you do decide to join them, just make sure you lock up.”
“Yes ma'am.”
“Oh, would you like your allowance early just in case you do decide to join them?”
“Not to worry, mother. We have a reserved room thanks to Mimi-san, and I already gave my share about a week ago when she came up with the idea to go. Mimi-san is one of their most loyal customers and even though we did have to pay, it was a very small fee. Everything is going to be unlimited.”
“Alright,” she told him while giving him a quick hug. `I'm sure spending time with his friends whether it is here or out would be more fun and interesting for him instead of spending that time around his father and me.'
She left and told her husband how she was ready to go out, even if it was just for a brisk walk. The children said goodnight to the two, and they then left. Time the front door slammed shut, Koushirou made his way into the room. He had changed out of his bed clothes and back into his street clothes. “Hey everyone,” he greeted half-heartedly.
“Come on Koushirou! Let's go,” Taichi urged.
“Yeah, the place is going to be filled with those about our age, since it's a special teen night and we're going to be allowed to stay after closing,” Yamato pointed out.
“Which means cute, and single, girls, and we all know how much girls love to karaoke,” Taichi finished up with a toothy grin while wrapping an arm around the slightly shorter Koushirou's shoulder. “It is our duty as Odaiba's best looking bachelors to show up so that all of the girls can run over to me with open arms and invite me to karaoke with them for a private session.”
Yamato scoffed. “You?! They always run over to me.”
Taichi stepped up to Yamato, giving him an arrogant smirk. “Just a minor detail, my friend. You see, they may look as if they're running over to you, but they're really just trying to get to me, the great Yagami Taichi…soccer genius extraordinaire.”
The musician barked out a laugh, loving to wind Taichi up. “Yeah, right! They all run to me. I would know that better than anyone. You can have the satisfactory ones while I take the extremely beautiful ones.”
The three girls rolled their eyes at the two over their stupid conversation.
“I hope you two don't get noticed by any of the girls at all,” Sora told the two resentfully.
Taichi turned to his childhood friend, and gave her a crafty grin that usually always softened the young girl's mood. “You're just jealous.”
“Of-of what! You're nothing special!” she insisted heatedly. `But you are nice…and I hate to admit it, but cute…'
“As leader of this group…”
We're not in the Digital World,” Sora muttered under her breath.
“…I order you to work on your history report later! Mimi-chan is waiting and we all finished up with our clubs early to be able to actually go.”
“History report?” He thought for a moment and finally realized what Taichi was referring to. “Oh yes, my report! Wow, I guess all of that writing and researching really takes it out of a guy.” He put his hand behind his head and gave off a tense laugh.
Mimi shot the boy a disapproving look, her arms crossed. She stared him right in the eyes, which caused Koushirou to feel strange. “I bet it can, if you actually write one,” she grumbled.
“Um, w-well, maybe I'll join you guys after all,” he told them quickly. “I did promise, and I did already put my share in to rent the room at such a discount price thanks to Mimi-san.”
“Great! Let's get going, Izumi-senpai!”
“Oh yeah, Koushirou-kun, I've been meaning to ask this since we got here, but why was your mother so happy?” asked Sora. When the woman had let them in, she wore a smile the entire time. She was almost giddy about it. “I've seen her in a cheery mood before, but this time seemed almost different.”
Yamato rubbed his chin. “You know, she did seem more cheerful than usual, and your father seemed extra happy too.”
“It's nothing to worry yourselves over. Like Taichi-san said, we really should get going.”
Koushirou walked towards the front door to step into his shoes, while his friends followed suit. Mimi noticed that he was once again avoiding another subject involving his family. This just made the girl even more concerned as well as curious. `What is his deal?' the girl wondered in thought as she followed behind her friend…
As soon as the last one was out, that being Mimi, Koushirou locked up, and the group headed out to have a fun night of karaoke in Palette Town…