Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Lost ❯ One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


By: Gatochu

(A/N: I hope you like this, I worked very hard on it. ...^_^!)


Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon: Digital Monsters



(Yamato's POV)

FuegoDiaboromon had carried me away to his Master's lair. I was questioned on just about everything except my shoe size. I refused to answer their questions.

"Fine then, Yamato. Take him away! Keep him locked up until he talks!" The Master called out to some Digimon guard.

The first thing I noticed when I reached the underground dungeons was -

"Indoor plumbing. How nice." I joked.

"Get in there." The Digimon ordered. I walked in and sat on the cot.

I got food and water each day. I guess they wanted me alive.

After a while, I noticed the only source of light was the ever-burning candle. I noticed this just when it was a small stump of wax. Pretty soon, it went out.

And that's when I found out that the dark really can be scary. You think you know what dark is. But you don't. You don't know what dark is like until you've been locked away in a small dungeon, underground, with no light at all except for once a day when a Digimon guard brings you food and water.

It was in this darkness that I began to lose all hope. Why would the others come looking for me? Taichi had said it himself. I was just a pathetic loser with no friends.

And much later, I began to think that maybe I wasn't even there. That maybe I was just a ghost, floating in some dark abyss, lost and wandering forever.

And I still refused to talk. I was loyal to my friends...if they even were my friends.

After two years, I began to lose track of the days. Soon after, the meals stopped coming.

For a week, I had nothing to eat, and a small amount of rancid water to drink. It was then that someone came to my cell. I couldn't stand it. I didn't want to end up dying here.

"All right. You won. I'll talk." I said tiredly. I was picked up and carried up the stairs that led to the outside. I was weak with hunger, so it was no surprise when I fainted.


"He's so pale and thin."

"I wonder if he'll remember us."

Voices. I heard them as my eyes fluttered open. I saw faces. Some I had never seen, others were like they were from a dream. I knew I had seen them before, but I couldn't remember them.

"Here. Have a drink." A girl said, handing me a bottle of water.

I took it and drank the whole thing in a matter of seconds. It was so refreshing. But it didn't stop the fact that the light was so blinding.

All that time I had wished for the light, and now I wished for darkness. Weird, huh?

And the water...the water was ice cold, and it chilled me. Not too badly, though. Having spent years in an underground chamber, I was always cold, so I was sorta used to it.

"Thank you." I said, my eyes closed tight from the sunlight.

"You're welcome. Are you..okay? Do you need anything?" She asked me.

"Food. Please."

"Sure. Here you go." She said handing me some. I looked at it. One of the few things I remembered. A sandwich. I took large bites, finishing it fast. At that time, I thought it was the best food ever.

"What is your name?" I asked the girl. "And..the rest of them."
"My name is Inoue Miyako. That's Hida Iori, Motymia Daisuke, Ichijouji Ken, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Veemon, and Wormmon. Do you know the others...?" She asked me.

I looked at them, the ones she hadn't named. "I'm not sure. It's like I remember their faces, but I can't name them." I said.

"Your name is Ishida Yamato, isn't it?" Iori asked me.

"Y-Yes. How did you know?"
"We...were looking for you. For a long time, we searched." A familiar voice said.

That voice. I knew I'd heard it somewhere before, but...where? I looked at the speaker. Huge, brown hair, held away from his face by a blue band, and brown eyes...

"Yagami Taichi...? Is...is that you?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's me. How are you doing?" He asked me.

"Well, I'm alive." I said just a little too rudely.

'But then,' I thought, 'wouldn't he deserve it? It couldn't have taken him two years just to find me...could it?' Just as I was finishing that thought, a new one came up from the deep crevices of my mind.

'You're just a pathetic loser who doesn't have any friends...' I suddenly remembered that day, when Taichi and I had been in the middle of another fight.

Did he really mean that? I didn't know.

"Yamato? Are you okay?" Taichi asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Why did it take you so long to find me?" I asked abruptly.

"Yamato, we looked for you for months. We didn't find you. We thought that you might have died or something..." Taichi trailed off.

"Two years, and you never found me?"

"Two years? Yamato...can you stand up yet?" Taichi asked me.

"I guess so." I got up shakily. "So?" I said. Taichi then stood up. I realized instantly that he was taller than me. A lot taller. "Woah..." I said.

"Yamato...time in the Digital World is a lot different than it was before. You said you were locked up for two years. Well, that was Digi-Time. You've been gone for..."

"How long, Taichi?"

"Five years, Yamato. Five years..."

My legs turned to mush and I sat back down.

"Woah..." I repeated.

Taichi nodded. "Yeah. But we found you, didn't we?" He said. I nodded as once again his words came back to me from long ago.

'You're just a pathetic loser who doesn't have any friends anyway, so why should we care?'

"But why did it take you this long? Five years..."

"Yamato, listen. We searched for so long."

I shook my head. "I don't believe you, Taichi. Do you remember what you said to me, two or five, or however many years ago it was? I do. And I also remember how you were back then, Taichi. You didn't look for me."


Is Yamato's claim true? Did Tai really look for him? Are cliffhangers a real pain? Is the author going to stop writing these stupid notes so you can read the next chapter faster? Or is this just a stalling technique?

Please R&R! But no flames, though... Aw, okay. Go ahead and flame me, I'll need em to help make the bonfire with Agumon, Phoenixmon, Guilmon,Zhuqiaomon, and Impmon. ^_~

I know these chapters are really short, but this is a 'Short Story'. It's supposed to be short. Okays? ^_^!!! Well, anyway, I hope you're all on the edge of your seats with anticipation for the next chapter.

Well, R&R please!


