Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Digital War ❯ Chapter 2: The True Tai Kamiya ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2: The true Tai Kamiya

Chapter 2: The true Tai Kamiya

The four Dark Masters stood nervously in front of Oikawa as he watched the news screen on his wall, displaying an image of the cyborg Tai Kamiya. "This being claims to be the ressurected Tai Kamiya," the screen said,"he claims to have partial amnesia, and has placed the city of Santa Carea under his protection."

The screen changed to the image of the masked Firemaster, "The self-proclaimed Firemaster is a pyrokinetic. All of his opponents are either killed, or severely injured. He has begun to hunt down the Ghost Gang."

The screen changed one last time to the youngest freedom fighter.. "Drawing the greatest positive responses from the citizen of the Digital World, as well as the Resistance Forces, is the so-called 'Master of Courage.' He has begun a one Digidestined war against Arukennimon."

"Is that the true Tai Kamiya," the evil overlord asked himself, as he rubbed his chin,"If it is, what happened to require him to need cybernetics?"

"I believe it was a result of his battle with Piedmon," Plaguemon said.

"By why wait seven years...?" He turned his head slightly and his four lords paled. "Report," he barked.

Milleniumon coughed, then said,"We don't have any definite evidence on any of..."

"Then report on what you do have!" Oikawa said.

"Yes, sire," Milleniumon said, bowing.

Arukennimon cleared her throat,"The Master of Courage has caused me several thousand dollars in property damage, as well as production setbacks..."

"Which gets me wondering," Oikawa said, slowly turning around,"Why has he singled you out?"

Arukennimon started to pale,"I...uh..have my theories...."

"Forget it!" Oikawa said,"I have more important things to do than hear you talk forever!"

"Yes, sir," Arukennimon said, nodding.

Plagemon was the next to speak. "The Firemaster has started hunting down the "Ghost Gang" which has been a supporter of our empire."

Oikawa nodded. "Diaboromon, what is our progress on the Santa Carea dig?"

"The supposed Tai Kamiya has repeatedly attempted to halt our archeological dig," he said,"A human scientist named Ken Ichijoji is coming tomorrow to investigate the cave that we have dug. He has many credentials...."

"I don't care how many diplomas he has!" Oikawa shouted,"If he interferes in your mission, kill him!"

The Bakemon hummed to himself as he slowly turned the dial on the bank safe. "This is two easy!" he said to himself, as he pulled out a small laser gun. He pointed it at the safe and pulled the trigger, creating a small hole in the safe door. "It was like they left all this money just for me," he said, reaching his claw hand into the hole,"No alarms, no guards, nothing! All those Digi-dollars will soon belong to the Ghost Gang! Ha!"

He was about to pull the first handfull of money out, when he felt something strong grab onto his shoulder, and flip him up and into the wall. "Sorry, business hours are over."

The Bakemon's eyes were wide open "No..it can't be....not you! You're that...that Firemaster that killed that Sukamon that was going to rape that Floramon!"

"I have dealt with a number of sinners with the Fires of Hades! I am the Firemaster!"

The Bakemon started to sweat uncontrollably. "Please...please don't kill me...."

"Why not?" the Firemaster asked,"You are part of the Ghost Gang, are you not?"

The Bakemon nodded nervously.

"Then, there is nothing left to discus," the Firemaster said. He lifted the Bakemon and threw him into a wooden desk, shattering it. The Bakemon held up his hand. "D-d-don't kill me.....please don't kill me.....T-the other gang members...they're killers....I...I'm just a robber....Y-you wouldn't kill me for that, would you?"

"No," the Firemaster said. He grabed the Bakemon by the throat and threw him into the air,"No, I won't kill you, not as long as you tell me what I want to know..."

"I...I'll tell you anything," the Bakemon said,"Anything!"

"Where is your boss?" Firemaster asked,"Where is the one called Phantomon?"

"I...I don't know," the Bakemon said,"But...our lieutenant, Soulmon, would know."

"Where is, this Soulmon?" the Firemaster asked.

"43rd street, Giro City..." the Bakemon said.

"Thank you," the Firemaster said,"I will not kill you, but, I will make sure that you never hurt anyone with your robbery again...."

"The pain...." the Bakemon moaned,"Make it stop, please...."

"How long has he been like this?" Matt asked.

The Sorcerymon sighed, and looked towards the injured Bakemon lying in the hospital bed,"Ever since he was brought in. I've seen many things in my career, but, I've never seen anything quite like this."

"What do you mean?" Joe asked.

"His spine and bones are totally destroyed, he's suffered third degree burns along his entire body. He'll never fly again, he'll be lucky if he's even albe to move at all,," the Sorecerymon said, sighing,"I wish there was something I could have done..."

Joe nodded, while Cody pulled Matt aside. "Look at his chest," Cody whispered,"He's got the mark of the Ghost Gang!"

Matt nodded. "I know.

Cody turned back to the doctor. "Do you mind if we ask him some questions?"

"If you must," the doctor said,"I would prefer it if my patient was able to rest."

"We'll keep this short," Matt reassured him. The doctor nodded and left.

"Excuse me," Cody said, waving his hand in front of the Bakemon,"The one that attacked you, who was he? Was there anything special about him?"

The Bakemon's eyes were moving all over, like he was trying to find the source of Cody's voice. "He had two swords on his back, and burned with fire..."

Matt and Joe looked at each other and nodded. "Is there anything else you can tell us?"

"43rd street, giro city...."

"Anything else?" Cody asked.

"Fire...." the Bakemon said, turning his head away,"Fire....."

"Its the Firemaster, alright," Joe said,"What do we do now?"

"Contact Sora, and let her know what's happening," Matt said,"Then, we're going after the Firemaster."

"This is a beautiful city, I don't think I've ever seen a place like this."

Ken turned to where his Digimon partner was walking on the ground next to him. "Well, Wormmon, I agree, this is a nice place..."

The Digidestined and his Digimon partner walked down the street of Santa Carea, admiring all the sights, as well as the multitude of Digimon, and a few Digidestined. He hadn't seen a place quite like this anywhere in the Digital World. The skyline of this city was beautiful, the towers and skyscrapers reflected the evening sun in a gorgeous, purple light. The streets weren't paved in gold, but, they did have a yellow aura to them. He was so absorbed in the spectacular sights of the city, that he didn't notice the figure approaching in front of him. "Dr. Ichijoji?"

Ken jumped slightly, then regained himself. "Yes?"

"Sorry," the figure said,"I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Michael, the town council sent me to meet you, and this is my Digimon partner, Betamon"

"A pleasure to met you," Ken said, shaking Michael's hand,"This is a beautiful city."

"Yes," Michael said,"There are many places such as this in the Digital World, but, this is the most beautiful by far. So, I understand you are here to aid Diaboromon's diggers..."

"Actually," Ken said,"the only reason we're here is because Diaboromon promised me that if I helped with their new excavation, they would cease in the bombings of the cave. So, no more earthquakes to the city."

Micheal nodded, a small smile on his face. "Ah, I like you already..."

"Excuse me," a new voice said,"I didn't mean to startle you. I am Skullmearamon, I am in charge of the archeological dig..."

Wormmon made a sour face, and Ken just coughed. "Right, lead the way."

Skullmearamon was taken aback by Ken's manners, but he just nodded. "Right this way."

"I don't trust him," Ken whipsered to Michael

"Don't worry," Michael said,"I don't either."

"Hmm, that's Dr. Ken Ichijoji?" Izzy asked, spying from around the corner of the building,"I heard that he was young, but, I didn't think he was that young!"

"Yeah," T.K. said, peeking over Izzy's shoulder,"He does look really young."

"Well," Izzy said, turning back to the other three,"What do you think we should do now? We were sent to find the Cyborg Tai Kamiya, but, so far he hasn't shown up."

"This city is his," Tentomon said,"He has been protecting this city ever scine he arrived on the scene."

"There he is!" Patamon said, pointing one of his paws into the sky. The other three turned and saw a large Metalgreymon shooting across the sky. "Let's go," T.K. said, getting up.

"So," Sora said, looking at the screens that had profiles of the three Tai Kamiyas,"Mimi and Yolei as still tracking the Master of Courage, Lord Ishida, Joe, and Cody are going to Giro City after the Firemaster, and Izzy and T.K. are zeroing in on the Cyborg?"

"Si!" Rosa said, nodding.

"Then, maybe I should go to Giro City as well," she said, without turning around.

"W-what?" Rosa asked, very concerened,"With Lord Ishida, Joe, and Cody going, I do not think that you need to go. Certainly, Lord Ishida alone could...." She then saw Sora's shoulder sag.

"I need to go," she sighed,"I...I can't sit here anymore like this. The possible return of Tai...it's driving me crazy! I need to do something."

Rosa nodded. "I shall prepare for your departure."

"Thank you," Sora said. After Rosa left the room, Sora whipped the tears from her eyes as she studied the image of the Tai. She felt a shiver as stared at the metal part of the Cyborg's face..

"Are you really him??" she asked, holding her tears inside as best as she could. She leaned forward and ran her hand over the image,"Oh Tai, you look so fake, so inhuman, are you really him? Could it be possible?"

Mimi's teeth were chattering as she and Palmon hugged tightly to each other. "H-h-how much longer a-a-are w-w-we guh-guh-going to wait?"

Yolei adjusted her binoculars as leaned forward, her elbows resting against the rough rock in front of her. She zoomed in on the factory below them, then focused her binoculars again so she could zoom in on the main door. "It's still wide open," Yolei said,"They're about to send out the delivery."

"A-a-any suh-suh-sign of the Muh-master of Courage?" Palmon asked.

Yolei sighed as she shook her head,"No, I don't....wait, something's coming!"

Everyone turned to the sky. They saw a figure flying towards the factory from the other side. "He finally decided to show up, huh?" Hawkmon asked.

"Wait," Yolei said,"That's not the Master of Courage.....It's Kari and Nefertimon!"

Mimi's ear's perked. "What is she doing here?"

"I would assume we are both hunting the same prey," Hawkmon said,"And here comes our target now."

"What?" Yolei asked, moving her binoculars to the door of the factory. She saw a Metalgreymon charging into the door,"Yup, its him."

"Okay," Mimi said, standing up, with her arms wrapped tightly around her body,"There's got to be heat inside that building."

"You're such a wimp!" Yolei said, placing her binoculars around her neck.

"Hey," Mimi protested,"I'm still your superior officer."

"Perhaps we should focus on our mission," Hawkmon reminded them.

"Okay," Yolei said, holding out her D-terminal,"Let's get inside of there."

"Hawkmon armor digivolve to Holsemon, the Wings of Love!"

Yolei jumped onto her Digimon's back, and was joined by Mimi and Palmon. "Let's go!" Mimi ordered, as she clung tightly to Yolei.

The Master of Courage had his arms crossed as his Metalgreymon charged through the factory door. The inside of the factory was just the same as all the others. They had both seen the same factory design, so they didn't waste anytime looking around. They just went straight to work.

As the Black Ring wearing Mekanorimon attacked, Metalgreymon deflected their energy beams with his metal arm. He knew that they weren't under their own power, so, the first thing to do would be to destroy the Black Tower that was powering their Black Rings, then destroy the weapon shipment before the truck left.

The Master of Courage dodged a blast that nearly tore his goggles off. "Metalgreymon," he said,"Let's get to work...destroy that tower!"

"Right," the Digimon said. He flipped open his chest plate, and fire his twin missiles, destroying the tower, and shattering the Black Rings on the Mekanorimon. As the Digimon were running out of the factory, Metalgreymon was blasted in his organic arm.

"Ahh!" he shouted, quickly leaning to the left.

"Where did that come from?" The Master of Courage asked, looking around.

"That would be me!" a fierce, sharp female voice said.

The two looked up and saw a Digimon wearing skin tight leather with large black wings standing on the catwalk. The two guys couldn't help but stare at the female Digimon for a couple of seconds, then shook their head, remembering where they were. "Who are you?" the human asked.

"I am Ladydevimon," the Digimon said.

"Do you work for Arukennimon?"

"That is correct," Ladydevimon said.

"Then you are our enemy!" The Master of Courage said,"Metalgreymon, get ready to..."

Suddenly, a pair of white tentacles flipped up from the ground, and wrapped around Metalgreymon, rendering him immobile. "What is this?" The Master of Courage asked.

"One of my associates," Ladydevimon said,"His name is Marinedevimon." A small figure flapped by Ladydevimon,"And here is another one of my associates, you can call him Demidevimon!"

"Pleased to met 'cha!" the small Digimon said, gripping tightly around the railing of the catwalk.

"He will be delivering the weapons shipment to our buyers," Ladydevimon said,"And there is nothing you can do about it! HA!"

Metalgreymon tried to move, but Marinedevimon's tentacles were too tight around him. The Master of Courage knew that there wasn't anything he could do to stop Ultimate level Digimon, so, both he and his Digimon watched in horror and Demidevimon flew into the cab of the truck, and drove off. Outside, three larger bat/dragon creatures flew around the truck, protecting it.

"With the Devidramon guarding it, that shipment will make it to its destination," Ladydevimon grinned,"And now, it is time to finish you off!"

Marine Devimon's tentacles started to squeeze. "C-can't breath...." Metalgreymon said,"Everything's going black...."

Suddenly, something slammed into Marinedevimon, causing him to lose his grip. The Master of Courage watched with wide eyes as Marinedevimon's tentacles dropped to the ground, as did the water demon. "What happened?" The Master of Courage asked.

He turned to his side, and saw a girl riding a Angel Digimon. "Hikari?" he asked.

"That is right," the Digidestined girl said, a little surprised. No one knew her real name.

"Kari, huh?" Ladydevimon asked,"You're the Kamiya brat, aren't you?"

"Kamiya, yes, brat, no."

"What are you doing here?"

"The weapons being produced by Arukennimon are killing thousands of Digimon," Kari said,"I'm going to stop them." "I can't tell them the real reason I'm here," Kari thought,"I'm here to check out this so called 'Master of Courage'. For now though, we've got to stop the weapon shipment, but, after that...."

Ladydevimon smiled at Kari's statement. "Do you honestly believe that you can stop the shipment? Fine, but first, you're going to have to get past Marinedevimon!" The water demon lurched forward towards the two Digidestined. "As for me, I need to get going." She started to float into the air,"Have fun!"

After she left, the Master of Courage looked at Kari,"Let's get rid of this guy, then we can go after the truck."

"I was thinking the same thing," Kari said, coldly.

The Master of Courage noticed Kari's attitude towards him, but he decided that he would save that for later. Instead, he ordered Metalgreymon to attack. The dinosaur Digimon swiped at Marinedevimon with his metal claw. Marinedevimon lurched back slightly, howling in pain. Metalgreymon then pounded him with his organic arm, then swiping him with his tail.

Marinedevimon wasn't about to be defeated so easily. He recovered himself, and opened his mouth wide. He fired a stream of black ink, that covered Metalgreymon's face. "I can't see!" the Digimon said, trying to clean his eyes. Marinedevimon put both of his tentacles together and was about to slam down on Metalgreymon's head, when Kari decided to step in. "Get him, Nefertimon!"

Kari's faithful Digimon fired her Rosetta Stones, knocking Marinedevimon's tentacle to the ground. She flew forward and was about to head butt her opponent, but, his other tentacle flew around, slamming her on the head.

Nefertimon fell to the ground, with Kari landing a little way away from her Digimon. "Ouch," she said, rubbing her rear,"That hurt."

While Metalgreymon was trying to whip his eyes clean, Kari was already about to jump back on Nefertimon. Marinedevimon had other ideas though. He raised both of his tentacles high into the air, about to slam them down on Kari. The younger Kamiya covered her head, ready for the attack, when she heard, "Flower Cannon!"

Looking up, Kari saw a familiar flower woman floating in the air, with Marinedevimon pushed up against the far wall. "Lillymon?" Nerftimon asked, slowly getting to her feet.

Lillymon turned to Metalgreymon, who had finally got rid of all the ink. "Now's your chance, Metalgreymon, I don't have to power to destroy him, but you do!"

"Yeah, thanks!" Metalgreymon said, swinging open his chest plate. "Giga Missiles!" The two rockets flew out of their chambers and blasted into Marinedevimon, destroying him.

"Kari," Yolei said, as she and Mimi flew down on Holsemon,"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Kari said, smiling as she got to her feet,"Thank's for helping."

"Yeah, thanks," The Master of Courage said,"but we need to go after the weapons truck."

"I'm with you," Kari said, jumping onto Nefertimon,"All those Digimon are going to die if that shipment makes it."

The Master of Courage looked over his shoulder at Mimi and the others. "Are you guys with us?"

"Yeah," Mimi said, nodding,"Let's go!"

Izzy, Tentomon, T.K., and Patamon kept a close eye on Ken, Micheal and Skullmearamon as they walked out of the city. They kept next to them, but out of sight all the way to the digging site.

"So, this is the cave, huh?" Ken asked, peering into the massive opening in the side of the mountain.

"That is correct," Skullmearamon said, "Due to my clever leadership, we were able to discover that a tunnel already existed here, as though someone hid something here..."

Wormmon coughed,"I thought the Cyborg Tai Kamiya threw you into the mountain?"

Skullmearamon started to turn red, while Ken stifled a laugh. Michael and Betamon didn't try to hide it, they laughed. It looked like the evil Digimon was about to explode, when he got control of himself. "As I was saying, we have investigated this tunnel, and Diaboromon believes that an archeological treasure is buried here. That is why you were hired, to lean your expertise with our digging team. Will you help us?"

"Hmm," Ken said, looking at the large mountainside, then turned around. The city was not that far away,"I told Diaboromon that I would help, as long as their would be no danger to the city."

Skullmearamon laughed slightly. "I made no such promise! There is no such way to continue digging with such pitiful Drimogemon."

Ken crossed his arms. "Then I refuse. If you'll excuse me..." He started to turn around, when Skullmearamon jumped in front of him and Wormmon.

"You don't understand," Skullmearamon said,"If you won't help voluntarily, then I will force you!"

Ken stepped back, and reached for the Digivice on his belt,"You'd better get ready Wormmon...."

"Help him out," Micheal whipered to Betamon.

Suddenly, Skullmearamon was thrown backwards as a beam of energy slammed into him. Ken, Izzy, T.K. and their Digimon turned their heads and saw the Cyborg Tai Kamiya heading right towards them. He and his Metalgreymon landed right in front of Skullmearamon and Ken and Wormmon. He stared at Skullmearamon with his glowing red eye. "What is going on here?" he demanded.

"What are you doing here?" Skullmearamon shouted, clenching his fist,"You owe me a rematch! Right here, right now!"

"Skullmearamon!" another voice shouted,"What do you think you're doing?"

Skullmearamon started sweating. He turned around slightly, and was breathing hard. Everyone could see that he was very nervous. "Hey," Patamon whispered,"What's got him so worried?"

"Wow," Izzy said, peeking over the rock,"Its Diaboromon himself! Wow!"

Diaboromon's presence was enough for everyone in the area to become very nervous. While he was not the most power Dark Master, his cold, stern demeanor was enough to make any opponent unsure about his or her own power. "I asked you a question," Diaboromon asked again.

"R-right," Skullmearamon said,"I..I was just...."

"You," Michael said, pointing his finger at Diaboromon,"You are the one that is responsible for this dig."

"Please," Diaoromon said, holding up his hands,"I promised that there would be no more dynamite to be used, and I will keep that promise."

"I do not trust you," the Cyborg said, crossing his arms.

"Then why don't you stay?" Diaboromon asked,"Work with Dr. Ichijoji, help us discover if there is something hidden down there."

"Do you honestly belive I will work with you?"

"I don't know," Diaboromon said,"It might help to save lives..."

"Hmm....." the Cyborg said,"Very well."

Izzy almost lost his grip from where he was holding onto the rock. "Izzy," T.K. whispered,"Did I just hear what I thought I heard?"

Izzy nodded, his eyes open wide in shock. "Tai would never work with one of his enemies, unless it was absolutely necessary."

"Yeah," T.K. said,"But, what about Diaboromon? That was a very cleaver thing to do. Now he's got all of his enemies right under his fingertips."

Ken was confused as well. "Do you really know what you just agreed to?" he whispered to the Cyborg.

"I do," the Cyborg said,"But, perhaps this way, I can keep the city from being destroyed by a rock slide."

"I am glad you have decided to help," Diaboromon said,"Skullmearamon will lead you inside the cave where you can see our progress."

Ken turned to Micheal and Betamon. "What about you?" he asked.

"You guys go," Michael said nodded. Ken, Wormmon, and the Cyborg Tai and his Metalgreymon followed Skullmearam inside the mountain. As the Cyborg passed by Diaboromon, The Dark Master instantly straightened up. A weird feeling crept up his spine, like he knew this Cyborg, but he had never met him, or Tai Kamiya for that matter. He turned around and shot the Cyborg a glance that he didn't break until the Tai Kamiya was out of sight.

The Master of Courage clung tight to Metalgreymon's horn as he trampled through the forest below him. Kari and Nefertimon hovered closely next to him, while Yolei, Mimi, Holsemon, and Lillymon hovered a little way in front of them. Kari kept staring at the Master of Courage, he did look, sort of like her brother, but, things were missing. His hair wasn't a big, for one thing, and his face was slightly different, but the goggles were the same. They were her brother's goggles! The Master of Courage must have stolen them from his tomb! Maybe he had his body!

"Hey!" Kari cried out to him.

He ignored her.

"Hey, you, impostor!" she cried out, a little more forcefully.

"What did you call me?" he asked, turning to face her.

"Impostor!" Kari cried," Those goggles are my brothers, where did you get them!"

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"What do I mean?" Kari shouted, "Those goggles belonged to my brother. They were buired with him. His body's now missing. You've got to have it."

The Master of Courage paled. "I...I..I don't have your brother's body. I swear, and I never meet your brother before."

"W-what?" Kari asked, slightly shocked,"What do you mean? You called me Hikari at the factory! Only my family would know that, I never told anyone else."

"There's the truck!" the Master of Courage shouted, pointing forward,"We can stop them now!"

Kari just turned her head to where he was pointing. She saw the truck driving along on the ground a slight way in front of them. "Let's get them!" The Master of Courage shouted.

"We need to take care of those Devidramon first," Yolei said, as Holsemon flew behind Metalgreymon.

"Let's get their attention first," The Master of Courage said.

"Leave that to me," Lillymon said. She placed both her hands together and formed a large gun barrel,"Flower Cannon!"

The Devidramon turned around. They started firing beams of energy from their eyes. "Reflect them back!" The Master of Courage ordered. His Metalgreymon nodded, and brought his metal arm around, which deflected the beams harmlessly. His Metalgreymon then fired his claw at one of the Devidramon, grabbed him, and threw him into the ground.

"He sure fights like my brother though," Kari thought, watching the Master of Courage in action.

The Devidramon jumped up from the ground, zooming straight towards the underside of Nefertimon. "Kari, look out!" Yolei cried.

Nefertimon tried to move out of the way, but the Devidramon was moving too fast, he was going to connect with the angel Digimon. Suddenly, Metalgreymon's claw appeared, wrapping around the Devidramon, and throwing him back into the ground.

"H-He saved me," Kari thought, as Nefertimon floated in the air above them.

The Devidramon that was thrown into the ground quickly jumped back up and slashed Metalgreymon in the back. "Ahh!" he moaned, moving forward. Nefertimon charged at the Devidramon, head butting him away from the others.

"Rosetta Stone!" Nefertimon cried, blasting through the Devidramon.

"That's one down," Kari reported.

"Alright," the Master of Courage said,"And here comes the other two..."

"I've got one," Lillymon said, "Flower Cannon!"

"And then there was one," Yolei said, eying the last Devidramon.

"Allow me," Hoslemon said. He fired two red beams from his eyes that tore through the Devidramon's chest. "Now, hang on," Holsemon ordered. Yolei and Mimi clung tightly to his fur as he began to spin around very quickly. He rammed through the Devidramon's body, tearing him to pieces.

"Now that they're gone," Lillymon said,"What do we do about the truck?"

"Allow me!" Metalgreymon said, swinging open his chest plate,"Giga Blaster!" The two missiles flew from his chest and crashed into the truck's rear left wheel, blowing it to pieces. The truck flipped up into the air, twisting the whole way. Demidevimon flew from out of the driver's side,"Woa, ahh,ahh!" he cried out, flying away. The truck flipped one last time, then crashed into the ground, exploding with a flash of light.

"That shipment won't reach its buyer now," Lillymon smiled, as she and Nefertimon hovered next to Holsemon, with his two dizzy passengers.

Kari nodded, then turned her head,"What are you going to do......hey! The Master of Courage is gone!"

Everyone turned their heads, and saw The Master of Courage and his Metalgreymon flying into the evening sky. "Well," Mimi said, crossing her arms,"He's certainly rude."

Kari laughed slightly.


Kari hesitated for a few seconds, staring at the Master of Courage until he was out of sight. She sighed, and closed her eyes, a smile crossing her face,"I...I don't know, there's something about him..."

"I think someone's got a cru-ush," Yolei grinned.

"T..That's ridiculous," she said, slightly turning red,"I...he just reminds me of my brother, that's all."

"Right," Mimi said, looking at her watch,"I think we'd better report in."

"I guess we should be going," Kari said, jumping onto Nefertimon.

"You don't have to go," Mimi said,"It's been such a long time scince we've seen each other. You could at least come back to File Island with us."

"I...I don't know..."

"Just for a little while?" Mimi asked,"Please?"

Kari sighed,"Okay, I guess."

The Floramon with the red necklace cleared her throat as she brought the microphone up to her mouth,"This is Floramon back with a most surprising turn of events. The Cyborg claiming to be the legendary leader of the Digidestined has agreed to work with Diaboromon in order to search through the hidden cave, without any danger to the city of Santa Carea..."

Oikawa turned his head away from where he was talking to Plagemon, who was seated in his seat. The overlord of the Digital World walked towards the screen right across from his desk. He crossed his arms behind his back and watched with extreme interest as the Cyborg walked down the street, following Ken, and Skullmearamon. He smiled,"Yes! Whatever is hidden inside that cave will be mine!"

"Sir," Plagemon said, standing up,"Is it really necessary to go to all this trouble to find something, that might not even exist?"

"Yes," Oikawa said, staring at Plagemon with stone cold eyes,"If there is a chance to increase my power base, then anything is worth it!"

"But, my lord," Plagemon said, walking over to him,"you already control the Digital World, why do you need Earth as well..."

"How dare you!" Oikawa shouted, grabbing Plagemon by the throat. Her small neck was easily dwarfed by his large hand,"When I found you, you were nothing! You were weak, pathetic! You were nothing but a rich, aristocrat's daughter! I gave you a purpose in life, and this is how you repay me!"

"I...I am zorry, zir," Plagemon said.

Oikawa dropped her, and she slammed into the soft carpeting of his office floor. She coughed several times. "And I told you to get rid of that accent!"

"Yez, zir, I mean, sir," she said, trying to get up.

Izzy and T.K. had managed to commandeer a few Dark Empire uniforms. With them on, they'd never know that they were really Digidestined. The Cyborg Tai had been inside of the cave for the past few hours, but they were able to stay close to the entrance of the cave, by pretending to be part of the crew that was moving archeological supplies to the front of the cave. They were working at a job they didn't want, or were getting paid for, when the Cyborg walked out of the cave with Ken behind him.

Dr. Ichijoji turned to face the Cyborg. "Well, I guess we will meet back here tomorrow?"

The Cyborg nodded. "Yes, good night."

Ken and Wormmon walked away, and the Cyborg was about to jumped onto his Metalgreymon, when Izzy and T.K. jumped towards him. "Excuse me..." Izzy said.

The Cyborg looked at both Izzy and T.K. with a joyous look on his face. "Koushiro Izumi, Takeru Takashi! It is good to see you again my friends!"

The two Digidestined were cautious as the Cyborg approached them. He back off slightly. "I...I know I must be unpleasant to look at," he said,"But, it is me, Tai Kamiya."

T.K. looked at him with compassionate eyes. "Does it hurt?" he asked, slightly touching the half of the Cyborg's face that was metal.

"The pain was in dying," the Cyborg said,"Now, I am alive."

"How did you get like that?" Izzy asked.

"I...don't know," he said, looking at the ground.

"That's pretty convenient," T.K. said.

"I am sorry, I know it sounds like a lie, but..I remember fighting Piedmon, then...then I awoke in the desert with these implaints..." He trailed off, then took a couple of deep breaths,"T-tell me, how is Kari?"

"We...we haven't really heard from her scince you....She kind of broke away on her own."

The Cyborg nodded. "How are my parents?"

"Well..." TK looked to the ground,"Your mother is well, b-but your father....I'm sorry."

"I...I see," the Cyborg sighed.

There was an uncomfortable silence, then Izzy said, "We'd like to take some cell samples to prove that its really you..."

The Cyborg nodded, and held out his organic arm. "Take a sample then."

Izzy nodded to T.K., and Matt's younger brother took a syringe out of his pocket. He took the cover off of the needle, and inserted it into Tai's arm. He took a small amount of blood out, and turned to Tentomon.

Tentomon held out a small microscope slide, and T.K. placed some of the blood on the slide, and then put the cover on the slide. Izzy took a hand held device out of his pocket. It was a square device, with a set of buttons on both sides of a large screen. "What is that?" the Cyborg asked.

"A portable DNA device that Joe and I invented," Izzy said, inserting the slide into a small slot on the right of the device. He then pressed the first button on the right, then the first one on the left."It will match the DNA from you, with the DNA sample that I have on record, and.....I..I don't belive it."

"What is it, Izzy?" Tentomon asked.

"T..The DNA is the same....."

"What are you saying?" T.K. asked.

"I'm saying," Izzy said, looking at the Cyborg,"That, with great possibility, this man is Tai come back to life."

At 43rd street, Giro City, was a large penthouse apartment. Here was were the lieutenant of the Ghost Gang, Lord Soulmon resided. The lower levels of the building were used mainly to house members of the gang, and to plan their illegal activities. Until tonight, the building was thought of as inpentatrable, until tonight, that is.

Soulmon was just sitting down to a gourmet meal with a group of beautiful female Bakemon, when, the alarm began to sound, blasting a sharp noise everywhere. He quickly shot up and ran over to a set of monitors, with an array of buttons beneath it. "Report!" he demanded,"Report!"

A Baekmon wearing a blue cap appeared on the screen. "Sir, the Firemaster is attacking this building!"

"Why haven't you stopped him yet?" Soulmon demanded.

Suddenly, the large glass window of his apartment shattered apart and a figure jumped in. Soulmon's eyes were wide as he stared at the figure. "I...It's you!"

"That is right!" the Firemaster said, slowly stepping towards Soulmon,"Now, were is your boss, the one called Skull Satanmon?"

"I..I don't know," Soulmon said, slowly moving his hands behind him.

"You are the second-in-command of the Ghost Gang, are you not?" the Firemaster asked, a cold tone to his voice.

"G-Ghost Gang?" Soulmon asked, grabbing scythe behind his back,"What's a 'Ghost Gang'?"

The Firemaster was about to say something, when Soulmon charged at him with his scythe. The Firemaster just laughed slightly and grabbed the weapon as it hurdled towards his head. "If there is one thing I cannot stand more than lying," he said,"It is treachery!"

He broke the scythe out of Soulmon's hand, then grabbed him by the throat. He threw him into the far wall, destroying the gold wall paper. He flew over and grabbed the ghost Digimon again, and slammed him into the ground. "Now," he said, picking him up by the throat,"Where is Skull Satanmon?"

Soulmon coughed out an address, and the Firemaster nodded. "Thank you. Now, for your punishment!"

He raised his free hand, and it began to pulsate with fire energy. He brought it towards Soulmon, whose eyes were about to shoot out of his head. He started to sweat, as the flame came closer and closer...

"Stop!" a female voice said,"You're killing him!"

The two fighters turned their heads to the smashed window. There was a group floating right outside the window, four humans, and their Digimon partners. The Firemaster looked at each one with cold eyes. When he settled one the girl who had spoken out against him, his eyes soften. He dropped Phantomon and walked over to them. The blond haired young man, ridding on his Metalgarurumon flew towards the girl and his Garudamon, but, she stopped them.

The Firemaster continued to stare at the girl until he was right in front of her. "Y...you are Sora Takenouchi..."

"Yes," Sora said,"I am, but, who are you?"

"I am the Firemaster, that's who I am."

"Why are you killing him for?" she asked,"He's a criminal, but not one that needs to be destroyed."

"All enemines need to be destroyed," he said, walking towards her,"You are the leader of the Digidestined, you know this."

Sora did not know why, but, she started to walk forward. She grabbed his hand, surprised at how gentle it really was. "I...there's something about you...Almost like I know you...C-Could you remove your mask?"

"I...am sorry," he said, walking away from Sora. He walked towards the window,"I'm sorry, but I need to find Skull Satanmon." He jumped thru the window and disapeared into the night sky.

Sora brushed a strand of her hair away from her face,"I'm sorry, too," she said.

to be continued....