Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Digital War ❯ Chapter 10: The Digital Warriors ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Last time: The battle against Oikawa continued

Last time: The battle against Oikawa continued. Paildramon was able to destroy Milleniumon, but when Mummymon entered the battle, he was too injured to fight. Metalseadramon and Megakabuterimon entered, but Mummymon was still too powerful. Just when hope seemed lost, Tai and Wargreymon returned. Tai sent the others away, and he fought Oikawa alone. Mummymon digivolved to Pharoahmon and engaged Wargreymon in an energy battle. Neither side was winning over the other, until Tai received two weird cards from an onlooker of the battle. After transforming his Digivice, until a new one, Tai used the second card and won the battle. Oikawa and his Digimon were then transported away by a mysterious objected that vanished in the sky.

Chapter 10: The Digital Warriors

"Tai, you're okay!"

He looked up from his hospital bed and smiled. "I guess they let you guys out early, huh Kari?"

His sister ran over, followed by Michael, Taisuke, Izzy, Davis and Ken. Kari grabbed hold of Tai and hugged him tightly,"You did it! You finished five years of blood and sweat! You destroyed Oikawa! All on your own, your amazing!"

Tai sighed,"Actually, I didn't destroy him, and I didn't do it on my own."

"What do you mean?" Michael asked.

Tai sighed again, "At the end of the battle, I was lying, on the ground, barely conscious, when I saw Wargreymon land next to me. He was hurt pretty bad, but he still had enough energy left to attack. I saw that Oikawa was still alive, and that his Digimon had been regressed to the In-training stage. I was about to order Wargreymon to attack, when I saw the strangest thing, it was a UFO!"

"What?" Izzy asked, as everyone gasped.

Tai nodded,"Yeah, Oikawa was mumbling something about him not wanting to go back, or something like that, when the UFO pulled him inside, then it disappeared."

"So you let him go?" Davis asked, in disbelief.

"Yes, I figured that their was something more going on with Oikawa, maybe he'll lead us to an even greater threat."

"I hope you know what you're doing," Ken mumbled.

"Of course he does!" Kari said, almost shouting.

"Okay, okay," Ken said, holding up his hands,"I'm sorry."

"So, Davis asked,"How long do you think you'll be in here?"

"My legs are both broken," Tai said,"Usually, broken bones take a couple of weeks to heal, but, with the accelerated healing I got from being a Digidestined, I should be out in a few days."

"Imagine," Izzy said, crossing his arms,"Comming back from the dead, only to nearly die in a battle with Oikawa."

"I didn't almost die!" Tai snapped,"I'm fine!"

"Sorry," Izzy said, holding up his hands.

Kari stood up ."I think we should leave Tai alone to rest, I'm going to Mom," she sighed,"Though I don't know how."

"I'm going to need rest after that!" Tai said with a slight laugh. Kari waved as she closed the door.

Once they left, Tai reached over to the small table at the side of his bed and grabbed his new Digivice. He stared at it with awe, flipping it around in his hands.

"Why didn't you tell them?"

Tai jumped into the air, and almost gave out a yelp. He looked over the edge of his bed and saw Koromon staring up at him. "I thought I told you to stay out of sight."

"Sorry," Koromon said," but, why didn't you tell them about your new Digivice?"

"I don't know," he said, I didn't plan on keeping it a secret, so..."

The room was filled with silence for a minutes, as Tai stared at his new device. Koromon was about to move back under the bed, when Tai spoke. "How did it feel?" he asked,"When I used the card, I mean."

"It felt strange," he said," like I suddenly had an influx of energy.I don't know where it came from, but it was really needed."

Tai nodded again still staring at it,"I wonder where I can get more cards."

Koromon charged under the bed as the door knocked. "Come in," Tai said.

The door flew open and Tai only caught a glimpse of reddish orange hair before he was thrown onto the bed. "Sora?"

"Yes!" the Digidestined leader laughed, wrapping her arms around Tai's neck,"Oh, I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too," Tai said, moving his new Digivice onto the table. He was about to say something else, when Sora suddenly shoved her mouth over his. Under the bed, Koromon wrapped his ears shut so he didn't hear the lovers above him.

June opened her eyes when she heard the door to her room open. "Dr. Kido?" she asked,"Is that you?"

"Yes, June," he said, placing June's file folder on the edge of the hospital bed.

"Well," she asked, sitting up in her bed,"How is my face?"

Dr. Kido sighed and sat down in the chair next to her bed. "June...I'm sorry, but you suffered severe burns to most of your face and head. Now, your hair will grow back, but...you will have extensive scars on your face. You may want to consider plastic surgery, but, I'm not a plastic surgeon, so I can't say for certain whether it will help or not, but, you will need to wear a special burn mask, until your skin heals to the point where normal whether conditions won't agitate it." Dr. Kido reached into the pocket of his white jacket, and pulled out a red mask. "You may also feel some pain in your face as your skin attempts to heal the burned sections. Again, I'm sorry."

June nodded numbly as she stared into the distance. Dr. Kido stood up. "I have already called your grandparents. They'll be here as soon as they can. Again, I'm sorry."

June just kept staring into space. Dr. Kido sighed slightly, then exited the room. "June?" Alruamon asked, from where she was hiding in the small bathroom,"June, are you okay?"

She didn't answer her Digimon partner. She just reached over and grabbed a mirror that was resting near her pillow. June held it in front of her face. Once she saw her reflection, she slammed the mirror onto the small table. "I...I'm a freak!"

"No you're not," Alruamon said. She grabbed the burn mask, then held it up for June,"It might not be so bad, you can pretend that you're a super heroine, or something."

Despite her extreme feelings of depression, she couldn't help but smile slightly. "I've only just met you today, Alruamon, and I was worried that I wouldn't like you, but, I think we're going to get along just fine."

The dead silence of the mountain was shattered as it crumbled to nothing. On a cliff of the adjacent mountain in the Letni Mountain range of the Digital World, Matt ran a hand through his mane of thick blond hair. He turned to his left. "Nice work, Metalgarurumon," he said with a smile,"Your strenght keeps increasing with every training sessions. At this rate, you'll become the strongest Digimon in the entire Digital Universe!"

Metalgarurumon took a couple of deep breaths. "I know why we're here, but I don't think this is going to help."

Matt flinched. "What are you talking about?"

Metalgarurumon chuckled slightly. "You think that by bringing us to the middle of nowhere in the Digital World, and pushing me hard to train, that you'll forget about Sora and Tai."

"Who?" Matt asked, turning his head away.

"Come on," Metalgarurumon said,"I know you."

"Aright," Matt sighed,"Sora is my girlfriend, yet ever since those impostor Tai's appeared, she's become obsessed with him. I think she's fallen in love with him.

"But she never broke up with you," Metalgarurumon pointed out.

Matt sighed. "I just know that she's with him right now, and they're probably....Arg!" he screamed, slamming his fist into the ground.

Metalgarurumon gasped as his human partner began pounding the ground of rocks.. "Why...did...he...have...to...come...back?!" he screamed, crashing his knuckles until they were bruised and bloody. "He's always been there, always showing me what a perfect life I could have had! He had all the power, his family was whole, never broken, and he was always shoving it in my face! And now he's got Sora! I hate him!" he slowly stopped his mad fist as he got control of his temper," I.....I hate him...."

Metalgarurumon waited until Matt had stopped punching the rocky ground, then slowly walked over to him. Matt was panting, his bloody hands resting in his lap. His faithful partner slowly rubbed his nose against Matt's head. "I know that you're the greatest."

Matt smiled softly as he gently patted Metalgarurumon's snout,"We've just got to tell the rest of the world."

Metalgarurumon suddenly gasped and spun around. "What?" Matt asked, jumping onto his feet.

"Something has appeared on my radar," he said,"Someone we've fought before."

Matt was confused, until he saw a human figure step out of the shadows and into the light of their campfire, the human figure of a girl with light red hair, wearing a trench coat and dark glasses. "You!" Matt said, clenching his fists together,"What are you doing here? We beat you before, and we're more than ready to do it again!"

The girl smirked, then mentioned to Matt's hands,"If the worst thing you can do is bleed on me, I think I can manage."

Matt grabbed a hankercheif from out of his pocket, ripped it in two, then wrapped both pieces around his bloody knuckles. "What do you want?"

The girl laughed chuckled. "So demanding. Is that the reason Takenouchi promoted you to general of the Digidestined Army. What are you Matt, like the Prime Minister of Queen Sora's kingdom? Too bad most Queens fall for a warrior in shining armor, and you're nothing but a spoiled prince."

"Watch it!" Metalgarurumon warned, opening his missile chambers. Suddenly, a giant figure leapt from behind the human girl and landed in front of her. Metalgarurumon narrowed his eyes at the giant figure. "Ah, yes, I remember you," he said,"Sakuyamon, was it? You'd better get out of the way, before I give you another beating."

"Sakuyamon, stand down!" the girl ordered.

"You too, Metalgarurumon," Matt said, his eyes staring at the girl,"If you're not here to fight me, then what do you want?"

"Shut up and listen!" the girl barked,"My name is Rika, and I am here to give you a gift that will grant you more power."

"I'm listening."

Rika reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a blue card. She held it between her two fore fingers, then threw it at Matt. He caught it with simple ease.

"Grab your Digivice and touch the card to it."

"Why should I?" Matt asked, suddenly suspicious.

"Do you want more power than Tai Kamiya or not?"

Matt didn't answer her, he just grabbed his Digivice and placed the card over the screen. He gasped as the blue card melted into the Digivice, changing it into a different shape. It was now a circle with two flat sides, and a strip of fabric with a buckle at the end. "Wh..what...what happened to my Digivice?"

"That is now a D-arc," Rika said, grabbing a stack of cards from her pocket,"And you can use these cards to adapt Metalgarurumon to any opponent in battle." She flicked him the pack of cards.

"Why did you do this?" Matt asked, still in awe of his new Digivice.

Rika smiled. "Let's just say that there is an opponent that you will soon be facing, that will require a Mega Digimon of incredible strenght, and I have decided you are the most powerful Digidestined. Enjoy your new gift."

She turned around and started to walk off, when Matt called out to her,"Wait, who are you, really? How did you get this power? What kind of Digidestined are you?"

"For the last time," she said, in an annoyed tone,"I am not a Digidestined, and don't try to follow me, or I will take back my gift!"

Matt and Metalgarurumon stood motionless as Rika and her Digimon disappeared from view.

"Tai," Sora said, as she lay still in his arms,"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Tai asked, slowly stroking her red hair.

"Tell me something," Sora said, looking up at Tai's face.

Tai smiled as he gently lay his hand on Sora's head,"I will tell you anything."

"Tell me how Oikawa died. Did he beg you for his life?"

"That doesn't seem like small talk," Tai said with a slight smile.

"I don't care," she said, resting her head against his chest,"What did he do?"

"Actually," Tai said, leaning back against his pillow,"I didn't kill him."

"What?" Sora asked, her eyes snapping open.

"I let him go."

"What?!" Sora shouted, sitting up and staring at him,"You did what?"

"I let him go," Tai said,"Listen, Sora, at the end of the battle, this flying saucer suddenly appeared and picked him up, then they disappeared. There is more to Oikawa then we thought."

"Like what?" Sora shouted.

"I think he's working for someone, or is in league with someone that we don't know about."

Sora jumped off of the bed, and walked towards the door, with her back to him. "Tai," she said,"Oikawa is not just a normal villain, he is a class one criminal."

"So?" Tai asked,"Once we find out where he is, and who else is in league with him, then we can do what we want with him."

"You don't understand!" Sora stomped her foot on the floor,"Oikawa is a monster! He held the Digital World in fear and bondage for five long years! He has been classified as Class One by Geni's Restoration."

"So what?"

"The Digidestined have changed since you d...scince you were away. We are a military organization that cooperates with Geni's Restoration group, and besides, I waited five years to watch Oikawa suffer for what he's done, and you just let him go." She sighed,"That is a punishable offensive, however, you were once the leader of the Digidestined, because of that I am granting you a chance to defend yourself. If you do not feel up to it, send a representative, otherwise, you will report to the Digidestined Base on File Island tomorrow at noon for a pre-hearing. Compile your defenses, if convicted...." She sighed again, then exited the room.

The fire raced over his body, yet, he didn't feel any pain. Smoke filled his nostrils, yet none filled his lungs. He watched a blond haired man with dark glasses look at him, yet it wasn't with physical eyes, but something more.

The blond haired man lifted the other's eyelids, but he did not feel the touch of human fingers. The man seemed upset about something, his face had signs of sadness on it. He sighed, then turned around and walked over to a woman with long black hair. "How much longer until the process it complete?" the man asked.

"He is already at a physical age of around fourteen," the woman said,"He is aging twice as fast as normal."

"That isn't fast enough!" the man ordered."I want the aging processes sped up, so that he will be eighteen at the end of this year! We have to start searching for those other stones soon, and I would like to have all four of us ready, understood?"

"Completely," the woman said.

"Then do it!" the man shouted.

Michael screamed as his eyes shot open. He sat up in bed, gasping for breath with sweat dripping down his face, for a few seconds before the door to the room flew opened. He looked up and saw Kari flicking the light switch near the door. "Michael, are you okay?" she asked, wrapping her pink robe around her pajamas.

"Yes," he panted,"I...I just had a bad dream, that's all."

Kari opened her mouth to say something, when Mrs. Kamiya, Gatomon, Davis, Taisuke, Veemon, and Taisuke's Agumon ran in. "What happened?" Mrs. Kamiya asked,"Is everything okay?"

"I just had a nightmare," Micheal said.

"It must have been a pretty bad one to make you scream like that," Davis said.

"What was it about?" Taisuke asked,"Was it about monsters or ghosts?"

"No," Micheal said, with a little smile,"It was...weird. I was lying on something hard, like an examination table, like at the doctor's office. I think I was on fire, or something, but I didn't feel anything. There was this man and woman there too. The woman was saying something about an the aging process being doubled, but the man wanted it done faster. I don't know why I screamed like that, but, it was really scary."

"I don't like bad dreams," Taisuke said.

Micheal half-smiled,"What do you do when you have a bad dream?"

"I zap those monsters and ghosts away with my laser gun!" Taisuke laughed.

"I'll try that," Micheal laughed.

"Come on," Mrs. Kamiya said, lightly grabbing Taisuke's shoulders,"It is the middle of the night, and little boys need their sleep."

"Okay," Taisuke yawned,"Goodnight, Micheal."

"I think he's taken a real liking to you," Mrs. Kamiya laughed slightly.

"Thank you again for letting me stay here," Micheal said.

"Yeah, me too," Davis nodded.

"That's no problem at all," Mrs. Kamiya reassured them, "Micheal, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," Micheal said,"I'll be fine."

"Okay, I'll see you guys in the morning."

"I think we'd better get some sleep too," Kari said to Davis,"Micheal, I hope you don't have any more nightmares."

"Well, the thing that scares me the most, is that it didn't feel like a nightmare, but like a memory."

Matt threw open the door to Sora's bedroom. She was seated at the edge of her bed with Biyomon, both of them were intently watching something on the television. "Hey," he called,"Listen, something really, really weird just happened to me. Metalgarurumon and I were training in the Digital World, when....Sora?" He waved his hand in front of her eyes,"Sora?"

"What?" she snapped, suddenly aware of his presence,"What is it?"

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting down next to her.

She sighed,"It's Tai."

Matt scowled. "What happened to him?"

"He let Oikawa go."

"What?" Matt asked, totally shocked,"Tai let Oikawa go? Tai, the guy that more concerned on destroying Kiwimon then leaving to find T.K.?"

"Yeah," Sora said,"He claimed that he let Oikawa go because he thinks that that evil jerk is working with someone else. He says that at the end of the battle, Oikawa was sucked up by some sort of flying saucer."

Matt turned to the television set,"So why are you watching the news reports of their battle?"

"There was only one reporter and cameraman that made it to the battlefield. That report was made live, by a high school student named Catherine DeGual, and my mother taped it. I'm just reviewing it, but I can't confirm or deny a flying saucer."

"Why not?"

"Wargreymon's final attack caused interference with the broadcasting capabilities of DeGual's new camera," Biyomon said,"Right after the final explosion, all televisions that were watching the report all saw static."

"However," Sora said,"I heard a rumor that DeGual's cameraman was using a camera with a cassette recorder. She might have recorded the report. Maybe that tape will show the aftermath of the explosion."

"What are you going to do about Tai's...decision?" Matt asked.

"He's going to have a chance to defend himself at a meeting tomorrow," Sora said, still staring at the t.v.,"If he can't prove his innocence, then he will be placed under arrest."

Matt lightly rubbed his chin and his nodded to himself. "I...I understand."

Sora sighed again as she turned off the television. "So, what happened to you?"

"Oh, uh, nothing," Matt quickly said, as he ran to the door,"Come on, Gabumon, let's go."

After they left, Sora turned to Biyomon."What was that about?"

"You have to calm down!" Gatomon ordered.

"I can't help it," Kari said, clenching the doorknob,"How can Sora do this?" She threw open the door and started to march into the hall,"She was so happy to see Tai, why would she do this?"

"I don't know," Gatomon said, following her human partner,"I was just as surprised as you when you told me about Tai's phone call this morning."

"I thought that General Queen Sora Takenouchi was upset because Tai didn't kill Oikawa after their battle," Davis pointed out.

"She is," Micheal said, standing beside Davis as they followed Kari and Gatomon.

"Do you think he's guilty?" Davis asked.

Micheal crossed his arms and sighed. "I've watched Oikawa turn the Digital World into a hell on earth, yet, if Tai has a reason for what he did, then I will go along with it."

"My brother didn't do anything wrong," Kari said, stopping in front of a larger door. She took a deep breath and straightened the skirt part of her suit,"Okay, we look professional," she turned around to check on the suits the boys were wearing,"At least I look professional."

"Hey, what's wrong with the way we look?" Davis said,"I think we look pretty snappy."

Despite the situation, Kari smiled slightly,"Come on," she said, opening the door. On the other side was a large conference room, with tables arranged in a U shape around a white screen. All of the senior members of the Digidestined were seated around the tables, with Sora, Matt, and T.K. at the left end of the U-shaped tables. On the right of the U-shaped tables were a group of empty seats next to Ken and Izzy. "Please, sit," T.K. said, mentioning to the empty chairs. Kari nodded, and the three humans and their Digimon sat down.

"Now that we are all here, I think we should start," Matt said,"Do you speak for the accused, Taichi Kamiya?"

"Yes," Kari said, nodding. She held up her cell phone, then tapped to an ear piece in her ear that was connected to the cell phone.

"Okay," Matt said,"Taichi Kamiya stands accused of releasing the war-criminal Uyko Oikiwa. How to you respond to this accusation?"

"Not guilty," Kari responded.

"There is sufficient evidence to support our accusation," Matt said,"Do you have evidence to support your claim of innocence?"

Kari frowned. "Our only claim of innocence is proof of the so-called 'flying saucer', that my brother says picked up Oikawa after their battle."

"Where is your proof?"

Kari sighed,"We don't have any proof, because Catherine DeGual's camera man-er, her Floramon, did not have enough recordable tape in her camera."

"Wait," Sora said, holding up her hands,"The reporter, Catherine DeGual, she's a Digidestined?"

Kari nodded. "We found that out this morning when we asked her for the tape in her camera. After reviewing it, we discovered that the tape ran out right after the explosion that ended the battle."

"I have a question," Yolei asked, raising her hand.

"Yes," Matt said, "You may speak."

"If Catherine DeGual's Floramon's camera was broadcasting live to the television studio, why don't we just look for other tapes?"

Matt shot her an evil glance. Yolei slid down in her seat, a dark shade of red. "Well, Yolei," Sora answered her, "Because the explosion interfered with the broadcast, only the VHS tape in DeGual's camera could have recorded the supposed 'flying saucer", but, according to Kari, the tape didn't show any flying saucer."

Matt looked at Kari. "Do you have any other defense?"

"Haven't you been tracking Oikawa?" Micheal suddenly spoke up.

"Yes," Sora said,"Scince last night, when Tai told me that Oikawa is still free."

"And aren't you going to go after him?" Betamon asked.

"Once we've determined his exact location, yes."

"Then won't you eventually know if he's in league with anyone else, that there might be a bigger threat?"

Matt leaned forward. "Whether or not there is a bigger threat, is not the subject of this meeting. Besides, we fear there is a bigger issue here."

"That is?" Kari asked.

"We did not arrest Tai for his crimes when he was the Firemaster, because he was suffering from amnesia, which Digital World law classifies as a minor type of insanity, but we will prosecute him now!"

"That is not true," Kari said,"Why would he nearly kill Oikawa if it was?"

Matt just stared at Kari,"Do you have any other defense?"

"Only this," Kari said, leaning forward on the table, to stare Sora straight in the eyes,"My brother saved all of our lives seven years ago. He defeated Piedmon, and returned the Digital World to normal. We thought he had died, but he has returned to us. He is the greatest hero of all, and you want to prosecute him, simply because he wants to save the Digital World again?"

Sora slightly shook her head. "I'm sorry, Kari, but that was seven years ago. This is a different world."

Kari fell into her seat, defeated. She didn't know what else to do, when suddenly she taped her ear piece. "What?" she asked, sitting up,"Tai..I can't..." She grabbed her cell phone and held the transmitter up to her mouth,"Tai, you need to.......Are you sure......Yes, if that's what you want."

Kari looked up at Sora."My brother has decided on something."

"Is he going to surrender?" Sora asked, slightly hopeful,"It would mean a lighter sentence."

"No," Kari said, handing Sora her earpiece,"but he would like to tell you."

Sora was surprised, but nodded. She placed the ear piece inside her ear, then spoke into the cell phone. "Okay Tai, what do you have to say."

"Sora," came the response over the earpiece,"Are you really willing to imprison me for this?"

Sora sighed. "I fought Oikawa for five long years. I'm sorry Tai, but, yes, I will."

"Then I no longer wish to be identified with the Digidestined. Good bye."

"Tai....Tai...?" Sora shouted into the cell phone,"Taichi Kamiya, answer me!"

Kari grabbed the cell phone out of Sora's hand, and yanked the ear piece out of the Digidestined leader's ear. "Watch it.." Sora warned.

"You watch it!" Kari shouted, slamming her fist onto the table. Everyone in the room was shocked, they had never seen Kari angry before. It was not a welcome sight.

Kari took a deep breath, and got control of her temper. "General Queen Sora Takenouchi, I am hereby succeeding from the Digidestined." She turned and walked towards the door, she stopped when she heard a chair move. Quickly spinning around she saw that Micheal was standing up.

"Where ever you go, I will be right beside you," he said, smiling slightly.

"You can count me in," Davis said, standing up with Veemon.

"If my DNA Digimon partner is leaving, then I am going too!" Ken said, standing up with Wormmon on his shoulders.

Sora took a deep breath, trying to keep her temper under control. "Does anyone else want to stand up?"

Izzy did. "Tai was...is my best friend, I am not going to desert him."

"I, too, believe he did not commit any crime," Mina said, standing up. Anna stood up a second later.

"Is that all?" Sora asked, looking around the room. No one else stood up. "Fine."

She turned to her secretary. "Rosa, please note that Kari, Micheal, Ken, the Master of Courage, Izzy, Mina, and Anna are guilty of extreme insubordination." She turned to the small group of standing Digidestined, that had assembled around Kari by the door. "You have twenty-four hours to turn over Tai Kamiya, or you will be charged as an accessory to treason. Now, get out!"

Kari stared at Sora a second longer before she threw open the door and charged down the hall. The small group soon followed until Davis was left. He smirked at Sora and Matt, then gave them a sarcastic wave before he left.

"I will enjoy seeing him in jail," Yolei mumbled to herself.

Kari opened the door to Tai's hospital room and walked inside with the others. "Well," Tai said,"How did she take it?"

"We're all fugitives," Davis said, shrugging his shoulders,"Won't be the first time for me."

Mina and Anna stepped between the others and stood in front of Tai's bed. Mina placed both her hands together and bowed, while Anna smiled broadly. "It is an honor to meet you, Taichi Kamiya."

Anna nodded and continued to smile. Tai mentioned to Anna. "What is with her?"

"She can only speak Russian," Kari said,"But, we can discuss that later. Right now, we're going to more you Tai, to a secure location where the Digidestined can't find you."

Tai let out a sigh as Micheal and Davis lifted him off of the hospital bed and into a wheelchair."I never would have thought that I would be a fugitive from the group I founded, and be on the run from the woman I loved...still love more than anything."

Ken got behind Tai's chair and started wheeling him towards the door, when a girl stepped inside the room. "Are you Taichi Kamiya?"

"Yes," he said,"Who are you?"

"My name is Noriko Oikawa, this is my Digimon partner, Kunemon."

"Pleased to meet'cha!" the catapilliar creature resting on her should said.

"Noriko," Mina said, stepping towards her,"What are you doing here?"

"Noriko," Tai said with a slight smile,"I'm glad to see that you escaped."

"Yes," she said with a shiver,"It is weird to see you as a human, Diaboromon."

Tai smiled slightly."What can I do for you?"

"Is it true that my father is sill alive?"

"We believe so," Izzy said,"As soon as we move Tai to a secure location, I'm going to hack into the Digidestined computer data banks and use their tracking system to find Oikawa."

"Can you do that?" Ken asked.

"Yeah," Izzy nodded,"Providing Yolei didn't find any of my back door passwords. I did design the thing after all."

"Good," Noriko smiled,"I want to join you."

"Are you sure?" Kari asked,"I..I thought you didn't like your father."

"I don't like what he's become," Noriko clarified,"But, he must have a good soul underneath, that must be what my mother saw in him."

"Okay," Tai nodded,"You're in."

"By the way," Noriko said, as she held the door open to let Ken push Tai's chair out the door,"If we're not the Digidestined, what are we?"

"I'm still working on that," Tai grinned.

"Ah, Catherine, it's good to meet you."

She smiled warmly as she held out her hand, but when Mr. Ishida didn't take it, she mental kicked herself, then bowed. "Zorry," she said, pulling her head back up,"Zometimes I ztill forget zat I am not home in France."

Mr. Ishida smiled as he sat on the edge of his desk,"Don't worry, I'm not offended at all." He reached over and grabbed his coffee. "Tell me," he said, turning to the seat in front of his desk that Catherine was sitting in,"Why did you come to Japan?"

"I am an exchange ztudent," she said,"And I must zay, when I first heard it, I did not believe it, but, now that I have walked ze ztreets of Tokyo alone at night, I have to congratulate you on how crime free ze city is."

"I wish I could take the credit, but I can't," Mr. Ishida laughed. He took a sip of his coffee, then continued,"Catherine, for someone who hasn't any formal training, you did very well covering the battle downtown."

She blushed. "Zank you."

"Now," Mr. Ishida said, standing up,"The reason I have called you here, is sort of an informal business offer, but, my son, Matt, the General Prime Minister of the Digidestined, has told me that they have tracked Oikawa to an uncharted area of the Digital World called Modum..."

Floramon tensed up. "Modum?" she asked,"I have heard stories of that place. It is an area surrounded by tall mountains. Supposedly there is a rich civilization on the other side of the mountains, but no one from the outside has set foot there in over three hundred years, Digital World time before both worlds were synchronized."

"Well, that's where they're going, and I want you to cover it."

"W..what?" Catherine asked,"A..are you zure?"

"Yes," Mr. Ishida nodded,"I will send a team with you.."

"That might not be a good idea," Floramon said,"The Digital World is dangerous, without Digimon of their own, they won't be protected. Besides, I was a reporter in the Digital World for a long time. I know my way around a camera and a broadcasting van."

"Are you sure you want to be ze camera person?" Catherine asked.

"It is no problem," Floramon said with a smile,"I think I discovered something about myself during the battle. I like filming the reporter better. I will be fine."

"Alright," Mr. Ishida said,"I will give you some equipment, though. Floramon, is it?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Floramon, will your news studio in the Digital World give you a mobile broadcasting center?"

"Yes, I'm sure they will."

"Okay," Mr. Ishida nodded,"I'll be eagerly awaiting to hear your first, formal report. Good luck."

"What a day," Sora said, sighing deeply, as she plopped down into the chair.

"Tell me about it," Matt said, sitting down behind his desk. He reached into one of his drawers and pulled out a half-filled bottle. From across the desk, Sora stared as Matt slammed the bottle on the desktop. "You want some?" he asked.

"Is that Sake?" Sora asked.

"It's imported from Italy," he said, with a smile,"It's good."

Sora held up her hand. "I'd better not." She let out a sigh as she stood up. "I'd better get home anyway. I promised my mother I would help close the flower shop."

"I'll see you later," Matt said.

Sora lightly kissed him on the check, then left Matt's office.

After she left, he quickly downed the last of the wine, then shoved the bottle back into the drawer. The door to his office opened and Gabumon walked in. "Matt," he said, walking around to him,"I have the tape."

"Great," Matt said, grabbing the VHS tape. He leaned back in his seat and stared at him."And you are sure that this is the only tape that Catherine DeGual had in her camera?"

Gabumon nodded."When DeGual's host parents went to visit her in the hospital because of the injuries she suffered at Tai and Oikawa's battle, they left the camera at the house. I just snuck in early this morning, watched the tape, then used it to make another tape, only without the flying saucer at the end. That is the only proof that there even was something that resembled a flying saucer."

Matt grinned wickedly. "And as long as I kept this hidden, then Sora and Tai will be at each other's throats!"

There was a knock on the door. Matt quickly shoved the tape into the drawer with the imported Italian wine. "Come in. Ah, T.K., what is it?"

"Matt," his younger brother said, with Patamon resting on his head,"My team is ready to go after Oikawa."

"Great," Matt said,"And when you find him, make sure you destroy him!"

"Okay, guys!" Izzy said, running into the room,"Yolei hasn't discovered my back door password. I was able to hack into the Digidestined mainframe."

Kari looked up from where she was playing cards with Davis, Noriko and Anna. Tai was lying in bed, watching the television, while Micheal was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Ken and Mina were seated around a small table in the corner, discussing something. Everyone turned to the doorway and stared at Izzy. "What did you find out?" Tai asked.

"Every Digivice has a unique signal, and using their tracking system, the Digidestined were able to find out where Oikawa is. After leaving Earth, he entered into the Digital World. Now, I don't know if I'm reading this right, but it looks like he was stationary in Digital Space for about six hours, before journeying back into the Digital World. He is now stationary in the uncharged area of the Digital World, known as Modem."

Tai turned to Kari,"Then that's where you guys are going."

"Yes," Mina said,"We must find Oikawa, for I fear that the stone that Oikawa found, is one of the lost Zhuqiaomon stones."

"The what?" Noriko asked.

Mina nodded. "A long time ago, as the legend says, a human priest was approached by the Digimon Fire God, Zhuqiaomon. He gave the priest a group of stones, and told him to use them to combat evil. However, over time, they became lost. From Ken's description, I believe the stone that was in the Santa Carea cave, is one of the lost stones."

"So, what happens if Oikawa keeps the stone that Ken, Izzy and I found?" Micheal asked.

"As long as he keeps one, nothing, but, the legend says the stones have magical powers, so if he gets them all..." Mina shivered.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Davis asked, jumping up.

"I agree," Kari said, standing up slower,"Izzy, the land of Modem is pretty far, can you make some sort of airplane or something to take us there?"

Izzy grinned. "I just might have something."

"Great," Kari said,"Tai, I'm going to leave Anna here with you, just in case Sora finds you."

"Okay," Tai nodded. Kari turned to Anna, who just nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

"Great," Kari said,"Then let's go!"

"Oh, by the way, nice landing," Davis said.

Izzy glared at him, before firing the foam from the extinguisher at the flames leaping from the fallen craft. The 'airplane' as Kari had called it, actually resembled a United States space shuttle, or did, before it crashed going over the mountains that surrounded the land of Modem. The passengers were able to escape, before the ship caught fire.

"Alright," Micheal said, swinging his fire extinguisher over his shoulder as he walked around from the other side of the downed craft,"I think we've successfully put out the fire."

"Great," Izzy said, throwing down his extinguisher, "That's one problem down."

Kari shifted her weight onto her other leg as she stood a few feet away. "Can you repair this, Izzy?"

"Yeah," he nodded,"I'm pretty sure I can."

"Alright," Kari said, turning her head towards the grass covered field in front of her,"So, this is the uncharted land of Modem, huh?"

"Oneesan?" Taisuke asked, looking up at her,"Are you still mad at me?"

"I told you to stay home with Mom," Kari said,"You're lucky that she has to work double shifts all this week, or I'd send you home with her. I can just imagine how worried she is."

"Kari," Ken ran over to her, holding a square device with a screen in his hands,"I'm reading a large amount of Digivices coming from the direction you're looking in. I think there might be a village of Digidestined, or something."

"Then that's where we should start." Kari nodded. She turned to look at the others,"Izzy, once you repair the ship, come and find us."

"Got it."

"The rest of you, let's go."

Kari, Taisuke and Taisuke's Agumon jumped onto Nefertimon, with Davis Michael and Betamon on Exveemon, Mina, Mina's Agumon and Noriko on Kunemon's evolved form, Kuwagamon and Ken on Stingmon. "We'll be in touch Izzy!" Kari shouted as they flew off.

"Good luck!" Tentomon cried,"You're going to need it."

"Wow," Noriko said, looking at the ground as her Kuwagamon followed the others,"I would have thought that an uncharted land would be....darker, but, this is really beautiful."

"I know," Mina agreed,"The ground is covered with beautiful grass, look at those lakes and streams!"

"Those mountains as lovely as well," Mina's Agumon said.

"Why is this place uncharted?" Ken asked.

"Remember those mountains that we flew over?" Mina said.

"The ones that Izzy almost crashed into?" Davis asked.

"Yes,"Mina said, smiling,"Those mountains surround this entire land, and strange thick clouds that cover the land make any information very unreliable."

Suddenly, Taisuke gasped.

"What is it?" Kari asked.

"Look there," Nefertimon said,"It's T.K. and the rest of the Digidestined!"

"Damn!" Micheal swore,"We should have been more careful about covering our location!"

"They probably saw the crash of our ship." Betamon said.

"Kari, stop!" T.K. ordered as Pegasusmon blocked her path. Nefertimon slid to a stop.

Kari's team stared down the Digidestined forces-T.K. on Pegasusmon, Mimi on Lillymon, Cody on Armadillomon, Yolei on Aquillamon, Joe on Zudomon, and a new person that they never saw before, a girl wearing a red mask with a Ninjamon riding with Joe.

"If you let us pass, we won't bother you again," Kari said.

"Your twenty-four hours is up." He sighed,"I guess you've chosen not to hand Tai over."

"Of course not," Kari smiled slightly and mentioned to the rest of her team,"We are the Digital Warriors, and we only follow Tai."

T.K. sighed. "Kari, please."

"I am not going to betray my brother."

He sighed again and turned to Mimi. "Please call Rosa and tell her to get in touch with Matt, we've found Kari and the others."

Matt slouched down in his seat when he heard his D-terminal beep. Sora looked over her shoulders in the dark movie theater. "What is it?" The people around them all turned around and hushed them.

Sora's face was red as Matt read his e-mail message. "Well?" she asked.

"It's from Rosa," Matt said,"T.K. has encountered Tai's team. They're apparently calling themselves the Digital Warriors. T.K.'s team is awaiting orders. What are we going to do?"

"Attack them," Sora simply said,"I want those criminals in custody."

Matt smiled broadly. "You've got it!"

"T.K.," Mimi said, turning to him,"We've got our orders: Capture them."

T.K. nodded and turned to where Team Courage was floating in the air. "Surrender," he said,"or we will use force."

Kari's eyes were ice as she stared at the boy she once held such feelings for. "We have done nothing wrong," she said,"We refuse to surrender to your rules."

"Kari," T.K. said,"Please, don't make me do this..."

"Then let us go," Kari said.

"We can't do that," Cody perked up,"You have aided a war criminal. You must be held accountable."

"We didn't do anything," Ken shouted.

"If you won't surrender," Mimi said,"We're going to have to take you by force!"

"Do what you have to," Kari said,"We're more than ready to fight you if necessary."

"But, Oneesan," Taisuke said, from behind Kari on Nefertimon, "we're not suppose to fight our friends.."

"Quiet," Kari barked, pushing her younger brother away from her shoulders.

"Digidestined," T.K. said,"Attack.."

Next: The search for the Zhuqiaomon. stones!