Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Digital War ❯ Chapter 22: Laboratory of Evil ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A young woman with curly blond hair held a microphone close to her mouth as she spoke,"Zis is Catherine DeGual reporting live. For zose of you juzt joing us, ze mystic of ze Neo-Digiworld Empire, Lady Krake, ressurected ze zree Dark Lords, Plagemon, Arukennimon and the worst of zem all, Milleniumon. Zoe complained of feeling a strange pull and she and Takato went to investigate it.

Meanwhile, Biyomon finally caught up to Sora and waz able to finally bring her to safety. Ze Digital Warriors arrived, and Sora and Tai were reunited. Anna felt uneasy of ze way her boyfriend was acting around Sora. Before anyzing could be resolved, however, Milleniumon attacked and captured ze Digital Warriors.

Ze Digidestined met up with ze Dark Digidestined commander, Hiroshi Eiri and battled against hiz digimon, Daemon. June watched him defeat ze Digidestined and felt zat ze battle was over, and waz succesfully in making ze Crest of Sincerity she recived from Mimi and Ninjamon was able to digivovle to Pixiemon. With his help, Patamon was able to warp-digivovle and defeate Daemon.


The simple sound waves of the army's footsteps threatened to rip apart of the very surface of the planet. The massive assemblage of forces were comprised of many different beings, humans, Wiants, Gaia creatures, and even the mighty gods of Gaia were part of the army. Today they would battle and hopefully destroy the being that threaten both worlds. The Wiants had not yet taken flight, they were in line with the other forces. At the center of the front line was Makura, dressed in full battle armor. Darius was a few feet behind him, protected and well-hidden. He was the only one who could possibly destroy Amadeaus's Matrix of Evil, and that made him very important to the forces of light, and very dangerous to the forces of darkness.

Makura's forces halted their march on the grassy plain stretching in front of them. Their faces were serious and determined as the forces of evil emerged like a wave of darkness from behind the stone walls of Amadaus's fortress. The two opposing armies stood silently for a long moment before the evil soldiers charged forward.

"Hold your position!" Makura ordered, watching the dark army move ever closer,"Archers ready!"

The Wiant commander kept his gaze forward even though he knew that his bowman were aiming their arrows as best they could at the enemy soldier's heads. Makura raised his hands,"Steady...steady..." He silently took a deep breath, then dropped his arm. Instantly, a barrage of arrows shot at the front line of the advancing army, dropping them line a row of dominoes.

Makura grabbed the sword that was at his side and took another deep breath. "Here we go!"

The forces of light shot apart as the dark army tore between them. Daruis fond himself using the swords skill he had not used since he was a young man. He spread his wings and shot to the sky. Most of the other Waints did the same and began to attack from there for a natural advantage. Darius twisted in the sky and slashed his sword across an enemy's chest. He took a moment to catch his breath before he glanced back down to the battlefield. Makura's army was actually winning. Darius glanced over the stone wall of Amadeaus's castle and saw a large cube shaped being slowly made its way towards the battlefield. It had eight giant claws connected by a chain shaped like a DNA strand, four of these claws were used as feet to climb over the massive wall, while the other four he used as pincers, ready to tear apart any enemy foolish enough to approach him.

Darius had never seen this creature before, but the chill up his spine told him who this creature was. He shouted down to the soldiers of light,"Be aware! Amadeaus's Beast of the Apocalypse is here!"

"That is correct."

Darius glanced up and saw the traitor Amadeaus floating in front of him. "You seem surprised Master Darius," he grinned.

"H-How are you floating?" he stuttered.

"Oh, just another mystic jewel I crafted that allows me freedom from gravity." He reached for the sword at his side,"Let me show you what else I've learned!"

Darius held his sword in front of his face,"En Garde."

As Darius and Amadeaus battled in the sky, Makura's forces planned to assault the massive creature in front of them. "Steady...steady," Makura said, holding his sword pointed towards the beast,"Go!"

The Wiant Army shot towards Apocalymon and began their assault. The Monster of the Apocalypse swung one of his claws across the battlefield, flinging nearly half the army in a wave motion.

"No!" Makura shouted, diving towards Apocalymon's torso. He was easily stopped when Apocalymon grabbed him with one of his claws and simply crushed him.

"Makura!" Darius shouted, watching in horror as the Wiant captain was destroyed.

"No worries," the traitor Amadeaus laughed,"You'll be joining him soon."

Darius blocked the sword attack, then slashed across Amadeas's chest. He smiled slightly, knowing it was a mortal wound, then sped towards Apocalymon.

The Monster of the Apocalypse, however, had ceased the battle the moment he felt his partner's life force leaving. He screamed in rage, sending out a massive blast of pure force that sent the soldiers in the outer perimeter, while the closer ones did not even stand a chance. Darius was on the outer edge and was tossed in the air, then slammed into the ground.

As he lay on the ground, he watched Apocalymon raise his hands to fire some sort of attack, when a blast of fire singed his arm.

"Zhuqioamon!" Darius shouted to himself,"Baihumon, Xuwanamon, Azulongmon! The Digital Gods have come to aid us!"

Azulongmon lead the attack, showering Apocalymon with enough lightning to destroy an entire continent, but the evil beast still remained. Zhuqioamon was next, blasting an inferno around Apocalymon, but, again having no effect. The other two gods attacked together, but were repelled by Apocalymon's claws.

As the Gods continued their battle, Darius slowly made his way back towards the battlefield. He knew what was about to happened, but he was determined to defy fate.

Apocalymon's claws ripped Xuwanamon in half. Using another claw, he tore Baihumon's head off. Azulongmon watched in horror as his two friends were destroyed before his eyes. "Apocalymon!" he shouted,"I will destroy you!" He launched forward as Apocalymon held up his hand ready to rip an energy attack through the dragon god.

Azulongmon was not about to give up. He was seconds from creating a lightning storm when Darius leapt on top of his head. "No! Wait!"

"Darius!" Azulongmon shouted,"What are you doing?"

"Trust me!" Darius said, grabbing a device from his pocket. Apocalymon fired his attack, and when the smoke cleared Azulongmon and Darius were gone.

Zuqioamon was furious. He was now the only God left. "Apocalymon, you will be punished for what you have done!" He flew into the sky and began chanting words to himself.

"Lord Zuqioamon," one Wiant flew over to him,"What are these incantations?"

"I am going to remove his power from himself," the phoenix god said.

"But...that....that spell uses an enormous amount of energy," the Wiant shouted,"You used too much in your battle."

"Then I will soon be with my comrades." Zuqioamon shot a blast of yellow energy from his mouth and into Apocalymon. Amadeaus's creation chuckled, then suddenly was overcome with pain. He seemed to be struggling internally cautiously moving his claws, when it seemed as though it became too much for him. He screamed out as his body glowed a white light; six globes shot forth from his body and landed on the ground. Apocalymon shrank into a large battle with wings. Zuqioamon seemed to smile, before he crashed into the ground, where he breathed his last.

Miriya, Queen of the Wiants, watched as the now small ball-shaped Apocalymon was lowered deep under the surface of the earth, his burial sealed by a stone temple.

"Apocalymon shall be sealed here forever," she sighed,"With the memory of those that have parted this life, Darius, Makura. you will be remembered. The power Zhuqioamon separated from Apocalymon will be scattered across Gaia, while Apocalymon will be sealed in Terra. All gates will be closed, Apocalymon will not be allowed to reclaim the Zuqioamon stones, both worlds will never fall fates to his power again."

Chapter 22: Laboratory of Evil

"What are you doing here?" TK asked as the new High Priestess Nami Isage walked down the sidewalk towards them.

Miss Isage did not answer as she walked over to the fallen Eiri and Bakemon.

"Well?" TK asked again.

"Hey," Patamon said,"You're different then you were before."

Isage nodded. "Yes, I have been granted the memories and powers of all the previous High Priests of the Digital World. I watched your battle and I am quite impressed."

"That means alot commin' from ya!" Derek said, crossing his arms," 'specially since we fround'ya mate. A royal pain in th' arse, too."

"Derek!" TK snapped," but you still haven't answered my question."

The New High Priestess glanced at Eiri.

"Him?" TK shouted, "You're here for him? What about us?"

"I was very concerned about you," she said, smiling slightly,"but, you are able to take care of yourself."

Eiri started to moan slightly from where he was lying on the ground, after his battle with the Digidestined. "It looks like he's finally coming around," she said,"Perhapse he is ready to join our side."

Eiri slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head. He glanced around at the Digidestined, then at Isage. "Am I your prisoner then?"

TK was about to answer when Miss Isage stepped forward. "Actually, if I may have a few minutes alone."

Eiri turned his gaze away. "It's not like a have a choice."

"I don't approve of this," TK argeed,"We should take him to the File Island Base."

"I ask only for fifteen minutes," Isage said, 'please?"

TK sighed,"Fine, but we'll be right over there."

After the Digidestined moved Eiri and Bakemon deeper in the park to avoid being caught by the police, they moved to a location a little way away, but were still close to watch. Isage, the High Priestess, turned to the Dark Digidestined commander. "You know who I am, don't you?"

Eiri nodded. "You're the reason I'm no longer welcome by Neo-Digiworld."

Isage shook her head,"It is not because of my, but because the Dark Masters never welcomed you."


"They never really cared for you, you and the rest of the Digidestined were just useful pawns. Tell me, why did you follow the Dark Masters?"

Eiri looked to the ground. "After my parents died, I left Japan to see the world, but all I saw was death and destruction. I served in the South Vietnam because America made me believe we could win against the Communists, but I watch that country be destroyed. I then journeyed to America and was with them during the Gulf Way. I still saw fighting and death.

I was sick of war and killing. It was then that I found my way into the Digital World. I meet my Digimon partner and found the Essence of Earth. It was then I was approached by Lucifer and Piedmon. They told me they were going to create a world free of fighting. I was so firm in my desire that I truly believed in their idea of a totalitarian rule." He chuckled slightly," Now I see that I have only been their pawn in ensuring a world forever at war."

"What are they talking' 'bout over there?" Derek asked crossing his arms.

"You should try to learn to read lips," Joe said.

June sighed as she stared at the Crest of Sincerity in her palms. "June?" Alruamon asked, placing her hand on June's shoulder,"What's wrong?"

"The crest," she said,"It's Mimi's Crest but...but I made it glow."


"So, as long as it wasn't mine, as long as I was just holding it for her, then there was a chance we could get her back, but, it's like there's nothing of her left."

"We'll get her back," Alruamon nodded,"Don't worry."

TK cleared his throat. The Digidestined turned their heads as Isage and Eiri walked towards them. "Is he ours now?"

Eiri bowed," I know this is going to sound odd, but I would like to help you."

"What?!" Derek asked,"Ya've got ta be kiddin'!"

"Derek, please," TK said, holding up his hand in front of the Austrailian's chest. He looked Eiri straight in the eyes. "I'm going to ask in a slightly nicer tone, but why should I believe anything you say?"

Isage raised her hands,"I vouch for him."

"I don't mean to be rude," Joe said,"But who vouches for you?"

"I have to agree with Joe," Cody nodded,"We have been doing this alot longer then you. He's the Commander of the Dark Digidestined!"

"I don't know guys," Yolei said, meekly,"Maybe we should give him a chance."

Everyone looked at her. "Well, we don't have to kill everyone!" she shouted.

TK sighed. "We're still taking you to my brother."

The wind from the sandstorm died off quickly as Tai and Agumon made their way out of the desert towards a green oasis. "Look at this place," Agumon said,"An entire forest in the middle of the desert. Maybe the others are here too."

"I hope so," Tai sighed.

The duo started to walk through the sea of green, following the signal on Tai's Digivice, when Tai suddenly stopped.

"What?" Agumon asked, "What is it?"

"I....I don't know," Tai said, walking over to a large tree with a large hole in its trunk,"There's something inside of there."

"What?" Agumon asked.

"I...I don't know," Tai said, reaching inside. His hands felt something round and smooth. As soon as he touched it, the globe shot out a bright orange light. Tai instantly drew his hand back.

"What was that?" Agumon asked.

"I don't know," Tai answered, grabbing his digivice,"Let's just find the others."

Tai slowly opened his eyes. "Owe, what hit me?"


He looked around and saw that he was in a black cell with the rest of the Digital Warriors. "Wait, where's Agumon?"

"He wasn't with us on the roof, remember?" Michael asked.

"Yeah," Tai said,"Hey, Kari, before we fought Piedmon, did I ever tell you about a strange red orb that I found when I started to look for the others?"

Kari and Gatomon looked at each other, then shook their heads. "No," Kari said,"Why?"

"For some reason my memory was fuzzy, but when I returned to the Digital World the first time, when I began to resemble the Digidestined, Agumon and I found this small globe in the forest. The thing is at was the Essence of Fire."

"What?" Kazu asked,"you touched the Essence of Fire?"

"Why?" Noriko asked,"What is it?"

"Nothing," Kazu said,"I just always thought that Lord Kamiya received the Essence after the battle with Oikawa." He sighed,"So much of our knowledge about this time is wrong. We're causing so much damage."

"Everything will be fine," Kari smiled,"Don't worry."

Matt glanced across the lake in front of him. "Still nothing. Do you see anything?"He smiled slightly as he saw Gabumon struggling to pedal the swan boat across the river.

Matt suddenly felt something pulling at him. He looked quickly over the side of the boat and saw a floating piece of land he had not seen before. On this island was a small blue globe.

"What is that?" Gabumon asked.

"I don't know," Matt said, reaching for it. As soon as he touched it, he felt a strange feeling wash over him.

"Matt!" Gabumon shouted.

"Come on," Matt said,"?Let's keep searching."

Matt quickly shot awake when he heard a loud knock on the door. "I'm coming!" he shouted, opening the door. "TK, what are you doing here?"

"I've got something here," he brother said,"What did you do, fall asleep in the lounge?"

"Never mind!" Matt said,"What is it?"

TK sighed, then pulled Eiri into view,"I need your clearance to get him a cell."

"You captured the Dark Digidestined Commander?" he asked, amazed.

"Well, its a long story," TK sighed,"Just...he wants to help us."


"I know it is strange request," Eiri said," But Miss Isage helped me see the error of my beliefs. Please."

Ryo checked the name on the paper before he looked the receptionist in the eyes,"Uh, Takenouchi, Sora?"

The reciptionest's smile faded,"Um, are you expected?"

"It's okay, Miss Koata, he's with me."

Ryo glanced down the hall and saw a red headed young man walking towards him. "Mr. Izumi?" he asked.

"Izzy," he said, smiling slightly, extending his hand.

"Izzy, then," Ryo said, shaking Izzy's hand,"Why did you call me here?"

"Why don't we talk in private?" he said, walking into the elevator.

Ryo nodded, then followed him inside.When the doors opened to an empty hallway, he gasped. "W-what the-?"

"I'll show you," Izzy pointed to a hospital room in the center of the hall. Ryo gasped again when he looked inside.

"What...?" he turned to Izzy and saw that Henry, Agumon and Terriermon had joined him.

"Is this Ryo?"

Izzy nodded. "Ryo, meet Henry, Agumon and Terriermon.."

Ryo nodded,"What's going on here?"

"We're missing some others....here they are now."

Ryo turned towards the elevator and shouted outloud. "Oikawa and Daitiramon! These are the ones you were waiting for?"

"Who is this?" Oikawa pointed to Ryo, " and where is Taichi Kamiya." He glanced into the hospital room,"Good heavens! Is that Sora Takenouchi?"

"It isn't from heaven, that much I know," Izzy sighed,"Som sort of virus is transforming her organic cells into a mechanical organism. Tai and the other digital Warriors had arrived to visit Sora, but on the roof, they were apprehended by Milleniumon, Arukennimon, and Plagemon."

Oikawa paled, "My former Dark Lords?"

Izzy nodded, taking a cell phone with a small screen out of his pocket,"Yes, now, I have used the Digivice Locator to get an estimated location of where the rest of the Digital Warriors are. What we need is for Ryo and Oikawa to go after them while Henry and I remain here to try and reverse Sora's condition."

"Wait a minute," Ryo said,"You want me to travel into who knows where, with him?"

Oikawa crossed his arms and smiled. "I will go rescue them because I owe Tai Kamiya. He gave me a second chance, and I always repay my debts."

Daitiramon nodded,"We're going with you or not."

Ryo sighed,"I don't even have a Digimon..."

Izzy tossed him a digivice,"I've copied Tai's Digivice and energy signal. You should be able to use it to digivolve Agumon to Wargreymon."

Ryo looked to Agumon, who bowed,"I guess we're partners for a while."

"Wait,": he said,"Isn't there anyone else?"

"We don't know where Takato or Zoe are, and we can't contact them," Henry explained,"Don't worry, you'll do fine."

"Be reasonable," Izzy said,"This is your chance to be a hero."

Ryo glanced at the device, then at Agumon, then at the others. "Alright," he sighed,"Let's go."

Tommy sat up suddenly in bed. He was about to scream for his mother, but something stopped him from doing it. He took a couple of deep breaths before jumping out of bed and walking to the window.

"What a dream," he said, staring out at the abandoned warehouse on the harbor. "Why do I always want to go to that place? Why does my tummy hurt when I look at it?"

Beetlemon laughed with joy as the small crowd of people in front of him fell to the ground, screaming in pain. "I didn't think this would be so much fun!" he laughed in glee as white streams of light emerged from the fallen people and funneled into a metal device in his hands. "Sucking energy out of these people is so much fun!"

After the light faded, Beetlemon turned his head and heard the familiar sound of human voices coming from another section of the park. He quickly started running towards them, when he felt a hot sting in his arm. He twisted and saw a glowing fire dart starting to disappear in his arm. "Who threw that?!"

"I did."

"Takuya and Sam!" Beetlemon grinned as Agnimon and the Digimon Kaiser hovered down from the sky.

"I let you thought you were going to get away scott free!" Agnimon shouted, pointing his fist at Beetlemon.

"You've killed so many in such a short time," Sam shouted,"I'm not going to let you continue!"

Beetlemon started laughing as hard as he could. "I've got more power then both of you put together! But if you think you can take me on, then let's do it!"

Agnimon turned to the Digimon Kaiser. "Are you ready, Sam?"

"Let's go, Takuya!"

The two fighters shot forward at their enemy. Agnimon slammed his knuckles together as streams of fire twisted around his body. "Pyro Tornado1"

Sam grabbed hold of Airdramon as he blasted his energy beams at Beetlemon. The Hybrid grinned evilly as he flew into the air to dodge the beam, but it left him wide open for Agnimon's attack. Beetlemon was worried for a second, but shot an electrical attack which ripped through the fire twister and Takuya fell to the ground.

"Takuya!" Sam screamed, flying forward, his Airdramon blasting as many energy beams as he could. Beetlemon placed both of his fists together, blasting an enormous amount of energy in all directions. Airdramon's beams dissipated into nothing and Sam and Airdramon soon found themselves next to Takuya.

"I don't believe how easy that was!" Beetlemon laughed,"I didn't even break a sweat!"

He walked over to the two fallen warriors,"Now, you won't bother me again!"

"Beetlemon, wait!"

"Orion...?" he asked, twisting his head around.

"I'm talking to you through your ear piece. You've have done well. Bring the energy you have collected to the abandoned warehouse on the harbor. Also, bring me Agnimon. There is much we have to discuss."

Beetlemon growled slightly, then nodded. "You're the boss." He walked over to Takuya and threw him over his shoulder,"We're gonna take a little ride."

After Beetlemon and Takuya were gone a figure ran up to Sam. "Hey, get up! Sam, get up!"

The Digimon Kaiser shot awake. "Wow, I didn't think that he'd have so much....Hey, you're not Takuya..."

The cap-wearing you man shook his head,"I'm Koji, and if you want to save Takuya, and stop Beetlemon, we're going to have to hurry."

Cody woke up quickly from the coach as June and Joe walked into the living room. "What time is it?" he yawned.

"Eleven thirty," Yolei said, from her position on the armchair,"Hey, Cody, would you mind closing his mouth?"

Cody glanced over to where Derek was snoring loudly on the couch. Cody was about to do as the older girl wanted, but June suddenly drooped her cup of water from the kitchen. She started shaking before falling into Joe's arms.

"June?" Alruamon shouted, her face creased with concern.

"I...I don't know," he human partner said, sitting down.

"Why do I get the feeling this has happened before?" Joe asked, checking her pulse.

"Yeah, a couple of times," she sighed,"It's like....something takes over me and I feel like I'm being pulled somewhere."

"Where?" Gommamon asked.

June trailed off, glancing away. "All I can see is...water, a warehouse, a lab inside...and evil, such evil."

Yolei walked over and hugged her friend,"Well, we'll get to the bottom of whatever it is."

June smiled,"Thanks Yolei. You guys are the best friends I've ever had." She yawned.

"Well, 'the best friends you've ever had' think you need to get some sleep."


"Don't worry," Yolei grinned,"We won't talk about anything without you."

Joe nodded,"We were just going to wait until TK gets back."

June yawned again,"Well, I haven't been getting much sleep.." She nodded,"Alright, call me if anything happens."

Zoe suddenly stopped and began shaking. "Zoe?" Takato asked, watching as the blond girl fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with her?" Guilmon asked.

"I don't know," Takato quickly ran over to her,"Maybe she had a seizure or something." He waited until her shaking had stopped before helping Zoe to her feet. "Are you all right?"

"Y-yeah," she said,"Just a little woozy..."

"What happened?" Guilmon asked,"You were shaking like the earth when it has a shake."

"Quake," Takato corrected,"Zoe, you had some sort of seizure."

Zoe shook her head,"It was the same as this morning, like something is pulling me somewhere."

"A new girlfriend? Are you going to leave her dying too?"

Takato felt his heart melt as he glanced above his head and saw the Digimon Empress and her Airdramon floating above their heads. "Jeri!" Takato shouted,"Jeri.."

"Whatever it is, save it," she growled, hovering lower,"I'm here for one reason. There was an.....incident at Hypnos earlier tonight. A very dangerous criminal with the power of a digimon escaped. Takuya-Agnimon, went after him with Sam Ichijoji. Before he left, Agnimon complained of feelings of being pulled somewhere, an now JP has the same powers as Agnimon. It appears you are also searching this...'warehous on the waterfront." Perhaps we can join forces."

Takato's face lit up,"You do?"

"Temporarily," she stressed, crossing her arms,"What do you say?"

"Yeah, sure!" Takato grinned.

"June what?" TK asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Feels as though something is pulling her somewhere," Hakwmon said.

"When she started talking about a warehouse on the water front, it reminded me of the night my father died," Cody said, looking at the table,"He was part of a squad that had to infiltrate a waterfront warehouse because children and people were disappearing near there. My father was shot and died that night, but they found nothing in the warehouse. It just seemed like too big a coincidence."

"Maybe we should investigate," Joe suggested.

"Guys," Yolei shouted, running from the guest room where June was sleeping,"June's not here. She and Alruamon are gone!"

"That 'pull'," Alice growled,"I bet it got control of her."

"You know where that warehouse is, Cody?"

"Yes, TK."

TK stood up from the table,"Go wake Derek, then get ready to depart."

Takuya felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, causing him to wake up. "Well, at least I know I'm alive, but where am I?"

He glanced around and saw that he was strapped to a brick wall inside a laboratoy-a laboratory whose owners appeared to be in the process of relocating, as everything was packed into boxes.

He heard a moan beside him and found that there was a young boy and a girl his own age next to him, attached to the wall in the same way. "Hey are you okay?"

The boy awoke and started looking around. Panic overtook him. "W-what...where's Mom?" he started crying.

"Hey. d-don't cry," Takuya said,"I'll get us out of this. My name is Takuya, what's yours?"

"Tommy," he sobbed,"I want to go home."

"As soon as I know where 'here' is."

"This lab once belonged to the rebellious Monster Maker, Mizuno, called Shibumi."

Takuya glanced up and gasped,"Orion? What are you doing here?"

"This lab, I have made for my own." he grinned,"I acquired it after a battle with the Digidestined." He squeeze his metal fist as tight as he could,"They will pay for what they did to me, and you will help."


"Though a special viral agent, I am going to infect the city with a raging epidemic," he grinned,"The Cyberdyne Virus!"

"You can't!"

"I will.":

"What do you need us for?"

"You..and June over there...have a cure for the disease running through your veins. You were here before, and came into contact with it, creating a natural vaccine. I will need that to protect those who can afford it."

Beetlemon appeared behind him and grinned,"Takuya, you're awake. Great, this is going to be some much enjoyable!" He walked over and slashed the ropes keeping Takuya, Tommy and the unconscious June bound to the wall. Their hands and feet were still tied together, so they could not escape when Beetlemon tossed them over his shoulders and marched out the door to a large train, resting on its track.

"Where are you taking us?" Takuya demanded.

"We are moving our base to a closer location to the now restored Convention Center."

"You can't release that virus there!" Takuya shouted,"Thousands of people will be infected!"

"That's the idea!" Orion laughed as Beetlemon threw Takuya and Tommy into one of the rear train cars and slammed the door.

"Let's get going," Orion said, walking to the front car,"Hypnos and the Digidestined are going to find us soon."

"The Digidestined have already found us!" Beetlemon shouted, as Aquillamon flew into view.

"I think we're too late," TK said,"It looks like Orion got that..Beetlemon."

Orion and Beetlemon grinned at each other, then Orion jumped into the first cab on the train,"Cause a diversion to get us out of here!"

Beetlemon nodded, then glanced around. He spotted a cruise ship entering the harbor. "That'll do perfectly." He raised his palm and fired a massive amount of lighting at the ship, blowing a giant hole in the side.

"Those people!" Yolei shouted.

"Save them!" TK order,"I'll go after Orion and Beetlemon!"

"G'd luck," Derek called.

TK and Angemon shot to the train and landed on top. As the train moved raced towards the center of the city, Digidestined and Digimon ran as fast as they could to the first car, but stopped suddenly when Orion appeared through a hatch on the roof.

"Takeru Takashi," he laughed,"It's so good to see you again, despite everything that has happened."

"You've been hinting that you're someone I know since you first appeared on the scene," TK said,"Who are you, really?"

"Soon you will know," Orion grinned,"But now is not the time. The others will know, when I declare it as the city dies!"

The train rolled over a bridge high over a crevasse. "I won't let you get away with this!" Tk shouted.

Orion shot forward, bringing his his foot around to slam TK. Angemon jumped between them, and the force of the attack turned him back into Patamon. TK was saved from the attack, but the impact still threw him and the unconscious Patamon off the train and flying towards doom in the canyon below.

Next: Ryo faces off with Milleniumon! Orion, Takuya, Tommy, Zoe revealed! And Tai finally confronts his feelings towards Sora and Anna. Defiantly don't miss this one! Mystic Digimon War: Chapter 23: Cyberdyne virus.