Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Digital War ❯ Chapter 29: Beyond Forever ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Catherine bowed. "Bonjour. As you no doubt have realized, zis iz ze final chaptaire of 'Mystic Digital War.' Zis is ze final battle between ze Digidestined of Earth, and ze evil Neo-Digital Empaire, when ze..." She smiled slightly,"I don't want to give away ze ending. I guarantee you will not be disappointed. " Her smile faded. "Included in thiz chaptaire are Character Bios and a much needed Timeline. I'll see you again at ze end." She grinned,"Enjoy."

Mystic Digital War: Finale: Beyond Forever

"Agumon warp digivolve to Wargreymon!"

"Gabumon warp digivolve to Metalgarurumon!"

Matt and Tai looked at each other. They both held the cards over their D-Arcs. "Digi-Modify! Fusion Activate!"

Apocalymon stopped short as he watched the sight before him. Both D-Arc's on Matt and Tai's belts started glowing. They pulled both digidestined together. The two D-arcs slammed into each other, covering Matt and Tai with a white light. Both of their digimon were covered in the same light and slammed into each, creating a gigantic figure.

Apocalymon's eyes, however, were focused on the much smaller figure below, where Tai and Matt once stood. The new figured stared straight in Apocalymon's eyes and grinned. "Yes!"

The Neo-Digital Emperor was suddenly having trouble breathing. He dropped his hands. "Wh...what? What is this?" While the massive digimon was certainly an impressive sight, his focus was on the human standing in front of him: he appeared to be..no, he was a complete physcial....melding of Lord Kamiya and Lord Ishida. This new human had Kamiya's unique hair style, but it was completely blond. His face had Kamiya's brown eyes and cheeks, but Ishida's nose and mouth. He was wearing Ishida's black shirt, Kamiya's blue jacket, and a pair of jeans.

This new human glanced at himself. When he spoke, it was in voice that was a perfect mix of Kamiya and Ishida's. "Well, I was worried about what I would look like," he grinned slightly,"but, I've got to say, I'm quite please with the result. Heh, I bet I'll be fighting those girls off with sticks! Wait, I can't talk like that, I am married after all." He lightly rubbed his chin,"Now, what do you call a Tai and a Matt? Hmm, I guess Yamachi is as good as any."

He turned around and glanced at the massive digimon behind him. Apocalymon followed Yamachi's gaze: this figure was a large as Apocalymon, but also very different. He had the figure of a knight in armor, with a left arm that resembled Wargreymon, with the other arm in the shape of Metalgarurumon. A long black cape flowed behind him. "What about you big guy?" Yamachi asked,"What's your name?"

This digimon spoke in a fusion of Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon's voices. "You can call me Omnimon."

"Omnimon?" Yamachi shouted,"Ow man! That sounds so cool, I wish I thought of something like that." He frowned, then shrugged,"Oh well." He turned to face Apocalymon, then crossed his arms."Lift me up."

His digimon partner lowered the Wargreymon arm, and Yamachi climbed on. Omnimon moved his arm to his face so Yamachi could climb onto the massive shoulders. "Well, Apocalymon, are you ready to get this thing started?"

The Neo Digital Emperor stuttered.. "I....I..."

Omnimon chuckled. "Well, if you don't want to start, then I'll give the first move." Apocalymon watched as the fused digimon vanished. He was about to turned his head, to look when he felt a fierce pain in his face. As he fell onto his back, he realized that Omnimon had kicked him the fast so fast that he did not see it.

Apocalymon flung back right-side up, but Omnimon slammed the Metalgarurumon arm into the demon's head. Before Apocalymon could react, Omnimon used the Wargreymon arm to attack his head again. Omnimon spun around, executing a roundhouse which flipped Apocalymon over. When the Emperor righted himself, he saw Omnimon standing firmly in front of him, his arms crossed.

"You little..." Apocalymon growled,"You...you can't be faster then me! I'm the most powerful digimon that has ever lived!"

Yamachi laughed. "Well, let me introduce you to the new number one."

"I'll never admit defeat!" Apocalymon screamed. He shot forward to land a punch on the fused digimon, but Omnimon dodged out of the way. He was about to slam his foot on the back of Apocalymon's head, but the demon quickly spun around and nailed Omnimon in the stomach, flipping him on his back.

"Not bad," Omnimon chuckled,"But I've just started."

Michael held tightly as Metalseadramon twirled around in the sky to avoid a blast from a green colored tentacle digimon. The serpent digimon fired his mega-level attack, instantly destroying his opponent. Michael was aware that a group of Bakemon were heading towards him from behind. "Attack from 6:00," he whispered to his partner. Metalseadramon nodded slightly, then spun around. "River of Power!" All the Bakemons instantly vanished.

Michael let out the breath he was holding, then glanced up at the sky. The Digital Gates were still open, but the invading digimon were coming out much slower. Most of the Neo-Digital Army that had come through were positioned around the gates, guarding their fellow soldiers entrance to Earth. It was like a never-ending nightmare.


He could not help but grin as he recognized that voice. Metalseadramon turned around and both Michael and the serpent could see the formerly captured digidestined flying towards him. "Kari!" he exclaimed, hugging her,"You're all right, I was so worried about you."

The younger Kamiya chuckled."Hey, we all made it back."

Michael looked past her to the other digidestined. He gasped when he spied the Dark Digidestined. "W..what are they doing here?"

Barker crossed his arms on the back of Skull Satanmon. "Why, is there a problem?"

"Michael, easy," Kari said, holding up her hand,"They were betrayed by Apocalymon and the Dark Masters. They want to help."

Michael just frowned, then focus on Melissa. "Well, I am glad that you're here, in a weird sort of way."

She crossed her arms. "What do you mean by that?"

Michael grinned. "Well, I guess we can kind of think of you as my little sister."

The other Dark Digidestined started snickering. Even Kari and Yolei laughed slightly."We're not here to discuss my family relationship!" Mellissa sneered.

Tk nodded, then turned his head towards the sky. "We've got to do something about those gates."

"Yolei and I can probably think of a way to halt that invasion," Izzy said. He turned to the purple haired girl. "That is, if you wish to give it a try."

"Of course, "Yolei cheered. The two scientists and their digimon returned to the Ishida apartment to use his computer. Kari and Tk watched as the other digidestined battled against Annubismon in the sky, while the Neo-Digital Army swarmed into the city. "We'd better get to work."

They were about to head off to battle, but the two Dark Masters, Bizzard, Mora and their Digimon. "Kamiya, Takashi, we've got a little bone to pick with the two of you."

Tk and Goldramon stared down Mora and Puppetmon, while Kari and Ophanimon stared at Bizzard and Machinedramon. "Michael, you guys go," she said.

"Alright, but be careful." Michael and the other digidestined flew away from the building's roof. Kari and Tk turned to stare at their opponents.

"I am going to enjoy destroying you," Mora sneered at Tk, "I'll make you pay for ignoring me!"

Kari stared at Bizzard. "Why do you hate me so much?" she asked.

Bizzard laughed. "When Machinedramon was fighting you seven years ago, he would have won, but you made your brother's digimon warp digivolve. It was you that caused our defeat. This is where we pay you back!"

The two Dark Masters nodded at each other, then shot at their opponents.

Takuya and Koji ran outside of the abandonded warehouse that they were currently using as their residence. The sky was covered with digimon. "Not again!" Koji shouted.

Takuya growled, and clenched his fist. "I've got a feeling this is it. Whoever wins this battle, wins the war."

The two friends glance at each other, then nodded. "Let's go!" They climbed up to the roof, but found there was someone waiting for them. "JP!" Koji shouted.

"What are you doing here?" Takuya demanded.

"Settling old wounds," he chuckled,"What do you think?"

Takuya and Koji reached for their D-tectors. JP did the same. "Execute! Spirit Evolution!"




Takato watched as the digimon covered the blue sky; his mother and Tk Takashi were battling two of the Dark Masters; Annubismon was engaged with the other digidestined, and Derek and Noriko were heading to warn them of Annubismon's true identity. He was wondering where he and Guillmon should head to, when he caught a glimpse of Lucifer and Piedmon hovering above him. "Mr. Matsuki," the Dark Master leader grinned,"I see you too are all alone?"

"What are you talking about?!" Takato shouted,"Guillmon's standing right here!"

"Haa!" Lucifer laughed,"What am I was leading to was this, it appears that destiny has left us as opponents."

Takato took a deep breath and felt his spine start to turn to ice. He was going to have to fight the strongest Dark Master. There was not going to be any way out of it. He turned to his partner. "This is going to be the biggest fight of our lives. Are you ready?"

The dinosaur nodded."Let's do it, Takato-mon!"

Takato smiled, then grabbed his D-Arc. "Energy Bi-Merge Activate!"

"Guilllmon energy bio-merge to Gallantmon!"

Apocalymon swung one of his claws around. He was able to hit Omnimon in the side of the head, flipping the holy digimon around. Unfortunately for the demon, Omnimon completed a 360 turn and landed back on his feet. The Neo-Digital Emperor started twirling around, his claws fully extended. Omnimon was hit multiple times, but he remained unscratched.

"How..how can this be?" Apocalymon gasped,"How can you be stronger then me?"

Omnimon and Yamachi started laughing. "You were the strongest digimon. Like I said before, Omnimon is the new number one."

Apocalymon screamed. "No, I won't accept defeat!" He held up his hands and formed a dark sphere in each one. He threw the ball on the left hand, which hit Omnimon's shoulder, exploding in dark smoke that flowed over the holy digimon's body. Apocalymon did the same with the other hand, covering another portion of Omnimon with black smoke. The demon chuckled, then started forming and throwing more dark globes at Omnimon, covering all of him. The smoke started tightening around the fused digimon, then exploded.

"Ha!" Apocalymon laughed,"There was no way that he could have survived that!" His laughter continued until the smoke started to clear. He shouted out in awe and horror, Omnimon was still standing, a few scratches and burn marks, but none the worse for wear. "T...this can't be!"

"It is," Yamachi chuckled,"Are you finished showing off, or are you ready to get serious?"

Apocalymon started chuckling. "Just remember, you asked for it. Ha ha ha!" The black Matrix of Evil that was hanging around his neck started to glow a bright dark glow. All of Apocalymon's injuries melted away, and his small torso grew until it was now as large as cube bottom. Neither Yamachi or Omnimon was the least bit intimidated.

"Are you done yet?" the fused human chuckled.

The Neo Digital Emperor laughed. "I don't think you'll be so cocky after you see what I can do now. With this Matrix, I will finally have the power that I once had, long ago, and I..."

Yamachi yawned. "Are you finished yet?"

"All right, fine. I wanted to give you as much time alive as possible, but if you two want to hurry along your own demise, then so be it." The Neo Digital Emperor suddenly vanished.

"Where did he go?" Omnimon asked, twisting his head around. He was suddenly hit in the face by a metal claw which sent his stumbling backward. Apocalymon threw another claw around at the fused digimon's head. Another claw appeared, then another. Yamachi had to hold on tightly as his digimon was flung from side to side. He managed to reached for his set of modify cards, and grabbed one at random. He looked at it, then smiled, this would have to do. He slid it across the D-Arc.

"Digi-modify! Speed Activate!"

Omnimon felt a tremendous boost of speed and was able to break away from Apocalymon's assault. "Wow," Omnimon exclaimed,"He's stronger then we thought."

Apocalymon crossed his arms. "Feeling nervous yet?"

"Not a chance!" the holy digimon shouted. He held his two arms out in front of him, then launched forward.

Annubismon, the Digidestined Destroyer, stared at his foes assembled around him. The battle had been going on for a few hours now, yet the destroyer was not tired or fatigued in the least. Eaglemon, Sakuyamon, Gaurdromon and Gargomon appeared as if they were going to pass out at any second.

Sakuyamon leapt towards Annubismon's back with her staff extended. It was her plan to catch him unaware, but he spun around and easily grabbed her staff. With a simple flick of his writs he sent the mega digimon crashing into a roof.

"Sakuyamon!" Rika shouted.

Anna held tight as Eaglemon shot towards Annubismon, his claws extended. His intention was to tear the skin off of the evil digimon, but the destroyer grabbed his arm by the wrist. He started spinning Anna and Eaglemon around, knocking Guardromon and Gargomon onto Sakuyamon. He then threw Eaglemon onto the pile.

"Was that all that you had?" Annubismon laughed,"I would have thought that the great digidestined would give me more of a fight."

Rika growled. "We're not out yet, right Sakuyamon?"

Her digimon shot out of the pile, sending the other digimon scattering. The fox woman swung her staff around at the destroyer's head, but he simply held out his palm and Sakuyamon just stopped.

"What are you doing?" Rika shouted.

"I...I can't move..." Sakuyamon stuttered.

The Destroyer chuckled, then flexed the muscles in his arms. Sakuyamon was thrown back and once again crashed into the building roof. Eaglemon would have taken the fox's place, but she landed on top of him.

"Get off!" he shouted.

"Excuse me!" Sakuyamon hissed,"I think my back is broken!"

Annubismon laughed. "You don't stand a chance against me! I don't believe this. I was expecting a fight."

Rika grabbed her cards. "Digi-modify! Restoration Activate!"

Sakuyamon felt her injuries heal. She climbed off of Eaglemon, who gave her a hearty thanks, then flew back into the sky, soon followed by Eaglemon, Gargomon, and Guardromon.

"If you want a fight," Sakuyamon said,"We're ready to give it to you."

"Stop! Stop it! Don't fight him!"

Everyone turned their heads and watched as Noriko, Derek, and Crabmon rode Kuwagamon to the sky battlefield. "Don't fight him!" Noriko shouted,"That...that's Oikawa!"

"What are you talking about?" Kazu exclaimed.

"Lucifer turned him into that!" Noriko shouted,"I watched it happen!"

"Now what do we do?" Rika shouted.

Annubismon turned his attention away from his opponents and glanced at Noriko. He gasped and stared straight at her. "W..what?" she asked.

"I think he recognizes you," Kuwagamon whispered,"Try to talk to him."

Noriko took a deep breath. "Um...what am I suppose to say?"

Ophanimon swung her two javelins down, but Machinedramon blocked them with his massive forearms. He slammed his head into Ophanimon's body, but the angel flipped over and her heels scratched the underside of Machinedramon's chin. The metal digimon brought his claws up, but Ophanimon was able to kick the side of Machinedramon's jaw another time before she had to fall back.

"I'm going to kill you!" Machinedramon screamed.

Ophanimon grabbed her two javelins and held them out in front of her. "Not if I kill you first."

On the roof below them, their two human partners were staring at each other. "Why don't you give up?" Kari asked,"Please, I really don't want to have to hurt you."

"Ha!" the massive ten-year-old laughed,"You really think you can beat us?"

Kari sighed. "I guess I have no choice. Just because I'm a girl, don't think that I can't win in a fist fight. Besides, you're half my size."

Bizzard laughed. "I'm not going to let you win you know."

Kari sighed again. She and Bizzard leapt at each other.

Puppetmon swung his hammer at Goldramon, but the massive Mega shot out of the way. He swung his tail up and wrapped it around the wooden digimon and yanked down. Puppetmon managed to twist around and slam Goldramon's underside with the hammer. Goldramon released his tail grip, but still pounded Puppetmon with his two firsts.

Down below, their two human partners were engaged in a battle of their own. Tk swung with a long pipe of metal at his opponent, but Mora had her own metal sword and was easily matching Tk blow for blow. Mora kicked Tk onto his back, then slashed down with her metal pipe. The young Takashi rolled out of the way and was back on his feet. He grabbed his pipe and leapt back into the fray.

Agnimon and Lobomon were trading their fists against Beetlemon. The thunder spirit fired electric blast after electric blast The two hybrid warriors for Earth dodged each blast, and moved ever closer to Beetlemon. The evil hybrid flew to the sky, giving him the advantage, as neither of his opponents could fly. He placed his palms together. "Thunder Blitz!"

Lobomon quickly held his sword in front of him, deflecting the thunder attack into an abandoned building. Unfortunately, Lobomon could not pull his swords away in time, and Beetlemon's fist pounded into the wolf's face, throwing him into the ground. Agnimon was at his friend's side in a second, slamming his foot into Beetlemon's jaw. The evil hybrid stumbled back, then stared at the two.

"Well, I can see that you've improved since we last battled. What do you say we up the stakes, huh?" Beetlemon fly backwards, then planted his feet firmly onto the roof. ""Slide Evolution! Metalkabuterimon!"

Agnimon helped Lobomon to his feet. "We're gonna have to slide evolve too. Are you up to it?"

Lobomon nodded. "Yeah, let's do it."

"Slide evolution!"

"Burning Greymon!"

"Kendo Garurumon!"

The dinosaur fire digimon hovered in the sky, then shot at the tank digimon. Below him, Kedo Garurumon rolled towards Metalkabuterimon, but Jp's beast form fire his Polo Blaster. Both of the two glowing orbs hit Burning Greymon and Kendo Garurumon, sending them backwards.

Gallantmon swung his javelin around at Piedmon's head, but the clown had surprising grace. He back-fliped onto Gallantmon's javelin, then took another leap onto the knight's head. Takato's digimon shot his head to the right in an effort to jar loss the evil clown. He was successful, but Lucifer's digimon too the opportunity to slam his fist into Gallantmon's head. The knight gave a small yelp of pain, and stumbled backwards.

"Hmm!" Piedmon chuckled. He grabbed his swords and held them out in front. "Are you ready to get serious?"

"I'm always serious!" Gallantmon shouted, swinging his javelin down. Piedmon brought his swords up and blocked the knight's weapon.

As the other digidestined were battling against the Dark Masters, the rest of the army were busy fighting against the invading Neo Digital Army. Each one was fighting as many as they could at one time, but they were starting to fatigue, while their opponents were still pouring into their world.

Michael and Metalseadramon finished off a small group of Demidevimons, then paused for a short break. "This isn't going very well, is it?"

The two turned around and saw Mimi and Rosemon floating behind him. "No," Michael sighed, glancing at the open Digital Gates in the sky."No matter how many Neo-Digital soldiers we destroy, there's always at least five to take their place!"

"We've got to close those gates, huh?" Rosemon asked.

"But how?" Metalseadramon muttered.

Michael sighed, then saw Izzy and Yolei riding towards them on their digimon. "Michael! Metalseadramon!" Izzy shouted,"It is imperative that we speak with you!"

"What is it?" he asked,"What?"

Izzy was out of breath, so Yolei spoke for him,"We found a way to close those gates."

Michael and Mimi smiled at each other. "Really?" Mimi asked,"Wow, you guys are great." The two computer experts blushed.

"What do we do?" Michael asked.

Izzy reached inside of his pocket and pulled out a small cube shape object. It was a metal box, with wires and circuits emerging from it. "We had to quickly construct this," he explained,"I know that it is not pretty, but the world is at stake. "

Michael grabbed it. "I don't care about that. How does it work?"

Izzy took it back. He pressed a small switch on the side. "This operates along the same principles as an Electromagnetic Pulse and a suction cleaning device."

"Throw it inside one of the gates, and they should all fry!" Yolei cheered,"The digimon will be pulled through like a vacuum cleaner!"

"But Matt and Tai are still there!" Mimi protested.

Yolei crossed her arms. "Don't you think that we can't repair one of the gates?"

"I..I'm sorry.."

Michael looked to the many open gates in the sky. Each one had a few dozen digimon guarding it. "It's not going to be easy to get there. One of us will have to throw the device in while the rest of us distract them."

"I'll do it," Mimi said.

"What? Why?"

She mentioned to the wings on her back. "I'm the only one that doesn't need to ride their digimon. This way, Rosemon can be one more fighter to help you."

"I don't know..." Michael said.

"I think she'll do fine!" Yolei cheered,"There's no other way."

Michael sighed. "Alright, let's go."

Annubismon stared at Noriko. "D..do you know who I am?" she asked,"Do you recognize me?"

The Digidestined Destroyer stuttered. "N...N...No...Noriko?" He grabbed his head and suddenly started screaming. Noriko and Kuwagamon flew towards him.

"Don't get too close!" Henry advised.

Noriko shook her head. "No, he's...he's not going to hurt me, right?"

Annubismon lowered his hands and stared straight at Noriko. "I...I'm sorry," he muttered,"I..I can't hold on for much l..longer." He raised his hand. A small glowing orb emerged from his palm and floated over to the brunette. She caught it in her hands. "An..an Essence?"

"T..the Essence of Desert," Annubismon struggled,"U..use it."

Noriko just nodded, and placed it over her head. The second it rested against her chest, she felt a tremendous burst of a strange sensation. She watched as Kuwagamon started glowing. Her digimon suddenly shot to a gigantic size. "Kuwagamon mega digivolve to Grand Kuwagamon!"

Noriko could barely talk. "Y..y..you're a mega!"

"It was the Essence," Annubismon said,"..Now, you've got to destroy me!"

"What?" Noriko gasped,"I'm not going to destroy you!"

"Y..you must," he stuttered,"I..I'm losing control...Noriko, I'm sorry..." He suddenly shot forward and slashed his claw across Grand Kuwagamon's face. The beetle punched forward with his own claws.

"Stop!" Noriko shouted,"Don't hurt him!"

Her partner was shocked. "But, Noriko..."

Annubismon chuckled, then moved into an attack position. He was seconds from attacking Noriko again, but Sakuyamon quickly blocked the Destroyer's fist with her staff. Eaglemon quickly rammed his claw into Annubismon's stomach, while Gargomon and Guardromon fired a barrage of bullets from their firm position on the roof below. Sakuyamon and Eaglemon hovered backwards. "That enough for you?" the fox asked.

Annubismon started laughing. "I am the Digidestined Destroyer, do you honestly think that you can stop me that way? Hahahahahaha!" He grabbed Sakuyamon and threw her into Eaglemon's back. The two of them crashed into Gargomon and Guardromon on the roof below.

"I'm getting really, really tired of this!" Sakuyamon shouted climbing out of the pile. Annubismon quickly flew over to her. He raised his fists, and slammed her into the digimon beneath her.

"Noriko," Grand Kuwagamon called,"We've got to do something."

"I..I can't."


The brunette watched as Annubismon repeatedly attacked Sakuyamon and the others. He slammed down again, and again, and again, and again. Noriko's body trembled for a second. "Alright, Grand Kuwagamon go! Hurry!"

Her digimon shot at Annubismon and pined him onto the roof. Noriko's face was filled with sadness, but when the destroyer looked into her eyes, he was able to regain control. "N..Noriko, please, destroy me, before it's too late!"

"But I can't!"

"Noriko, please, .m...my defenses are down, but if I lose control, y..you'll never have a chance."

"But...there has to be another way."

"There isn't! Please, Noriko...h..hurry..."

"I...I can't.."

"Noriko..." he moaned,"I..I can't stay in control forever. Please!"

Noriko screamed. "Grand Kuwagamon!" Her digimon took a deep breath, the jab his claw at Annubismon. Surprisingly, it went straight through. His defenses were truly gone.

Annubismon looked at Noriko, and his smiled. "Thank you, you've freed me."

"But you'll die," Noriko sniffled.

Annubismon nodded slightly. "It was necessary. I'll miss you, all of you. I know that I've done some terrible things in my short life, but the only t..thing that I regret is...is not being able to make up for them. G..goodbye Noriko." His eyes closed, and he shattered apart.

Noriko gave a scream, then started crying in her hands.

Ophanimon raised her javelins above her head, then slashed downward across Machinedramon's face. He screamed out,"That hurt you witch! Giga Cannon!" The angel woman was hit bad and shot backwards into the side of an apartment building, shattering every window on the side.

"Ha!" Machinedramon laughed,"You're no match for me!"

Ophanimon shot from the hole in the building and rammed her head into the metal mega. He moaned, then grabbed her and flung her back into the side of the building. "You'll never win!" he roared with laughter,"D..do you actually think that hurt?"

Ophanimon grinned. "I'm betting it did."

"What?" Machinedramon looked down at his chest. His metal armor had been cracked. "No!"

Ophanimon shot back at her opponent. Before he could react, she slashed her heels along his injured chest. He tried to fight it, but the pain was too great. His giant mouth opened wide and screamed in pain. He suddenly noticed that Ophanimon was no longer attacking his injured chest, but was hovering in front of his head, with her hands jabbed inside of his mouth pointed right at the back of his throat. The angel woman grinned. "Sephiroth Crystal!"

Over on the adjacent roof, the battle between Kari and Bizzard ended suddenly when the minute Dark Master heard his digimon cry out in pain. They both turned and watched as the back of Machinedramon's head exploded apart. The rest of his body shattered apart a second later. "Machinedramon!" he screamed. He started running towards the edge of the roof.

"Bizzard!" Kari shouted, running after her,"Bizzard, Stop! Watch out for the ledge!" The Dark Master did not hear her cries. He was so focused on his dead partner, then he did not notice the ledge. He tripped and fell from the side. Kari stopped running after him. She twisted her head to the side, tears starting to form in her eyes.

A small way across the city, Tk and Goldramon were engaged in their own battles. Tk's digimon whacked his tail into the side of Puppetmon's head. The wooden digimon rolled in the sky with the momentum, then jabbed Goldramon's side with his hammer. The massive dragon digimon quickly grabbed hold of the evil digimon's arm.

"Hey!" Puppetmon squeeked,"Let me go!"

"As you wish!" Goldramon flung Puppetmon towards the ground. The wooden digimon twisted around, stopping him momentum. He went to glare at the holy dragon, but to his surprise, he was gone.

"Now where did he go?" Puppetmon muttered. He turned his head to the left and right, nothing. He looked down just in time to see Goldramon's punch connect with his nose. Puppetmon's head twisted backwards, the bronze dragon slammed his fist into Puppetmon's back, then quickly shot his tail around and whacked Puppetmon's face. The puppet broke free, then glared at him.

"Is that all ya' got?" he laughed.

Goldramon grinned. "I hurt you enough times to lower your impressive defensive."

"So? You still don't have an attack powerful enough to destroy me!"

"My attack is called Gold Flame," he explained, placing his palms together,"And you're made of wood."


"Wood burns, dummy."

Puppetmon's eyes opened wide as he realized his disadvantage. He tried to fly away, but Goldramon initiated his attack. "Gold Flame!" Puppetmon was hit from behind with such ferocity and power that his body did not even have time to dissolve into digital matter before it was burned into cinders.

Mora felt the death of her partner. She stopped in her battle against Tk and fell to her knees. Tk stopped his makeshift sword inches above the Dark Master's head. "Why did you stop?" she asked,"Destroy me, please."

Tk was shocked. "W..what?"

"Do it!" Mora pleaded,"Puppetmon is dead! My..my best friend is gone! Please, let me join him!"

Tk did not know what to do. He saw the shivering little girl in front of him, would he act the same way if Patamon had died? He was sure that he would, but if the roles were reversed, he was sure that Mora would kill him on the spot. He should kill her, it is what she would do.

He dropped his weapon. "I can't."

"What?" Mora gasped,"Why not?"

Tk shook his head. "I can't kill you like this, I just can't."

"Please, I'm begging you. I...I don't want to live without my partner..."

Tk glanced over his shoulder at Goldramon. "You're just like us, even though we might not like to think about it." He walked over and lifted the ten-year-old onto her feet. "Come on."

"W..where are we going?" she asked. Tk was surprised, only a few minutes ago, she was an evil witch, now she truly seemed like an innocent little girl.

"I'm taking you to Hypnos," he said,"Maybe Yamaki will know what to do with you."

Metalkabuterimon laughed with evil glee as he fired at the two on coming warriors. He fired a smaller blast of lighting at Burning Greymon, then did the same at Kendo Garurumon. "You can't defeat me! don't you understand?"

The two hybrid warriors formed into a two man huddle. "What are we going to do?" Burning Greymon asked,"He's got too much firepower."

"Listen," Kendo Garurumon whispered,"I'll distract him. You come from behind and give him everything you've got."

The dinosaur nodded."A..Alright. Just be careful."

Kendo Garurumon chuckled. "I always am." He turned to Metalkabuterimon, then shot forward.

"What's this?" the evil hybrid chuckled,"A kamikaze canine? Ha! Since you don't know when to quit, I'll show you. Prepare for my ultimate attack!" He lowered his long cannon nose. "Electron..."

His attention was focused on Kendo Garurumon right in front of him, but he spied Burning Greymon following closely behind. He realized what was about to happen. At the last second he twisted his cannon up and pointed it at Burning Greymon "...Cannon!"

"Takuya, watch out!" Kendo Garurumon shouted, but his partner was unable to move out of the way in time. Burning Greymon was covered in in the massive energy attack. Pain surrounded him and his head became heavy. The white of the Electron Cannon was slowly replaced by black. Darkness surrounded him until two bright lights on either side of his started to glow.

He turned to his left and saw the bust of Agnimon, the turned to the left and saw the bust of Burning Greymon. "I get it," he said,"You two are alive! And you want to help me, that's why I'm able to spirit evolve, you choose me!" He grinned. "And now Jp's not going to know what hit him!"

The two spirits started spinning around him. "Execute now! Fusion Evolution...Aldamon!"

Metalkabuterimon suddenly became aware that the white from his Electron Cannon was quickly turning to red. "What the..?" The lightning suddenly exploded with flames. In the center hovered a digimon with red armor and orange wings. "W..who are you?" Metalkabuterimon gasped.

"I am Aldamon!" the digimon said,"And I am your executioner!" He shot forward and planted his foot into the cockroaches face. He skidded backwards and hit the edge of the roof. He flipped over, but grabbed hold of the side of the ledge.

"I can't hold on!" he shouted. He looked up and saw Aldamon hovering over him, both of his palms were pointed at his face,"W..what are you doing? Help me!"

"There will be no help for you," Aldamon explained,"You have committed mass murder on a city-wide scale. How many people did you kill...?" He screamed,"How many innocent children did you destroy?"

"H..hey.."Metalkabuterimon said,"I..I was just doing....Don't..."

"We were given incredible power," he said,"And you abused it. Goodbye Jp." Small balls of fire started to appear in his palms,"Atomic Inferno!"

Metalkabuterimon screamed in intense pain. He vanished in a glowing ball of light. Aldamon sighed deeply,"I'm sorry."

Gallantmon and Piedmon's battle was proceeding along much quicker. Gallantmon's massive javelin swung into the evil clown's side. He was thrown across the roof, but righted himself in the sky. He placed his palms together and formed a gun,"Clown Trick!"

"Uh oh!" Gallantmon said. He grabbed his shield and brought it in front of his body seconds before Piedmon's attack would have taken his head off.

"Not bad!" Piedmon laughed, grabbing his hankericheif, "but can you keep up with this!" He threw the hankericheif at the large knight in front of him. "I hope you like keys, because you about to become quite intimate with them! Ha!"

"I don't think so!" Gallantmon shouted. He sliced the hankericheif apart with his javelin. Piedmon snarled as the knight landed on the roof, feet firmly apart. He raised his shield. "Can you keep up with this? Shield of the Just!"

His shield fired a beam of pure white that illuminated the evening sky. "Ha!" Piedmon laughed as he held up his hands. Gallantmon's attack hit his palms; the evil clown skidded back slightly, but he was none the worse for wear...he actually blocked the Shield of the Just with his palms!

The most difficult battle being fought on Earth was Takato against Lucifer. The Tamer from the future swung his fists at the Dark Master. Lucifer dodge the first jab, but the second one connected with his chest. He placed his palm on Takato's forehead and pushed him to the ground. Takato landed on his hand and spun his feet into Lucifer's, knocking the evil man to the ground.

"Not bad," he grinned, getting back on his feet,"I haven't had a good romp like this in far too long."

Takato wiped his bleeding jaw. "This isn't a joke! This is serious!"

Lucifer chuckled. "If you can't have fun at what you do, then..." He was interrupted when Takato forcefully rammed his fist into the Dark Master's stomach. The Tamer walked backwards, then grinned.

Lucifer glared at him. "I'll kill you for that!" He launched himself at the grinning Tamer, but Takato just stepped out of the way. Lucifer tripped on the ledge and fell over.

"Lucifer!" Piedmon shouted. He turn his attention away from Gallantmon. The holy knight grinned, then jumped forward. The evil clown felt a sharp pain in his stomach and when he glanced down, he saw that Gallantmon had shoved his javelin through Piedmon's stomach. The evil clown could only glare at him before his digital information was shattered apart.

His human partner fell from the roof, but his trip to the street below was interrupted when he crashed into a group of electrical wires that were lying between the two buildings from the Devas' attack. He screamed out in pain as his body was attacked with thousands of volts of electricity. His clothes caught fire, and soon his flesh did as well. His body broke free of the wires and slammed into the street below, a massive ball of flames.

Takato took a deep breath, then fell to his knees, exhausted.

"What was that?" Yolei asked, holding tightly to Aquillamon as he soared towards the group of Digital Gates in the sky.

"It sounded like someone screaming," Aquillamon mumbled.

"It was Lucifer and Piedmon," Michael said simply,"The Dark Masters have been defeated."

"What?" Mimi gasped,"You mean..."

He nodded. "We've got to finish our mission. We have close those gates, and the invasion will be over."

Mimi just nodded, then held her device even tighter. "I'm not going to fail, don't worry."

Michael just nodded. "Here they come!" he heard Izzy shout. The blond turned his attention back to the sky: there were dozens of digimon streaming towards them. A group of stronger digimon stayed behind to guard the gates.

"Okay Mimi," Izzy shouted to her,"You've got to throw that device into one of those. We'll keep them busy."

Mimi nodded. "Good luck," Michael said. Mimi smiled at him, then she and Rosemon flew past the group. Michael watched her for as long as he could, then turned to glare at the approaching digimon. "Alright, bring it on!"

Mimi and Rosemon heard a loud bang from behind. They turned around and smiled. Most of the other digidestined were joining Micheal's group in fighting off the invading army. They were going to win this! She turned back around and started flying towards the nearest Digital Gate. Unfortunately, this gate was heavily guarded. Rosemon started firing waves of razor sharp petals at the digimon, creating a path for her and Mimi to travel through. Some of the stronger digimon began firing energy attacks at the flower woman, but she continued to plow forward. Suddenly, most of the digimon decided to separate the two girls. They swarmed at Rosemon, grabbing hold of her body, and stopping her forward movement.

"Rosemon, are you okay?" Mimi shouted.

"Don't worry about me, just keep going!"


"You've got to close those gates!"

Mimi watched as her best friend fought against the invading Neo Digital Army, giving her enough time to do what she said she would. Mimi put a determined look on her face, then continued to fly towards the Digital Gate. A large number of digimon still remained there; they began to fire attacks, one hit Mimi's shoulder. Even though the pain brought tears to her eyes, she ignored it and continued. Another one slammed into her foot, but she continued. When she was close enough to the glower portal, she took a deep breath, then threw Izzy's device.

The digimon did not know exactly what the device was, but determined that it could not be good. They started flying after it. "No!" Mimi shouted,"Oh no!" She was afraid that her mission would have ended in failure, but it did not. The digimon could not reach it in time before it went through.

Mimi was just thinking that she had a better pitching arm then she thought, when the light glow of the gates was replaced by a dark red. All of the invading digimon quickly were pulled back inside.

"It's working!" Yolei shouted, watching as the Neo Digital Army's foothold in the city was crumbling beneath them,"She did it! It's working!"

"But she's too close," June frowned,"Mimi! Why are you still up there?" She watched as the Wiant was about to fly to her friends, when one of the digimon grabbed hold of her leg and pulled her towards the gate with him.

"Mimi!" June shouted.

"Mimi!" Micheal screamed,"Break away!"

"I...I'm trying!"

"Come on, Metalseadramon, we've got to help her!" His trusty digimon nodded, and the two shot towards the struggling Wiant. They flew past the vacuum stream of digimon towards the gate. Michael grabbed hold of Metalseadramon's horn with one hand, and grabbed Mimi's outstretched hand with the other. "Hold on!"

The other digimon streamed past the one that was clinging to Mimi's leg, pulling him and her as well closer to the portal. "Don't let go of me!" Micheal screamed.

"I...I'm slipping..."

"Don't let go, please!"

Mimi looked up at the look on the blond's face, then down at the evil grin of the digimon who was holding her. "If I go through, you're coming with me!" he laughed.

Mimi looked at her free hand. She clenched it tight, a green glow soon formed around it. She opened her palm and pointed it at the evil digimon's arm. She gave a yelp, then fired the green glow. It hit the digimon's arm and caused him to let go. "Metalseadramon!" Michael screamed, pulling Mimi onto the metal serpent's back,"Get us out of here!"

"You got it boss!" he laughed.

The stream of invading digimon slowly got smaller until every last Neo Digital Soldier was through. The invasion was over.

The group began to cheer, but Sora looked around. "Tai's still not here!"

"She's right!" Kari called,"Where's Tai?"

"And Matt?" Tk shouted,"They're still in the Digital World!"

"Let's go to the Hypnos building," Jeri suggested,"They should have a monitor that we can use to watch whatever's happening in the Digital World."

"Good idea," Tk said,"Come on."

Deep in the center of the Digital World, the High Priestess Nami Asage stood on the bank of the pink lake. She was staring at the mountains in the distance, a dark cloud had formed over them. "What are you staring at?"

She smiled slightly as she faced Andromon. "A fierce battle is erupting beyond those hills, but I cannot determine who the two fighters are."

"They are Kamiya, Ishida and Apocalymon."

Andromon and Miss Asage jumped slightly. They spun around and saw an elderly man with large white wings standing behind them. "W..who are you?" Andromon demanded.

"I am called Darius," he smiled slightly.

"D..Darius?" Miss Asage stuttered,"The same wizard who lived long ago?"

"The same."

"But..but how is it possible?" she gasped.

"All will be explained, I assure you," he nodded,"But, for now, the digidestined are in the Hypnos building, viewing the battle that will determine the fate of both worlds." He held out his hand,"What do you say we join them?"

Asage and Andromon looked at each other, then nodded. They grabbed Darius's hand. There was a flash of light around them, and a second later they found themselves surrounded by more then a dozen digidestined and humans. They were inside of a room with a large dome shaped ceiling. Their entrance did not go unnoticed.

"Miss Asage?" Tk asked,"How did you get here?"

She mentioned to the Wiant behind her. "Darius."

"Darius?" the group gasped.

"There will be time for that later, I assure you," the elderly man said,"We need to know what is happening between Apocalymon and Kamiya and Ishida."

Yamaki nodded, then glanced up at the two technicians that were operating their elevated chairs. "Riley, Taily?"

"We've got a lock sir!" Taily shouted.

Riley pushed a few buttons. "I'm putting on screen...now!"

The group all gasped at what they saw: Apocalymon in his largest form, a large knight digimon with arms like Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon, and a human standing on his shoulders. "Who is that?" Tentomon gasped.

"That guy sort of looks like Lord Ishida," Yamaki mentioned,"But..different."

"They used the Fusion Modify cards!" Rika gasped.

"Fusion Modify?" Takato asked,"What are they?"

The Digidestined Princess chuckled. "You don't even know? Well, they were the cards that Kasumi and I used to fuse together. Our plan was to combined our strength to defeat Neo Digital World. We were actually able to do it once, but she died before we could try again. I gave them to my father, hoping that he and Lord Kamiya could join together and kick Apocalymon's butt!"

"That's amazing!" Wong gasped,"Truly amazing!"

"Guys!" Kari shouted, pointing at the dome,"They're fighting again!"

Apocalymon shot forward, and the battle began. Omnimon swung his leg at the Neo Digital Emperor's head, but before the armored heel could even touch him, Apocalymon slammed the Holy Digimon in the stomach with one of his claws.

Omnimon fell to the ground, clutching his injured stomach. Apocalymon attacked. He didn't waste any time with physical attacks, he went straight for his special moves. "Virus Grenade!"

The missiles flew from the demon, leaving a trail of smoke behind. Omnimon did not even block as all the missiles slammed into him in key points of his body, sending a wave of smog all over him. Apocalymon started laughing. He flew upward and fired a dark fire ball at the smoking digimon.

The large projectile soared forward, letting nothing stand in its path as it headed towards the smoke covered digimon.. The missile zoomed closer and closer, and, when it was finally a few inches in front of the smoke the Wargreymon hand appeared and backhanded the missile, sending it back towards Apocalymon. He successfully dodged the returning attack, but he did not see the second attack until it was right in front of him. He quickly threw one of his claws up to deflect the attack.

Omnimon began punching Apocalymon wildly in the face. With every punch, the evil mega moaned in pain until he launched all his claws at the holy digimon's stomach. Yamachi held tight as Omnimon stumbled backward..

"Not bad!" Apocalymon laughed,"But you really have to do better. After all, you kept boasting how powerful you are, but when push comes to shove, you're nothing, aren't you? You're just a weakling in denial!"

Yamachi started to chuckled."You're the one that is in denial. Why don't you come a prove to us how wrong we really are?"

Apocalymon growled, then charged forward, bringing his fist towards Omnimon's nose, but before he could connect his punch, the holy digimon quickly brought his Wargreymon arm up and grabbed Apocalymon's arm. He twisted him in the air, then slammed him into the ground.

From on the ground, Apocalymon brought one of his claws, knocking Omnimon in the chin, flipping him to the ground. The demon then hovered back right-side up.. He raised his hands into the air, clamping them together, he then brought them down, attacking the top of Omnimon's head. His fist landed inches away from Yamachi.

The fused Digimon yelped out in pain. Apocalymon brought his claws up for another attack, but Omnimon recovered from the previous blow and kicked Apocalymon's cubes lower section.

Yamachi's Digimon quickly zoomed out of the way and hovered in the air, while Apocalymon recovered himself. Omnimon got a running start this time. Yamachi grabbed his deck of modify cards and grabbed the one he was looking for. "Digi-modify! Power Activate!"

Omnimon head butted Apocalymon's mid-section. It sent him soaring backwards, He pounded so deep into one of the many rock mesa, that the front half of the massive stone tower collapsed around him. He was buried.

"Is he gone?" Yamachi asked.

"Doubt it," Omnimon huffed,"We'd better be ready."

Yamachi nodded. "Digi-modify..."

The rock mesa glowed for a second, then shattered apart. Yamachi was so shocked that he did not finish his modification. Apocalymon grinned, then shot of his claws at Omnimon's shoulder. The massive digimon stumbled, but quickly recovered. The problem occurred when Yamachi lost his grip. "The Modify Cards!" he shouted, watching as they fluttered to the ground,"No!"

"They've lost the cards!" Takato shouted.

Rika shouted,"Now Apocalymon can beat them to a pulp, and they won't be able to heal themselves!"

"What do we do?"

Yamachi held tightly to Omnimon as they watched Apocalymon laugh with delight. The fused human knelt to whispered into his digimon's ear. "Okay, we lost the cards, so we can't show off any more. We've got to finish this before it goes any farther."


"First thing, we need to get rid of those claws, we're not going to be able to do any real damage as long as he has them."

Omnimon nodded. He pointed his Wargreymon arm at Apocalymon, and a long sword emerged. "Transcended Sword!" He crouched, ready to attack.

Apocalymon didn't waste any time. He started his assault again, mercilessly attacking with his claws. He shot one of them towards Yamachi and Omnimon. The duo continued on their path.. The holy digimon waited until the claw was a few feet in front of him, then he pulled up quickly and with a flick of his sword, he sent the claw flying back at Apocalymon.

"Ah!" he cried in surprised, instinctively blasting the claw away with a red energy ball from his hand.

"Ha!" Yamachi laughed.

Apocalymon growled. "You may have one claw down, but I still have seven left!" He shot two more claws at them. One shooting from the right, and the other from the left. Omnimon soared into the air and both of the claws blasted into each other.

"Damn!" Apocalymon shouted as two more of this claws were destroyed,"How can you be so fast?"

"Three down," Yamachi said,"Five to go."

Apocalymon wasn't going to give them time to formulate an attack. He quickly shot them forward, all of them except one of his claws were fired. Omnimon dodged one and wrapped the chain of another one around his sword.. He brought that one around and into another one, destroying those two. A third claw was heading towards him. He destroyed it with his sword and smashed the fourth one with his feet.

Omnimon and Yamachi them turned to Apocalymon. "Do you want to try with the last claw?"

The evil demon screamed in rage, and fired his last remaining claw. Instead of destroying it, however, Omnimon withdrew his sword and wrapped the claw around his hands. "W..what are you doing?" Apocalymon gasped.

"Wait and see," Omnimon grinned,"You're going to love this." The holy digimon braced with his feet, then quickly started spinning Apocalymon around by his extended claw. The Neo Digital Emperor smashed into rock mesa and small mountains. He was spun faster and faster and faster!"

"Around and round we go!" Omnimon laughed.

Apocalymon was getting dizzier and dizzier. "L...Let go!"

"As you wish!" the fused digimon laughed. He released his grip and Apocalymon was flung into the rocky ground. He shot back up a second later and stared at the holy digimon floating above him.

"You...you...you...I am going to kill you!"

"You and want army?" Yamachi taunted.

Apocalymon grinned. "I hope you have an energy attack, or this is going to be a very short...ending! Total Annihilation Wave!" He put his hands together and fired a massive beam of energy from his palms, down the sky where Omnimon was hovering. The holy digimon pointed her Metalgarurumon arm down at the incoming beam of black. "Supreme Cannon!" A beam of light equal to Apocalymon's emerged. The two energy beams slammed into each other in a maelstrom of energy. The explosion caused a storm of wind that sent streams of lava into the air, but both sides were still standing, their energy beams still struggling against one another.

"Can you feel that power?" Renamon asked. The other digimon nodded.

"We can feel it all the way from here," Palmon said,"Apocalymon is using all of his power. This is it!"

"How can this be?" Apocalymon thought,"How can his Supreme Cannon be as strong as my Total Annihilation Wave?" He grinned. "You're pretty good!" he called to Omnimon,"But let's see how well you can keep it up!" His dark energy grew in strength, the impact point of the two beams moved towards Omnimon.

"Don't let him win!" Yamachi shouted,"Push harder!"

Omnimon screamed out, his white beam grew in strength as well, moving the impact point back to where it was. His white energy continued to pour out and be matched by Apocalymon's dark energy.

Neither side was winning, the Total Annihilation Wave was matched and meet by the Supreme Cannon. Apocalymon seemed to have no end to his power, while Omnimon was beginning to show signs of fatigue. Yamachi watched as the energy beams struggled for control, when he smelled smoke. He looked down at the Metalgarurumon arm and gasped. "Omnimon! You're..you're on fire!"

"My cannon is overheating..." he moaned.

Down below, Apocalymon saw the smoke. "Feel the burn!" he laughed, shooting more energy into his dark beam. The point of impact did not move, but Omnimon did. His Metalgarurumon arm bent at the elbow and his entire body hovered backwards, but not once did the cannon move out of the line of sight with Apocalymon's beam. Omnimon managed to stop his backwards momentum, then straighten his arm. His Supreme Cannon was still firing a beam equal to Apocalymon's. "Good job!" Yamachi shouted,"You can do this!"

"I..I don't know how much longer I can keep this up," the fused digimon moaned.

Back in the Hypnos control room, the digidestined saw what was happening to their last hope. "He's losing strength," Biyomon quivered,"He's...he's not going to make it."

Rika watched the battle on the dome above her. She spun around and face Darius. "I've got to get a set of Modify cards to them! Take me there!"

"I..I can't, "Darius said.

"What do you mean you can't?" Rika shouted.

"The Gates are closed, remember?" he asked,"You are the ones that closed them."

"But you traveled here.."

"I still had access to my Matrix of Time, so I could travel past even a closed barrier, but now that I'm on this side, and the Matrix of Time is on the other side, I can't call upon it. I'm sorry, but I can't."

Rika looked to the ground, defeated. "Then there's..there's nothing we can do?"

Sora stared up at the dome ceiling. She saw the fused Matt and Tai standing on the fused Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon. She tightened her fists. "Tai!" she screamed to the ceiling,"Tai! We all believe in you! You can do this!"

Rumiko stepped forward and stood by Sora's side. "Matt!" she shouted,"Come on Matt! I need you to come back home! Matt I believe in you!"

The other digidestined started cheering for them. Even though they knew that Matt and Tai could not hear them, they still shouted.

Back in the Digital World, Omnimon felt his body start to give out. "I can't keep this up....I...I'm losing it...."

"Come on," Yamachi said,"Don't give up..."

"Tai! Matt!"

Yamachi spun around. "What was that?"

"Tai..Matt, We believe you! Don't give up!"

"Wargreymon, Metalgarurumon! Don't give up! You can do it, we're all counting on you!"

"That was Sora and Rumiko!" Yamachi shouted.

"And Biyomon, Gatomon and Patamon!" Omnimon shouted.

"They're all counting on us!" Yamachi shouted,"We can't let them down!"

"I...I don't give up!" Omnimon shouted.

Down on the ground, Apocalymon noticed that Omnimon's Supreme Cannon attack was growing in strength. He simply poured more energy into his black beam, but surprisingly, Omnimon's energy beam continued to grow to match Apocalymon's. The demon's eyes opened wide, no matter how much dark energy he poured into his attack, the fused digimon poured an even greater amount of holy energy into his beam, the point of impact moved down Apocalymon's beam. "How...how can this be? I...I have the Matrix of Evil, how can your puny Essences be stronger then that?! How can your pitiful holy energy be a match for my dark energy?!....How can you be stronger than me?!"

"Simple," Omnimon said,"You fight out of evil and hate. You fight to fuel your own selfish desires. I have two entire worlds depending on me! And I won't let them..down!"

A massive blast shot from his Garuru Cannon, causing the already impressive Supreme Cannon beam to grow in tremendous size. "Goodbye Apocalymon," Yamachi said,"I wish I could say it's been a please, but, well, it hasn't. Farewell."

Omnimon gave a final scream, and the point of impact of the two beams shot towards Apocalymon. His own Total Annihilation Beam was torn apart and easily covered the evil Emperor. He screamed in intense pain as his cube body dissolved, leaving only his torso. "This can't be happening! I'm the most powerful being in both worlds! My Matrix of Evil is unbeatable! This can't be happening!" His remaining body shattered apart; his arms crumbled away, followed by his torso. The Neo Digital Emperor's evil eyes glared at Omnimon seconds before they vanished. His Matrix of Evil fluttered in the massive dome of energy before it shattered apart.

The digidestined watched the conclusion of the battle on the dome shaped ceiling of the Hypnos building. Even those on the other side of the world could have heard their cheers. The war was over, they had won.

Omnimon hovered in air, watching as the giant dome of white energy remained after the destruction of Apocalymon. "Um why is that thing still growing?"

Yamachi gasped,"How much energy did you put into that last attack?"

Omnimon did not answer and the done grew bigger and bigger. "Uh, maybe we should get out of here."

"That's a good idea,"Yamachi gasped,"Run! Run!" The holy digimon twirled around and started flying away, but they were not quick enough: the white dome overtook them, trapping human and digimon inside.

Matt glanced around but all he saw was pure white. "W..where are we?"

"I don't know," Tai said, surprised to find that he was floating. Both Lords of the Digidestined suddenly gasped, then turned to face each other.

"How come you're there?" they asked at the same time,"And why am I here? We've separated!"

They looked around and saw their In-trainning digimon hovering in front of them. "Koromon, are you okay?"

"Tsunomon, talk to me!"

"They are both unharmed. They used much of their energy to destroy Apocalymon, and set me free."

They looked up and saw what could only be described as an angel-a gorgeous young woman with long blond hair wearing a white dress. Tai took a deep breath, "Are you...Miriya?"

She nodded. "Yes, we Wiants were able to seal Apocalymon thousands of years ago, but he managed to escape. He was incredible weakened, but still proved a formable threat. We Wiants fought him, but in order to seal him away again, it was necessary for me to use all of my holy powers. Unfortunately, we became connected, and I was absorbed by Apocalymon. However, my presence inside of his body was able to keep him seal until the Monster Makers found him thousands of years later." She smiled,"But you destroyed Apocalymon, you broke the connection, and freed me."

She hovered over to them and held out her hands. "Your friends have sealed the gates between the two worlds, but I still have enough power to bring us to Earth. Take my hands."

Tai and Matt grinned at each other, then held tightly to her palms. The group vanished a second later.

"Where are they?" Micheal shouted, pointing up at the ceiling dome,"They were just there!"

"It appears that they're digital signals were absorbed by that glowing dome," Riley said,"We're sending a probe to determine what is inside of...Ahh!"

"What is it?" Yamaki asked.

"The dome...it's gone!"

"What about Ishida and Kamiya?" Wong asked.

"Why don't you take a look behind you?"

"Matt?" Tk asked. Everyone spun around and gasped. Tai and Matt were standing in the rear of the room, their In-training digimon at the feet and Miriya behind them. "We're back!" Tai waved.

Sora and Rumiko tackled their husbands. "Tai!" Sora cried, lightly punching Tai in the chest, tears pouring down her face,"Don't you ever do that again?! I was so worried about you!"

Rumiko was hugging Matt so tightly with strength she did not know she even had. "Matt, I...I never saw you fight before, I mean, really really fight. I...I was so sacred that you weren't coming back, I....Oh Matt!" she cried.

"It's all right," Matt said,"We're okay."

Darius was smiling, but his smile faded into awe when he saw the figure behind them. "M..Miriya? How..."

The Wiant queen just nodded. She ran over and embraced Darius. "It's so good to see you again.":

Micheal weaved through the group until he found the person he was looking for; Mimi was sitting on the floor, her knees to her chest and her back against the wall. "Mimi!" he called.

She looked up at him and smiled slightly. "Hi."

Micheal started to blush. "Listen, I uh, well, heh, I just wanted to say that I...I'm glad that you're not hurt. I was worried about you and...w..what's wrong?"

Mimi started crying and buried her face in his chest. "Oh Micheal!" she sobbed, "Krake, I...I kuh..killed her!"


"She..she's was holding the others captive, in order to free them I...I..." she started sobbing louder. Micheal pulled her away and stared straight at her face.

"Mimi, I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm sure that you did what had to be done. I remember Krake from my time as a Dark Master, trust me, she wasn't anywhere near innocent. What you did to her, trust me, she deserved."

"But..I killed her..."

"You did what had to be done," he repeated,"It was what...at least twelve lives..twelve good lives against one evil one?" He shook his head,"I don't think there's anyone that would go against what you did. I know you to be a very good and kind person."

She dried her tears, then took a few deep breaths to calm down. She sniffled, then smiled. "Thank you Micheal. I guess that's just what I needed to hear."

Micheal nodded, then saw that the Digital Warriors were surrounding Tai. "I've got to go," he said. Mimi just smiled and watched him leave. She was about to get up to join her team, when June appeared before her. "June?"

"Mimi!" she grinned, hugging her,"I'm so happy to see you!"

"I'm happy to see you too," she giggled,"But what's the rush? Couldn't you wait until we met later?"

June stepped back, then removed the Crest of Sincerity from around her neck. "Here, I promised I would return it, right?"

Mimi looked confused, then smiled."June, I can't use it anymore."


"I k...I did something in Neo Digital World that I am going to have to live with for the rest of my life, something that I'm not at all proud of. If I can't be sincere with myself, then how can I be sincere towards others? I can't use the Crest of Sincerity anymore, but, I can't think of anyone more pure then you."

June started blushing, then put the crest back around her neck. Mimi placed her arm around June's shoulder. "Besides, I have the Essence of Earth now, and personally, I think Rosemon looks way cooler then your digimon."

"Hey!" June snapped,"At least if I have to do an emergence make-over, I can use Pixiemon as a powder puff!"

The two friends laughed and went to join the others.

Tai laughed as he walked over to his Digital Warriors. He grinned at everyone, then saw Micheal running towards him. The two just stared at each other for a few seconds, then the blond held out his hand. Tai grabbed it and started to shake it, then yanked him into a hug. "Thank you."

"For what?" Micheal asked.

"For everything you've ever done for me," Tai grinned,"For just following me. I'll never forget that."

Micheal chuckled,"You make it sound like I'm leaving or something."

Tai laughed,"Someone I don't think that will ever happen."

Lord Kamiya and Lord Ishida stared at each other, then both bowed at the same time. "Neo Digital World has fallen," Tai said,"I guess all that remains is us. Where do we go from here?"

Matt smiled at him. "We use to be friends. I was thinking that maybe we could try to go back to that."

Tai nodded, then shook Matt's hands. The gap between the Digital Warriors and the Digidestined would now began to heal. It would never be the same.

After the celebrations were over, the Tamers knew that there was no longer any reason for them to stay here. It was time to say goodbye. Rika, Takato, Henry, Kazu, Jeri, Renamon, Guiilmon, Terreriermon, Guardromon and Airdramon stood on the Hypnos roof, facing the digidestined. "Well," Takato said,"I guess this is goodbye."

"For now," Davis replied,"I guess we'll see you in a few months, Son. Wow, it feels weird calling you that."

Takato just grinned, but Kari walked over and kissed him. "I'm going to count the months until you're born."

He grinned. "I love you Mom, you too Dad."

Rika was staring at Matt and Rumiko. "Well, I...um..." She looked to the ground and started blushing,"I..uh..you know..."

Matt nodded. "Yeah, I know."

Rumiko laughed. "You are definitely his daughter. Well since I'm from the side of the human race that can communicate with others..." She walked over and hugged her daughter,"Goodbye Rika, at least I know what you'll look like."

"Rika," Renamon called,"We're ready."

The Ishida daughter joined the other Tamers. Takato took a deep breath, then mentioned to Kazu and Guardromon. "All right, open the data stream."

Guardromon nodded. "Initiating time travel sequence...activated." A large glowing cylinder appeared before them. They gave one final wave before they stepped in, the data stream vanish seconds later. They were gone.

...six years later...

Catherine nervously knocked on the door in front of her. A second later it opened to reveal a red-headed young woman. "Ah, Catherine."

The French woman bowed. "Bonjuor, Madame Sora. I want to zank you for inviting me."

Sora smiled. "Of course. Please come in." She stepped aside and Catherine and Floramon stepped into the house's living room. She handed Sora a bottle wrapped in brown paper. "I brought Frenc wine, very delicious!"

Sora nodded. "The others are outside in the yard The food should be out in a few minutes."

Catherine nodded, then the human and digimon walked through the twin doors. Outside, the backyard was covered with people and digimon; everyone from the Mystic Digital War was present, well, the good guys at least. There was a large green tarp covering the yard, with everyone seated around small round tables, chattering and talking away. Zoe was sitting at one of the tables nearest to her. The blond girl noticed Catherine standing there. "Hi, Catherine!" she shouted. Everyone stopped talking and shouted their greetings. Catherine just smiled and walked into the group. She was looking for an empty seat when she saw Tai was waving to an empty seat at his table. She was about to sit down, when she remember the proper greeting. She bowed at Tai and Matt, then sat.

"Zank you for inviting me," she said.

Matt shrugged. "This is a digidestined reunion.."

"Actually, it's a reunion of everyone that took part in the Mystic Digital War," Tai clarified.

"As I was saying," Matt glared at Tai,"You're part of us. Welcome to the family, ha!"

Catherine grinned, then glanced around. Micheal and Mimi were sitting at one of the other tables, talking to a five-year-old boy with blond hair and two wings emerging from his back. The reporter determined that must be their son, Peter. After they were married, Mimi resigned from the Digidestined and joined the Digital Warriors to be with her husband and her best friend, Sora.

At another table was Tk and Yolei. Surprisingly, these two had married and were awaiting the birth of their first child. Tk still remained at his brother's side, but Yolei was working closely with Izzy and Ken to develop the latest in technological advances for both the digital and human worlds. They were leading the way in the study to create artificial intelligence.

She turned her attention to The Monster Makers. Dr. Wong, Alice, Mina, Zoe and Tommy had joined Hypnos and remained the governments' leading force against the Wild Ones. They were also attempting to convince the Earth's governments to create a diplomatic treaty with the Digital World. So far, things were progressing very nicely. Mina remained with the Digital Warriors.

Takuya and Koji were at a table by themselves. They were no longer homeless, but were not part of either the Digidestined or the Digital Warriors, preferring to remain free agents.

Davis and Kari had gotten married, and Takato's birth was normal and healthy. Takato's fears of not being born had never come to fruition. While both remained loyal members of the Digital Warriors, they were both attending college; Kari was majoring in education, and Davis was studying culinary arts. It was his dream to open a noodle cart!

Anna was sitting by herself. She had finally gotten over Tai, and met another Russian Digidestined named Yuri. Rumors were they were engaged, but Catherine knew to always have proof before making certainties.

Her attention turned to her two hosts. Both Matt and Tai were enjoying wonderful marriages. Both were still the leaders of the respectful teams. Sora had become famous for creating a line of fashion designs, and Rumiko was her model! Neither side had to worry about money problems ever again.

Catherine's attention was broken when she heard Matt shout out. "Rika!" he called,"Rika! Stop that!"

Catherine turned around and saw a five-year-old red headed girl standing over a brown haired five-year-old boy who was lying on the ground. "Rika!" Matt shouted,"Leave Kazu alone!"

The girl turned away from the injured boy and ran over to the swings. Lord Ishida sighed. as he sat back down,"I don't know what I'm going to do with her!"

"What's the problem?" Tai asked.

Matt ran a hand through his hair,"All she does is fight like that! I mean, she behaves herself most of the time, and is doing excellent in school but most of the time I find her picking on other kids like that."

Tai smirked. "Well, at least I can control my daughter, and she's on the honor roll!"

Matt chuckled. "Don't put her near Rika, she'll probably get her butt kicked."

"Doubt it."

"Let's just see." Tai stood up and glanced at the group of children. "Kasumi! Kasumi! Darn it, where is she? I told her not to run off! Why does she always do this?"

Matt smirked. "I thought she always listens to you."

"Shut up." Tai walked towards the bushes along the wooden fence. "Kasumi, if you don't come out know, you're going to be in big trouble." A second later a five-year-old girl with long brown hair stepped out from behind one of the taller bushes. She looked up at her father with puppy dog eyes. "Did you call me Daddy?"

"What were you doing behind there?" he asked, leading her over to the other children.

"Jus' playin'."

"Yeah, next time I call, you'd better come." She just nodded and ran over to the swings. Tai sighed and sat down."She's driving me crazy with that!"

Sora and Rumiko emerged from the house a second later. "Come on everyone, the photographer is here."

Tai sighed and rolled his eyes at Matt. "I always did hate pictures."

Matt chuckled. "Come on."

It took at least fifteen minutes before everyone was situated. Matt and Tai were in the center, with Sora and Rumiko next to their respectful husbands. Seconds before the picture was taken, Sora noticed the smile on Tai's face. "What are you so happy about?"

"Everything," he chuckled,"Everything is perfect."

Sora grinned, and rested her head on Tai's shoulder."I love you."

"And I'll always love you."


"Beyond forever."

Catherine bowed. "Well, zat is it ze grand finale. Be sure to watch for my report will Monsieur Fruitloop Trooper will be uploading later zis week. Remember, life is only what you choose to make it. Ze light and ze darkness exist inside us all. It iz you zat must choose which side you will be. Zis iz Catherine DeGual, singing off."


One of the winged inhabitants of the city slowed his flapping wings as he approached a balcony on one of the towers. He landed perfectly on his feet, as he folded his wings behind his back.

A perfect landing Master Darius."

The man looked to the right and saw a younger man walk to great him. "Amadaus," Darius said, placing a pair of tiny glasses on the ridge of his nose,"How is our project?"

"Lord Makura," Miriya said,"I did not call this emergency session of the High Council of the Wiants so we can point fingers at one another."

"What exactly has Amadeaus done?" an older man asked.

Darius sighed, "He stole my plans for a device of great power and crafted for himself a Matrix of Evil. With the power of this device, he has created a beast-the Monster of the Apocalypse, or Apocalymon."

Apocalymon's claws ripped Xuwanamon in half. Using another claw, he tore Baihumon's head off. Azulongmon watched in horror as his two friends were destroyed before his eyes. "Apocalymon!" he shouted,"I will destroy you!" He launched forward as Apocalymon held up his hand ready to rip an energy attack through the dragon god.

Azulongmon was not about to give up. He was seconds from creating a lightning storm when Darius leapt on top of his head. "No! Wait!"

"Darius!" Azulongmon shouted,"What are you doing?"

"Trust me!" Darius said, grabbing a device from his pocket. Apocalymon fired his attack, and when the smoke cleared Azulongmon and Darius were gone.

Zuqioamon was furious. He was now the only God left. "Apocalymon, you will be punished for what you have done!" He flew into the sky and began chanting words to himself.

"Lord Zuqioamon," one Wiant flew over to him,"What are these incantations?"

"I am going to remove his power from himself," the phoenix god said.

"But...that....that spell uses an enormous amount of energy," the Wiant shouted,"You used too much in your battle."

"Then I will soon be with my comrades." Zuqioamon shot a blast of yellow energy from his mouth and into Apocalymon. Amadeaus's creation chuckled, then suddenly was overcome with pain. He seemed to be struggling internally cautiously moving his claws, when it seemed as though it became too much for him. He screamed out as his body glowed a white light; six globes shot forth from his body and landed on the ground. Apocalymon shrank into a large battle with wings. Zuqioamon seemed to smile, before he crashed into the ground, where he breathed his last.

Miriya, Queen of the Wiants, watched as the now small ball-shaped Apocalymon was lowered deep under the surface of the earth, his burial sealed by a stone temple.

"Apocalymon shall be sealed here forever," she sighed,"With the memory of those that have parted this life, Darius, Makura. you will be remembered. The power Zhuqioamon separated from Apocalymon will be scattered across Gaia, while Apocalymon will be sealed in Terra. All gates will be closed, Apocalymon will not be allowed to reclaim the Zuqioamon stones, both worlds will never fall fates to his power again."

Each day I live

I want to be a day to give the best of me

I'm only one, but not alone

My finest day is yet unknown

The young man with fierce blond hair slammed his fist into the table. "When do we get paid?"

"Peter is right," a young boy said,"We did our job, and now we want what we were promised."

"Don't be so dishonest! Stop trying to cheat us!" a third voice joined in.

A man with long white hair sneered at them. "This, coming from a bunch of mercenaries! Ha! Nerez, Matsuki, and Oikawa, you three will all be paid, do not worry. I always pay for services rendered, and with the Tri-Warriors, it is services well rendered, ha ha ha!"

"Then where is our money?" the young boy asked.

"It has been deposited into your Swiss Bank accounts," the long white haired man said, with a grin"but, I have another job for you."

"What is the payment?"

"Double what I paid you last time," he grinned.

"We'll do it."

The giant monster growled, saliva dripping from it's massive mouth, its teeth glistening in the sunlight. It raised it's giant claws and slashed its claw into the desert floor, creating a malestrom of sand and dirt.

The man with the crew cut of blond hair quickly jumped threw his arms up to block the sand. A long metal serpent suddenly appeared in front of him. "I will protect you, Nerez!" it shouted.

A young boy was trying to protect himself as well. A large red dinosaur was standing in front of him, trying to sheild the human. "Takato!" Nerez shouted,"How are you holding up?"

"I...I'll make it," he shouted over the howl of the wind,"We've got to stop him, now! This battle has gone on long enough!"

"I agree," Nerez shouted,"On three, we attack together. One....two....three!"

The metal serpent fired a blast of blue energy from it's nose, while the red dinosaur shot a red beam from out of its mouth. A third creature suddenly appeared, one that resembled a giant mummy with a sheild. This one shot one palm forward, firing a red beam that joined with the other two, forming a giant white beam that tore through the first creature's stomach.

The sandstorm instatly stopped, and the giant black creature fell over into the sand. His body broke apart into a million shards that flew staright forward...

I broke my heart for every gain

To taste the sweet, I faced the pain

I rise and fall,

Yet through it all this much remains

"The desert air was fierce and dry, ripping the flesh, and burning the eyes. The sandstorm made perfect cover for the enemy. The spineless cowards ambushed us, destroying my platoon in a second. We fought back as best we could, but it was no use. Only a few of us survived, we managed to hide ourselves in the ruins of a desert temple."

"The ruins were ancient, probably dating back to the early centuries, certainly far older than the arguments erupting between the warring countries in the desert war of the 1990's. I remarked at the irony of the situation. In another time, these long forgotten relics would have been marveled and carefully preserved, however, now they were just used as shields. As our battle waged on, I soon became the only one left. As I lay on the ground, hidden within the bodies of my fellow soldiers, with gunshots sounding all around me, I waited for the end, but it never came.

As the enemy soldiers came ever closer to me, a miracle happened. A light broke forth in the sky, a glowing circle appeared-a gate-and out of it came a group of humans with wings, angels. They flew down from the air, bringing swift and merciless justice to my attackers. They used archaic weapons such as swords and cross bows, but, they were able to destroy my enemies. Once they were done, they left, back through the gate they appeared out of. At first I thought they had appeared to save me, but, I later determined that they were protecting something, something that was hidden beneath the temple ruins, something...powerful."

The young man looked up from his hospital bed at the group of slightly older men and women standing around him. "When the rescue team found me, they brought me back to this hospital." He looked at the leader of the group, a man with glasses and black hair with a bluish tint. "I can trust you to keep my secret, can't I? Please, whatever is buried there, keep it under all that sand. Stop anyone who would uncover it. I can trust you, can't I, Mr. Wong?

The man with the glasses turned to the three other men, and the two women behind him on the right of the bed, then looked to the man that was standing alone on the left side of the bed. "You can trust us."

The man in the hospital bed sighed. "Thank you, Mr. Tachikawa, thank you."

Each kid reached down and lifted up one of the square glowing devices. "What are these?" Sora asked, glancing at the device in her red gloves.

"They apear to be some sort of digital aparatus," Izzy said, rubbing his chin.

"What's that?" Mimi shouted, pointing to the sky.

"The Northen Lights?"

The woman quickly yanked the young boy out of his room and charged down the hall. "Where are we going Mom?" he asked.

"The city's being attacked!" she shouted,"We've got to get out of here." He followed her into the living room where an older man and a girl slightly older then him were nervously standing. The girl was wearing pink pajamas and had something under a white sheet.

"Okay," the man said, holding up a golf club,"When I count to three, we'll run to the elevator, got it?"

He turned to the other three in the room,"If need be, you''ll be able to use your powers, right?"

The woman, girl and boy nodded. "Okay," the man said, kicking open the door,"Let's go!"

The quartet ran as fast as they could down the outside hall, pushing and diving past the floating ghost. They dove into the elevator. "We made it!" the man cried, pushing the button on the small control panel. The door was half-way closed before the ghosts shot through.

A young boy was seated with his knees drawn to his chest in a cramped room of some sort, staring up at a door with a small glass window in it; a cell, the boy was in a cell.

There was someone else with him, a child his own age, but he could not tell if it was a boy or girl, the image was too foggy. This person was hurt, that much he knew.

Suddenly, the door opened and a man wearing a cape that emanated evil walked in. The boy drew his knees even closer. "I wish my sister was here," he said, tears coming to his eyes,"She would know what to do. She would..."

He stared up at the man of evil. "It's your turn!" he laughed, his fangs glistening with dark light.

The Digidestined cheered as their digivices held the evil Malomyotismon at bay. Metalgarurumon headbutted the shpere shape building at Wargreymon. "Shoot!" they all shouted.

I want one moment in time

When I'm more than I thought I could be

When all of my dreams

Are a heart beat away

Wargreymon's fists pounded the top of Piedmon's head, as the evil clown's own fists connected with Tai's Digimon. A massive sonic bomb sounded throughout Destiny's Peak, shattering the very stone of the mountain. Both combatants were still for a long moment, then, Piedmon lurched back and fell over, slamming into the ground. Wargreymon fell over backwards, covered by a bright light, then shrinking into a small ball and landing next to Tai.

Tai's crest started to dim, as his eyes started to droop. "D-did we, did we win?"

"Yes," Sora said, crying,"You did it, you saved us all!"

Tai smiled proudly. "S-Sora, I- I want you to know that...."

"I know Tai," she said, crying,"I've always known."

The rest of the Digidestined watched as Tai's eyes started to droop. Kari ran from Izzy's grasp over to her fallen brother's side. She pushed Sora out of the way, and started bawling as she laid her hands on her brother. "Tai..Tai..." she cried.

"T-this can't be happening," Izzy said, watching his best friend lying on the ground,"H-he gave Wargreymon too much of his energy. He..he has n-nothing left..."

"No," Andromon said,"It cannot end like this, he must survive."

"Kari," Tai said, looking up at his sister, almost as if he was thinking of her name,"Sora, yes, you'd....be...perfect..."

She was confused as she watched Tai nod his head, agreeing to a thought in his head. "Kari," he said, almost in a whipser,"It falls to you now. M-my power, I give to you.... d-don't let me down..."

She nodded, tears falling down her cheek.

He raised his head, and lightly brushed her cheek,"And....I want you to know that I love you, always have, and always will....."

His hand fell to the ground and remained motionless. "Brother," she cried,"You can't leave me, you can't! Please, Please..."

And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time

When I'm racing with destiny

Then in that one moment of time

I will feel, I will feel eternity

The peaceful File Island mountain range had become a battlefield. The Mekanorimon poked up from behind the large rocks they were using as cover and started firing. On the other side of the field, the Numemon fought as hard as they could against the black ring wearing Mekanorimon, flinging their slime against them, but, always falling short.

Behind the Mekanorium, the Dark Master of Famine laughed wickedly. Arukennimon raised the whip that she carried in her hand, and crashed it down onto the ground beneath her. A group of floating black rings appeared behind her. "Fight as hard as you can," she grinned at the Numemon,"You're still going to become my prisoners!"

The Dark Rings flew past the Mekanorimon, heading right at the Numemon. They adverted their eyes, waiting when the rings were clamp onto them, stealing their freedom, but, instead, they heard a loud explosion.

Quickly turning back around, they saw that the rings had been destroyed. Then, their eyes shot open as the Mekanorimon were blasted away. Arukennimon was shock. "What's going on here?" she shouted.

"I am," a voice from above said. Arukennimon turned her head upward, and saw two figures standing on a ledge above them. She couldn't make out the smaller figure, but, she knew the larger figure as a Metalgreymon.

"Y-you are...?" Arukennimon shouted,"Who are you?!"

The shadowy figured steped forward so the light of the moon glistend off of the goggles on his head as he raised a Digivice in his hand,"And I am the Master of Courage!"

The Floramon ran as fast as she could through the forest. She didn't know how far away that monster was, but, she wasn't going to let that sicko get her. She was so focused on what was behind her, that she crashed into something.

Her heart started to beat with fear as she turned around. She screamed when she saw the Sukamon laughing there. He grabbed her arms and pushed her to the ground. "No use screaming, sweetheart," he said with a doopy laugh,"I'm still going to get my pleasure from you."

The Floramon started to feel sick, when the Sukamon was suddenly thrown off her. She was completely confused as she got up and saw a figure drop down between her and her attacker. The figure wore a long cape, and carried a sword at his side, but, she recognized the goggles on his head.

The figure glared down at the Sukamon. "You, are the worst kind of scum!" he said.

"Please, please," the Sukamon said, backing away,"Don't kill me, please!"

"You would have kill this poor Floramon, right after you raped her!" the figure said, raising his hand,"And, for that, you must die!"

He fired a ball of flame from his palms and blasted the Sukamon away.

The Floramon back up slightly. "Who are you?"

The figured closed his fist and an aura of fire appeared around him. "You can call me the Firemaster!"

The Yokomon stood sadly in front of the re-sealed tomb of Tai Kamiya. They remembered the time when he arrived, and saved the village from a Black Gear possessed Mearamon. He was their friend, and they would miss him.

They felt a breeze on their backs. They quickly turned around and gasped. There was a Metalgreymon standing right behind them, with a human near his feet, but this human was different than any other human they had ever seen before. This one was part machine! The left side of his body was pure machine.

He glared at the tomb with through a red-jewled eye, his goggles throwing the moonlight off of them. "I..Its you," one of the Yokomon said,"Right?"

"That's right," the human said,"I am Tai Kamiya, and I have returned."

"Dr. Ichijoji?"

Ken jumped slightly, then regained himself. "Yes?"

"Sorry," the figure said,"I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Michael, the town council sent me to meet you, and this is my Digimon partner, Betamon."

Suddenly a large creature dropped down in front of them, cracking the sidewalk. It was a large fox walking on two legs. It had giant muscles, and a stern look on it's face. It had large boots pulled over leather pants, and it carried a staff.

Matt instinctively jumped in front of Sora, and held up his fists. "W-who are you?" Sora asked, pushing her way around Matt from behind him.

The creature just kept staring at the three of them. "Answer her!" Matt demanded.

The creature again didn't say anything.

"I don't think he's listening," Gabumon said.

"She's listening just fine," a female voice said,"she just doesn't like to communicate with inferior fighters."

Sora and Matt turned their heads skyward. On top of a lower building was standing the figure of a young girl, about ten or eleven. She had reddish-orange hair that was pulled tightly behind her head. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a black belt and a small pack around her waist. Her white and blue shirt had a broken heart on it. She was a trench coat that was wrapped around her small frame.

Tai looked up towards the figure, then back towards the battlefield, where he saw Wargreymon was losing control over his Terra Force attack.

"Alright," Tai said, taking out his Digivice. He placed the blue card next to it. His eyes shot open as the blue card merged with the glowing Digivice, and a totally new device appeared in his hands.

He was complete surprised, and wanted to discover what this was, but he knew time was running out. He quickly grabbed the other card and slid it threw the small slot on the side of the new device. "Digi-modify: Strenght Activate!"

Wargreymon was suddenly aware of a new feeling wash over him. It started in the back of his neck, then swept over his head and into his stomach, then climaxed in his hands. He screamed out as a giant blast of orange light shot out of his palms and slammed into his Terra Force ball. The ball grew bigger and easily overcame Pharoahmon's Necro Mist and brought it towards the sky with him. Pharoahmon's eyes were open wide as he watched the massive amount of energy shooting up towards him.

I've lived to be the very best

I want it all, no time for less

I've laid the plans

Now lay the chance here in my hands

"You watch it!" Kari shouted, slamming her fist onto the table. Everyone in the room was shocked, they had never seen Kari angry before. It was not a welcome sight.

Kari took a deep breath, and got control of her temper. "General Queen Sora Takenouchi, I am hereby succeeding from the Digidestined." She turned and walked towards the door, she stopped when she heard a chair move. Quickly spinning around she saw that Micheal was standing up.

"Where ever you go, I will be right beside you," he said, smiling slightly.

"You can count me in," Davis said, standing up with Veemon.

"If my DNA Digimon partner is leaving, then I am going too!" Ken said, standing up with Wormmon on his shoulders.

Sora took a deep breath, trying to keep her temper under control. "Does anyone else want to stand up?"

Izzy did. "Tai was...is my best friend, I am not going to desert him."

"I, too, believe he did not commit any crime," Mina said, standing up. Anna stood up a second later.

The dark haired boy with a dog creature at his feet stepped forward. "My name is Henry, this is Terriermon."

The light brown haired body with the robotic being held his hand up,"And I am the great Kazu! And of course, my Digimon partner, Gaurdromon!"

"It is a pleasure to meet you!" the large Digimon said.

The first smiled slightly, then said,"I am Takato, this is Guilmon, and we have much to discuss."

The light from the glowing globe intensified, then exploded. "Galfmon digivolve to Apocalymon!"

All eyes turned to the sky, as a figure flew towards the building. It was wearing a suit of red armor, with three horns on its head, and a mane of long yellow hair.

"He's not going to be able to get past that flame!" one of the firefighters shouted.

The figure kept his eyes locked on the child, ignoring the flames, so much so that he simply flew right through them! He crashed through the ceiling, and emerged through the window a second later with the child in his arms.

The crowd had their mouths open wide as the figure gently handed the child into his parents' open arms. The mother was able to find her voice. "T-thank you," she said, breathing heavily,"W...what are you?"

"I am a Digimon," the figure said in a raspy voice,"At least, I think so."

The creature turned to the one that called out his name. This human was slightly smaller than the others, and while the others were wearing just black jump suits, this one had a black cape flowing behind him. He also had a sharp sword strapped to his side, but the most shocking thing of all, was that his left was was bright red. "I said, don't move!"

Ogremon laughed slightly as he raised his club. When he did, he noticed that the rest of the humans lifted objects he recognized as guns pointed towards him. "This is your last chance," the human with the cape shouted.

Ogremon laughed and charged towards the leader of the group. Suddenly, he became of a sharp, fierce pain in all of his body. He turned his head and saw that all of the humans' guns were firing at him. The one with the cape smiled slightly,"I told you not to move!"

Ogremon tried to charge forward, but the guns' energy beams intensified. Ogremon screamed out in pain as he vanished from sight.

The one with the cape sighed deeply, as he grabbed a small square device from his belt and brought it to his mouth. "Orion calling base, come in."

"Base here, go head," a female voice spoke over the device.

Once she stepped outside, her eyes started to blur. She had not been outside for the past seven years. As she struggled down the sidewalk, she was able to catch a blurred glimpse of a figure walking towards her. "Alice Doe," he said,"I am General Yamato Ishida, and I'm here to help."

Give me one moment in time

When I'm more than I thought I could be

When all of my dreams

Are a heart beat away

Across the city, at the waterfront warehouse that the Digimon Emperess broke into earlier that day, behind the wall that was destroyed by the laser, a strange chamber slowly slid out of the wall and into the open. The chamber started to shake slightly, then the front burst open, and a figure slammed to the floor in a mess of green liquid-a 12-year-old girl with long curly brown hair.

She coughed for a few times, then looked around. "Wh-what happened?" she asked, getting onto her knees,"What happened to this place? Wh...where am I? Daisuke! I've got to get home!"

She jumped up, then noticed she was completely naked. She glanced around the darkened warehouse, then, through one of the large windows, she spied a clothing warehouse across the street. She cautiously opened the front door and looked outside. She didn't see anyone, so she took a deep breath, then ran across the dock and into the shadows cast by the clothing warehouse. She peeked through one of the broken windows, and saw a dozen cardboard boxes, some opened, and some still shut. Glancing around, she saw that the place was a mess. "This place has probably been closed for years. I wonder why they didn't get rid of all these clothes?"

She shrugged, then managed to open the entire window. She slide in, her bare body never touching any glass, and landing on a pile of clothes. She quickly started searching through the boxes before compiling an outfit: a short shirt that ended above her stomach, a skirt, vest, socks and a cap. After pulling on a pair of shoes, she climbed back through the window and started running up the dock to the street. "Daisuke," she thought,"I've got to get home!"

"My reasons are my own!" Orion shouted,"Suffice to say, the Digidestineds will pay for betraying me! I have already taken care of Sora Takenouchi, no I must destroy Ishida and the others!"

"That sounds good to me," JP laughed,"I'll take it!"

Orion grinned slightly under his mask.

JP stared at the object,"What are you waiting for? I am yours man! You want energy, I'll give it to you! It'll be a nuclear holocaust, and, like cockroaches, we'll be the only ones left!"

"I like the sound of that!" Orion said, hand the object to JP. As soon as it touched him, he was overcome with a bright light, causing his body to twist and change. "You promised me destruction that only bugs would survive, so you will deliver, Beetlemon!"

JP suddenly felt as though his body had a mind of its own. A strange device appeared in his right hand, while a glowing circle appeared around his left hand. He slid the circle across the device. "Execute! Spirit Evolution!"

"You've got it!" Wargrowlmon said, throwing Orion towards Goldramon, who batted him away with his tail, crashing through the roof of the Convention Center. Golddramon flew after him, placing his palms together. "Gold Flame!" he screamed.

"No.....no!" Orion screamed. His body was overcome with flames, tearing his body apart, into nothing.

The church bells rang slightly as a slight breeze passed through them. The priest ignored this as he addressed the couple in front of them. "Do you, Taichi Kamiya, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to cherish and hold, in sickness or health, richness or poorness, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

The priest turned to Sora. "Do you, Sora, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to cherish and hold, in sickness and in health, richness or poorness, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

Both Megaseadramon and Megadramon stopped fighting and turned to watch Santiramon create a black circle and throw Izzy, Tentomon, Ken and Stingmon into it.

And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time

When I'm racing with destiny

Then in that one moment of time

I will feel, I will feel eternity

Michael suddenly remembered the end of his memory dream. That same feeling he felt when he touched the Essence of Water, he was feeling it again. That was why he kept repeating it in his dream, but it was different this time, less of a feeling, and more of a pull. Like a homing device that was bringing him somewhere close.

The blond got to his feet and started to walk away from the campsite and deeper up the coastline. "Michael!" Tai shouted, running after him,"Where are you going?"

Michael suddenly stopped. "Here." He fell to his knees and dug in the sand until he touched something hard. He quickly pulled the object up and gasped.

Tai looked over his shoulder and gasped as well. "Is that the..."

Michael nodded,"Yes, it's the Essence of Water."

Rika screamed as Deathmon shattered the glass skylight and dove into the warehouse. Matt and Gabumon's eyelids shot open and the Essence of Ice blast a bright blue light that filled the entire warehouse.

"Gabumon warp digivolve to Metalgarurumon!"

Deathmon was thrown back through the skylight and into the air as Matt and Metalgarurumon followed them. Levare was in complete shock. "Ishida...y..you're alive?"

Matt did not say anything as he glared at Levare and Deathmon.

"How are you alive?" Leveare shouted,"Deathmon's claw tore through you! There's was no way! Wait, of course, your Essence protected you. I guess Deathmon's aim was off, he missed your vital organs." Leveare grinned,"If he had, not even your Essence could have saved you."

Matt growled at him. "Making small talk isn't going to save you now! You're going to pay for what you did to this city!"

"Can't you feel it?" Metalgarurumon asked,"All the other Devas are gone. You're the only ones left."

Leveare laughed as he jumped onto Deathmon's back, "We beat you before, and we're going to do it again."

"No you won't!" Matt screamed. His Essence glowed even brighter, covering him and Metalgarurumon in a icy colored light.

Leveare paled. "H..How did you gain so much power?"

"Because I finally know what I'm fighting for!" Matt screamed,"You're going to pay for all the deaths you caused!" He and Metalgarurumon began screaming at the top of his lungs, and ice began to form in a ball shape around him. Metalgarurumon pulled his head back, then shot it forward. "Metal Wolf Claw!"

Deathmon threw his hands up in an attempt to save himself, but it was no use. Metalgarurumon's attack covered both human and digimon. They screamed in intense pain, but were silent moments later as they both vanished from sight.

"Kimeramon digivolve to Annubismon!"

Noriko gave out a small shriek, then covered her mouth. Oikawa had been transformed into a human figure, with a dog's head and two wings emerging from his back. Just the look in his eyes was enough to tell Noriko that her friend was gone, and that thought turned her spine to ice.

Lucifer laughed as he admired the digimon standing in front of him. "Excellent. The children's energies have enabled you to digivolve without a foreign device, like an Essence. Very good. Now, tell me, what is your mission?"

"D..destroy D..Digidestined!"

Lucifer laughed. "Excellent. Find them, and destroy them!"

You're a winner for a lifetime

If you seize that one moment in time

Make it shine

"You have to! Mimi, you've got to stop her. Please! Everyone's counting on you!"

Mimi felt her anger start to return. "That's it, Darius said,"Let your anger go. Let it go. LET IT ALL GO!"

Mimi threw her head back and screamed as loud as she could. The Essence of Earth began to glow. She continued to scream, causing even Apocalymon to glance at her. "What happened to her?"

"Mimi!"Palmon shouted, running to her partner's side, but she felt something deep inside of her. A feeling that flowed over her filling her with power she had never felt before, power that could let her reach a level she never reached before.

"Palmon mega digivolve to..."

Palmon curled her body up into a ball, then flew apart. The skin on her arms tore as a glowing human arm emerged. Her feet pulled apart as human feet grew out. Her green skin flowed off her body to reveal a glowing female body underneath. Red roses started to flow around her. The petals merged onto her body, creating a red body suit, while the stems linked together to create a whip that the new digimon grabbed with her hand. She flicked the whip around her, twirling around her red body."...Rosemon!"

Socerymon gasped as he watched the Mega fly to the edge of his energy barrier. She pounded her fist to the edge and started to push with all her might, but the flower child was not moving forward. He was beginning to relax, but then he heard his energy barrier start to crack. "No!"

Mimi screamed again, her wings shooting from her back. She took to the air and grabbed a sharp piece of metal and shot forward. "Rosemon!"

The flower woman pulled her fist back; it started to glow with a green aura. She slammed it through the barrier and shattered it. Socerymon's eyes were wide with fear. Mimi overtook Rosemon, but shot past him. He turned back to look at Rosemon, but the mega was much too fast for him. Before he could react, Rosemon's whip was out in front of her. "Rose Thorn Whip!" Socerymon's eyes were wide open as the whip tore across his body, ripping him apart. Rosemon's whip fell to her side as the mega digimon vanished.

"Krake!" Mimi screamed, flying towards where the witch was holding the digidestined captive while Apocalymon recharge his Matrix of Evil. "Let them go now!"

"I won't!" she sneered,"They will die for their crimes against Neo Digital World."

Mimi held the piece of metal out in front of her and started flying even faster. "Let them go!" she screamed.


Mimi started screaming even louder and she flew forward. She rammed the sharp piece of metal through Krake's chest. The witch screamed out, then fell to the ground. Mimi looked to the sky. The bubble holding the digidestined around Apocalymon popped and fell to the ground. Mimi and Rosemon flew to the falling digidestined. Mimi caught as many digidestined and digimon as she could. Rosemon used her powers to create a whirlwind of rose petals to gently placed them on the ground.

Give me one moment in time

When I'm more than I thought I could be

When all of my dreams

Are a heart beat away

And the answers are all up to me

"Agumon warp digivolve to Wargreymon!"

"Gabumon warp digivolve to Metalgarurumon!"

Matt and Tai looked at each other. They both held the cards over their D-Arcs. "Digi-Modify! Fusion Activate!"

Apocalymon stopped short as he watched the sight before him. Both D-Arc's on Matt and Tai's belts started glowing. They pulled both digidestined together. The two D-arcs slammed into each other, covering Matt and Tai with a white light. Both of their digimon were covered in the same light and slammed into each, creating a gigantic figure.

Apocalymon's eyes, however, were focused on the much smaller figure below, where Tai and Matt once stood. The new figured stared straight in Apocalymon's eyes and grinned. "Yes!"

The Neo-Digital Emperor was suddenly having trouble breathing. He dropped his hands. "Wh...what? What is this?" While the massive digimon was certainly an impressive sight, his focus was on the human standing in front of him: he appeared to be..no, he was a complete physcial....melding of Lord Kamiya and Lord Ishida. This new human had Kamiya's unique hair style, but it was completely blond. His face had Kamiya's brown eyes and cheeks, but Ishida's nose and mouth. He was wearing Ishida's black shirt, Kamiya's blue jacket, and a pair of jeans.

This new human glanced at himself. When he spoke, it was in voice that was a perfect mix of Kamiya and Ishida's. "Well, I was worried about what I would look like," he grinned slightly,"but, I've got to say, I'm quite please with the result. Heh, I bet I'll be fighting those girls off with sticks! Wait, I can't talk like that, I am married after all." He lightly rubbed his chin,"Now, what do you call a Tai and a Matt? Hmm, I guess Yamachi is as good as any."

He turned around and glanced at the massive digimon behind him. Apocalymon followed Yamachi's gaze: this figure was a large as Apocalymon, but also very different. He had the figure of a knight in armor, with a left arm that resembled Wargreymon, with the other arm in the shape of Metalgarurumon. A long black cape flowed behind him. "What about you big guy?" Yamachi asked,"What's your name?"

This digimon spoke in a fusion of Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon's voices. "You can call me Omnimon."

"Simple," Omnimon said,"You fight out of evil and hate. You fight to fuel your own selfish desires. I have two entire worlds depending on me! And I won't let them..down!"

A massive blast shot from his Garuru Cannon, causing the already impressive Supreme Cannon beam to grow in tremendous size. "Goodbye Apocalymon," Yamachi said,"I wish I could say it's been a please, but, well, it hasn't. Farewell."

Omnimon gave a final scream, and the point of impact of the two beams shot towards Apocalymon. His own Total Annihilation Beam was torn apart and easily covered the evil Emperor. He screamed in intense pain as his cube body dissolved, leaving only his torso. "This can't be happening! I'm the most powerful being in both worlds! My Matrix of Evil is unbeatable! This can't be happening!" His remaining body shattered apart; his arms crumbled away, followed by his torso. The Neo Digital Emperor's evil eyes glared at Omnimon seconds before they vanished. His Matrix of Evil fluttered in the massive dome of energy before it shattered apart.

Give me one moment in time

When I'm racing with destiny

Then in that one moment of time

I will be, I will be, I will be free

I will be, I will be free

One Moment In Time

by Whitney Houston