Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Digital War ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mystic Digimon War:


"Clown Trick!"

Wargreymon jumped out of the way, the massive beam of energy that flickered the world around it blasted the ground, throwing a shower of rocks into the air.

From his position on the ground, Tai covered his head, trying to shield his vulnerable spots from the hailstorm. He was successful. He was alive, but how much longer was the question.

"Tai!" his sister cried from the sideline,"Are you okay?"

"I'm just fine, Kari," he said, struggling to his feet,"Never been better."

"Tai!" Kari yelled,"I'm not a little kid anymore! I know you're lying!"

"Tai," Izzy said in a more reasonable voice,"You can't last much longer, I'm sending Tentomon in."

"No!" Tai yelled back, sending a small amount of fear into Izzy. He had never seen his best friend so focused before. Tai's brown eyes had become red, his brown hair seemed to stand up on its end, much like a frightened cat. His hands were clenched so tight, that his white gloves were starting to show signs of red. He looked like a demon, complimented nicely by the explosions caused by Wargreymon's battle in the background. "Stay there!"

Izzy regained his composure,"Tai, why is it that every time I ask, you never let me join in the fight? Are you embarrassed by me?"

Tai was taken back by this statement. "No, of course not!"

"Then why?"

"Because," Tai said,"This jerk is all mine!"

"Nice try!" Kari yelled, walking over to stand at Izzy's side,"but I know the only reason that you're fighting alone is so you can protect us, but it won't work. You need help, and we're going in."

"No!" Tai yelled again,"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, stay there."

Kari ignored her older brother and turned to her Digimon instead. "Ready, Gatomon?"

The small, white feline Digimon nodded. "Yeah, let's show this joker what an Angel Digimon can do."

"No!" Tai yelled once again,"This is the last time I'm going to tell you, STAY THERE, KARI!"

Kari backed down, with tears starting to form in her eyes. Izzy was surprised also, "Tai never yelled at Kari before," he thought,"He's really serious."

"But what about you?" Kari asked.

"Don't worry about me," Tai said, turning back towards the battle,"This is where I need to be!"

He watched with fierce interested as Wargreymon slashed Piedmon across the chest.Then, while the evil Digimon was examining his wound, Wargreymon kicked him in the face, sending Piedmon crashing into a nearby rock wall, sending a rain of stones and sparks which set the small grass around them ablaze. "I think we won!" Tai said, triumphantly.

"Hardly," Piedmon said, flying upward out of the smoke and fire. The symbolism wasn't lost on Tai. Piedmon was a demon rising up out of hell to destroy the angle that would lay his kingdom to waste.

Wargreymon slammed into the ground a few feet in front of Tai. "I don't know how much longer I can hold out," he said.

"Just a bit longer," Tai lied,"Then Sora will come running up here with Matt and Metalgarurumon, hold on a bit longer. I believe in you."

"How charming," Piedmon said, landing. He held his crossed hands up with the index fingers pointed outward. With a quick smile, he fired his 'gun'. "Clown Trick!"

Wargreymon was too tired to move out of the way. The energy blast hit him in the chest, tearing his armor breastplate to shreds.

The five on the sidelines were horrified and amazed. Andromon, Izzy, Tentomon, Kari, and Gatomon wanted to help Tai, but, even though they never admitted it to themselves, they had hoped that Wargreymon would be able to defeat Piedmon. That this Dinousar Warrior Digimon of Courage would be able to lay the evil tyrant to waste, but, hopes are too often shattered.

Tai's were. He wasn't even thinking right when he started to crawl over to his Digimon. "Wargreymon," he mumbled,"I'll save you. I'll protect you...." He reached out his hand, trying to grasp at him, but fell to the ground.

Izzy wasn't sure what to do. For all intents and purposes, Wargyermon, was dead, Tai, was not far off. He wanted to run over to his friend's side, but was sure that Piedmon would slaughter him before he made it.

"Izzy," Kari said,"We've got to help him." She started to run over to her brother's side, when Izzy held her back.

"What are you doing?" she asked, feverously, her eyes full of tears.

"We can't go," he said.

"You're just going to let my brother died?" she screamed.

"Listen to me," he said,"Piedmon will kill us without a doubt! Wargreymon was a hundred times stronger than Angewomon and Megakabuterimon, a thousand times stronger, and Piedmon beat him! We don't stand a chance!"

"But we can't just leave him there!" Kari pleaded,"He's still alive! Please Izzy! I don't want to lose him!"

Izzy saw the look in the young Kamiya's eyes. Despite her protests that she wasn't a child, Izzy saw in her eyes a small girl pleading with her to save her brother. "All right," he said,"Let's go."

They started to run out to their fallen leader's side, when they heard a voice that filled them with hope and faith once more. "Tai!"

"Izzy!" Kari shouted with joy,"Did you hear that? Its Matt! He's back!"

Izzy smiled triumphantly and turned towards the sound of their friends voice. Matt was riding on Garurumon's back, with Joe and Gommamon behind him. The blue wolf cast off its stereotype of a big bad wolf, instead, he was the brave hunter, running to the rescue

"Tai!" Sora yelled, soaring to the ground on Birdramon's feet along with T.K. and Patamon,"We're here!"

They landed behind Matt and Joe. She rushed around them and gasped.. "Tai," she said,"Oh no no!"

Matt would have gotten to Tai first, if Sora hadn't of pushed him out of the way. She knelt down in front of him, and placed his head on her legs,"Tai?"

Tai's eyes opened slowly. "Sora," he said, almost as if he was thinking of her name,"Sora, w-what are you doing..? W-why do you care? I-I thought you were in love with Matt."

"That doesn't mean that I don't care about you," she said, tears starting to form in her eyes

Matt crossed his arms and huffed behind Sora. Any chance, any hope of remorse fell from Yamato Ishida, when he saw his girlfriend fussing over another man.

"Don't worry," Sora said,"Matt's here, we'll be able to stop Piedmon now. Just hang on Tai...."

The last Dark Master turned his lips into a snarl. "Don't bet on it!" He drew his hands together and fired at Tai again. Sora saw what was happening and tried to cover Tai with her body, and Matt jumped over Sora to protect her. Tai was well guarded, however, he was not Piedmon's target.

Matt heard his Digimon cry out in pain. He spun around and saw Gabumon slam into a large rock. His eyes rolled back into his head and he crashed into the ground. "Gabumon!" Matt cried, running over to him,"No!"

The Digidestined sank their heads in defeat. Metalgarurumon was their last hope, now, there was none.

Piedmon laughed triumphantly as he pulled his swords out from their holding places on his back. "Now," he said,"Who's next? Ah, I know, I'll start with that little light brat!"

Tai's eyes shot open wide. "No!" he screamed, which sent Sora flying off of him. His eyes were red and were staring straight at Piedmon. "You leave Kari alone, you jack@##!"

Tai's crest started glowing brightly, very brightly. The light of courage shown forth from the fallen Digidestined leader, showering the tip of Spiral Mountain, Destiny's Peak, with the light of the sun, the power of fire.

Wargreymon slowly started to move. He stretched to his feet, his armor cracked, his skin bleeding, but, more then enough fight left in him. He quickly got to his feet and charged forward. Piedmon was in awe, too surprised to dodge out of the way before Wargreymon connected his fist with Piedmon's face.

The evil Dark Master stumbled backwards and Wargreymon blasted him again. Piedmon raised his fist and pounded Wargreymon in the stomach. Wargreymon brought his knee out and connected it with Piedmon's stomach.

The Digidestined cheered loudly as they watched their leader's Digimon go toe for toe with the last Dark Master. They all knew that soon the Dark Masters would be defeated, and Spiral Mountain would disappear. Soon, their mission would be over, and they would be able to return home.

Sora, however, knew how much of a strain it was taking on Tai. She looked at him with tears forming in her eyes. She knew what was about to happen, and she couldn't stop him.

Wargreymon continued his battle, slashing and pounding, kicking and blasting. Finally, Piedmon lurched back slightly, and placed both his hands together, and raised them high above his head. "This is it!" Wargreymon thought, "We're both putting everything we've got into this."

Wargreymon's fists pounded the top of Piedmon's head, as the evil clown's own fists connected with Tai's Digimon. A massive sonic bomb sounded throughout Destiny's Peak, shattering the very stone of the mountain. Both combatants were still for a long moment, then, Piedmon lurched back and fell over, slamming into the ground. Wargreymon fell over backwards, covered by a bright light, then shrinking into a small ball and landing next to Tai.

Tai's crest started to dim, as his eyes started to droop. "D-did we, did we win?"

"Yes," Sora said, crying,"You did it, you saved us all!"

Tai smiled proudly. "S-Sora, I- I want you to know that...."

"I know Tai," she said, crying,"I've always known."

The rest of the Digidestined watched as Tai's eyes started to droop. Kari ran from Izzy's grasp over to her fallen brother's side. She pushed Sora out of the way, and started bawling as she laid her hands on her brother. "Tai..Tai..." she cried.

"T-this can't be happening," Izzy said, watching his best friend lying on the ground,"H-he gave Wargreymon too much of his energy. He..he has n-nothing left..."

"No," Andromon said,"It cannot end like this, he must survive."

"Kari," Tai said, looking up at his sister, almost as if he was thinking of her name,"Sora, yes, you'd....be...perfect..."

She was confused as she watched Tai nod his head, agreeing to a thought in his head. "Kari," he said, almost in a whipser,"It falls to you now. M-my power, I give to you.... d-don't let me down..."

She nodded, tears falling down her cheek.

He raised his head, and lightly brushed her cheek,"And....I want you to know that I love you, always have, and always will....."

His hand fell to the ground and remained motionless. "Brother," she cried,"You can't leave me, you can't! Please, Please..."

As her tears hit Tai's crest, it began to glow. The crest left the Tag and floated up into the air, surrounded by a bright orange light.

The Crest of Courage slowly made its way down to Kari. She cuped her hands and caught her brother's symbol as it fell into her hands. She marveled at how such a simple piece of metal could be so important to her.

"Kari, my dear sister," she heard Tai's voice in her head,"This is my final gift to you. Keep the Crest of Courage, until another comes to receive it."

"I will Tai," she said, holding the object close to her heart,"I will."

Kari cried long and hard, her head pushed deeply into Tai's chest. The rest of the Digidestined were crying also, Sora's head was buried deep into her hands, and Izzy couldn't even look. His best friend was lying motionless in front of him, in an alien world. He never felt so alone.

The Digidestined would always remember this day, the day that they defeated the Dark Masters, they day they saved the Digital World, their blackest day, the day, their leader died.

...............this is just the beginning.........