Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Never Ever ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~p · a · r · t · 6~

"Now THIS... is sugoi," Sora said as the three girls walked into the convention center where the dance was held. There were multicolored lights flashing around in every direction, a disco ball, and streamers everywhere. One of the school's Tech people had even rigged a smoke machine.

"Yeah, it looks awesome," Heza said, crossing her arms.

Koushiro and Taichi approached them. "Konnichiwa, bishojo," Koushiro said to Kamira.

Kamira giggled, turning a light shade of pink. "Tadaima, Koushiro-kun..." she said quietly.

"You and Jyou did a great job with the decorations," Sora said.

"Arigatou. A lot of the Art students helped us out..." Koushiro said. He looked down at his feet for a minute. He seemed to be pondering something and blushed lightly. "Ano... doyouwannadancewithmeKamira-chan?" he finally blurted, his face turning even redder.

Kamira, however, seemed to understand what he asked and smiled. "Hai..."

Koushiro's eyes lit up. He took Kamira's hand. She looked back at her two friends as he led her out to the dance floor and flashed a thumbs-up.

"Koushiro has the right idea," Taichi said, looking at Sora. "Uh, that dress looks good on you.." he muttered.

Sora blushed slightly. "Arigatou, Taichi-kun. Why don't we join Koushiro and Kamira?" she asked, taking his hand.

"Ahh..." Taichi swallowed the sudden lump in his throat. "Okay," he squeaked.

Heza had to laugh at that. "You sound like a Botamon!" she said.

"Whatever. Let's just get out there before it gets too crowded," Taichi said, straightening the collar of his black school uniform. Just about every male inside was wearing their uniform.

"Ahh, before you go, Taichi-kun... have you seen Yama-chan anywhere?" Heza asked.

"Iie, I haven't seen him at all tonight..." Taichi said. "Gomen..."

"It's okay... I'll just wait for him here," Heza said, leaning against a wall.

She waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

And to top it all off, she waited a bit more.

"Where the hell is he?"

************************************************************* *******

"Shimatte! I'm late!" Yamato cursed as he ran down the sidewalk. *I knew I should have had my watch fixed... Heza-chan's going to be so pissed...* he thought. He had been busy all day, and his watch had stopped working.

He quickly ran inside the convention center. He leaned against the wall, sweating. He scanned the room, looking for Heza, and finally spotted her leaning against the wall, an irritated expression on her face. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and calmly walked up to her. "Konnichiwa, Heza-chan..." he said, nervously.

"Where have you been?" Heza asked.

"Gomen nasai... I had a lot of things on my mind and my watch had stopped... I would have been here earlier but..."

"Yama-chan no baka... it's alright. You're here now..." Heza said, smiling.


************************************** ******************************

*That skanky little... I'm going to give her a piece of my mind...* Kuraire thought as she watched Heza and Yamato talk. She began to make her way toward them, her *very* tight silver dress making it difficult to walk. She suddenly tripped on her own shoes. "Kuso..."

"Are you still mad at Taichi?" Heza suddenly asked Yamato.


"You know, for.... last night?"

"Oh... hai. He always just HAS to buttin at the worst times..." Yamato was quiet for a moment. The two of them stood there, against the wall, until a slower song began playing. Yamato took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and turned to Heza. "Uhm... do you want to dance..?" he asked.

Heza looked at him and flashed a pretty smile. "Hai..."

Yamato grinned as he took her hand and led her out to the dance floor. He put his arms around her waist, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Heza-chan..." Yamato said.


"There's something I've been meaning to say to you... and in here just isn't the right place..."

Heza looked at him. "Okay, we can go where it's not so crowded..." she suggested.

"Hold it right there, Yakanori-san!" a sudden voice shrieked. Heza and Yamato turned around. Kuraire was standing behind them, looking a bit miffed. "Just WHERE do you think you're going with MY Yama-chan?!" she shouted.

"Excuse me?!" Heza said, glaring at Kuraire.

"You heard me." Kuraire sauntered up to both of them and shoved Heza away from Yamato. "Mind if I cut in?"

"Kuraire, leave us alone," Yamato said, glaring at her.

Heza clenched her fist as she watched Kuraire slide her arms around Yamato's neck and cling dangerously close to him.

Yamato shuddered. "Shoneza-san, if you don't let me to right this minute..." he threatened. Normally, he didn't like to threaten people, but Kuraire was going over the line.

"Nani? But don't you want someone who will stay with you for your whole life, Yama-chan?" Kuraire asked, turning on the 'sad puppy eyes.'

Heza had had enough. She turned around and stormed away, leaving the two of them arguing. She walked out the convention center door. It began raining. She stood there, out in the rain, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Kuraire, how dense can you be?!" Yamato shouted. "I don't love you, I never have!"

Kuraire frowned. "Don't tell me you're in love with that Yakanori girl?" she asked snidely.

"You just now figured that out?! Oi, are you really that thickheaded, that even a simple phrase won't stop you? Well gomen, but I hate those kind of people." Yamato turned around and walked away from the surprised girl.

Kuraire stood there blinking, then crossed her arms. "Hmph. He was getting a bit annoying anyway." She looked around the room, her eyes falling on Takeru, who was chatting with Hikari. "On the other hand... his brother's pretty cute too..."

"Don't get any ideas, Shoneza-san. Takeru's just like his brother," Taichi, who had heard her comment, said from behind.

Kuraire's face turned bright red. "Shimatte!!"

Heza was pissed. Man, was she pissed. She wiped her eyes and looked up into the rainy sky, thinking about Kuraire and her hijinks. She had had enough. She took off running across the convention center parking lot, the music from inside drowning out the sound of the rain.

'A few questions that I need to know...
How you could ever hurt me so...
I need to know what I've done wrong...
And how long it's been going on...
Was it that I never payed enough attention...
Or did I not give enough affection...
Not only do your answers keep me sane
But I'll know never to make the same mistake again...'

No matter how far she ran, the music played in her head, loud and clear. She dashed around a corner, but slipped on a puddle of icy water and fell face-first onto the sidewalk. She didn't get up.

'You can tell me to my face...Or even on the phone...You can write it in a letter...Either way, I have to know...Did I never treat you right?Did I always start the fight?Either way I'm going out of my mind...All the answers to my questions, I have to find....'

*Kuso... I should have told him when I had the chance... now I'll never get another one... what am I going to do? I can't just hide it forever, but I can't tell him how I feel now...* she thought, the freezing rain pounding on her back, an ice-cold wall of water.

'My head's spinnin'...Boy I'm in a daze...I feel isolated...Don't wanna communicate...I'll take a shower, I will scour, I will run...Find peace of mind, the happy mindI once owned, yeah....'

"Taichi!" Yamato shouted, running up to his friend.

"Nani? What's wrong, Yamato-kun?" Taichi asked.

"I've really blown it this time... Kuraire's becoming a bit... well, you know... but she really made Heza-chan mad this time, and she just ran out...." Yamato explained. He sounded really worried.

"Are you sure? She didn't just go to the other end of the room?"

"Iie, I saw her walk outside! And it's raining... she'll cathc her death of cold out there!"

"Calm down, Yamato. I'll tell the others, and we'll all go out and look for her, okay?" Taichi said, patting his friend on the back.


'Flexin vocabulary runs right through meThe alphabet runs right from A to ZeeConversations, hesitations in my mindYou got my conscious asking questions that I can't findI'm not crazy...I'm sure I aint done nothing wrong, no...I'm just waitingCos' I heard that this feelin wont last that long....'

"What? Heza-chan ran out? In THIS weather?!" Kamira asked, after Taichi explained to all of them what had happened.

"Hai, she was really mad, and it's all my fault..." Yamato said, resting his head in his hands.

"It is not, oniisan! You know how Kuraire is, she just won't take no for an answer..." Takeru said, laying a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Well, I'm not going to just sit around here anymore..." Kamira said, a determined look appearing on her pale face. "Heza-chan is our friend, and we can't just leave her out there to..." She suddenly realized that she was shouting. "Oh dear..."

"Kamira's right! And Yamato, we all know that she's more than just a friend to you..." Koushiro put in, nudging Yamato.

'Never ever have I ever felt so low...When you gonna take me out of this black hole?Never ever have I ever felt so sad...The way I'm feelin yeah, you got me feelin really bad...Never ever have I had to find...I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind...I've never ever had my conscious to fight...The way I'm feelin' yeah, it just dont feel right....'

Yamato stood up. "Absolutely. Now let's get going, that rain's just..." Without any more words, Yamato took off out the door.

"What are we doing, standing around here for? Let's go!" Taichi said, motioning for the group to follow.

'I'll keep searchin' deep within my soul...For all the answers...Don't wanna hurt no more...I need peace, gotta feel at easeNeed to be...Free from pain, going insaneMy heart aches, yeah....'

Heza propped herself up on one elbow, the rain still heavily pelting down on her back. She began to feel tiny balls of sleet, and that hurt. She crawled over to a bench under a nearby tree, and pulled herself up onto it, shivering. She rubbed her bare arms, the gold dragon bracelet circling her arm covered with a thin layer of ice. Cold tears poured down her face, and she wanted nothing more than to be with her friends.

*It's so cold... I can't take much more of this... I need my friends... Sora, Kamira, Taichi, Koushiro, Jyou, Takeru, Hikari.... Yamato...* she thought. *I don't know where I'd be without them...* After sitting there for a while, Heza shakily stood up, her skin pale with the cold. The rain began to let up and a cold breeze blew through the area. Her dress clung to her sides like a second skin, and began to freeze.

'Sometimes vocabulary runs through my head...The alphabet runs right from A to Zed...Conversations, hesitations in my mind...You got my conscious asking questions that I can't find...I'm not crazy...I'm sure I aint done nothing wrong...Now I'm just waiting...Cos' I heard that this feelin wont last that long....'

"Heza-chan!! Where are you?!" Sora yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth. She had been yelling so much that her throat began to hurt.

Kamira, on the other hand, could barely be heard. She sat down in the middle of the sidewalk, rubbing her arms. "It's no use... none of the others have found her yet..."

"Nani?! You're not just going to give up, are you?!"

"... Gomen. You're right, we can't rest until we find Heza-chan..."

Yamato circled around every corner, looked behind every tree, bush, and wall. But no matter where he looked, Heza was nowhere to be found. *Shimatte! Yamato no baka!! Heza-chan can't have gone too far...* he thought, turning yet another corner. He stopped short at the sight before him.

Heza was walking down the sidewalk, her back to him. She was having quite a hard time keeping her balance.

"Heza-chan!!" Yamato called.

Heza looked up upon hearing her name being called. Her hair was covered with frost. She leaned against the fence and looked over hear shoulder to see Yamato running toward her. A gust of wind blew through the area.

"Yamato..?" Heza said, felling a bit woozy.

"Kami-sama, you had me so worried..." Yamato said, pulling her into a tight hug. "... You're freezing!"

'Never ever have I ever felt so low...When you gonna take me outta this black hole?Never ever have I ever felt so sad...The way I'm feelin yeah, you got me feelin really bad...Never ever have I had to find...I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind...I've never ever had my conscious to fight...The way I'm feelin' yeah, it just don't feel right....'

"Gomen nasai, Yama-chan... Kuraire just... she made me so mad, that I... I had to get out of there," she whispered, hugging him back.

"Well, don't do that again... especially when it's raining in the winter... you could have frozen out here..." Yamato said, his eyes blurring slightly. "I don't know what I would have done if that had happened... I don't want to lose you!"

Heza looked up at him, slightly surprised. "Nani...?"

"That day when you ran off, I didn't get a chance to tell you what's in my heart... I was so scared that I'd never get another one..."

Heza smiled, despite the cold. "It's alright, Yama-chan... I already know what you were going to say, so just go ahead...." she said.

'Never ever have I ever felt so low...When you gonna take me outta this black hole?Never ever have I ever felt so sad...The way I'm feelin yeah, you got me feelin really bad...Never ever have I had to find...I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind...I've never ever had my conscious to fight...The way I'm feelin' yeah, it just don't feel right....'

Yamato swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and blushed. "Well..." *Come on, baka, don't chicken out now!! This is the perfect time...* He took a deep breath. "... Well, to put it plainly... err, that is..."

Heza giggled, then stood on her toes and brushed a quick kiss on his cheek. "I love you too...."

Yamato turned bright red, then took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Heh, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" Heza asked.

'You can tell me to my face...You can tell me on the phone...
Ooh you can write it in a letter, babeCos I really need to know....'

"I guess not..." Yamato smiled. He leaned forward, then stopped himself. "Ano... do you mind if I... uhm, could I...." he stammered.

Heza cought the drift. She shook her head. "Iie..." Yamato's face fell. "But I will...." She stood on her tiptoes again and briefly pressed her lips to his.

Yamato's eyes opened wide. He suddenly felt a wave of determination, then leaned down and kissed her.

Heza was a bit surprised at first, but then put her arms around her neck and kissed him back. She suddenly didn't feel so cold anymore.

********************************************************* ***********

"Yat-taa! They finally did it, after all of this time! Hah, Koushiro, I TOLD you they were gonna do it before the night was over!!" Taichi shouted, smacking Koushiro on the back. "Now pay up." He held his hand out patiently.

Koushiro grumbled a bit, digging around in his pocket. "Awright, fine! Take my money and use it for your own little self. Doesn't bother me," he said, handing Taichi ¥1000. (For those of you who don't know basic Japanese, I think that's the same as $10. x.x)

Taichi stuffed the money in his pocket and laughed maniacally.

Sora smacked him on the back of the head. "You want them to hear you?" she hissed.

"I personally think they're kawaii..." Kamira said, chuckling a bit.

"Hai..." Sora muttered.

******************************************************** ***********

Yamato reluctantly broke the kiss and looked around. "... Do you hear something...?" he asked Heza.

A skeptical look appeared on her face. "Hai, come to think of it..."

Yamato looked over his shoulder to see someone duck behind the corner. He let out a sigh. "Taichi, we know you're there, just come on out so I can maim you!" he shouted, crossing his arms.

A faint "Eep!" was heard before Taichi came flying out from around the corner. He looked at Yamato and Heza nervously. "Uhm, konnichiwa... heheh..." he muttered.

Yamato cracked his knuckes. "Excuse me while I give a certain someone a good pounding..." he said to Heza.

"No problem..." Heza said, sweatdropping. She watched as Yamato grabbed a chunk of melting snow and flung it at Taichi. The two of them got into a small ice war. Heza made her way over to the others, avoiding a flying chunk of ice.

"Well, it looks like you two are quite the item now," Sora said upon Heza's arrival.

"I don't blame you, if Yamato was single I'd more than likely have a crush on him too," Kamira said.

Koushiro's face fell a bit.

"Koushiro-kun, don't get your pants in a twist, I was only joking," Kamira said, smiling at him.

Koushiro's eyes brightened up. "Heheh, I knew that." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Of course you did..." Kamira said. She casually leaned over and pecked him on the cheek, turning a bit red.

Koushiro blinked for a minute, then fell backwards, a zoned-out expression on his face.

"Yeah, now THERE's a way to put someone to sleep!" Heza said, turning back to Yamato and Taichi's little squabble. *Well... I can safely say that THIS is definetly going to be a night I'll never forget....* She looked up at the skay and smiled to herself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*sigh*... @.@

[ Crickets chirp and a random reader throws a review at PikaChan. ]

Huh? Oh, my bad... I got wrapped up in this thing... *-* Expect Chapter one of Sweet Dreams to come along shortly, if my writer's block ever goes away... And yes, it will contain Hezato. And Kamishiro. And Taiora, S+S, and maybe a Taichi/Heza/Yamato love triangle. Be prepared, for I show no mercy. ::laughs like Ken:: ... ^.^;

~~ PikaChan (Heza Ishida)