Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Payback is a B*tch ❯ The Aftermath ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Crest: Uh.....Mysticblackfairy you just gave me the greatest idea for this story!!!! But I dread what people will do to me. *Slams head onto desk*
Kari: *Smiles at the last chapter of the story.* hehehehehehe.
Ken: What? *tries to read the story but doesn't get the chance becuase Crest nabs it out of his grasp* Hey why cant I read it?
Crest: Because I have a way to make everyone happy. And I dont want you too read it.
Ken: I have a bad feeling about this.
Kari: Eww you are so twisted. *High fives Crest*
Crest: Thank you. *High fives back*
Ken: their getting along? I fear for the future of our world.


Ken's eyes widened as Davis kissed him. 'Oh My God!!! What in the world do I do? Do I kiss him back? Do I push him away?Shit (Naughty Ken he shouldn't cuss like that) how in the hell did I get into this?' Ken thought as Ken saw a flash of a camera going off.

Davis pulled away from Ken and saw the bushes move and he started towards it.

'Shit! I cant let him find Kari and them or they will chew my ass out for this. Oh God I can believe Im going to do this. Yolei is so totally going to get her ass kicked when this is over with.' Ken walked forward before Davis could get to the bush, grabbed him and kissed him while waving his hand for the others to leave. ( Alittle DaiKen moment for the DaiKen fans)


Mimi, Tk, Yolei, and Kari were behind a bush that was infront of Kari's apartment that was on the first floor. (I know that shes like on the 90 floor or something but ITS MY FIC. :p---)

All of them couldn't help but laugh when when Davis kissed Ken, Kari took out her camera and took a picture but didn't expect the flash to go off.

"Kari!" Tk harshly whispered as he tried to grab the camera but stopped when Mimi pointed to Davis, who was coming closer.

"What do we do?" Yolei asked as she stood still.

"Just sit still dont move and maybe he will go." Kari was shocked when she saw Ken kiss Davis. "Away?"

They all saw Ken wave for them to leave, and thanked him, but left none the less.


The brown haired girl look alike pulled Davis around in a dance like state as the other headed into Kari's apartment, and then he pulled away only to have his voice changer to fall out from his mouth.

"Whoa Kari I didn't know you loved me soooooooo much." Davis said as he smiled with hearts in his eyes.

"I dont Davis I just-" Ken stopped when he realized that his voice thingy wasn't in his mouth.

"Kari what happened to you voice?" Davis asked as all his hopes and things fell when he heard Kari's voice suddenly take on a deeper manly voice.

"Well uh Hi Davis! I guess your probably wondering what the hell is going on?" Ken said as he watched his best friend fall to the ground in a dead faint.

"Shit." Ken said as he picked Davis up and headed into the apartment.


"What in the world did you do to him Ken?" Tk asked as he helped the brunette set the boy down on the couch.

"Well my voice changer fell out from under my tongue, and I didn't notice it and well I talked to Davis and he kinda fainted?" The boy said as he went to get some smelling salt from the first aid kit.

"Hey I have a better way of waking him up." Kari said as she got out a glass and filled it up with water, and walked back to her friend and poured it onto his head.

Davis of coarse jolted up and looked around and saw Kari.

"Man Kari I had the strangest dream. You looked like you but you sounded like Ken." Davis said as he hugged Kari.

"Oh you mean like me?" Ken said as he entered the room still wearing his dress and make-up and all that junk.

"OH MY GOD!!! THERES TWO KARI'S AND ONE SOUNDS LIKE MY BEST FRIEND!!!" Davis hollered in hysterics as Mimi smacked him up-side the head with one of her go-go boots.

"Davis calm down before you meet the other boot!" The blue haired girl yelled.

"Sorry but there are two KARI'S for crying out loud!" Davis hollered again.

"Actually Davis. Im not Kari. Im Ken." The boy said as he walked over to Kari.

"No Ken has Indigo Hair and wears GUY clothes." The reddish brown haired boy said as he looked back inforth between Kari and Ken.

"Do you need proof?" He asked as he looked at his friend.

"Yes!" Davis said as he watched Ken wave for him to come out of the girls veiw.

(Well uh heheheh um. To say the least Davis got his proof, how Im not going to say this is suppose to be rated G. Uh I think I should up the rating to PG-13 though)

"AHHH I KISSED MY BEST FRIEND AND HE KISSED ME BACK!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!" Davis went hysterical again and ran into the bathroom and started to brush his teeth over and over again while repeating 'I KISSED MY BEST FRIEND'

"Yeah well it wasn't a picnic for me either." Ken said as he changed back into his normal Tamachi uniform.

"Yeah but atleast you knew it was a guy when you kissed back. I thought I was kissing Kari! This isn't fair!!!!!" Davis whinned as walked around the living room.

"Well now you know how we felt when you pranked us." Tk stated simply.

"But thats different I didn't make you kiss a boy!" Davis continued to whine and whine and whine and whine until. *BAM!*

"I told you if you didn't calm down you would meet the other boot. Now stoped this baby act Davis, so what you kissed Ken get over it! But how does it feel to be pranked?" Mimi asked as she put her boot back on.

"I didn't like it." Davis said as he looked at the floor.

"Well do you understand that being pranked isn't so nice?" Kari asked as she took a set on the floor.

"Yes it isn't very nice at all." He continued.

"And what do you have to say?" Tk asked as he starred at his friend.

"That im sorry and I wont do it again." He said as he

"Good now that you have learned your lesson. I want you to say that "I will never prank someone else again.'" Mimi said as she watched her younger friend.

"I will never prank someone else again." Davis mumbeled. 'Unless the deserve it.' Davis said smiling.

"Alright now go home and never do something as stupid as what you did last night again." Kari said as she shewed Davis out of her house.

"Hey Yolei can I talk to you outside before I go home?" Ken asked as he walked out of Kari's apartment.

"Yea sure Ken."


"You know I hate yours and everyone elses guts right now, right?" Ken asked as he looked at his girlfriend.

"Yes I knwo but well you started it." She said back.

"I know but well lets just say this is your payback. I think we should well how do you say we shouldn't see each other for a very loooooooonnnnnngggg time. Until I can get some professional help."

"But Ken thats not fair! Thats not even a fair payback!" She hollered at her (ex) boyfriend.

"Well as they say Yolei 'Payback is a Bitch'." Ken said as he left.


Crest: I know that wasn't the ending you were looking for. Plus it was really short. But the Kenlei and Daiken was a tie between the emailings I was getting for it to be Daiken and Kenlei, and the reviews. When I added it up it was a tie 7/7 an even vote! That is soo hard to kinda make a choice so I decided no Kenlei and no DaiKen. Sounds fair eh?
Kari: You know I dont think we should have goten them psyched up like that?
Crest: But it was fun! Im glad we finally did something together!
Ken: I still cant believe you two are getting along!
Crest: Ahh we made a deal! Im sorry if this wasn't what you wanted, maybe if I get some more requests I will make two sperate ending one Kenlei and one Daiken. And then get rid of this ending. Im jsut saying maybe and I would ahve to get enough votes to do it, though. Wlel anyways I ahve to go to bed now, BYE!!!!