Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Piedmon's Captive ❯ Falied Resistance ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Piedmons Captive
Email: vardametwen@yahoo.com
Rating: G / PG-13
Paring: None yet, but skahs is to come.
Summary: Some one is captured by Piedmon. (This takes place before Matt ran away, and met Cherrymon.)
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. But oh how I wish I could.
Warning: Slash (Taichi/Yamato). Violence.
Notes: Thoughts in italics. Thoughts are also the person POV. If italics is only one word it's emphasised. You just gotta have Matt in leather pants *g*

Piedmons Captive

"Tai," Sora whispered poking him.

Tai flinched, "What?"

"Um, you're sort of going the wrong way. Izzy says we need to go into the opposite direction. It may take longer, but we'll avoid most of the fog."

"Oh, yeah," Tai shrugged, the dream he had had the previous night had been on his mind the whole day.

Tai walked ahead of everybody, and then Tai said, "Come on, we have to get Matt..."

Matt suddenly woke up and half-shivered.

Instead of the dungeon he was in before, he was in a lavish room. The room had dark blood-red walls. The bed he was sleeping in was warm and had black blankets. The bed also had dark red, dark green, black, and gold pillows. The floor was black and looked like it was made out of marble. There was also a black dresser; on the dresser there was black leather pants, a dark charcoal colored tank-top, and black boots.

Matt got out of his bed. How did I get here, and why would Piedmon put me here?

Suddenly a Bakumon came out and hissed,"Piedmon says that when you wake up you will get dressed," the Bakumon gestered to the pile of clothes, "Once you are finished dressing you will then follow me."

With that the Bakumon left. Matt then went to the dresser and put on his clothes. Why am I doing this, I shouldn't listen Piedmon. But something in Matt seemed to say that he say should, that it was the right thing to do.

After Matt was dressed he opened the door which the Bakumon had come out of.

"Good," the Bakumon muttered, "Piedmon would hate if we're late."

The Bakumon started walking immediately, and Matt had to walk fast to catch up. Matt followed the Bakumon through corridors and corridors. Finally they reach to large doors. The Bakumon opened the doors and ushered Matt to come.

Inside the doors was a large room. It had a long black table that stretched over half the room. The dining hall was filled with many black and dark red roses. It was also filled with candles that lit up the whole room. Matt gapped at the room, in his own eyes it was beautiful. Finally he noticed that Piedmon sat at the end of the the table, on his right side.

"Ah," Piedmon sighed, "Finally you are here. Leave, Bakumon."

"Yes..." the Bakumon hissed, then he left silently.

"So Yamato -" Piedmon started.

"Matt," Matt grumbled.

"Matt, then," Piedmon said, "I know you are wondering why you are here. I want to show you something...And know you want to know why you were moved to your room. You were moved there because of last night conversation. I'm sure you remember."

Matt blinked for a second. What does that have anything to do with anything?

"You will find out soon enough. Now Puppetmon and I will show you your true...nevermind about what I just said. I will transport us there, we're going to meet a very old friend."

"And what if I don't want to!" Matt exclaimed. How are Piedmon think I'd go with him. But Matts thought was weary.

Piedmon stood up immediatley as Matt spoke. He seemed to reach Matt in less than a second. He touched Matt's chin and lifted his chin up. Matt tried to resist but couldn't. It was as if Matt was in a trance, seeing but not seeing, dizzy and sleepy at the same time.

"If you can't even resist me now, how could you resist me making you go with me?" Piedmon purred.

Piedmon took his hand off Matt's chin after he has spoken. Matt shivered then. Piedmon's right. I couldn't even resist him when he wasn't even asking or making me do anything, how can I hope to resist him then?

"You can't," was Piedmon's simple answer, "Now we shall leave."

Matt was about to say something, but there was a flash of light. Instead of standing in the castle he had been in, he was standing in a forest.

Matt suddenly fell to the ground of the forest, clutching his stomach. He moaned and panted slightly.

"Oh, yes," Piedmon remarked, "I forgot. It's slightly...unpleasant for humans to transport. 'Must have slipped my mind."

Matt looked in Piedmons direction and glared. Then he noticed the gaint tree behind Piedmon, the lake, and Puppetmon.

"Oh yes, this is my old friend...Cherrymon."


A/N: Hmmm, my little thing with Piedmon and Matt came out very interesting. Very intersting.