Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Pure Chaos ❯ Miyako's got a gun ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
(Morning 7:00)
Sora woke up and rubbed her eyes. She realized that she was the first one to get up.
She walked to the Kitchen to get a bowl of cereal.
"I wonder what we have here," She mumbled to herself as she opened the cabinet and saw, Yamato?
"Ah!" She yelped and jumped back "What are you doing in there!?" She asked.
"Ssh! I'm hiding from Jun." He replied and glanced around.
"oh" Sora replied and closed the cabinet 'Weird' she thought. She heard footsteps and turned to
see Jun entering the room.
"Oh hi Sora, You know I went to see Yamato and he wasn't in the room"
"Yeah well-"
Jun cut Sora off "My brother claims that he doesn't know where he is"
"He might-"
"Where was the cereal again, oh yeah" She said and moved towards the cabinet that Yamato was in.
"I don't think that it's there" Sora said.
"It was last time I checked" Jun said and opened the cabinet.
"Ahhhh!" Yamato screamed.
"Awwwe You went through all of this to surprise me Yama!?" Jun said and hugged him.
"I tried" Sora said to herself and left the room ignoring Yamato's cries for help.

(Two hours later in the main room)
Takeru and Daisuke where fist fighting since they had run out of ammo. While Miyako and Ken sat
on the sofa. Everyone else sat in the chairs watching TV.
"So has anyone figured out how to break through the force shild?" Taichi asked.
"What if the shield has already vanished?" Catherine asked.
"Possible but unlikely" Koushirou said.
"I know how to find out" Hikari said "Hey Daisuke, Takeru, can one of you go see if the force
shield is still there?" She asked sweetly.
"I'll do it!" They both shouted and once and ran out the front door. There was a zapping sound
and Daisuke and Takeru both walked back in fired with smoke coming off of them
"It's still there" They both said weakly and collapsed.
"Do they always do everything you ask?" Yuri asked.
"Yep" Hikari replied.
"What if we run out of air?! What if we don't survive!? We'll be doomed!" Jou paniked.
"Calm down Jou" Sora said "Why don't you go see if Ken is alright after his beating from Miyako?"
"Okay" Jou replied and walked over to them "Hey Ken I was just seeing if you where okay"
"Why wouldn't he be okay?" Miyako demanded.
"Oh well you know after what happened" Jou said.
"Oh well I-" Ken started
"After what happened?" Miyako asked interupting Ken.
"Err, never mind" Jou said.
"Finally, now where were we, Oh yeah, Ken what do you think it will be like after we are
married?" Miyako asked.
"That's not what we were talking about" Ken said.
"Well we are now!" Miyako said.
"I don't think Ken plans on marrying you" Jou said to Miyako.
"Of course he does! Don't you Ken?" Miyako asked.
"Well actually..." Ken
Miyako grabbed a shotgun that had conveniently been placed under the sofa and aimed it at Ken.
"Marry me or die!" She demanded.
"But I-"
She cocked the gun.
"Everyone! Me and Ken are getting married in two minutes and if you don't attend I'll blow your
brains out!" She yelled to them "Oh heck I think we'll just do it now, set this place up for it!"
Miyako demanded and everyone set the place up because they didn't want to die.
"Alright Daisuke you do the reading thing!" Miyako said and Daisuke walked to the front still
fried form the force shield "Well let's see" he said warily.
"Skip to the I do part." She said.
"Okay, Ken do you take Miyako to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Daisuke said.
"Err well" Ken glanced at Miyako who was maining the shotgun at him "Um..Sure"
"Miyako do you-"
"I do!!" Miyako said impatiently.
"Okay you may kiss the Miyako, or something like that" Daisuke said forgetting the lines.
Miyako jumped on Ken kissing him. She dropped the shotgun. Seeing this Takeru jumped for it.
"Prepare to die Daisuke!" he said and aimed the gun at Daisuke.
"Wait! I'm unarmed! Can't we talk about this?" Daisuke asked scared.
"No! Now die!" Takeru said and pulled the trigger.
The shotgun made a clicking sound.
"What!? This thing wasn't even loaded!" Takeru demanded.
"I guess not" Koushirou replied.
"Why don't we get married next yama?" Jun asked.
"Errr...I just remembered something I have to do" Yamato said and ran off.
"Wait for me!" Jun said and chased after him.
"You got shocked bad Daisuke, your hairs all pointy" Mimi said to him.
"Hey your right, no wait my hair is always pointy." he said glancing in a mirror.
"Well can I try and fix it anyways?" She asked.
"Um, no" He replied.
"Drat, Hey Takeru can I fix your hair?" She asked.
"Ahh! No! Last time you fixed my hair you dyed it pink! I had to hide it for months so no one
would see it!" Takeru said then ran off.