Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Return of the Kaiser ❯ Captured! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or any of the characters that go with it. I own Raven, Nathaniel, and the storyline, thank you very much.

Kagome: Yea! This is my second chapter for today. I'm on a roll.

Nathaniel: I'm new here, so I've been trying to give her enough ideas that she decides to keep me.

Kagome: Well, you're doing a good job with it at the moment. I think you're on for the long haul.

Raven: *claps wildly* All right! I've got a new friend! Whoohoo!

Kagome: *smirks* Yes, you've got a new friend. *glares* But if you don't start helping with the ideas, I'll be back down to one muse, and you'll find yourself with a new owner.

Raven: eeep!

Nathaniel: While that's going on, we're going to start the eighth chapter.

Chapter Eight: Captured!

Ken groaned as he opened his eyes, slowly adjusting to the dim light in the room. He had no idea where he was, and wasn't awake enough yet to find out. Then he tried to move, and discovered not only that he couldn't, but that it freaking hurt when he tried to do so.

Suddenly wide awake, he jerked against his restraints, crying out as the cold metal bit further into his wrists and glancing wildly around the room. The first thing he noticed was the door, and the bars on it. Slowly, realizing what had happened, he took stock of the room and his injuries.

The dungeon room was made of simple stone, and a heavy metal door with a small barred window at the top. The room was cold and damp and musky, but free of spiderwebs. It appeared to have been recently created, and there were only two pairs of chains in the whole room. He was hanging by one set, and Taichi was restrained in the other.

His wrists still ached, and he realized that they were bleeding and raw where the cold metal of the cuffs bit into his skin. His arms were forced to hold all his weight, and ached immensely. Other than that, he felt no injuries. He supposed that Daisuke was waiting until they both woke up to start whatever it was that he was planning.

Knowing he couldn't do anything until Daisuke decided what to do with them, he relaxed in his restraints, waiting for Taichi to wake up and wondering idly where Wormmon and Agumon were, hoping they hadn't been ringed, but doubting that Daisuke would be so kind.

A few minutes later, his boyfriend woke up and almost immediately started thrashing about in the chains. Ken had to yell at him for several long moments to get him to calm down and stay still, although it may have been more because he was too exhausted to continue than because Ken was talking to him.

Sighing, he looked over at his koibito and grinned weakly, blood running down his arms, saying, "I guess we're going to be here for a while, huh?" Ken just shrugged, not knowing what Daisuke had planned and not really trying to think about it.

Suddenly, the chains on their wrists just disappeared and they went crashing down onto the stone floor, not prepared for the sudden release. Picking themselves up gingerly, they stood, waiting and watching warily for whatever came next.

The door to their cell was opened, and Veemon walked in. The Kaiser contemplated trying to escape, but realized that Daisuke would have a guard out there waiting for them to try just that. Besides, they didn't know where their digimon were anyhow.

Veemon was carrying some medicine and bandages and motioned for them to be seated so he could take care of their wrists. Obeying the unspoken command, the bluenette and his boyfriend sat down and held out their wrists. Veemon started with Taichi since he had struggled harder and ripped up his wrists.

While he was working, Ken decided to see if he could get any information out of Veemon. "Veemon, do you know why Daisuke's doing this." Veemon looked at him and replied, "Because he didn't have a choice before. Now, because he enjoys it." Ken blinked at him and didn't say anything.

Veemon sighed. "He's at the point now where the dark spore has all but banished the real Daisuke into the back of his own mind. This is likely going to be the last kind thing that happens to you while you remain imprisoned here." Ken just nodded, gesturing to Taichi in an I'll explain later way. The older boy just nodded.

After bandaging them up, Veemon left them with one encouraging remark. "You're digimon partners are still free, and will remain so as long as Dai believes them to be useful in keeping your obedience.

Left alone again, but free of the chains, Ken went over to Tai, laying the other boy's head in his lap. Taichi just looked up at him, questioning. "What Veemon meant is that Daisuke is, for all intents and purposes, the new Kaiser, along with all that implies. He plans on torturing us, unless we manage to escape beforehand, which isn't likely. Even if we were to make plans, I'm sure he's watching us on a bunch of monitors, so he can hear and see everything we do."

"Then what do you recommend we do?" Taichi asked. The Kaiser just looked down at him, warm violet eyes soothing him as he answered, "We wait, and hope that the others find us before he decides to start torturing us. For now, we should probably get some sleep, so that if we have to move quickly, we won't be weakened from exhaustion."

Nodding, Taichi allowed Ken to shift until they were laying together, arms wrapped around each other, holding tight. Slowly, the two boys drifted off to sleep.

In the meantime, a pair of cold brown eyes watched the boy, and full lips turned up in a smile. Daisuke waited, watching as the two boys fell asleep, curled into each others arms.

Then he sent down half a dozen digimon to gather the two boys up, after making sure they wouldn't wake for a few hours, of course. He had them moved to a torture chamber and strapped down to the table, then left them alone there to wake up and figure out what was happening on their own.

Humming happily to himself, he turned again to his monitors, plotting the next area he wished to control.

Kagome: All right, that chapter's done. The next chapter is nothing but torture for the two heroes. Don't worry, it won't be graphic. After all, this is PG-13.

Raven: Whoohoo! *jumping up and down* Torture! All right, now it's getting interesting. *pulls out knives* Anyone up for some fun?

Nathaniel: You are entertained by the oddest things. *edging away from crazily grinning muse* I think I'm being called now. Gotta go. Bye! *dashes out door*

Raven: Mwahaha! Come back here and take your punishment like a man! I promise it'll only hurt for a second!

Kagome: *begins edging out of room* I-I think I'm gonna get going too.

Raven: Mwahaha! Read and review, and I'll spare your life!