Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Supernatural Digi-phenomenon ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Starcatcher: The characters featured here DO NOT belong to me, they
each belong to their respective creators and blah, blah, blah...OH
BROTHER!!! Why am I even doing this? Only a complete moron wouldn't
know this is a fanfic and everyone knows that fanfics are stories
written by the fans about TV shows, books, movies, etc. that other
people have already made and became famous for!

Andy: This is a fanfic?!!

Starcatcher: Andy is a very good example...

Andy: SHUT UP YOU...you...uh...hold on...uh...give me a minute!

Starcatcher: Well...while we're waiting for Andy to come up with an
insult, here's the fanfic I wrote!

Davis: GUYS! GUYS!

Davis came running over to the other Digi-destined, who were all
sitting at a lunch table in the cafeteria. Cody wasn't there, because
he had a dentist appointment.

Kari: What is it Davis?

Yolie: Whatever it is, it had better be good!

Davis: The school is being taken over by vampires!

Everyone: What?


A few seconds later, everyone burst out laughing at Davis.

TK: Yeah...sure...Vampires! Very funny Davis!

Davis: Huh?

Yolie: Nice joke, Davis. Now cut it out, you're making me waste
valuable eating time!

Davis: But...I'm serious! There really ARE vampires trying to take
over the school!

Yolie: Sure, Davis...and I'm a zombie!

Davis: You could be! The vampires are sucking the souls out of
everyone and are turning them into mindless zombies!

TK: It was funny at first, Davis, but you're going overboard.

Kari: TK's right! Enough is enough!

Davis: But it's true!

Yolie: Knock it off, Davis! We already know this is just some prank!

Davis: FINE! If you guys won't believe me, I'll stop them on my own!

TK: Poor guy...

Yolie: He's just mad because we didn't fall for his dumb tricks.

Kari: Do you think he could have been telling the truth?

TK: Oh, come on! There's no such things as vampires OR zombies!

Yolie: Maybe he's gone insane?

Kari: YOLIE!

Later...at Davis's house...

Veemon: Uh...Davis? Where are we going?

Davis: We're going to school!

Veemon: School? At this hour?

Davis: Yep!

Veemon: It's almost sunset! Why are you going back to the school even
though school's over?

Davis: There are vampires trying to take over the school, and they
usually gather there after dark!

Veemon: How do you know?

Davis: Well...Jun happens to have a crush on one named Mark, and he
told me so.

Veemon: Why'd he do that?

Davis: Well...he knows that I know that they're all vampires!

Veemon: Oh...so...why does your sister like him if he's a vampire?

Davis: She doesn't KNOW he's a vampire! He's going to take her to the
school and he and the other vampires are going to turn my sister into
one of them!!!

Veemon: Oh...do I have to come?

Davis: YES! It's to save my sister! (Leaves)

Veemon: Aww man! (Follows him)

Yolie: I'm just saying it's a possibility!

Kari: Davis may have been playing a joke, but he has NOT gone insane!

TK: Yeah...

Just then, Ken and Wormmon show up.

Wormmon: Ken! Wait up!

TK: Hey, Ken! What's the matter?

Ken: I just received a phone call from Davis!

Everyone: What?

Ken: I couldn't make much sense of it, but he said he and Veemon were
going to the school to save his sister from a new boy she likes who
happens to be a vampire!

Kari: Oh...I see what's going on here.

Gatomon: Well...if YOU do, then please explain it to us!

Kari: It's simple. Jun happens to be going out with a boy, so Davis is
probably jealous so he's making up those weird stories.

TK: That explains a lot. We'd better stop him before he makes a fool
of himself...

Meanwhile, at the school...

Davis: I see them! He's leading her into the drama department! We have
to stop him from making her a vampire as well!

Veemon: Don't you think you're over-reacting just a little bit? Okay,
so your sister has a boyfriend now, but that's no reason for you to be

Davis: HE IS a vampire and he wants to make Jun one too!

Veemon: Are you sure? Maybe you just imagined it?

Davis: He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me at least 3 feet off
the ground. After revealing his evil plans to make Jun a vampire, he
told me not to even try to stop him. THEN he turned into a bat and
flew out of a nearby window!

Veemon: O-o-o-okay...

Davis: COME ON! We have to hurry!

So, Davis and Veemon run inside the drama department building. After
sneaking through the hallways, they make their way to the auditorium,
where they find Jun, her back towards them.

Davis: Jun? JUN! We're here to rescue you!

Jun: Heheheh...

Davis: Huh?

Suddenly, both Davis and Veemon hear a noise from BEHIND them...they
slowly turn around...


Meanwhile, outside the school...

Kari: Where could they be?

Ken: Davis said that the theatre department building was their home
base...maybe they went there?

So, they all head to the drama department building, where they hear

TK: That sounded like Davis and Veemon!

Patamon: It came from inside!

Yolie: Can we get this over with, already? This is getting creepy!

So, they all rush inside. After running quickly down many different
hallways, they reach the auditorium, where they saw a vampire biting
into Jun's neck.


TK: Davis WAS telling the truth!

?????: CUT!

Everyone: Huh?

A boy walked onto the stage.

Boy: What do you people think you're doing? This is the second time
someone has interrupted our rehearsals!

Yolie: Rehearsals?

Boy: Yeah! For the school play! We're performing "Dracula."

Jun: Man...you guys hang around my brother too much! He came bursting
in here not too long ago, claiming we were all vampires! Hah hah! Can
you imagine that? Vampires!

Mark: We explained to him about rehearsing for the play. He got kind
of embarrassed and left already. You just missed him. He said he was
on his way home.

Ken: Oh...uh...sorry...

Jun: Would you all like to stay and watch?

TK: Uh...no...we have to be getting back to our homes. It's getting

So, after their goodbyes, the Digi-destined leave with their Digimon
back to their own homes, laughing over the mistake.

Mark: Are they gone?

Boy: Yes...

Mark: Good...

Mark presses a button, and a trap door opens. A platform rises from
it, revealing Davis strapped to a table.


Boy: Save your energy. No one can hear you!

Jun: (laughs) Oh, brother...you came here to save me, while you should
have been more concerned for your own safety...tsk, tsk, tsk...

Mark: I did warn you...but...now that I think about it, I'm glad you
tried to stop us tonight...

Davis: What...?

Mark: It saves us the trouble of coming after you!

All the kids laugh.

Davis: So...I was right...you guys really are vampires!

Mark: Bingo!

Davis: What did you do to Veemon?

Mark: Don't worry...he's alive...for now...

Vampireboy1: Hmmm...should we suck out his soul and turn him into a

Vampiregirl1: Or (looks Davis over)...maybe we can make HIM a vampire

Mark: No! He's the one...

Vampireboy1: WHAT?!

Vampiregirl1: YOU MEAN--?!

Jun: HIM? HE'S the one...?

Mark: Yes...and it's only a matter of time...when the next full moon
comes, our reign of terror will BEGIN!!!

The vampires all laugh...meanwhile, a mysterious figure watches from
the shadows...

Mysterious Shadowy Figure: Hmmm...I've got to do something...

The next day, at school...

TK: We should have known better! Obviously, Davis let his imagination
run away with him.

Yolie: Yeah, only Davis could come up with something THAT bizarre!

Kari: You're probably right...but...something just doesn't seem right
about this...

TK: What do you mean?

Kari: Well...has anyone SEEN Davis today?

TK: Hmmm...now that I think about it, I haven't seen him OR Veemon.

Yolie: Don't get paranoid. He and Veemon went to visit an aunt of his
who lives out of town.

TK: How do you know this?

Yolie: I was at the attendance office, getting some attendance sheets
for a teacher, when Jun arrived and said that he wouldn't be coming to
school for a while.

Kari: Hmmm...

TK: I bet he feels so embarrassed about the whole vampire thing that
he feels he can't come to school.

Kari: Poor Davis...maybe we should check up on him and see if he's
okay? It's the least we can do...

So, before school the next day...

Davis's Mom: Yes?

TK: Hello.

Kari: We came to check and see if Davis is okay over at his aunt's

Davis's Mom: What are you talking about?

Yolie: We were told that Davis wouldn't be coming to school for the
next few days because he and Veemon were visiting an aunt of his...

Davis's Mom: (gets a weird look in her eyes) Oh...that's right...he
and Veemon went over to his aunt's house and will be staying there for
a few days...

TK: Well...is there some way we can contact them?

Davis's Mom: I'm sorry...but there's no way they can be reached right

Yolie: Oh...okay...well...thanks.

Davis's Mom: Come back and see him when he gets back...

Yolie: We will.

And with that, they leave.

TK: Well...it looks like they won't be back for a while.

Kari: ...

Yolie: Man...Davis must be so embarrassed!

Kari: ...

TK: Kari? What's wrong?

Kari: Didn't you guys notice something...funny about Davis's mom?

TK: No.

Yolie: Don't let this thing get to you too, Kari. There are no such
things as vampires!

Kari: I know...but...something doesn't seem right about this whole

TK: Maybe you're just imagining things. Come on, we'll be late for

At lunch...

Yolie: FINALLY! LUNCH! I'm starved! (Starts eating)

Kari: TK?

TK: (stops eating) What is it?

Kari: Haven't you noticed anything...strange?

TK: What do you mean?

Kari: Well...look around you...

TK does.

TK: Yeah? So? What am I looking at?

Kari: The students don't seem as enthusiastic as they usually are at
this time. And...none of them are eating anything...

Yolie: (stops eating) Well...all of those students just had a pizza
party in their classes...AND you all know about what happened with the
busload of people downtown. Most of the people who were in that bus
are close friends or family members of those students.

TK: Wait! You mean that busload of people that just disappeared?

Yolie: Yeah.

Kari: That could be it...

TK: Hey! There's Cody! Hey Cody!

Cody: Hey guys. What's going on?

Yolie: Oh, you missed the funniest thing yesterday! Davis came over
and accused a bunch of the students and teachers of being vampires!

Cody: Well...aren't they? I always assumed that they were.

Kari: WHAT?!

TK: You really don't believe that, do you? About the vampires and the
students being turned into soulless zombies?

Cody: (looks around) Well...they look like soulless zombies to me.

Yolie: HOLD IT! You're actually saying that you believe that stuff
about the vampires and zombies?

Cody: Well...yeah.

TK: What makes you say that?

Cody: Well, I saw one of them turn a student into a soulless
zombie...I overheard some of them talking about their secret base in
the auditorium...AND I also heard two of them talking about making Jun
one of them.


Cody: I had that dentist's appointment. Then I road home on that bus
that had supposedly disappeared. That was the vampire's work as well.

TK: Well...how come you're still human?

Cody: I don't know. They checked each of us for something. Then
sometime yesterday, they let us all go, saying that they found the one
they needed.

TK: The one they needed?

Yolie: You're kidding!

Kari: I knew something wasn't right! Ken said that both Davis and
Veemon were going to the school that night, but when we talked to
those kids, they only talked about Davis! They didn't say a thing
about Veemon being there!

TK: Oh, yeah...I guess I forgot to mention that the story about Davis
and Veemon visiting an aunt isn't true.

Cody: What?

Yolie: How do you know?

TK: Well...when Jun had a crush on Matt, she told him about her
family, but she never mentioned any aunts. She does have a couple of
uncles, but none of them are married.

Yolie: Do you think you could have mentioned this EARLIER?!

TK: Well...I forgot! Give me a break!

Kari: And I told you guys that I thought there was something wrong
with Davis's mom! Her eyes were glazed over...and she didn't act like

Cody: It sounds like Jun already turned both of her parents into

Kari: Then...what's happened to Davis?


Davis: Why is it that no one ever believes you about something
terrible happening until it's too late?

Veemon: (strapped to a wall) I dunno...Hey, Davis?

Davis: What?

Veemon: What's gonna happen on the next full moon?

Davis: Nothing much, they're just going TO KILL US!!!


Back outside...

Hawkmon: Do you think that they...killed him and Veemon?

Yolie: Probably.

Gatomon: So...what'll happen now?

Armadillomon: Well...they're most likely gonna do something
e-e-e-e-e-evil on the next full moon.

TK: How do you know that?

Armadillomon: It's in every horror movie and comic book! The evil
villains always do their evil master plans on the night of the full

Patamon: That's nice except for one thing...

Armadillomon: What's that?



Mark: What?! Oh, crap!

Back outside...

Hawkmon: No, it wasn't! The full moon is tonight!


Mark: Whew!


Patamon: Are you sure?

Hawkmon: Yeah!

Patamon: Oh...my mistake...

TK: Well...then there's only one thing we can do!

Gatomon: What's that?

TK: We'll have to go to the school tonight and stop those evil

Yolie: (slaps forehead) I can't believe this! Why don't we just go
stop them now?

TK: Uh...because!

Yolie: Because why?

TK: Just...because...DON'T ARGUE WITH ME!!!

Yolie: You just can't think of a good comeback!



TK: Are we all here?

Patamon: It looks like it...

Kari: Wait! Ken's not here yet!

TK: Fine...we'll wait...

A few minutes later...


Gatomon: It shouldn't take him this long to get here...

Kari: By the way...who called Ken and told him to be here?

TK: Uh...

Cody: Uh...

Yolie: ...

Kari: Did ANYONE call Ken?

Everyone: ...no...

Kari: (slaps forehead) I'll do it!


Mark: Well?

Davis: Well, what?

Mark: Where are your friends? They already know that we're going to do
something evil tonight! Why aren't they here yet?

Davis: How should I know? I WANT them to rescue me!

Mark: Fine...okay, guys! We're going to wait a few minutes more to do
the ceremony.

Vampires: Awww...

Vampireboy1: Why?

Mark: Because...it won't be the same if they're not here to see it.
Where's the fun in that?

Vampiregirl1: Well...he does have a point...

Vampiregirl2: I guess...

Vampireguy2: THAT'S JUST STUPID!!!

Everyone looks at him. Mark glares at him, and his eyes begin to glow.
Then laser beams shoot out of his eyes and hit Vampireguy2, turning
him into ashes.

Mark: Okay...since Vampireguy2 is no longer with us, Vampireguy3, you
are now promoted to Vampireguy2. And Vampireguy4 will be promoted to
Vampireguy3...and so on and so forth.

Guy Vampires: Yeah!

Meanwhile, back to the Digi-destined...

Kari: I just told Ken; he's on his way now.

A few seconds later, Ken arrives, riding on Stingmon.

Ken: Why didn't you guys call me earlier?

TK: We...all thought someone else was going to call you...

Yolie: By the way, how did you get here so fast?

Ken: I was already on my way here.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Ken: I got a call from some guy who said that he was a vampire. He
wanted me to hurry over to the school, so they could hurry up and do
their evilness...

TK: Has anyone ever noticed how nothing big or evil happens until we
show up?

Yolie: Yeah, why is that?

Kari: Uh...can we go inside now?

TK: Oops! Sorry, Kari.

So, they all go inside, and travel through the halls until they reach
the auditorium. And, on the stage, they see Davis, strapped to an
altar-looking thing.

Kari: Davis!

TK: What are you doing here?

Davis: Oh, nothing much. I've only been held captive here for the past
few days by a bunch of vampires WHO WANT TO SACRAFICE ME!!! But...hey,
there's no problem here. I'm just fine...just laying here...all

TK: He's fine...

Davis: Oh, yeah...did I forget to mention the vampires? You know, the
vampires that you guys kept telling me didn't exist? The ones that
have kept me tied up here for a few days? The ones that are planning
on killing me and offering me as a sacrifice to bring back Myotismon?
The ones that are standing right behind you?

They turn around and see a group of vampires standing right behind

Davis: Oh, yeah...my sister's been turned into one too, so when I came
to save her, it was really a trap set up for me...go figure...


So, the vampires attack and chase the good guys, who are running
around screaming.


Patamon: I can't!


Patamon: Number 1: Those are your classmates, but they're just under
some evil spell. Number 2: There's something like a control spire
nearby that keeps us from Digivolving. And number 3: WHY DON'T YOU

TK: You've picked a great time to go on strike, you know that?

By now, all the Digi-Destined and their Digimon have been captured. So
now, the evil vampires are going to evilly perform the evil ceremony
to evilly bring back the evilly evil Myotismon, the evil Digimon of
evil and the evil darkness...e-e-e-e-e-ev-i-i-i-i-il...

Davis: Where's Buffy when you really need her?

?????: NOT SO FAST!!!

Everyone: Huh?

Just then, the mysterious shadowy figure appears. The mysterious
shadowy figure jumps out from the shadows to reveal that it

Veemon: There she is!

Buffy: Don't you evil vampires ever get tired of being evil?

Mark: Hah! You're all alone and you can't stop us so NLAH! (Sticks out
his tongue)

Buffy: Oh, on the contrary...I've brought some help...(whistles)

Another figure jumps from the shadows, revealing that it's a...

Ken: It's a DIGIMON!

Yolie: Whoa! She has her own Digimon! Way cool!

Buffy: This is MY Digimon...Slayamon! Slayamon! Attack!

So, Buffy and Slayamon attack and knock all the vampires unconscious,
except Mark.

Mark: Uh...uh...wait a minute! ...Uh...hold on...uh...I know! I'll
kill him anyway, and bring about the return of Myotismon! His arrival
will revive us and we will go on to take over BOTH worlds!

Davis: Dude...you need to get out more!


Mark pulls out a knife.

Kari: OH, NO!

Gatomon: It's that knife! That's the reason we can't digivolve!

Yolie: SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING! If he succeeds and kills Davis, we're
all DOOMED!!!

But, it's too late. Before anyone can do anything, Mark thrusts the

Davis: You have terrible aim, you know that?

Mark: SHUT UP!!!

Mark pulls the knife out of the table, where he missed Davis
completely. He stabs Davis with the knife, but nothing happens...

Mark: Huh?

Davis: Cool! I'm alive!

Mark repeatedly stabs Davis with the knife, but he doesn't even bleed.

Mark: WHY (stab)-WON'T (stab)-YOU (stab)-JUST (stab)-DIE?! (Stabs

Mark finally can't take anymore and faints.

Kari: Whoa...

Gatomon: That...was ironically uneventful...

Davis: Oh, well!

And with that, Davis releases himself from the straps and gets off the
table. Veemon jumps down from the wall.

Davis: That was fun, now what?

TK: Davis? You mean you could have just gotten out of there at any

Davis: Yeah. It turns out that Vampireguy2...the old one, was an idiot
and didn't strap me to the table, or Veemon to the wall...funny, huh?


Veemon: But...we did!

Ken: What?

Davis: Yeah! After all the vampires left, we got out of the straps. We
found that knife that they were going to use to kill me, and switched
it for a plastic one!

Veemon: THEN, we sneaked into the cafeteria and put holy water into
the food. Not much, but just enough to change them back to humans in a
slow process they wouldn't notice until tonight, when it would be too

Davis: Of course, as soon as I realized that we were dealing with
vampires, and you guys wouldn't help me, I called Buffy.

Buffy: I was glad to help. It was definitely worth my trip...and I owe

Kari: You owe him? (Looks at Davis) For what?

Davis: Uh...well...um...

Yolie: Oh, look! He's blushing!

Davis: I AM NOT!!!

Buffy: Well...it looks like things are back to normal here...I guess
we'll be leaving...bye everyone! ...Bye Davis! (Winks at him, then she
and Slayamon leave)

After returning all the now-human people to their homes...

TK: So...is there something you're not telling us, Davis?

Davis: NO!

Yolie: So...how do you know Buffy? Hmmmm?

Davis: It's none of your business!

Kari: Come on! Tell us!

Davis: No! It's nothing!

So, they leave, the others still trying to get the truth out of Davis
about him and Buffy, but they never could...THE END...

Starcatcher: Well...that's it! Did you like it?

Andy: Of course not! It was RETARDED!!!

Starcatcher: Andy, with you, everything's retarded!


Starcatcher: Would you just LEAVE ALREADY?! I have no idea how you got
here anyway!!!

Andy: NEVER! I'll take over as the author AND RUL THE WURLD?

Starcatc her: That's RULE the WORLD!!! Your spelling is terrible!

Andy: SHUT UP!

Starcatcher: Whatever...(to audience) Please send in reviews and tell
me what you think of the story! And would you please do what those
incredibly kind and smart people have recommended and tell me WHY you
do or don't like the story? That way, I'll be able to write a better
fic next time!

Andy: Review huh...

Starcatcher: Hey! Here's one...it says: I hat yur story because yur in
it and u don't have Andy n it enough, u retard! ...ANDY! THAT'S A

Andy: What?! How did you know it was me?!

Starcatcher: Gee...the bad spelling, the word "retard," and the fact
that the writer seems to like you are pretty good clues!

Andy: How was that last one a clue?

Starcatcher: Andy...EVERYBODY hates you! It's the way the world works!

Andy: ...I hate you!

Starcatcher: Yeah, yeah...now would you just GO HOME?!

Andy: Make me!

Starcatcher: Fine! (Pulls out frying pan)



Starcatcher: Why does that always work?

END...(the REAL end)...