Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Becoming ❯ Ch2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DIGIMON: The Becoming By Himitsu the Hunter

Chapter 2: Walking back into the world on the other side of the looking glass.

She could not sleep, her mind clouded constantly since having faced the D-reaper in combat. so many of the others had fallen before it. but her mind could not find it to dream of them, the departed. no they were left to plague her waking mind. It was to be dreams of her. the tortured one, she who fed the Reaper her fear, agony and anguish as it twisted these from her mind, prodding newly rent wounds and breaking open old ones to feed its twisted desires, its demon's wish for the perfection of a land devoid of life. She could still see her face contorted in the strain of the terrors that it inflicted her, trapped beneath a bloody red sea. that was the mark of her nightmares.

She was Yamidra-womon, a champion, and her life had always been one of constant struggle in the dark ways of survival to the fittest, and she had gladly followed its data-strewn path, loading the strongest of her foes and working her body up to the condition that would allow her the state of evolution that she so longed for. Her path was the way of battle and hunger unsated. To surpass herself, to be stronger, to improve, the primal drives which pushed her to continue on in her path of death and destruction as most others of the southern sector would. But then came the D-Reaper and across the digital world the light of digital evolution swept across the land in its emergency defense protocol and every digimon, no matter its affiliation, worked as one to combat that which would end them all.

Left and right digimon fell to the order of the Reaper, its terrible power bearing down as she saw the lives of so many spent in the mass orgy of slaughter in which the Reaper reigned supreme, it made her sick with the realization of how much she had been like this thing before her. And it was there, amidst this madness of death and confusion of that which was the ultimate fight of her life, that she saw 'it'. Within the twisting writhing mass of the D- Reaper the image of a tormented face appeared before her and the others that fought beside her, the torment and anguish of that face reached out to the very core of her soul breaking free compassion that she had never known she possessed. And with it came a deep, driving compulsion to take the barer of that tormented soul, so etched in the flesh of the Reaper, hold her in the loving embrace of her arms and wings and comfort her soul-wrenchingly lonely sadness away. So lost in these emotions she was that she had almost been killed when the Reaper surged forth and brought its power to bare… only the timely interference of Azulongmon that had saved her from deletion. After the fight's end she went about various places discreetly gathering information to ascertain just what it that apparition was and why its presence had had such a profound effect upon her… why did it have to make her feel alone and empty without it…

In short time she had come to understand that the one whom she had seen was a child, a young girl named Jeri whom the D-Reaper had been using to fuel its transition to the being known as J-Reaper, in twisted honor of the one who unwillingly gave it the boost in power and intelligence it need to evolve to this stage. Hatred of the Reaper grew in proportion to her need to hold the young one close to herself and never let go. Her emotions raced as she found out more and more of the girls tragic story. And how similar her own path had been to the demon of a digimon that had caused her earlier sufferings. She could hardly bare it. Between the ghosts of her dark past haunting her waking thoughts and face of the one who called to her very soul haunting her dreams, she became a recluse, only fighting where unable to do otherwise, shying away from the world and those that she would have to face for her past.

For a long time she stayed away… it hurt less. Other digimon reminded her of what had once been, whether intentionally or not. But she could not hide and cower from her sorrows forever and thus, to find her path once more in her own way, she sought and finally caught word of where the Digimon who had been the ones in the final fight with the Reaper were. After a long deliberation she decided that she'd keep tabs on them until the digital world had resettled itself. Maybe then they could lead her to the one she dreamt of.


The eyes of the world were always on him. It was a fact now as accepted as breathing for the leader of the once secret Hypnos organization, one which many had believed he would cave beneath, those many being those who had never known him well. All of Hypnos who worked under his hand could attest to his cold determination and his almost frightening resilience when under pressure, even when things didn't go his way. Once he had been one of those who advocated that the existence of the digital domain was a curse upon the world of men in the staunchest manner, but now, after being witness to the fight of a lifetime, he could not question those children in the way they felt for the digimon, especially those that were their partners, the pieces that so seemed to compliment their souls. Yamaki could neither question nor would he stand in the way of this meeting of companion spirits.

"Yamaki-Anata, come back to bed, its early and we have to be at that conference early tomorrow. I don't want to be late again," a light wisp of warm breath brushed past his ear and soft, lithe arms wrapped themselves around his chest while he sat at his computer working.

"Well we could always try no strenuous activity before we actually get around to sleeping this time." He replied, his voice seemingly neutral, but his companion knew him far better than that.

"Stop teasing Anata," she breathed once more into his ear, "You know that will probably never happen." With that they both laughed quietly.

Much had happened in the more than 21 months that had waltzed past and the near end of the world had brought to a head feelings left buried for so very long. For if the children were brave enough to face D-Reaper, a true nightmare, how could they not be brave enough to face up to these feelings that they had so long harbored, or so they each reasoned. The result of this was a whirlwind courtship that seemed to be as if trying to make up for lost time. But neither had of yet even considered marriage as of yet. They were not yet that brave.

But even now he worked as a man possessed, even when faced with amorous intentions that would have normally driven him to distraction, Reika frowned, such intensity was usually reserved for the one thing other than their relatively resent dalliances that had sparked him in such a way, dealings with the digital world, in a word. Digimon!

The play-full quality seeped out of her voice and was replaced by quiet steel, " It's the digital connection, isn't it?" she said in a voice that far more statement than question.

The playfulness that he had allowed himself also faded, "Yes, it is," he confirmed.

"Is it a wild one?" the level of concern evident in her voice.

"No, it's a gate." He replied, only slightly perturbed.

"You don't think that the children could have found it yet do you?" she continued to question, she had grown rather fond of the children that called themselves the Tamers, it would be tragic if they went off and anything happened to them.

He grunted his reply; almost his full attention was on the symbols of the screen before him, "Its possible, it appeared in the same location as last time the children went through," he stopped for a moment and considered, "I know for a fact that Matsuda-kun goes there almost every day."

The worry grew more evident in her voice, "You don't suppose."

Yamaki turned and smiled reassuringly, his piercing blue eyes bring to full impact his assurances, "Even if he does I'm sure he'll be alright, he's a tough kid where it matters."

Pulling closer she could not help but feel the tingle of fear creeping across her skin and could only reply, "I hope so Anata. I hope so." her look of worry then changed slightly into an analytical scowl, "What are you doing?"

"Contacting the Monster Makers," was his swift reply, "I need them to help with the final testing of this Data analysis mod I've been working in to the scanners. I need Tao and Daisy to check them out for me, especially now that the Digital world is back online."

She nodded, "and what about Shibumi and the rest of the Monster- Makers?"

"They are busy making the final preparations for the Digimon guardian that's to be used for our security team." Once again replying swiftly to Reika's questions.

She could only smile as she commented, "If any of the government officials ever heard that they doing that."

"They would try to get us shutdown again and thrown in jail. Thankfully they don't have the authority to stop it out right even if they knew," he spoke, even as he typed his will to the others who now were a part of the reconstructed Hypnos team.

It had been for them a hero's reception from the various people who had witnessed the struggle against the D-Reaper, they were after all the ones who backed the children in their endeavor to stop the Reaper's advance, and thus had major public support to continue their monitoring of the Digital world. As was his usual Yamaki was quick to use this as a bargaining chip to gain the support of the government as well, by announcing that the government had been the ones with the foresight and funding to bring together the skills those who had been able to help make a difference in the final battle. At first the tamers were dumb founded by this out off character speech made by Yamaki-san; that is until Henry then Rika caught on and told the rest to follow their lead until they could explain later, they then proceeded to make almost every good thing that happened seem as if a part of Hypnos' preparations in the case of these a digital emergency.

From there Yamaki made then a passionate but utterly unexpected plea for them not to blame the digital world for the monstrosity that was the Reaper, as it was a thing as deadly alien to the nature of the digital as it was to the people of the world, and spoke too of the bond between human and digimon, telling of an edited version of the birth of all that was Digital from the brilliant minds of The Monster Makers saying that the Digimon were the responsibility of all humanity, the children of their minds, and that they need only look to the child heroes to see that together the two beings had no limits. In short, by the time the speech was over the people held an overwhelming support for Hypnos, the Digimon and the government, who at first were going to try to sweep as much of the incident as possible under the carpet and pretend it was all a set of circumstances they knew nothing about, were now forced to play along with the setup and be famed for doing so or try to do what they had originally planned and be mobbed an angry country for taking away their heroes. They chose the smart way out.

When the Tamers finally asked him why he had defended the digimon so readily to the public eye he replied simply, "It was what was owed you. Your work and struggles saved two worlds from destruction. It would be a shame to put all you've achieved to waste by trying to annihilate each other again."

And in that day Hypnos was reborn with a new purpose, to help in the gradual unification of humanity and their unexpected children. Of course leaving out a few details of the Reapers birth.

Yamaki then looked back once more at his ladylove, "You know, you're far too lovely to ignore for very long..."

Reika smiled a knowing smile that's seemed to illuminate her face in a most playful light, "That's something I thought you'd never get around to figuring out," the subtle play of hands against his chest quickened, and the result was a kiss that would shake the Mountain at his heart.


Takato stared at the portal before him, almost unable to believe its presence before him. This was it, his mind told him, Guilmon's waiting on the other side, it screamed, but he could do little more than stare and wonder if it would be wise to go. Maybe Guilmon had forgotten him. Maybe he was no longer necessary to Guilmon. Maybe...

MAYBE NOTHING, he told himself firmly. You need to go, if only to know, to silence the questions. Takato could only yield to the voice of reason in his head and smiled at the thought that it sounded a bit like Impmon. Making up his mind he just did the very Takato thing and marched on in, his heart skipping beats and the D-Ark's pulse floating through him, from its customary place upon his belt, all the way and took the plunge into another world.

It had been hours since he had come thru the portal and he still had no idea where in the Digital world he had landed but he could feel it pulling him, his link with Guilmon, its felt as if a life line had been thrown to him and like the drowning he clutched it, followed it to its source and nothing would stand in the way of his reuniting which his digimon. Nothing that is except for the malevolent looking Tuskmon stood over him at the moment.

"Ttaaammmmeerrrrrrr aaarrreee yyyooouuu???" its voice groaned and creaked.

With out thinking Takato nodded as he tried to inch back the way he come.

Its face broke into a disturbing smile, "Gggooooooddd, yyyyooouuu dddaaatttaaa iii tttaaakkeee!!!" The smile then broke farther and became a gaping maw trying to violently envelop him for its next meal. Takato at this point stopped edging back and took off at full sprint.

It scowled in concentrated effort, " Yyyooouuu tttaaammmeeerrr ssstttaaannnddd ssstttiiillllll. nnneeeeeeddd dddaaatttaaa eeevvvooolllvvveee Mmmeeegggaaa," then begun to gave chase to the unfortunate Tamer.

Over the savanna terrain they ran, with Takato's lead little by little becoming a thing of the past the Tuskmon was still in hot pursuit of him.

"How do I always get myself into these things." he murmured beneath his breath even as it advanced upon him. "*Bump! *" Takato's toes buckled beneath him at the critical moment of his stride which resulted in a general downward motion straight unto several rocks and as he fell he could not help but to wonder if truly there were malicious gods who controlled the forces of irony. He felt as if he was the cosmic punch line to their ongoing joke.

"Well Guilmon I tried." were his final thoughts before the on rush of rock slammed into his head and consciousness began to fade from him. At least he would be unconscious when the deed was done.

And as those last vestiges of conscious thought slipped away he heard something shout, "Roaring Dark!" the hustle and shrieks of struggle. And finally, when the sounds subsided, he saw a dark humanoid figure with wings stand above his head. Then all was dark…


Well that was a blast!! Man, I've never written so quickly in my life.. Oh well I hope you enjoy this one. I know I enjoyed writing it. Hope to see any reviews that may come my way! And if anyone can see any ways for my writing style to improve don't hesitate. Also if anyone has information on exactly what happened in the last episode of digimon I would appreciate it if one could either tell me or give a place to find the info. It's important to my story. Thank you!

Yamaki: - Yama- Mountain Ki- (rough translation) Heart