Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The chronomon Chronicals ❯ Project:Humamon ( Chapter 2 )

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The chronomon chronicles:

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon or anything to do with them, however I take credit for two that you are about to read.

Authors note: enjoy!

Kari: About a year after we defeated the dark master's things were going good but we missed are digimon, that was taken care of when we got sucked back into the digiworld, where we met are old friends. The reunion was great until T.K. noticed a human watching us. He didn't look like a digimon and had no digimon with him so we all got worried, tai got agumon to digivolve to greymon and attack him. I hope everything turns out okay.

"Augmon digivolve to........Greymon"

"Nova Blast" shouted Greymon as he shot a huge fireball at the unidentified human

"Tai, what are you doing?" said Matt obviously mad at Tai for his lack of thought

"What does it look like I'm doing" shouted a equally angry Tai "Baking a cake?"

"Forget it you two we have bigger problems right now!" yelled an annoyed Sora pointing to where the unknown human was. Yes "was" is correct for where the human was moments ago he is no longer there. "See, told ya." Said Tai smugly "Uh... Tai." Said Greymon "It's not over yet." Pointing up. They fallowed his gaze and almost fell over, for up in the sky they saw the human coming down form what was at least a ten foot jump.

They just stood there in disbelief as he landed. "Digidestened I do not wish to hurt you." Said the human trying to reason with them. "Izzy who is this guy?" asked joe trying not to panic. "I don't know. My digimon analyzer doesn't recognize it." "Gatomon is that a friend of yours?" asked kari curiously "No kari I've never seen a mon like this in my life." Said Gatomon like she wasn't paying attention to kari, the little cat type digimon thought to herself <That has to be a digimon but which mon is it?> "Thanks for asking but I don't know either." Said tentomon sarcastically doing a fly by.

"I think our only option is to fight him, seeing as he doesn't look tough." Said Izzy questioning his own judgement. "everyone digivolve and fight" said surprisingly enough Mimi. Everyone turns and looks at her in disbelief "What? I can't get ready for a battle?" "um sure you can Mimi." Said Matt a little shocked. "Anyway, lets get him." Shouted Matt.

"Gabumon digivolve to...........Garurumon"

"Biyomon digivolve to...........Birdramon

"Gomammon digivolve to........ikkikumon"

"palmon digivolve to..........togemon

"tentomon digivolve to.......kabutariemon"

"patamon digivolve to..........angemon"

Gatomon thinking herself strong enough, chose not to digivolve

"Nova Blast" "Meteor wing" "Electro Shocker" "Harpoon torpedo" "Howling blaster" "Needle spray" "Hand of Fate" "Lightning claw" as all attacks came his way he seemed not afraid he simply pulled out a sword made entirely of energy and said "I wish not to hurt you but maybe this will make you listen. Digital Reflector!" The energy in the sword spread itself out and created a wall in front of him. When the attacks hit the wall they went back the way they came. The blow of there own attacks caused them to dedigivolve to there rookie stages a bit tired(Except for Gatomon she stayed the way she was.) "Listen closely, my name is humamon, I am a rookie digimon. My big attack is the energy blast. My master dragoonmon wishes to speak with you. I am but the messanger." Said the now identified human.

"Can we trust him? I mean look what he did to our digimon." Asked joe. "He seems in no mood to fight, he just wanted us to hear his message. I say go with him." Said Izzy. "The worst that could happen is we find out why were here" piped in Mimi. "I don't think he wants to hurt us I just think he wants us to see his friend." Added in T.K. "and besides we attacked him first." said Sora. "Ok, Ok you guys win. Yo humamon lead the way." Said Tai with a smile on his face. "Thank you digidestanded." Said humamon "this way."

After halfway there, a digimon jumped out to attack them. "AHHH" shouted the group when it first jumped out. "On it" shouted Humamon. He simply pulled out a katana(a long, thin, light single edged sword) and took a swipe and said "flaming slash" they watched in amazement as the form of the slash humamon had made became a flame and sped towards the digimon, deleting him on contact. "Oh well." He said putting his katana back "Shall we continue?" The rest of the group kept walking with him as they saw what he did and it ran through their minds. <I'm glad he's on our side, I hope> Thought Sora.

About an half hour later they arrive. "Now you might see somethings that will catch your eye just keep walking. OK?" It was to late though they were all ready inside.

What the digidestand saw astounded them. It was a huge Valley filled with lush green grass, waterfalls that seemed to go on forever lakes of pure, clean, clear water, Tons of trees with all different kinds of food on them, houses, huts, and ,caverns where digimon slept, and there were digimon, Thousands apon thousands of them, some had just hatched out of digi eggs and there a quite a few rookies, and a champion or two doing work along the edges. But for the most there were in training digimon of all kinds. Koromon, yokomon, Tanimon, and tons more they didn't recognize. "T..T...This place is beautiful" stuttered Sora. The rest just nodded in agreement as they took it in.

In a few minutes a shadow loomed over them "Ah! So you brought them. Congratulations Humamon." Said an figure (we can't see who yet) in a caring uncle type voice. The digidestaned looked up and gasped.

Someone is going to kill me for ending it there but I think you can guess who this is. Sorry for any errors or if I insult you. Some characters don't have a lot to say but if I get that far I'll fix that later. Read and tell me what you think in a review or e-mail me with the same.

My e-mail is krimson_killer@hotmail.com

Write to ya later. Bye.