Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The chronomon Chronicals ❯ The start of the journey ( Chapter 4 )

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The Chronomon Chronicles.
The start of the journey.


Disclaimer: You know the drill.

A/N: Enjoy.

Joe: When we made it to humamon's place we were all amased, the size, the food, the flowers, and I'm probably allergic to half the stuff there. We met with humamon's master Dragoonmon, and needless to say we were slightly shocked, this guy makes skyscrapers look small. Anyway we learned why we had been sent here and that our first goal should be the castle to the east. After settling in and falling asleep, unknown to us, humamon was getting a digivice and tag/crest from Dragoonmon. We haven't even started on our journey and my head is already spinning. Why me?

Joe was the first of the digidestand to rise, but stayed quiet because Gomammon was still asleep. After washing his face and grabbing some food, he left the hut and walked over to one of the pools of water. He sat down and just stared at the water for a minute. <What are we here for? Who is this enemy were going to face? And more importantly, what can we do to> "Hey Joe." These words broke down Joe's train of thought and startled, he turned around to see humamon. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" Asked humamon with a puzzled tone in his voice. "I should ask the same to you." Said Joe panting from the quick scare. "It's my watch on guard duty, and when I saw you at the lake I thought something might have been up, so I came to check." Answered humamon. "I get up early to be alone for a while everyday. Uh, well you're here can I ask you something?" asked Joe. "Ya knock yourself out." Came a quick reply. "What is this place anyway like a hospital for digimon, or like a employment center for digimon or something." Asked Joe going into an Izzy type mode. "This place is called by some mon "The Digimon Paradise" It is a place where digimon that have been injured, lost or left alone can come to get healed, a night rest or something to eat. Some higher evolved digimon must help around in order to pay for the services provided, and still some digimon choose to work here daily." Said humamon like he had said it a million times before.

An hour or so later the rest of the digidestand woke up and gathered around a table of food waiting outside for them with Dragoonmon already waiting for them. "Ah, join me for breakfast, digidestand." Said Dragoonmon with a smile on his face. The kids and there digimon stampeded over there and ate whatever they saw. "Hum, I thought humamon would join us for breakfast today. I wonder where he is?" asked Dragoonmon to the wind, somewhat disappointed. "He...said...something...about....supplies." said Joe between mouthfuls. Some time later Izzy spoke up. "So what is it he'll be doing again?" "He will guild you to the castle to the east of here. Don't worry he knows the land well, if you happen to get into battle he is of no concern to you, he can take care of himself very well, and probable help you in your fights as well." Answered Dragoonmon assuringly. "Dragoonmon, what did I miss?" asked humamon appearing from nowhere. "Nothing, are you ready to go?" Dragoonmon asked very hastily. "Yes sir I'm ready to leave." Said humamon but this time he had a backpack of the large variety on him. "What's with the bag?" Asked Matt. "It's a five day trip by myself, so we'll be out there for a while." Said humamon emotionless. "Well the sooner we start the sooner we get there. Said Tai walking towards the forest. "Maybe you know more about this forest then I thought" said humamon fallowing Tai and quickly passing him. As the others ran to catch up Sora yelled "Thanks for the food, it was great." Then was out of site along with the others.

A Fridgeemon came up to Dragoonmon a few minutes later and asked if he thought they could do it. "If they believe in themselves and each other they can do anything. It's humamon I'm worried about. What if he can't digivolve. Then it would be for nothing to send him with them." Said Dragoonmon looking at the way they left and sighed.

I know it's a little shorter then my others but it will get longer and better later. Review and vote.

Write to ya later. Krimsonkiller.