Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Ressurection War ❯ Apocalypse: Emergence ( Chapter 25 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is Yuehon. We had finally escaped from the Dark Ocean, and we discovered to our horror that the Digital World was dying! The oceans were gone, so was the farmland, the wind had stopped, and the sun was starting to blink out. We found out that a strange fox digimon named Kyuubimon destroyed the remaining Destiny Stones, and even worse, she digivolved into Kimeramon! And if that wasn’t bad enough, the Gods of the Cult of Darkness attacked a town named Terra, and impossible as it may seem, they’re the original Digidestineds, partnered with the great demon lords! What is going on here?     When I wish on a star, with my pride on the wind     I'll surely be able to see a tomorrow that can't be erased by today     Why are we here?     Please tell me soon     What we see isn't everything     I'm shivering with the cold, so I cover my arms with a jacket     Before I know it, it becomes transparent     And turns into hope     When the rain of the future wets my cheeks I remember     Be passionate, that day, that time     When I wish on a star, with my pride on the wind     I'll surely be able to see a tomorrow that can't be erased by today     I wish     If I turn on a switch     I'll be able to fall in love     Until yesterday I believed that, it's a miracle     If I turn around I'll find your heart reflected in your eyes     Because of that, now I'm able     To think it's wonderful to be alive     When the rain of the future wets the city I remember     Shine, that day, that time     When I wish on a star, with my pride on the wind     Look, surely our small wishes will be granted     When the rain of the future wets my cheeks I remember     Be passionate, that day, that time     When I wish on a star, with my pride on the wind     I'll surely be able to see a tomorrow that can't be erased by today   (I Wish-Season 1 Ending Theme)



The Gods of Darkness sat inside of their throne room, with Taichi himself seated on the dark seat. “Those Digidestined must be stopped,” he said, “Before they interfere with our plans concerning Kimeramon.”

Sora walked over and sat on the armrest of the chair. She crossed her legs very seductively and began to run her finger along Taichi’s chest. “Don’t worry, Master, I’ll handle that imposter who thinks she’s you. I’ll crush Kamiya in my bare hands.”

“Don’t forget about the rest of us!” Koushiro shouted.

“How could we possibly,” Taichi sighed. He turned to the Man in Blue, “Yamato, I assume you’ll want to fight Takashi?”

“Ha!” he laughed, clenching his hands into a fist, “I want to take down that arrogant brat Hiroshi Hibishi! He thinks he’s so powerful, well, he doesn’t know what true power is!”

“I will take care of Takashi,” Koushiro said, smirking, “After all, only my power can take care of him.”

Yamato glared at him, but before a fight could start, Taichi interrupted, glancing at the other fallen digidestined. “Does anyone else have a preference?”

Joe, Alice, and Mimi shook their heads. “Good,” Taichi nodded, “Kimeramon must be allowed to continue to gather energy until the time is right. Then both worlds will be ours.” “”””””””” ;””””””””””R 21;””””””””””&# 8221;””””””””””

The Town of Rararu was once surrounded by lush and almost tropical forests and farmland. That was before the Destiny Stones of Earth and Forest were destroyed, depleting the life energy that the plants needed to grow. Now Rararu was trapped in the center of an-ever growing desert. Up until today, they thought their problems could not become any worse.

The once peaceful morning of the Digital World was completely shattered as Kimeramon shot over the horizon. He attacked using his Heat Viper to blast a swath across the desert, with Rararu in its path. The citizens, almost all Mushroomons, were caught in the whirlwind of energy and sent flying in all directions.

Inside the city, a digimon named Alruamon, held a microphone tightly to her chest as she screamed into the television camera pointed towards her face.

“As you can see behind me, Rararu is under siege. The hideous Kimeramon is even now descending to the city to continue his rampage of destruction!”

This program was being viewed by almost every remaining being in the Digital World, including Gennai and Ryo, who were watching on a small portable television as they traveled through the tunnels of the Guardians’ Prison Complex.

“This is bad,” Gennai said, “He’s unstoppable.”

“And almost indestructible,” Ryo sighed, “We’ve got to figure out a way to stop him.”

The Monochromon they were riding on slowed to stop as they approached a large steel door. Two Guardromons were hovering next to the large land digimon. One of them pressed a button on the side of the wall and the door slid open. They continued through the hall until they reached a massive, circular room with hundreds of cells. The imprisoned digimon yelled and shouted as the Guardromon lifted Ryo and Gennai, as well as the metal casket that held Myotismon. They reached a cell, and after opening it, they threw the imprisoned Myotismon inside.

“Wait!” the vampire lord called after the electrified door was closed.

“What?” Gennai asked.

“How long am I going to be here for?”

“You will be trapped in this cell, hidden hundreds of miles beneath the Digital World’s surface, until your data collapses. Enjoy.”

After they left, Myotismon grinned. “Well, this couldn’t have turned out better if I had planed it myself.” He thought about the bat that was hovering above ground, waiting for the Digidestined to arrive. “””””””””R 21;””””””””””&# 8221;”””””””””” ””””””””””

& #8220;Hikari! What happened to you?”

Kari flinched at her mother’s loud gasp as she came out of her room. She slowly stared at her mother, who was standing in the kitchen, the dishes she was holding shattered on the floor. “Kari!”

“Mom, I…I…”

Her mother ran over and hugged her tightly. “What happened?”

“Well, to be honest, we just got beaten.”

“It looks like you lost pretty bad,” she said.

“Mom, I’ll be fine, really.”

Her mother wanted nothing more then to squeeze Kari tight, to never let her go again, but she knew that she could not. She heard the doorbell, but hesitated, afraid that when she turned back around her daughter would be gone. She finally opened the door. “Oh, hello Tk.”

The blond boy bowed. “Hello again.”

Mrs. Kamiya saw the digimon in his arms. “Um, he..hello.”

Tk smiled. “Oh, my partner is Patamon.”

“Hiya!” he said cheerfully.

“Hello to you too,” she smiled.

Kari mentioned to her room, “Let’s go.”

The trio walked into her room and shut the door. Patamon and Salamon began to play together. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?” Tk asked.

Kari hesitated. “I…um…well…I wanted to ask if you wanted to, um, see a movie sometime?”

He raised an amused eyebrow. “Are you asking me out?”

She hesitated, then nodded. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

He hesitated this time, “Um..Kari, there’s something I need to tell you.”


He took a deep breath. “I know that you have feelings for me, and I’m sorry, but…the feelings that I had for you…aren’t there anymore.”

She felt her spine turn to ice. “What?”

“I’m sorry,” he said again, “But…I don’t have any feelings for you anymore.” He smiled weakly, “I guess it was just a passing crush. I’m really sorry.”

Kari nodded very slowly. “Y..you’re going out with Y..Yolei, right?”

He was silent for a long while, but nodded. “Y..yeah, yeah, I am. Well, not yet but, yeah, we’ve been talking.” He stared at her. “I know how hard this must be. I’m really, very, very sorry.”

Kari just nodded, very slowly. “I..I understand.”

There was silence for another few minutes before Tk rose to his feet. “I..I guess I’ll go. Come on Patamon.”

The two digimon had been listening from atop Kari’s bed. Patamon flew after his partner as they exited the room, closing the door after them. Salamon walked over to her partner. “Kari?”

Kari did not answer. She was thinking back to a decision she had made while still trapped in the Dark Ocean….

When they had become trapped in this DarkOcean, Kari was in deliberation over her feelings towards Tk and Yolei. She cared, loved, for them both very deeply, but she could not be in love with both. She either needed to be with one of them, or neither.

She sat down and leaned back against one of the dark trees. She had put this off for too long: she needed to make a choice. She did love Yolei, but that was only because of their past lives; however, it was that same past lives that was affecting her possible relationship between her and Tk. Who could she possibly choose? Could she even do that to her friends? She deliberated for what seemed like hours, before arriving at a decision. She rose to her feet once more and sighed deeply. She had made her choice, and she could not go back now.

“Tk,” she said, “You were my choice.” Tears suddenly started to pour out of her eyes. She fell onto her bed, sobbing loudly into her pillow. She did not hear her D-terminal as it was still buried beneath a pile of her clothes.

Outside the apartment, Tk did hear his D-terminal activate. He read the message on the screen. He went to open the door to tell Kari, but decided that she needed time alone. “””””””””̶ 1;”””””””””” 221;””””””””””& #8221;”””””

Hiroshi, Yuehon and their digimon walked through the destroyed remains of Terra.. “This is pointless,” Yuehon sighed, “Why the hell are we even here?”

“We’re searching for survivors!” Hiroshi growled, “And we’re looking for information! The Gods of Darkness and Kimeramon were both here. We’re looking to see if we can find any clues to them at all.”

She flinched. She hesitated for a moment, before taking a deep breath. “Did I do something wrong Lord Hiroshi? Why are you so angry at me?”

He stopped walking and turned to face her. “I had a little talk with Oikawa when we were in the Dark Ocean.”

“O..Oikawa?” she gasped.

“I see you recognize that name,” he snarled at her, “Yeah, he told me about how he once was in charge of Dark SEED, until there was a rebellion to get rid of him. Your parents were in charge of that rebellion, and they used me to do it!”

He almost screamed in rage. “All this time, were you just using me?”

Yuehon and her Candlemon gasped in shock. “Y…you don’t understand,” she said, “Yeah, my parents did use you for that, but we were afraid of the power you had. They erased your memory of that time, but please believe me, I’ve always been your loyal servant, ever since my parents died. I’m not using you in any way, I’ve always followed you.”

He hesitated. “So, your parents dying, that wasn’t an altered memory?”

She shook her head. “No. After they died, I could have chosen to change your memories again, but I didn’t. I let you lead, and your were perfect at it! Please, I’m not lying.”

He was silent for a long while, before nodding. “All right. I’ve always trusted you, and I don’t think I should stop now. “

“Awe, how sweet. The two maniacs make up.”

The foursome shot their heads to the source of the voice. They saw two figures standing atop one of the remaining buildings, a teenage man wearing a blue trench coat and a demonic bat/monkey behind him.

“You’re the fake Yamato Ishida!” Candlemon exclaimed.

“I am no fake,” he grinned, “What I am, is your executioner!” He leapt onto the ground, with Demon landing behind him.

“What are you doing here?” Hiroshi demanded.

Yamato smirked. “I’m here to deliver your heads to Lord Taichi!”


“I am the Dark God Yamato Ishida of Wraith! And this is my partner Demon! Prepare to battle!”

Demon roared with maniacal laughter and shot forward. Hiroshi grabbed his digivice. “Penmon!”

“Penmon digivolve to Seadramon! Seadramon digivolve to Megaseadramon! Megaseadramon digivolve to Gigaseadramon!”

The mega serpent was able to deflect the demon monkey’s punch before he injured the two humans. Yuehon turned to her partner, “Ready Candlemon?”

Demon smirked and fired a stream of fire into the small digimon. He flew backwards and slammed into one of the few remaining brick walls. Gigaseadramon stared at his enemy in horror.

“It’s just you and me!” Demon laughed.

“Candlemon!” Yuehon cried.

“You’re gonna pay for that!” Hiroshi shouted.

“Showing some feelings for someone else?” Yamato laughed, “I guess you’re not as arrogant as I thought, but I’m still going to enjoy beating you into the ground.”

Hiroshi tightened his fists. “Gigaseadramon, take them out!”

Gigaseadramon and Demon shot towards one another, their attack creating an explosion of light and force that destroyed more of the dead city. The serpent planted his massive jaw into Demon’s arm. The monkey demon just grinned with the pain and punched his powerful fist into his opponent’s serpent body. Gigaseadramon was forced to released his grip, which freed Demon’s other arm. The monkey bat digimon used both of his arms to grab the serpent’s body. He pulled as hard as he could, stretching Gigaseadramon’s body as far as it could go. The serpent was able to spin around his tail and pierce Demon’s back. Yamato’s partner yelped and let go of Gigaseadramon. The two opponents jumped back and stared at one another.

On the side line, Hiroshi reached for his Holy Trident. “Okay Gigaseadramon, we’re gonna have to fuse to deal with him.”

“I’m ready.”

Hiroshi pointed his Holy Trident at his partner and the large serpent glowed a blue light, in synch with the glow from the Holy Trident, and shrunk to a smaller form. Gigaseadramon merged with Hiroshi’s body, which began to glow in the same blue light. When this aqua glow faded, a new, merged figure stood with a smirk on his face. This figured had the appearance of Hiroshi, but with metal scales and a long tail twitching behind him. He wore a helmet in the shape of Gigaseadramon’s head and he held the Holy Trident firmly in his right hand.

“All right,” he said in a merger of Gigaseadramon and Hiroshi’s voice, “Let’s try this again.”

Demon grinned. “Bring it on!” “””””””””& #8221;”””””””””” ;””””””””””R 21;””””””

Tk and Angemon met the other Digidestined as they were on their way towards the city under siege by Kimeramon. They were riding atop Paildramon. “Where’s Kari?” Yolei asked.

He hesitated. “I’ll tell you later, she’s not going to be here. Where’s Tatum and Derek?”

“He had something to take care of, and she’s on her way” Davis said.

Tk hesitated, “I think maybe we should leave her behind too.”

“What for?” Davis asked.

“Because Catherine’s here and…I’ll explain later, just trust me. If we need them, we’ll call them.” He quickly sent a message to Tatum.

The other seemed to accept this and when the Digidestined arrived in Rararu, they hoped that it was not too late. Many of the buildings were already lying in pieces on the ground. They watched as hundreds of digimon were lying dead on the ground before they were deleted.

“Zis is horrible!” Catherine gasped, “Zo many died.”

“We’ve got to stop him!” Davis shouted, “Right now!”

More digimon could be heard screaming from the sections of the city that had not yet been destroyed. They quickly ran to that portion of the city, and saw the monstrous Kimeramon tearing through a massive group of Mushroom like cutting through butter.

“Kimeramon!” Tk shouted.

The beast digimon slowly turned around and stared at him. Tk clenched his fists. “Do you remember me? Huh?”

Kimeramon growled, screaming a deep loud rumble that shook the remaining buildings. “I guess that would be yes,” Angemon commented.

Tk jumped out of his partner’s arms and landed on the ground. “You’d better digivolve.”

“Angemon digivolve to Magna Angemon!”

“Armadillomon digivolve to Ankylomon!”

“Wormmon digivolve to Stingmon!”

“Floramon digivolve to Kiwimon! Kiwimon digivolve to Blossomon!”

“Hawkmon digivolve to Aquillamon! Aquillamon digivolve to Silphymon!”

The digimon, as well as Paildramon, shot towards Kimeramon. Magna Angemon was about to slash the evil digimon with his wrist based sword when another winged figure dropped down from the sky, kicking the Ultimate digimon in the stomach, sending him smashing into a near by building. The other digimon would have helped, but they were already engaged in the battle with Kimeramon.

“Magna Angemon!” Tk shouted, “Are you all right?”

“Yes, I am fine,” he said, climbing out of the debris, “Who attacked me?”

“I did,” the attacker smirked arrogantly, “I’m hurt that you don’t remember me.”

“Of course they remember,” another figure said, emerging from the wreckage of the city. He was wearing an orange jacket, and a grin as prideful as his partner. “But just in case you need a reminder, I am the Dark God Koushiro Izumi of Pride! And this is my partner Lucemon Falldown Mode! Prepare to battle!”

“Hang on Magna Angemon!” Yolei shouted, “I’ll send Silphymon…”

“Stay out of this,” Tk said, “Concentrate on Kimeramon. We can handle this guy.”

“Ha!” Lucemon laughed, “No one can stop me! Paradise Lost!” He shot forward and began to pound Magna Angemon’s chest at an incredible rate. The attack continued until Magna Angemon spun his foot behind Lucemon and yanked forward, knocking the dark angel onto his back. He swung his sword at his opponent, but Lucemon jumped back into the air. He executed his Paradise Lost attack again, knocking Magna Angemon onto the ground next to Tk.

“Magna Angemon!”

“I’m fine,” he said, shooting back into the sky. Lucemon soon followed. The two angels continued to trade blows in the sky above them.

Meanwhile, the other digidestined continued to fight against Kimeramon. The monstrous digimon opened his mouth and screamed, “Heat Viper!”

The attack slammed into Paildramon, sending him twirling backwards into Stingmon. Ankylomon charged at Kimeramon and head butted him, ramming his head, as well as the sharp cartilage horns on his head deep into his stomach.

“Help him!” Catherine ordered. Blossomon began to slap her tentacles onto Kimeramon’s back. Ankylomon leapt out of the way so Silphymon could swoop in to attack with his Astral Laser attack.

By this time Paildramon and Stingmon had untangled themselves and joined together in the attack. Paildramon fired his Desperado Blaster and Stingmon jumped behind the bullets and began to move his legs at an incredible rate, hitting each one of the bullets to give them extra force to pierce through the cloud of energy. Kimeramon groaned and fell onto his back.

“All right!” Davis cheered, “Our teamworks getting better! No one can stop us!”

Kimeramon groaned and jumped back onto his feet. Davis sweat dropped. “Then again, I could be wrong.”

In the sky above them, Lucemon and Magna Angemon continued to exchange blows until the dark angel had succeeded in knocking the normal angel into the ground.

Tk gasped, then reached for his digivice. “All right, you’ve got to evolve again.”

Magna Angemon climbed to his feet and waited until he felt the influx of energy from his partner. “Magna Angemon digivolve to Goldramon!”

Koushiro smirked as his partner began to glow as well. “Lucemon Falldown Mode digivolve to Lucemon Stan Mode!” The dark angel had become a black dragon, holding a strange ball in his arms.

Goldramon gasped at the evil dragon before him. He was in too much shock to move out of the way before Lucemon smashed the ball across his head.

“There’s nothing you can do that I can’t beat,” Koushiro grinned, “Your Holy Weapon fusion won’t work either.”

Tk stared at the gold sword in his hand. “W..what?”

High above them, a lone bat flapped in the wind, watching the battle below. “””””””””̶ 1;”””””””””” 221;””””””””””& #8221;”””””

Kari glanced at her door when she heard a knock. “Come in.” She was expecting her mother, so she was very surprised when she saw Tatum and Betamon walk inside. “W..what are you doing here?”

“Tk e-mailed me on our D-terminals and said you might need a friend.”

“Oh, Tk.”

The braided-haired girl placed Betamon next to Salamon and she sat down next to Kari. “Do you want to talk about it?”

The brown-haired girl hesitated. “I..I was ready to tell him my real feelings. I..I chose him over Yolei, but now he and Yolei are together. I…” She sighed deeply.

Tatum hugged her and started to rub her back. “Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will turn out okay. It’s not the end of the world.”

She gave her friend a slight smile. “Have you had a lot of relationships?”

Tatum shrugged. “Not really. I’ve kinda been too busy. I know I shouldn’t really be giving advice, but I know in my heart that you and Tk weren’t meant to be together. I’m sure one day you’ll find your soul mate.”

Kari smiled again. “Thanks.” “””””””R 21;””””””””””&# 8221;”””””””””” ””””””””

Myotismon stared up at the top of his metal cell. He closed his eyes and concentrated, focusing on the bat that he had sent to spy on the Digidestined. In his mind he saw a scene of Tk and Koushiro fighting, as well as the other Digidestined battling Kimeramon. He grinned. “Now is the time.”

He fired another bat from his wrist, which flew towards the electrified bars of his cell. He continued to push the bat through, despite the pain he was suffering. Finally, the bat made it through the bars, and hovered outside in the massive circular room. The bat flew over to the control console next to the cell and smashed into it at full force. The bars gave a spark of electricity, then were silent. Myotismon grinned and easily kick the bars out. He hovered into the sky, then shot to the entrance tunnel.

Inside of the control room, red alarms began to blast. “Breakout!” Ryo shouted.

“Who?” Gennai demanded.

A Guardromon began to merge with the computer. “Subject Myotismon.”

“Just great,” Ryo said. He grabbed a near-by sword and began to swing it around. “All right, let’s go.”

Myotismon continued through the halls, but stopped when he heard a mechanical voice shout, “Guardian Barrage!”

He twisted his head and saw a stream of missiles flying towards him. He quickly shot his Grisly Wing attack. The two forces combined together and exploded in a blast of smoke and light. The Guardromon were slightly confused, but Myotismon shot through the smoke and slammed one of his fists into Guardromon’s face. He twisted his leg around, smashing right through another Guardromon. He gently landed on his feet and stared at the small army of other Guardromon that was heading towards him.

“Crimson Lightning!” He flung his arms open, which sent the red streams tearing through the mechanical soldiers.

“That was too easy.”

“Why don’t you try me?”

He turned around and saw Gennai and Ryo blocking the exit of the tunnel. “Don’t come any further,” Gennai warned. Ryo whipped out the sword and swung it in front of him.

“Ha!” Myotismon laughed.

Ryo charged at the vampire lord, but he jumped into the air and kicked the back of Ryo’s head. He fell onto the ground and Myotismon landed on top. He turned to face Gennai. “Nightmare Claw!”

The devilish attack slammed into the old man, sending him flying backwards. The vampire lord grinned. He pointed both of his hands to the ceiling. “Grisly Wing!”

The collection of bats tore through the ceiling and Myotismon soon followed, until he was floating in the digital sky. He roared with laughter. “Attention Digital World, I have returned!” “”””””””&# 8221;”””””””””” ””””””””””̶ 1;”””””””

Hiroshi/Gigaseadramo n shot his fist forward, but Demon blocked with his own arm. The amount of energy caused the remaining buildings around them to shatter. The monkey digimon twisted his leg around, knocking Hiroshi/Gigaseadramon onto the ground. He grabbed hold of the human/digimon hybrid by the head and swung him through a series of destroyed buildings before smashing him into the ground.

Hiroshi/Gigaseadramon swung his trident up and knocked Demon into the bottom of the chin, then jumped backwards to a safe distance. He pointed his trident at his opponent and fired a massive ball of blue light. “Giga SeaDestroyer!”

Demon pointed his palm forward and created a massive stream of fire. “Flame Inferno!” Demon’s attack smashed through the Giga Sea Destroyer, and straight towards Hiroshi/Gigaseadramon. The impact exploded, sending the fused human/digimon into the sky. Demon shot above him and slammed both of his fists into his stomach. He landed on the ground as Hiroshi and Penmon.

“Lord Hiroshi!” Yuehon cried.

“You’re the great leader of Dark SEED?” Yamato laughed, “What you are is pathetic. How were you even a threat? Jeeze!”

Hiroshi glared at his opponent, hate in his eyes. “This sucks,” he said, “I can’t believe this is how it’s gonna end. After all this, destroyed by someone who should have stayed dead.”

Suddenly, his crest began to explode in light. Hiroshi soon found himself floating in a strange dark void. “W..what’s going on?” he asked. He turned around in the void and gasp as he saw a giant crest floating before him, with a symbol that resembled a ‘S’, but on its side. “What the hell is that?”He reached up and touched the crest, which cracked and exploded in bright light. There was a figure on the other side. “D..Dragomon?”

He soon found himself back in real reality. He glanced down at his chest and saw that his crest had changed. It was now gold, with the same strange ‘S’ symbol on the front. He stared at it for another second before grinning. “Yeah, I understand. My Crest of Spirit has become the Crest of Fate.”

He turned to his partner, “Ready to try again, Penmon?”

The bird digimon nodded. “Right behind ya!”

Hiroshi’s digivice fired a beam of gold light into Penmon. The bird digimon executed a back flip before jutting his head forward, a stream of gold energy flowing from his body.

“Penmon warp-digivolve to…”

The stream of gold energy continued to flow until Seadramon became visible. The serpent digimon turned slightly and screamed, sending another stream of gold energy forward. This time, Dragomon appeared in the stream. The squid digimon turned his head to the sky as another stream of gold energy flowed into a giant ball. Two muscular arms appeared from the side, with spiked gloves. A face appeared on the ball, as well as sharp spike that appeared all over the back. The new digimon took a deep breath, sending the spikes in all directions at once.


“What the hell?” Yamato shouted.

“I..I remember that digimon,” Yuehon said, “That’s the one that defeated Oikawa!”

Hiroshi grinned as he stared up at his partner. “I understand now. The Crest of Fate was the hidden power that Oikawa was talking about. “ He stared at Yamato with hate and anger in his eyes. “And now you’re going to find out the power first hand. Pukumon, attack!”

The blowfish digimon shot forward and slashed his hand-based spike across Demon’s chest. “Briten Punch!”

“So fast!” Yamato gasped, “How can that be?”

Pukumon started spinning around at an incredible rate, ripping his back spikes across the monkey bat’s stomach. He shot back after his attack was finished.

“Excellent!” Hiroshi shouted, “Now show him what happens to those that dare to doubt our power!”

Pukumon took a deep breath and the spikes all over his body shot out in a multitude of different directions, but all heading towards Demon. The evil digimon screamed out in pain and collapsed onto his knees.

Yamato stared with his mouth open wide. “H..how could he beat you?”

“I need to get out of here,” he panted.

The Dark God stared at Hiroshi with icy blue eyes. “This isn’t over, not by a long shot.” He grabbed a hold of his Demon Lord partner and the two flew into the air and disappeared over the horizon. “”””””””” 221;””””””””””& #8221;”””””””””” ;””””””

Back in Rararu, Tk stared at the Holy Weapon in his hands. “The..the Holy Weapon won’t work.”

“Don’t listen to him!” Goldramon shouted, “He’s lying!”

Lucemon Satan Mode roared with discontent. A blast of fire flowed from his mouth and engulfed the gold dragon. When the flames subsided, Patamon was panting heavily on the ground.

“Patamon!” the blond boy shouted.

“You’ve lost!” Koushiro laughed, “Just accept it! I’m the best, you could beat me.”

Tk stared at his opponent. He forgot his momentary lose of faith and felt renewed sense of determination. He wanted nothing more then to wipe the arrogant grin off of the red-head’s face.

His crest suddenly began to glow a bright orange. He was soon encased in void of darkness, with a unfamiliar crest hovered above him. A symbol was engraved on it, one that resembled a sun rising over a mountain. “Another crest? But, I’ve seen it before…” He suddenly remembered when he was in the DarkOcean, when the D-reaper forced him to remember his previous life’s death, and the crest that appeared when he needed it. He reached up and touched the crest, which exploded in light.

He was back in true reality, staring at the new crest in his hands. “My Crest of Friendship has become the Crest of Hope.” He stared at Koushiro, “And now you’re finished! Patamon!”

Tk’s digivice fired a beam of yellow light into Patamon. The pig/bat digimon executed a back flip before jutting his head forward, a stream of gold energy flowing from his body.

“Patamon warp-digivolve to…”

The stream of yellow energy continued to flow until Angemon became visible. The angel digimon turned slightly and screamed, sending another stream of yellow energy forward. This time, Magna Angemon appeared in the stream. The higher angel digimon turned his head to the sky as another stream of yellow energy flowed into a slightly larger winged figure. A set of metal armor began to form over his body, flowing like liquid metal and hardening over his body. Eight wings grew from his back and he formed seven small balls in his cupped hands which he shot forward.


“Impossibl e!” Koushiro gasped, staring at Patamon’s new mega form, “You didn’t have this kind of power in the Dark Ocean!”

“So you were watching us, huh?” he asked, “Well, it doesn’t matter. I have my true power now, and I’ve got news for you, you’re through!”

Seraphimon cupped his hands together and created seven glowing ball of energy. He through them forward at full force. “Strike of the Seven Stars!”

Lucemon Satan Mode screamed in pain as the attack tore across his body. Seraphimon shot forward and wrapped his arms around the dragon. “Starburst!”

The two opponents were encased in an explosion of light. A small child-like figure with wings shot out of the light and landed at Koushiro’s feet. “L..Lucemon? You’re in your Rookie form!”

“He was too much for me…” He groaned.

Koushiro stared up at Seraphimon’s attack, which was still brightly illuminating the battlefield. “Let’s get out of here while we can.”

When the light finally faded, Seraphimon gently floated to the ground. “They’re gone,” the digimon said.

“They’re really cowards,” he said, “Like all bullies.”

Seraphimon nodded, but turned his attention to the battle occurring behind them. “I think we’d better help the others.”

He nodded. “Right.”

Kimeramon opened his mouth and fired his Heat Viper attack. Stingmon and Ankylomon leapt out of the way with inches to spare. Unfortunately, this left them wide open for Kimeramon’s arms, the Devimon arms grabbed Stingmon and Kuwagamon and Skullgreymon’s arms held Ankylomon. The evil Ultimate smacked both of the digimon together and they regressed to their Rookie form.

“Oh no!” Ken and Cody gasped at the same time.

“Stop him, now!” Yolei ordered Silphymon.

“We’ll back you up!” Catherine mentioned to Blossomon.

“Astral Laser!”

“Spiral Flower!”

Kimeramon laughed in glee and backhanded both of the attacks, sending them smashing back into the two digimon, regressing them as well into their rookie forms. The beast then executed his Hybrid Arms attack, which managed to knock Paildramon into the ground. “That’s enough!” Davis shouted. He pointed his digivice at his partner. “Digivolve!”

“Paildramon digivolve to Imperialdramon!”

After evolving, the mega digimon quickly pointed his back-based cannon at his opponent and fired a giant blast of white light. “Positron Laser!”

The attack smacked Kimeramon in the stomach, causing him to roar out in pain. “Do it again!” Davis ordered.

“Wait!” Tk shouted, running over to him, “We’ll attack together!”

Davis glanced up at Seraphimon. “Who is that?”

“I’ll explain later,” he said, “But that’s my digimon partner. If we attack together, we’ll get him.”

Imperialdramon growled in agreement. “I digivolved too late. I’m too weak from fighting as Paildramon, I’ll only be able to get out one more good attack.”

“Same as me,” Seraphimon said, “We’ll have to make this one count.”

“Attack on the count of three,” Davis said, “One…two…three!”

“Positron Laser!”

“Strike of the Seven Stars!”

The two attacks of the mega digimon combined together and pounded Kimeramon in the stomach. He screamed in supreme pain and fell onto the ground. Imperialdramon and Seraphimon both regressed to their rookie forms. “I sure hope he’s dead,” Veemon said, falling onto his rear, “Because I don’t have any energy left.”

“Then you’re really not going to like this,” Davis gasped, “Because he’s getting back up.”

The Digidestined and their exhausted digimon stared in horror as the evil beast slowly rose to his feet. However, he was clutching his stomach and moaning loudly. “What iz wrong wiz him?” Catherine asked.

“He looks…sick,” Floramon said.

Kimeramon’s body started glowing brightly until a blast of energy exploded, sending the Digidestined flying backwards. Yet they still stared with awe and horror as Kimeramon’s Devimon arms separated from the rest of his body, along with the digimon they truly belonged to.

“Devimon?” they all gasped.

The devil digimon stared at the Digidestined, then glanced over at Kimeramon. He laughed wickedly and floated into the sky. Kimeramon roared and then stumbled out of the city.

“What the hell is going on here?” Davis asked. “””””””””̶ 1;”””””””””” 221;””””””””””& #8221;”””””

Kimeramon ran through the desert before finally stopping at one of the few remaining sources of water in the Digital World, a very small lake that was once an ocean. He began to drink when he felt a presence behind him. He turned around only to see a man with a dark cape hovering before him.

“Greetings, my name is Myotismon.”

Kimeramon hesitated.

“I mean you no harm,” Myotismon said, “I only wish to become your companion and perhaps you can become mine, Kimeramon.”


What is this strange being that has emerged from within Kimeramon? Is it truly Devimon, or something more? The Digidestined mount an attack on the Gods of Darkness, but can they survive? And waiting in the shadows, Kimeramon and Myotismon!

Next: “ Apocalypse: Fusion” To combat the forces of darkness, the ultimate teamwork is needed.