Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Theeee Show ❯ First Show ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Hey peoples, wrote this cause I'm temporarily insane, so anyways I host my own show, lotsa guests. Einstein tries to kill ken, We play truth or dare, A falls off a horse and Tai drools on himself. Much fun for all!

This is dedicated to me cause it was my birthday not long ago! Yay!

Disclaimer: I like Potatoes


Theeee Show

By: Frostbite lala_land_girl@hotmail.com

Frostbite (me): Hello today, we have a special show planed out for you. But first lets meet our guests. Today our discussion panel will consist of the following brilliant minds: the well known boy genius, ken ichisomethingorother.

Ken: hello, I'm very happy to be here

Frostbite: also we have the computer whiz, Izzy Izumi.

Izzy: Good to be here Frostbite

Ken: Hey how come you know his full name and not mine

FB: Uhhhh, just cause, another one of our guests today is Einstein

Ken&Izzy: Wow, theeeeee Einstein, you are like my hero!

Einstein: Hey, what are you doing here? Frostbite you said the show would be about me and my new theorems.

FB: Of course, the show is about you, these other people are just here for back round noise.

Ken&Izzy: Hey!

Izzy: Well why are Davis and Tai here?

FB: I was just about to tell you, but you had to go and ruin the surprise!

Ken: It's not a very good surprise, they're sitting right here!

FB: shut up! Anyways our remaining quests are Tai Kamiya and Davis Motomiya

Tai&Davis: Yay, we get to miss school to come here!

FB: but its Saturday

Tai&Davis: Oh

Ken: why are they here? They're not geniuses.

Izzy: they're not even smart!

FB: but who would we make fun of if they weren't here?

All: Good point!

FB: I know. I always make good points. Its just part of being me!

FB: ok lets move on to the first subject, it will involve abstract thinking.

Ken&Izzy&Einstein: YAY!

Tai: What does abstract thinking mean?

Davis: Beats me!

Tai: Ok <begins to beat up Davis thinking that he had said "beat me">

FB: that looks like fun! <helps Tai beat up Davis>

Izzy: I think I'll join in< joins the fight>

Ken: Me too! < also joins the fight>

Einstein: Good Now while they're fighting I can take the time to explain certain new theories of mine, You see if the sum of the quotient…

<Meanwhile Frostbite (that's me) has become bored with beating up Davis so stops and orders every one back to their seats.>

Einstein: <sulking> Fine, I won't explain my new formula for time travel

FB: all right lets move on to our second subject

Ken: but we never had a first subject!

FB: shut up! Alright what we're going to do is analyze a situation and discuss it.

No one: Yay

FB: Hey no one, how you doing?

No one: good. How about you?

FB: Oh me, I'm fine. But you better get out of here. I'm only supposed to have 4 guests.

No one: But you have 5

FB: 5 what?

No one: Guests!

FB: Yes I have 5 guests. What's you're point?

No one: But you said…

FB: I said what?

No one: you said you have 4 guests.

FB: why would I say that! I have 5 guests, what do you think I am some sort of idiot who can't even count!

No one: aaaaaaggggyhhhhh! <runs off stage screaming>

FB: Hey! I wonder why he left.

Ken: Maybe because you told him to.

FB: Who asked you?

Ken: you!

FB: shut up! Alright, next situation.

Izzy: but we never had a first situation

FB: Shut up! Alright here it is: This is a true story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine. A girl was walking to school. Let's call this girl A.

Tai: That's not very good name. Who would name their kid A?

FB: I would, now stop interrupting! Anyways, A is walking to school, when suddenly she falls off a horse, but she wasn't even on a horse. How can we explain this phenomenon?

Ken: Huummmmm…

Izzy: Interesting…

Tai: huuuhhh?

Davis: Say what?

Einstein: <still sulking> I mean it's only time travel it's not like it's important…

FB: Oh Einstein would you stop sulking! We'll listen to all your ideas at the end of the show. You know, save the best for last.

Einstein: really, alright then! See it goes like this. Say the horse is B. Then A-B is the phenomenon we speak of and this means that A is in motion compared to B and vise-versa, creating something we call perpetual motion. Also if A-b is the equation, then A-B=C if according to this C is of a lesser value than both A and B separately, depending on whether or not B is of a higher value than A. Thus saying that it is in no way an absolute.

Any questions?

Davis: Uuuuhhh? <falls of his chair>

Tai: Duuhhhh? <drools on himself because of his lack of comprehension>

Izzy: You lost me about midway.

Ken: Yeah, I agree, your explanation became a bit foggy about halfway through.

Einstein: <very mad> WHAT? You dare insult me. I was not foggy, you're just too stupid to understand.

Ken: I'll have you know that I am a genius, I possess a superior intellect.

Einstein: And yet you cannot understand a simple formula, some Genius you turned out to be.

Ken: No one understood your stupid formula!

No one: I didn't understand it! Leave me out of this.

FB: I understood. <but every one ignores her>

Tai: <to Davis> what's he (no one) doing here? I thought he left!

Einstein: <gets out a big ax and begins to sharpen it>

FB: I understood it <nobody hears her>

Ken: Einstein, come on, lets not resort to violence. <begin backing away from Einstein>

Nobody: Hi, I just dropped by to say that I heard Frostbite talking, Bye. <runs off the stage>

No one: Hey nobody! Wait for me! <runs off after nobody>

Tai: <to Davis> what was that about? Why didn't any body else notice?

Davis: <to Tai> I don't know. Maybe we're the only one who can see them!


<they all look at her>

Ken: you understood?

FB: of course, don't sound so surprised!

Einstein: see, she understood, I made perfect sense, it's just you aren't too bright!

Davis: <to Tai> of course he's not bright, he's not a light bulb!

FB: Yeah Ken, you "claim" to be a genius, but are you really!

Ken: Yes!

FB&Einstein: Oh!

Ken: besides the only reason you understand, Frostbite is cause you're writing the whole thing, so obviously you would understand what you were writing.

FB: no not really, lots of times I have no idea what I'm saying or writing, I have no clue.

Secondly, I'm not writing this!

All: you're not!

Tai: then who is?

FB: I am!

Davis: say what?

FB: say who!

Izzy: say why!

Einstein: say when!

Tai: say where!

<every one looks at Ken expectantly>

Ken: I refuse to sink to your level

All: Fine be that way!

Einstein: you're going to sink all right! <chases Ken around the room with the axe>

Ken: aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… <runs away from Einstein>

Tai: Isn't that nice!

Izzy: what's nice about that?

Tai: beats me!

Davis: Beat you? Wouldn't that hurt!

FB: lets not go down that road again!

Davis: What road? I don't see a road!

Demiveemon: wha tshyou talkin bout Davish?

Izzy: hey what's he doing here?

FB: Yeah! I said no digimon.

Agumon: but we just wanted to see what you were doing!

FB: you're here too? The both of you get out! Now!

Tai&Davis: aaaaawwww, can't they stay? <make really cute faces, puppy dog>

FB: weeeellllll…

Tai&Davis: ppuuulllleeeaaaasssssseeeeee!

FB: oh alright. But make sure they don't make a mess, and they can't speak too much, because as I said before, I'm only supposed to have 4 guests.

Everyone except Frostbite: aaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhh! <whacks themselves on the forehead and decides not to bother>

FB: why do people do that? It's just insane! Insane I tell you! Mwahahahahaha! Bwhahahahaha! Bhawhahahaeeeuuuggggcckkk <starts coughing>

Izzy: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! < looks at Frostbite as if she is insane (which she no doubt is!)>

FB: alright, I 'm tired of talking of smarty farty stuff, let's do something else! Tai what do you want to do?

Tai: Ummmmmm…<thinks>

Davis: how come you asked him first and not me! No fair!

FB: shut up! Tai? Hello?

Tai: uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm…

<five minutes later>

Tai: uuuuummmm, I got it, let's play a game!

FB: what game?

Tai: Uuuummmmmm…

FB: never mind I'll decide, I say we play truth or dare!

Izzy: but we do that in every freaking fic, I hate that game!

FB: I know, I know it bugs me too, but I put it in the commercial so people are going to expect it, and we can't not do it now, they could sue us for false advertising!

Davis: What commercial?

FB: This one < takes out a tape and pops it in a TV set that came out of no where>

<weird music plays in the back round, Frostbite comes out on stage, wearing a grey suit and a fake smile>

FB in the commercial: Today, I get to host my own show, with lotsa guests. Einstein tries to kill ken, We play truth or dare, A falls off a horse and Tai drools on himself. Much fun for all! Come one come all to see it! <end of commercial>

FB: Wow, it's true what they say you really do gain 10 pounds on TV

Izzy: that was… eeeeeeerrrrr… nice, yeah that's it nice!

Davis: I liked it!

FB: You did! Yay! <gives Davis a big big big big big bigbigbigbgigibgbgibgbig hug>

Davis: aacckkk you're choking me!

Demiveemon: Oh no! Davish is in trouble! Time to digivolve!

<he becomes Veemon>

Veemon: Vee Head But < tries to hit Frostbite, but she uses Davis as a shield, so Davis gets a head but in his side>

<Davis faints in pain, leaving Frostbite without a shield>

Veemon: Now you're gonna get it! <begins to digivolve again> (I know you kinda need your partner to digivolve and such, but for reasons that the author has decided to leave unknown, (mostly for plot) Veemon can some how digivolve with out Davis)

<the music plays in the back round, and flashy lights illuminate the room>

Veemon: Veemon… digivolve to… Exveemon!

A little boy who has wondered on to the set: <to his mom> Mommy, why did they show that part? <points at them>

Mother of the boy: It's called a filler, Johnny, and don't point, it's rude!

<they both leave as quickly as they came>

FB: <looking at Exveemon who is now taller than her> well I have a digimon too! Pogo get out here!

<a strange and homely looking man walks on to the set>

Pogo: you called, mam.

FB: take care of this person < points at Exveemon>

Mother of the boy: Stop that, it's rude to point! <leaves again>

Pogo: alright! <prepares to fight Exveemon>

Exveemon: wait you haven't digivolved yet! I can't fight you if you don't do that!

Pogo: Oh all right! Pogo… digivolve to…Hot dog

Exveemon: that doesn't count cause you didn't have any music or lights or any special effects at all, and that's a very important part of digivolving!

Pogo: sorry!

<the music plays in the back round, and flashy lights illuminate the room>

Pogo: Pogo…digivolve to…Hot dog! <he looks exactly the same as before>

Exveemon: Now we can fight!

FB: <yawns> I grow tired of this, Pogo or Hot-dog, whatever your name is, get lost!

<Hot dog leaves>

Exveemon: but we didn't get to fight!

FB: Oh boohoo for you! Do I look like I care? Cause I don't! Now let's get back to the point here!

<Exveemon becomes so depressed that he dedigivolves>

Izzy: what's the point!

FB: The point is we have to play truth or dare because we don't want to be sued for false advertisement!

Izzy: you mean YOU don't want to get sued, not WE! YOU'RE the one who decided to have a commercial, and to say that we would play truth or dare!

FB: yeah yeah, but you still have to play!

Izzy: fine!

FB: Ok lets see who's playing, uuummm, Me, <points to Izzy> you…

Izzy: We might as well count Ken and Einstein out, Einstein is still trying to kill Ken, he sure can run fast for a dead guy!

FB: All right that leaves Tai, Davis and the digimon!

Izzy: But Davis is still out cold!

FB: well let's wake him up!

<they spent 15 minutes trying to wake him up>

FB: never mind we don't need him!

Tai: yeah we can play with only 5 people, well 3 people and 2 digimon!

FB: ok Izzy you get to go first, since you hate this game and you have to play!

Izzy: thanks, I choose Agumon!

Agumon: I choose truth!

Izzy: Kay, what were you doing behind the Quickie mart yesterday? Stealing chips?

Agumon: <looks around nervously> uuuhhhh, <points to one side of the stage>hey look there's a bird<every one looks and he takes off in the opposite direction>

<they notice he's left>

Tai: well I'll take his turn for him since he's not here!

All: ok!

Tai: Veemon, truth or dare

Veemon: uuummmm, truth!

FB: what is with you guys, have you no courage, only babies pick truth!

Veemon: shut up!

Tai: ok is it true that you like Gatomon!

Veemon: YES!

FB: Dow Tai what an original question!

Tai: Oh like you can do better!

FB: Damn right!

Veemon: I pick, Frostbite. Truth or dare?

FB: I am not a wimp so I say dare

Veemon: ok <grins evilly> Now I'll get my revenge for what you did to Davis! I dare you to, ummmm, uuumm, uuuuummmm…

Tai: To kiss some one!

Veemon: good idea Tai, thanks! Ok I dare you to kiss Tai!

Tai: what! That's not fair, You owe me, I gave you the idea!

FB: look what you've done now Tai! You idiot!

Izzy: hurry it up people I want to get this game over, now!

FB: Alright, hey look a zebra! <points to the roof>

< they all look>

FB: aww you missed it! Oh well

<Izzy looks suspiciously at her but decides to let it go cause he wants to get the game over with!>

FB: all right it is my turn and I pick Tai!

Tai: shit! Haven't I suffered enough?

FB: truth or dare?

Tai: truth

FB: oh my god you have the freaking crest of courage and you pick truth! What kind of wuss are you?

Tai: fine, fine, dare!

FB: Yay

Tai: why me?

FB: Ok I dare you to go get me some thing to drink!

<every body looks at her strangely>

FB: what? I'm thirsty!

Tai: Ok, if you say so! And you said I was bad at this!

FB: do you want me to change my mind!

Tai: No sir!

FB: Then get me my drink! And while you're at it I'd like a donut too!

Tai: Right away! <runs off to get her a drink>

Izzy: what should we do until he gets back?

Veemon: Wake up Davis!

FB: ok, sure, but how do we do that?

Veemon: uuummm, paper masher.

FB&Izzy: huh?

FB: mind telling us how that would work?

Veemon: I don't know, you're the smart ones!

<just then Davis wakes up>

Davis: Potatoe? (I just love that word!)

Veemon: Good Davish you're awake

Davis: Woah! what happened?

FB: you missed a lot davis!

Davis: really!

Veemon: yeah we played truth or dare!

Davis: <looking around> hey where is every body?

Izzy: well, Ken is still being chased by Einstein with the axe. And Agumon ran off when I accused him of stealing, Tai just left to go get Frostbite a drink on a dare, and that's about it.

Davis: Oh!

Izzy: Oh yeah and shortly after you passed out this weird guy called pogo or something came, but he left again.

FB: he's my digimon and he's not weird he's odd!

Davis: < looking at her as if she's insane> Ookkkaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!

FB: alright

< they stand there doing nothing for 10 minutes, when suddenly Tai returns>

Tai: Hi guys, hey Davis you're awake, Frostbite I got you some pop, and a donut!

FB: Yay! I love donuts! <starts eating, almost swallows it whole, she is eating so fast>

FB: Ok what next?

Davis: you're the host! Aren't you supposed to know?

FB: Maybe, but I feel like being lazy right now!

Tai: How about we talk about your fanfiction?

FB: NO! people will think I'm just trying to promote it! <runs up to the camera and sticks her face up against it> Read them! Read them all! Read them now! Now, I tell you! Or I'll come murder you in your beds! Bwhahahahamwhahahahahah! Oh and don't forget to review! <runs back to where she was before and acts like nothing has happened>

Veemon: what was that?

FB: What was what? <whistles innocently>

Agumon: <runs back on to the stage> I just heard a bird, what is a bird doing in here?

FB: Bird, what bird? < whistles innocently again>

Agumon: there it is again! Can't you guys hear it?

FB&Izzy&Tai&Davis&Veemon: No, hear what, we don't hear anything! < whistles innocently, except of course Davis cause he can't whistle(incompetent fool)>

Agumon: there it is again! More and more of them! They're every where! <becomes very jumpy and nervous>

Tai: Come on buddy calm down.

Agumon: <pointing an acusatory finger at him> You could be one of them! Stay away from me! Don't think I don't know what's going on here! I'm on to you and you little plot to rule the earth! <begins backing away from them, towards the exit> Down with the birds! Down with the birds! Vive la resistance! < turns around and runs away like an idiot>

Tai: that was interesting.

Izzy: I agree.

Veemon: Oh peshaaa!

<they all look at him like he's insane>

Veemon: What? It's a word!

Tai: Right so anyways, there was something that we were all wondering!

FB: what?

Tai: oh shit I forgot! Oh well never mind! Oh look here comes Ken!

<Ken comes running on to the stage>

Ken: save me! Save me! Hide me hind me some where before he comes <throws himself down on his knees and begs> save me, he's going to kill me!

<they can hear Einstein running down the hall yelling>

FB: alright! Get in the can! <pull a big garbage can out of nowhere, Ken jumps in, she puts the lid back on>

<Einstein comes in>

Einstein: where is he? I'm going to kill him!

FB: Einstein, come on do you have to kill him I think he's learned his lesson

Einstein: yeah you're right, I'll stop. Hey where is he any ways?

FB: <points to the can> In there!

Einstein: Oh!

< they all wait in silence for a moment>

Tai: Aren't you going to tell him it's safe to get out now?

FB: Naahhhh, let's leave him in there! At least for a little while!

Everyone except Ken: Ok!

<ten minutes later>

Tai: should we let him out yet

FB: no not yet, be patient my friends

<ten more minutes later.

Davis: now?

FB: Nope?

<ten minutes later>

Izzy: now?

FB: Yes!

Tai: hey how come you listened to him and not me?

FB: he said it right!

Davis: but he said it the exact same way as me

FB: but you can't whistle!

Davis: what does that have to do with it?

FB: I don't know, but it sounded logical in my head!

Izzy: can we just get him out already!

FB: Ok!

<she tries to take off the lid but it's stuck>

Tai: What's wrong? You can't pull it off? And you called me a wuss, you can't even lift a garbage can lid!

FB: Fine let's see you do it!

Tai: alright <tries to pull it off but cannot get the lid to budge>

FB: not as easy as it looks, is it?

Davis: step aside weaklings, I pump iron all the time!

FB: <to Tai> sure he does!

Tai: <to Frostbite> ever since he lifted that damn digi-egg of courage he thinks he can lift anything!

<Davis tries but is unsuccessful at opening the stupid garbage can>

Tai: what if he's stuck in there forever!

Davis: Oh no< begins to panick>

FB: calm down, we don't want Ken to know!

Davis: why!

Tai: we shouldn't tell him because he may panick and that won't help our situation!

FB: ditto! Now we have to think of something quick!

<they think for awhile>

FB: hey Izzy why don't you try?

<Tai and Davis laugh>

Tai: sorry Izzy, but strengh has never been you're thing!

Izzy: that sounds like a chalenge!

Tai: Maybe it is!

<Izzy goes over to the trash can and knocks>

Ken from inside the garbage can: yyeeesssss?

Izzy: You can come out now its safe!

< Ken opens the lid and gets out>

< Tai and Davis just stand there, looking like the idiots they are>

Tai&Davis: huh?

Izzy: I guess I won, eh Tai?

Tai: yeah yeah

FB: see Tai you've got to use your head!

Tai: you didn't!

FB: shut up! Now what will we do next?

Davis: how about…

FB: Oh I'm sorry times up, it's time to go! <waves at the camera> see you next week!

<the camera begins to pan out>

Einstin: wait wait you said I could explain some of my ideas!

Ken: no one cares about your ideas old man!

No one: I don't care about his idea! Where did you get that impression? I don't even know who he is!

Einstein <to Ken> what did you say to me? <picks up his ax again>

Ken: you heard me you <notices the ax> nice person you, I could listen to your ideas all day, unfortunately I have to go now! <runs off the set>

<Agumon comes back and along with Veemon decides to trash the places, lighting it on fire with his pepper breath. Every thing was going great until Tai got pepper in his eyes and got mad and took Agumon home, Ken some how got stuck with the damage bill!>


Well what did you think? Good? Bad? Funny?

Should I do another?

Please review

If you don't I'll come murder you in your beds

Yolei: you shouldn't make threats like that!

Me: hey what are you doing here, you weren't even in the show!

Yolei: that's why I'm here! To complain! Why didn't I get to be in the show? Am I not good enough?

<Suddenly, yolei falls though trap door in the floor of the set>

Me: Oh what a shame, oh well, that takes care of the problem!

Bye peoples