Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ To Forgive, Divine ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

To Forgive, Divine.

Chapter 1

Standard disclaimer: I don't own any copyright to anything that I may mention below so don't bug me. Any C&D letters I may get will rest with my bills… in the fireplace. Same goes with any flame mail. This work shall not be published anywhere without my written consent.


"When a tragedy occurs, sometimes it brings the family and friends closer together. Usually it does bring the best out of the families and friends. But sometime people deal with them by drowning their sorrows in beer or other means. And then there are some families and friends that get driven apart. Unfortunately, I have to deal with four Digidestined who have been torn apart by a tragedy six years ago.

"It is time for me to bring them here and get them to reconcile their differences and for them to rediscover their crests. For they had stayed too far from their path and allowed their crests to remain dark for far too long. In the past I have tried to send invitations but they all went unanswered. With only a few months before the imbalance of the Crest causes the Digiworld to be destroyed, I had to take matters in my hand..."

Gennai tapped on his computer keyboard. "I am attempting to bring in Tai, Matt, Izzy, and TK."

Elsewhere in the real world, it was night time in Japan. Tai, Izzy, and TK all were sleeping and they were unaware their computer had mysteriously turned itself on. Nor had they expected to be transported from their dreamland back to the Digiworld which they hadn't been to for years.

And Matt, who was in USA doing his tour, would have been a little harder. Fortunately he had been near an ATM machine and Gennai have a mean of teleporting someone through the ATM. And thus begin a new adventure for the four Digidestined...


"OW!" Tai cried as he rubbed his rear where he landed after being transported. He looked around and saw Matt, TK, and Izzy also had been transported. "OK, who's the wise guy that kidnapped me?" he demanded.

Matt also found Izzy and he had a deathly glare toward Izzy. Izzy noticed Matt and returned the glare. TK was also visibly upset by the unexpected trip, and he was even more upset when he noticed Matt. "You!" TK shouted toward Matt. Matt became surprised as he never noticed his brother before.

Izzy finally saw Tai and started fuming. "Why did you have to show your hairy face?"

"As if I had a choice. Someone kidnapped me!" he retorted. "Was it you? Because if it was, I have no intention of apologizing to you for that night!"

"You should have tried harder!" Izzy countered.

"Me? You're the one who abandoned her and forced me to babysit her!"

Gennai came up to the group and exclaimed "I need your attention! It is I that brought you here." But it became apparent to him that none of the four was paying any attention to him as all four were still arguing among themselves.

"Everyone shut up!" Gennai bellowed. They all finally gave Gennai their attention. "Thank you. I had to bring all of you here. The Digiworld is slipping out of balance and we have a few months to restore it. In order to restore, all of you will need to rediscover your crests. Now if you don't think you can do it, feel free to step back to Earth." He motioned to his left. A greenish portal window opened up.

"But this will be your only warning, and your only chance. If you step through that portal, I will be forced to strip you of your crest, your Digivice, delete your Digimon, and you will be no longer allowed to return to Digiworld."

"Also if you keep fighting, I will kick you out. No exceptions! I need all four of your crests to be restored and restore the balance to the world. If you can't do that, I will find someone else who will!"

All four had been quiet for a while. Then TK spoke up "I don't want to be in the same planet as that what's-his-name!" He was thumbing toward Matt.

Matt folded his arms. "Fine! I know when I'm not welcome!" Matt turned to Izzy and added "I don't want to breathe the same air as that computer geek!"

That only served to make Izzy even madder as he started storming toward the Digiport. TK ran and tackled Izzy and pinned him to the ground. Being a computer genius, Izzy wasn't as muscular as TK was and couldn't break free of TK's grip. "I'll be damned if I let you go!" TK shouted to Izzy.

Tai only leaned against the tree. "I'm not going by myself so if no one goes, I stay."

"Buck! Buck! Bucka-baw!" Matt shouted to Tai, flapping his arm like a chicken. Tai only glared at Matt.

Gennai had given enough time before he closed the port. "You will all stay together and work to find yourselves. I have left you some camping gear and enough supply for one week. You will not be allowed to see your Digimon until you rediscover your crest. Any question?"

TK finally let Izzy free as he got up and asked the first question "Why wait for so many years? Why didn't you bring us earlier?"

"I tried! I sent you numerous invitations to come in but none of you bothered to accept it." Gennai eyed Izzy "And you never even checked your computer at all. I gave you all numerous chances. You all blew it and I had to bring you here by force." The veins on his neck were ballooning and threatened to blow.

No one said anything more. They all felt a bit guilty. "I'll be watching you." Gennai then walked out, leaving all four by themselves.

Tai finally moved as he started for the camping gear. He began to unpack them and found the tent. A rather large tent that he can't set up by himself. Only TK came over to help Tai set the tent up. Tai kept looking toward Matt and Izzy, who still had their backs turned toward each other. "What's their problem?" Tai asked TK.

"From what I heard, about a month after Mimi's death, both got into a nasty fight. I think Matt ended up in the hospital. He didn't say much to me. I do know they haven't said a word to each other since then."

Tai was a bit wide eyed at that story. "Wow... going for six years without a word."

"And you?" TK asked Tai as they had just finished with the tent. "I heard some nasty words between Izzy and you."

Tai just sighed. "He still blames me for Mimi's death. But I still say it was his fault in the first place." Tai looked toward TK as he tossed a sleeping bag in. "And what's your story?"

"Matt wouldn't come when I needed him. And I'd rather not explain why I needed him." The pair had just finished moving the rest of the stuff inside the tent when TK said "I don't know about you but I'm going back to bed. It's still about two in the morning when I was pulled here."

"Sounds good." Tai replied. Both went into the tent. "I only hope they do get some sleep." Tai said, referring to Izzy and Matt. Both Tai and TK were soon fast asleep, while Matt and Izzy continued their non speaking term.


It would be late morning before Tai woke up. He saw TK was still sleeping, and Izzy had finally come in to sleep as well. But the fourth sleeping bag and a pillow were missing. Tai took a step outside and found Matt sleeping outside. Tai choose to ignore Matt and grabbed a fishing rod and made a short hike toward a nearby river.

After what seemed like an hour, Tai figured he had enough fish for everyone. No sense starting an argument over who does what. As he was on his way back, he heard some shouting and when he got a view, he saw it was Matt and TK this time, both of their back turned to each other.

Tai was getting tired of all the fighting. He chose to ignore them just for the sake of himself. He plopped the fishes down on the ground near the tent when Izzy snapped at him. "Why, I didn't think you had the courage to catch a fish, let alone a few."

Tai just ignored him. "What's the matter? Afraid to face me like you were six years ago?" Izzy said.

Tai's blood started to boil a bit. He's had enough of Izzy's accusations.

"You acted like a coward and you let someone kill my wife!" Izzy's voice was cracking a bit.

Tai's temper had reached the breaking point. He yelled "That's not true!" He swung his fist around and it connected with Izzy's cheek, knocking Izzy down rather hard.

Both Matt and TK had heard the commotion and had just seen Tai punch Izzy down. Both were shocked that Tai would do that since Gennai had warned them about fighting.

Gennai had indeed seen the punch as he appeared in holographic image. A green portal opened near the holo image. The holo said "Tai, you blew it! Leave!" The holo image of Gennai was pointing toward the portal.


Had Tai lost it all? Would his Agumon be deleted for good?

To be continued...