Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Trials of the Heart ❯ Difficult Choices ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Difficult Choices

Girls . . . They're so easy to read... but so hard to understand. I mean-- they could stare at you, blush when they speak to you, run away if you come close enough, but... they may not like-- or love-- you. Aww.... I dunno.... Girls are girls, and we guys are guys. 'Can't live with them, can't live without them,' as they say. And it's true... heh, oh yeah.

Anyway, my date with the lovely Sora had gone rather smoothly. She was a kind, gentle person with lots of love to give... and she had it bad for me. Come on, it's not like I couldn't tell. Then again... how did I feel about her? I wasn't sure. I felt something-- I just didn't know what. A voice deep down inside of me just said to spend more time with her-- to 'get to know' her. Would I listen? Would I truly do what that little rasping voice ordered me to? Who knew?

And besides, I had another date to worry about.

"Matt? I think I know what movie I want to see."

I smiled and looked down. Mandi had the silkiest black hair I'd ever laid eyes (or hands) upon. Meeting the two crystals that had claimed themselves as her eyes, I mocked, "Really? And what might that be?"

She grinned, exposing her pearly whites, and answered: "Pearl Harbor!"

"Do you even know what had on happened that day?" She had to have known, I mean-- Japan wasn't exactly the 'good guy' back then....

"Of course! But that's besides the point! It's a love story!" she hinted, dragging me towards the ticket booth. "At least... that's what I've heard. And it's from America!"

"No, really?" I jested, faking an eye roll. Four bucks for a ticket? Dang-- and I thought concerts were pricey....

She playfully punched my arm and let out a laugh. Man, I loved that laugh. I felt a tug at my heart.... Was I in love with two women? No, no... that would be wrong.... Then... why did I feel this way around both of them? How? How would I be able to tell apart the friendship feeling from the love feeling? Don't ask me, buddy, the voice cracked. I'm only here for the ride!Scoffing silently to myself, I tried to devise a plan. How could I? Sora and I went to the same school; Mandi went to one a couple of blocks away. Mandi and I both got along so well; sometimes it was hard to talk to Sora.... HOW?!

Suddenly... while walking towards theater four, it hit me. Sure, it'd be both slightly cruel anddevious, but... who would find out? None of my school friends knew Mandi... and none of my friends from her school knew Sora.... The only problem now was... would I do it?

Me and my difficult choices....

"Yama? Matt? Hel-lo?"

I snapped out of my trance. We'd past our stop.... "Sorry Mandi.... I zoned out," I muttered, turning around.

She whispered, "That's okay, Yamie-Wamie...." I choked.... Her and her embarrassing nicknames.


I froze in my spot. No. Please don't let it be.... Dear Lord-- I beg of you! Not her! I snatched Mandi's hand and zoomed into the darkened theater, hoping that she hadn't seen our escape....


"So... how's your vacation been, Matt?"

"Huh?" I groaned, realizing that a conversation had been started. "Oh, it's been... you know," was all I could mutter. Lack of sleep could do this to a man. Sora sighed and looked up at the stars. Think about it-- me plus Sora at the park with the stars above our heads should at least equal a little romance; too bad for me that I didn't get any sleep last night.... After my date with Mandi (and after I set the first part of my plan into action), a certain someone had decided to 'camp out in front of my apartment room's front door.' And that... wasn't fun.

"Winter's so beautiful, too.... Don't you think so?"

"Yeah...." I wanted to say 'oh yeah, and so are you,' but sleep wanted to rule.... I hated it-- not being able to be romantic.... I yawned.

Sora stood up from the park bench and smiled a small, caring smile. "If you're tired," she whispered, "I can go home...." She didn't want to, I knew, but... she wanted to put my health before her happiness. Man, she was sweet!

"I... I guess you're right... sorry."

She suddenly looked alarmed. "Don't be!" she exclaimed. When she realized what had escaped her lips, she blushed and looked towards the ground. "I-I mean...," she stuttered.

Cute. Plain and simple. I motioned for her to not say anything. Patting the seat beside me, she got my little hint and sat down. "There now-- don't worry about me." I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She looked slightly confused... but she went along with it. Just do it, my mind told me. I guessed that I should-- I mean, I'd already set up the first part of the plan yesterday! So all I had to do was initiate step two.

I breathed in and started: "Look, Sora... I know that a couple of days ago I'd said that it would be best if we were just friends... but now...." She looked up at me, eyes widening. Yes, Sora, yes. I was asking you to be my 'steady.' I cleared my throat. This had been a whole lot easier yesterday.... "I just want to know... will you be my girlfriend?"

Tears bubbled up around her crimson eyes. Her mouth opened wide, but no sound came out; she abruptly shut it, nodded, and leaned against my shoulder. A happy sigh could be noted as well.

Finally.... My plan had been enacted. What, exactly, was my plan, you ask? Why would I claim it to be so cruel and devious? Well... it was simple, really. I planed to spend my time with both girls to find out which one had truly claimed my heart.

I know, I know.... 'WHAT? HOW CAN YOU BE SO... SO CRUEL AND... DEVIOUS, MATT?!' That's what you want to say, right? Well, I wasn't trying to be. I didn't want to hurt either of them, so I planed to keep low. None of my friends from one school knew any of my friends from the other, so.... Okay-- yes, it was cruel. I could admit to that. But I cared for both of them.... And, besides, it wasn't like anyone would find out-- right? That's what I thought.

There's safety within groups, as they say. Well, I had two groups... didn't that mean that I had twice the safety? My head hurt... and I needed sleep. Well... at least they were happy, I thought, drifting off.

For now, anyway.


The next two days went by rather quickly. I went to brunch with Sora both days, then took her to my band practices. You never know someone until you actually sit down and listen to their words; I learned that spending the morning with Sora. We talked for almost an hour and a half! Who knew we'd have that much to talk about? We would then stroll through the park to her mother's flower shop. With a peck on the cheek, she'd leave me to her work.

And then I'd walk a couple of blocks to Mandi's apartment home. God, that girl knew how to shop... and how to snooker a few things out of me.... She just wrapped me around her little fingers like a ring.... Afterwards, we'd walk around the park (well, once... the next day we toddled around the streets of Odaiba...) and chat about what was going on with our lives during vacation. Finally... home-- well, her's first. Then I'd walk home with to little burning pecks on my cheeks.

Of course, the next day was December 31st, also known as New Year's Eve. And my school was celebrating with a simple New Year's 'lock in.' Oh joy. Couldn't wait....

I woke up early that morning and phoned Sora. "Sorry 'bout canceling our brunch today, but my cousin's really ill... and I promised Dad I'd visit. We'll be able to spend some time together tonight-- at the lock in, 'kay?" It was hard to straight-out lie, but I had gotten used to it....

She just chuckled sadly and said that it was alright. Perhaps she'd take a walk and hang out around the park. "That's a great idea!" I offered lightly. "But don't overdo it-- you want to be able to stay up tonight!" She laughed; we said our goodbye's. Well... that went well....

One more time! My fingers ran across the numbers without my thinking. I knew the number by heart, anyway. Just like I knew Sora's.... I was greeted with a cheerful, "Hello?"

"Hey, Mandi? You remember how my school's going to have that lock in tonight? Well, how's about you and I go out early today so we won't be missing anything tonight?"

"You mean I can't go to the lock in, Matt?" she mumbled, faking a cry.

I let out a laugh. Why did she tease me so? "Students only-- none from other schools. Sorry!"

A laugh emerged from the earpiece. "Alright. Meet me at the mall in an hour! I'll treat you to breakfast, and then you can treat me to lunch!"

"Fine... whatever." Bad Matt-- don't lie.... "I'll see you then!" And with that, our conversation ended. A song (well... more like the melody) that my dad had listened to popped into my head.... One from this group called "The Monkeys"... or something like that.... I'd heard it only once or twice, but it talked about this guy who had to choose between two girls. Yeah... heh.

I emerged from my room and knocked on my dad's door. He was a 'late' sleeper. A mumble came from inside; I began to get ready for my 'breakfast date.' Man... I had a long day ahead of me... and no sleep-- again.


Nothing could have prepared me for later that day. Mandi and I had just exited the mall when we bumped into him. Him meaning...Tai Kamiya.

What was he...? He looked at me, acknowledged my presence... then looked at Mandi. Shoot! He'd better not.... It was too late, because within that moment he had pulled me off to the side.

"What are you doing?" he hissed. What was up with him? It's not like I don't have 'cousins' or friends. Who was he to judge before he knew?

I looked at him innocently. "Why, whatever do you mean, Tai?" Sure-- he knew that Sora and I were going out... but....

His eyes burned with rage. "'Visiting a sick cousin' my arse! Who the hell is she?"

He... he knew? But how did he...? "What are you talking about, hair-boy?" I demanded.

"Sora invited me to go jogging! She told me that you were 'being a sweetheart and visiting a sick cousin!'" He scowled at me and shook his head. I can't believe you.... Two-timer! Cheater! Double-crossing, back stabber!"

My hand flung over his mouth. Did Mandi hear?! No... thank God. She was talking to a donation person a while away. She laughed at the lady's words and looked at me impatiently. "Shut-up!" I scolded. "Just... shut-up!"

He smacked my hand away. Idiot... he had better stop while he was ahead. "Sora loves you! How could you do that to her?" He looked upset.

"I... I know that. Mandi cares, too. I-I don't want to hurt them,but... I just want to know who I love...." It was true. I wanted to know....

He scoffed. "You really think that will work?" he whispered. "I'm sorry Matt.... Sora's my... my best friend, and I won't let her get hurt!" The way he said best friend... did he...? He did, didn't he?

"You care for her, don't you? And it ticks you off that she's with me, doesn't it?" I chuckled as he blushed. "Well... I guess I'm the one that should be sorry.... But, listen to me-- it won't be much longer. And please, please, PLEASE... tell no one."

He looked at me, brown eyes unsure, then shook his head angrily and stormed off. Would he listen? Would he keep it a secret? Did I know him that well? No... I didn't. I just hoped that he understood my methods....

"Matty? Who was that?"

I jumped. Mandi had reappeared by my side. Oh... it was just her. I laughed uneasily. "It was some guy from my school.... He was-- uh-- jealous... of me! He was jealous that I had a girl like you and he didn't!" Lame! Really LAME, Matt!

Her eyes sparkled. "Ooh... really? Jealous?! WOW!" And I received a hug; I hadn't expected that. "That makes me feel so special now!"

I let out a sigh. Life's a pain.... And what I didn't know was that it would only become worse....


"Students! Calm down! Please...?"

The roar of the student body from the gym was enormous! Not only that, but the room was jam-packed! The teachers tried their best, but it was no use-- people just wanted to party. I defensively held Sora closer. Really crowded.

Soon enough, the teachers disappeared to their various stations and the entertainment began. Thank the Lord... I was beginning to get a little peeved.

"Matt?" Sora questioned. "You're not preforming...?"

I laughed and swung an arm around her shoulder. "Nope-- it's you and me." She blushed deeply. She was quite cute when she did so. Trying out my 'picture perfect' smile, I dragged her into the dancing crowd. And so began the lock in. For once, I was actually prepared for a little fun... and spending some quality time with Sora.

After about three fast paced songs, a slow one began. I outstretched my hand in offering. "Care to dance, Milady?" I asked, bowing.

She giggled lightly and placed her hand on mine. It tingled.... My hand... had tingled.... I stood, smiled and started to position us into the 'slow dance' mode when....

"Remember when... we never needed each other?

The best of friends, like sister and brother...."

Sora perked her head up. What was wrong? "Is that...?" she muttered, then fought her way towards the front. Was it who? Who?!

"Sora! Wait up!" Who was she talking about? The person sang pretty good, but I didn't think that I knew him....

"We understood we'd never be... alone....

Those days are gone, now I want you so much....

The night is long, and I need your touch...."

"It is!" she exclaimed as she reached the stage set. I looked up. No way.... It was....

"Tai...?" was all that I could muster. What the hell was he doing? Singing, duh..., stated that stupid voice. I brushed the comment aside and stared up at him. He had noticed us... or, at least he'd noticed Sora. Smiling, he went on:

"Don't know what to say...

Never meant to feel this way....

Don't want to be... alone tonight...."

I looked from Sora to him, back and forth. It was like they were transfixed.... What was going on? Why wouldn't anyone tell me what was going on?

"What can I do to make you mine?

Fallin' so hard, so fast this time....

What did I say-- what did you do?

How did I fall in love with you?"

As he continued with the next verse, I took a quick glance behind me. A lot of people were dancing (Davis was glaring at T.K. and Kari...); those who weren't were staring at Tai in wonderment. Yeah, yeah.... He sounded pretty darn good. So what? It wasn't his song! At least I did my own ones! I let out a humph, and tuned my attention back toward Tai.

"Oh, I want to say this right

And it has to be tonight....

Just need you to know....

I don't want to live this life

I don't want to say goodbye

With you I want to spend the rest of my life!"

I was finally starting to get it.... But... he couldn't. He wouldn't... would he? No-- he's not like that. Yeah. Still... perhaps it would be best to have a 'talk' with him sometime....

"What can I do to make you mine?

Fallin' so hard, so fast this time....

Everything's changed... we never knew....

How did I fall... in love... with you...?"

A round of applause filled the gym. He smiled sadly. And then... as the music started to fade away completely and the mike was back where it belonged... he said it. Well, it was more of a whisper, and it was only meant for one certain pair of ears to hear....

"I love you... Sora...."


A/N: Ooh! Cliffhanger! Well... sort of, anyway. *Realizes what she made Matt do* I'm so sorry, mina-chan! *Hides* Please don't hurt me! I... I'll be good.... I'll take my Yama plushie wherever I go! So, will you forgive me? I didn't think so....

Well... the next chapter will be up soon, because I am really getting into this story again! Tai's telling it next, and the chapter is entitled... 'And Then Came Pain.' *DUN DUN DUUUUNN!!* And if you do not review, I will become an unhappy teenager.... I will lock myself in my little attic closet until I am pleased with the reviews (or starve-- whichever comes first)! Hehe-- j/k, mina-chan. (But please review, even if it's to flame me! ^-^'')

I am also updating the past chapters! Also, if you like Digimon Tamers, read my 'One Moment Too Late,' its sequel 'Between Pride and Love-- Tears Within the Darkness,' and 'Fated.' And with that said, I leave you, mina-chan. I hope you had a happy New Year! Ja ne!-Angel-Chan (Who watched the replaying of 'A Very Digi Christmas?' I didn't.... I've watched it twice.... Once, when it had first aired, and again when I wrote 'Anything For You,' and that's enough for me.... I know... 'face up to your fears!' But... why? Do I want to cry again? No... I don't. Ja.)