Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ War Diaries: Adventures Zero-Three ❯ Entry 20 - The Quest Begins ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
War Diaries

Entry 20 - The Quest Begins

By Lord Archive

Digimon and most characters in this series belong to Toei Animation Inc.,
Sensations Animation, Fox Kids and others. They are used without consent.


Iori bowed before his grandfather. His horrible crime laid before the elder Hida to cast judgement.

"I see," Mr. Hida said to his grandson passively, though it was times like this he wished the boy found it easier to talk to his mother. Iori had been forced to kill before, and never took it lightly. Now the young boy had to deal with the fact he assisted in the slaughter of innocent digimon. Perhaps Sayuri's mother had been right after all.

The elderly man shook his head and sighed. "What are you going to do?"

"Gennai informed us that my team has crests that we can search for. It would allow me to learn how to properly evolve Armadimon," Iori informed.

"When will you go searching for it?" Grandpa Hida questioned.

"We were thinking this weekend, starting right after school Friday as we don't have Saturday classes this week," Iori answered.

The old man nodded. "I'll help you tell your mother about your trip."

"Thank you, Grandfather," Iori replied.

Grandpa Hida then stood up. "I must prepare for the afternoon class."

Iori nodded as he stood up. "I'll see you tonight." He then walked out of his Grandfather's dojo.

Young Hida sulked as he wandered down Odaiba's streets as he headed towards home. He was unsure what to make of his talk with his grandfather. It kind of helped talking about what happened, but he had received neither sympathy nor condemnation. He had expected, perhaps even wanted, the latter. He had let his anger take control of him and committed a horrible crime. Yet no one cast any blame on him. Because of him, his partner butchered angel digimon and no one seemed to care about them. It just didn't seem right.


Yume fidgeted as her physical therapist poked and prodded her lower legs. After being written off as a hopeless cause to regain the use of her legs and then her becoming Chosen, she had missed her last few appointments. On top of that she had stopped doing her daily leg exercises to keep her muscle tone.

"I must say I'm surprised," her therapist told her, giving her his best warm smile.

Yume frowned. "I'm sorry I haven't done the leg exercises at the times you told me too...."

The therapist chuckled. "Yes, you've been doing them much more often, I see. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you could walk home. Your legs are much stronger now than your last visit, and here I thought with your skipped visits you had stopped your treatments completely."

"Ah... yeah...," Yume trailed off. She hadn't done any of her leg exercises save for when she was upset. After her last mission in the Digital World, she had gone into an extra long session as she didn't know how to help Iori with what happened. She guessed walking in the Digital World was exercise enough.


Though the planned trip to the Digital World to hunt for their crests was days away, Sayuri had already started to pack. To make sure she was properly prepared, she had Koushiro's web page up and read over an article compiled by Jyou for recommended items to pack.

The top suggestion surprised her: Do NOT bring extra sets of clothes. It then went into a lengthy explanation about how clothes literally became part of you and the ease of which they can be washed in plain digital water.

The next item confused her, mostly because the explanation referred to some English joke regarding a towel being an essential travel item. Why that would be considered funny eluded her.

Toilet paper was another important recommendation and it went on to cover a fairly wide range of uses the tissue had beyond its standard use. She then blushed as it also included bathroom etiquette in the Digital World.

Snack bars and other easily-carried food items were considered a must. While it gave a link to an article written by Belem's team leader, James, on how to forage for food in the Digital World for your main food supply, having a back-up supply of food was more for emergencies when you hadn't found food and needed your digimon to evolve.

From there the list went into items that weren't always useful or needed. Though goggles had been listed initially as a joke by non-goggle-wearers, particularly by Sora and Miyako poking fun at goggle-boy leaders of the previous Odaiba groups. However, Jyou explained the importance of eye-protection. Apparently Egypt's team swears by them, but that wasn't surprising considering they deal with desert sandstorms. Frankly, Sayuri was thankful Iori hadn't gone the way of being a goggle-head.

Sayuri sighed as she eyed the bag she packed using the list yesterday. Going over the list again did help to distract her. She was at a loss for how to help Iori deal with his guilt. Nor could she shake the feeling that something was wrong with losing her ability to have precognition dreams so suddenly.


Not having the use of your legs was not an excuse to get out of being on classroom duty. While there were a few things Yume couldn't do for lack reach or proper mobility, there were still numerous little jobs she could accomplish. Young Togashi actually liked that they didn't really give her any special treatment for her handicap. What she didn't like was having to be at the school early without Iori. She loved spending time with him and going to school with him had been a special treat.

Yume left the classroom with her class's flower vases carefully set in her lap. Halfway down the hall, she smiled and waved. "Morning, Sayuri!"

"Good morning," Sayuri returned the greeting.

"Did you read about the Dark Seed Children attack?" Yume asked.

Sayuri nodded. "I hope Mimi is all right."

"She insists that she's fine." Yume shrugged. "But I wonder what the dirty tactic they used on Jijimon and the others were. They wouldn't say." She then pouted. "We should know in case they try it on us."

"They better not." Sayuri glared.

Yume looked at her questioningly. "Do you know what those kids did?"

"Not entirely, but I do know enough that it wouldn't be effective on me." Sayuri folded her arms. If they did try that out and 'hit' Iori with it, she might just dark evolution on Yuri herself. Just thinking of that caused her to shudder considering what Armadimon had done, yet she could not discount the possibility.

"Too bad Jijimon's firewall thing didn't work, but at least Mimi can have fun on her date with Jyou this weekend," Yume commented.

"Good morning," Iori greeted politely as he approached the girls.

"Good morning!" the girls returned in unison.

"What were you talking about?" Iori questioned.

"Oh, just discussing our trip," Sayuri quickly replied.

Yume blinked in confusion and then realization hit her that it would best not to discuss anything regarding the seed children around Iori. "Right, I still need to figure out what to pack."

"Jyou does have that article on the Koushiro's webpage," Sayuri recommended.

Iori nodded. "Have any special dreams last night?"

Sayuri frowned as Iori was really just asking her. While she did have a restless nightmare that Psychemon somehow couldn't wake her from, she couldn't remember it at all. "Nope."

Yume began giggling and blushing. "I can't say!"

Sayuri scowled, wondering if the girl was as naive as she appeared.

Iori didn't seem to care. He then looked at the flower vases sitting in Yume's lap. "Aren't you suppose to get fresh water and flowers for those.

"EEP!" Yume chirped and immediately raced down the hallway.


This was it. A day ahead of time thanks to typhoon Conson ravaging Okinawa and would probably run over Tokyo some time tomorrow. Sayuri collected her bag and followed the others to the computer room. This would be the longest time she would spend in the Digital World. She wasn't really sure what dangers awaited her. Caution was universally endorsed by everyone who had ever been in that world. That even in areas that were seemingly at peace, danger was still present. There was no way she was going to tell her mother that, especially since Mrs. Wataru was worried enough about the unknown dangers. No need to name them for the woman. Though it did help her mother a little that she was going to miss being in a typhoon because of this trip.

While Sayuri's mother had allowed the girl to work with the other Chosen, she was still very reluctant to let her daughter to go on this trip. Mrs. Wataru had gone as far as call the elder Chosen to act as a chaperon, and quickly learned why fifth graders were the most active in the Digital World. Between part-time jobs, sports, and other hobbies-- the older Chosen all had prior commitments.

That did not stop Mrs. Wataru from giving Sayuri a list of rules: That if she were separated from the others, come home. If she ended up in battle call for help or come home, preferably both. Any other sort of trouble come home or call for help. And if any boys, particularly Iori, tried to get her alone and... do things, kick him between the legs and come home.

Mrs. Wataru gave some rules to Psychemon as well, which amounted to be the same. Call for help or drag Sayuri home if there was any sort of trouble. And if either a guy or Sayuri tried to get some time alone with each other, attack the boy and drag her partner home.

Sayuri sighed and shook her head. She didn't need her mother's worries to add to her own about the trip. They were going to be hunting for their crests and would each face a trial designed specifically for them to overcome. They each would be tested on who they were, and she had no idea how to prepare for such a thing.

"Digiport open," Iori commanded and was sucked into one of the school's the computer. Yume quickly followed suit.

Too late to have any more second thoughts. Sayuri held out her digivice and was sucked into the computer.


Yume pouted as she trekked along the Digital World with her small group. Normally it was a joy to be able to walk around, but her attempts to start a conversation died horrible deaths. Iori was visibly depressed and Sayuri had been lost in thought since before they went through the portal. The digimon weren't much better. Armadimon seemed afraid of his own shadow, Psychemon kept looking out for trouble, and her Bakumon was torn between being afraid of the armadillo and wanting to help him.

This was turning out to be a rather boring, quiet and depressing trip.

Without warning, a giant green digimon burst out from a grove of trees and barely missed snatching Sayuri and Psychemon into his claws as he tried to grab them.

"Shit, a Tuskmon," Sayuri cursed. "They're both strong and fast."

"But don't have much in the way of intelligence," Iori added.

"Bakumon evolve!" A pillar of light enshrouded the little elephant. When it subsided a three-meter tall ape with yellow fur stood in her place. "Hanumon!"

"Psychemon evolve!" the digimon cried out and a pillar of light enshrouded the fur covered purple lizard. When the light faded, a masked unicorn with zebra stripes stood there. "Shima Unimon!"

Iori looked at Armadimon, who merely shook his head in reply to the unvoiced question.

The two new adult digimon weren't given a chance to launch their attacks as Tuskmon rushed at them. It was all that they could do to dodge the scaly giant. It was unbelievable that something so large could move that fast. When Shima Unimon got into position to attack, the horned lizard moved out of the way of the flat laser, which continued on and struck a farm's fence and crop.

The great size of Tuskmon did give the Chosen digimon one advantage in that the great beast telegraphed it's attacks, but it was still took everything Hanumon and Shima Unimon could do to avoid getting hit by his insanely fast strikes and keep the lizard's attention off the others.

"Iori-sempai, they need Armadimon's help!" Sayuri called out to her leader, but then frowned. He wasn't even looking at the battle and his partner was curled up into a ball behind him.

Yume pouted. "How can we stop him?"

"I'm open to suggestions," Hanumon commented, leaping over the beast's green fist.


With that angry shout everyone, including Tuskmon, froze and slowly looked over at an irate looking elderly woman with a broom. The next thing the Chosen knew was the green lizard took off into a mad dash away from this new digimon, though he didn't get far as the broom rocketed through the air and struck the back of his head. Tuskmon tumbled across the ground before shakily standing up and finally managing to run away.

All eyes were still on the elderly digimon as she walked over to where her property had been damaged. She then looked up and reached out her hand as her broom zoomed back to her and caught it. She then stomped over to Hanumon and shook her head. Her gaze then locked onto Shima Unimon and her gaze became deadly. "It was your attack that wrecked my fence and garden."

Shima Unimon swallowed nervously. "Sorry, but we were being attacked...."

"NO EXCUSE!" The old digimon poked the masked-zebra. "You're a Chosen digimon, are you not? You should have control of your powers." She then whirled around and pointed her broom at Sayuri. "And you should do better at controlling her."

"Ah, sorry... Um... we'll fix the damages," Sayuri offered.

The elderly womon nodded. "You two certainly will."

"We'll help too. We were fighting as well," Yume offered.

"No," the digimon replied harshly. "They caused the damage, they will fix it."

"It's okay," Sayuri insisted. "We were the ones to wreck it."


Yume gave a contented yawn as she woke up and stretched. She was momentarily startled at her surroundings being of a half-rustic, half-futuristic farm house and that her legs moved, but then remembered she was at Babamon's farmhouse, where her team had spent the night at after Sayuri and her partner fixed the fence they had accidentally damaged in battle yesterday.

Togashi looked around and noticed the house was empty. She shrugged and got off of her sleeping mat. She then rolled it up and folded her blanket before storing both into her backpack. She then walked outside and frowned seeing Sayuri and Psychemon working the fields under Babamon's close scrutiny.

"Good morning," Iori greeted.

"Morning." Yume smiled at him. "How much more work is Babamon going to make Sayuri and Psychemon do?"

"All day at least, perhaps the whole weekend," Iori replied.

"What about our search?" Yume asked.

Sayuri looked up from what she was doing. While part of her hated what she was about to suggest, getting the crests was more important than who got to spend time with Iori. "Just go on without me. After I finish here, I'll either try to catch up to you or port home. We can't all be stuck here."

"Are you sure?" Bakumon questioned.

"I'll be fine. I'll probably be safer here than you guys will be. No one would want to cross her," Sayuri attempted to joke.

"You got that right," Babamon added proudly. "Not get back to work!" she ordered with a glare while shaking her broom slightly.

"Yes, ma'am!" Sayuri chirped.

"Iori?" Armadimon questioned.

"We need to continue our search," Iori informed flatly. "Sayuri, stay in touch with your D-Terminal. Let us know immediately if any trouble happens."

"We'll do the same," Yume replied, showing her own. A little present that Gennai had given them after he had told them about the crests.

"Good luck," Psychemon offered.


Author's Notes:

Sorry about the wait on this, but real life has not been kind. Between unpaid overtime and trouble surrounding my car being scraped and the bank my loan had been through being asses and not doing their job right caused lots of problems. Everything looks under control now and hopefully I can get back to writing a lot more.

Coming Next:
War Diaries - Entry 21: Injustice for All
Iori and Yume arrive at a Digital Town only to learn that Super Starmon is in town dishing out his own brand of justice.

Dark Seed Chosen Diaries - Side-Entry 2: Foggy Dreams
The London Chosen face the greatest threat since the death of Susan Lords, the Dark Seed Chosen.