Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ War Diaries: Adventures Zero-Three ❯ Eyes on Tomorrow ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
War Diaries

Entry 15 - Eyes on Tomorrow

By Lord Archive

Digimon and most characters in this series belong to Toei Animation Inc., Saban Entertainment, and others. They are used without consent.

This story is rated PG-13 for language, adult situations and violence. If you, or your parents, find swearing, children taking about sex or descriptions of fighting objectionable, do not read this.


Dear Diary,

I can't believe my mother. She doesn't understand at all!

Yesterday while I was shopping with Mother, I ended up talking to Hikari. Then a digimon attacked us. Mother saw part of the battle and got even more upset when she found out Hikari is pregnant and married. I tried to explain everything, even that I'm a Chosen and that Psychemon is my partner.

Mother didn't listen to a word I said. She forced me to send Psychemon into the Digital World and then took away my D-3. Now I'm grounded. I can't even go see my friends from school, let alone Yume and Iori.

How am I supposed to protect the Digital World and Earth with my own Mother trying to stop me?


Psychemon pouted as she sat on a log in a forest that was typically strange for the Digital World.

"Why so glum?" someone questioned in a feminine voice.

"My Chosen partner isn't allowed to see me," Psychemon replied.

"Are you partnered to someone from Odaiba?"

"Ah, yes." Psychemon blinked and turned to look at who was talking her.

Psychemon didn't see who had been asking her those questions, only a big white wolf with blue stripes growling at her.

"Gururumon, attack," the feminine voice ordered.

"Chaos Fire!" Gururumon called out, spewing forth multi-colored flames from his mouth.


Sayuri tapped on her desk, wondering what else she should write in her diary when a strange sensation ripped through her. Her heart began pounding and she became very tense, almost like what she felt when she was in battle. "Psychemon," Sayuri breathed. "She needs my help."

Sayuri immediately exited her room and went straight into her parent's room, thankful her father was at work and her mother was out running errands. She began to search the room frantically.

"What are you doin'?" Hitomi asked, standing at the door.

"Psychemon needs me. I have to find my D-3 to get to her," Sayuri replied simply.

"Oh." Hitomi walked into the room and straight to the closet. She pushed aside her mother's clothes and took Sayuri's D-3 from a shelf the clothes had hidden.

Sayuri grabbed the D-3. "How did you know it was there?"

Hitomi gave a toothy grin, showing she was missing a tooth. "That's where Mama hides our birthday presents."

Sayuri blinked. "Okay." She then went over to her family's computer. She first sent a request for help to the other Odaiba members before opening the portal.

"Bye!" Hitomi waved as her older sister disappeared.


Psychemon panted as she ran from Gururumon. She had used her 'Gaudy Horn' attack so often, she was seeing spots in front of her eyes. Unfortunately, whoever was guiding her attacker wasn't affected by her attack.

Psychemon tripped and could feel the wolf's hot breath as he had wasted no time to move over her.

"Leave her alone!" Sayuri cried out, following her words by throwing a rock.

Gururumon instantly leapt at the girl.

"Sayuri! Psychemon evolve!" the digimon cried out and a pillar of light enshrouded the fur covered purple lizard. When the light faded, a masked unicorn with zebra stripes stood there. "Shima Unimon! Raster Shot!"

Gururumon dodged the attack, and snarled.

"An Evil Spiral?!" Iori called out seeing a dark band of metal wrapped around one of the wolf's hind legs as he rushed into battle with Yume, Digmon and Hanumon.

"What's that?" Yume questioned.

Sayuri scowled. Not just for Yume asking about something she should've known from reading Koushiro's files, but that she hadn't noticed it until Iori pointed it out.

"It's something that can control digimon, but those haven't been around for a couple years," Digmon answered.

Iori clenched his fist. "Everyone, aim for the spiral. He's not responsible for his actions."

Hanumon threw her club, which missed entirely as Gururumon leapt out of the way. "Easier said than done," she commented.

"Just try to hold him off, while Digmon and I try to find who's controlling him," Iori ordered.

Gururumon had his own ideas. "Chaos Fire!" he spat his fire at Sayuri.

Sayuri shrieked as she was engulfed in flames. The fire died away quickly, and she collapsed bonelessly to the ground.

"That does it!" Digmon hissed in anger. "Big Crack!" He slammed drills into the ground, causing a fissure to open up.

Gururumon leapt out of the way only to be caught by Shima Unimon striking his leg with her Raster Shot, cracking the Evil Spiral. The wolf landed poorly and Hanumon was able to hit the spiral with her bone club, breaking the evil device.

Iori immediately ran over to Sayuri, surprised that there wasn't a single burn on her. He cradled Sayuri's limp body against himself.

Yume bit down on her jealousy. Now wasn't the time for it.

"Is she all right?" Shima Unimon asked with concerned.

"I'm not sure," Iori replied.

Gururumon weakly stood up and shook his head. "Why did I do those things?"

"You were controlled by an Evil Spiral," Digmon replied. "You had no choice."

"Thanks for freeing me," Gururumon told them.

"What does your attack do?" Shima Unimon demanded.

"I don't know. 'Chaos Fire' is, well, chaotic in it's result." The wolf grinned sheepishly. "One time it healed the guy I was fighting."

"What are we going to do for her?" Yume questioned.

"I wouldn't be too worried about her," said a feminine voice.

Iori glared as he saw her approach. "You," he hissed.


Sayuri blinked, wondering how she got in front of apartment complex that Iori, Miyako and the Takaishi family lived in. She thought it odd how cold the day felt and that leaves on a tree were multi-colored as if it was autumn. It probably didn't matter. Iori and Yume were with her, along with their digimon. Though for some reason Psychemon wasn't there. She must have been in a daze or something since getting hit by the digimon's attack.

Sayuri was about to ask them about what happened when a faint shrieking came from overhead. She looked up in time to see two missiles strike Iori's apartment building.

Sayuri shielded her head as debris rained down on top of her. She stared in horror as a large portion of the apartment complex simply didn't exist anymore. It wasn't like there was a burning hole. There wasn't nearly as much debris as there should've been. She barely caught black data particles fading away, but was sure that was parts of the building and not digimon dying. This attack had been made by a digimon.

As if to confirm this, three digimon appeared. From the slight smoke trail from his hands, the metallic dragon digimon, Giga Dramon, was obviously the one to launch the attack. Below him stood what looked like a metallic Vadermon, which was very troubling considering Vadermon was a Perfection level digimon. Behind him stood a winged tiger digimon with shields covering parts of her body. What was more was the three children standing with those Digimon.

Sayuri looked to see if Iori and Yume were okay. Yume looked shaken while Iori stood protectively over her.

Sayuri never wanted Psychemon with her more than at this moment. She had to do something, especially after a dark-haired girl pointed and called out, "Mihiramon, deal with them."

"My pleasure." The winged tiger nodded and prepared to attack.

Sayuri watched as Armadimon and Bakumon evolved to Ankylomon and Hanumon. She looked on with a growing sense of surreal detachment as Mihiramon pounced on the yellow ape and literally ripped her head off.

"Hanumon!" Yume cried out, reaching out vainly as her digimon deleted.

"You won't get away with this," Iori snarled. Something under his shirt began to glow.

"Oh, no you don't. Giga Destroyer!" Giga Dramon aimed his twin missile attack at Iori.

Ankylomon noticed that and tried to jump in the way. He took one of the projectiles, but the other exploded near his partner. Iori was sent flying into a wall while Yume was blown out of her wheelchair. She tried desperately to crawl over to Iori, who's blood started to pool around his body.

Sayuri stared emotionlessly at the sight. This couldn't be real. This had to be a dream, a nightmare. She made herself look away and see what happened to Ankylomon, but could not see him.

Arrows of energy rained down on the evil digimon. "This ends now," Angewomon declared angrily, though she appeared to be injured.

"Oh, really?" the metallic Vadermon asked. "And how will you do that when you've got no mind to speak of?" He pointed the gun in his left hand and said evilly, "Brain Erasure!"

Angewomon was struck in the face and her head snapped back as her body stiffened. Her body shrank and became an off-white puppy who crashed to the ground.

An over-weight kid that was about Takeru's age smiled. "Great work, Ebemon. Now to get the child."

The three digimon nodded and flew up into the air.

"Not so fast!" Metal Garurumon yelled from down the street, flying as fast as he could.

Ebemon pointed his other gun using his right hand. "Universal Destroyer!"

Sayuri curled into a ball as a wave of unbelievably intense heat streaked over her head. The blast continued on engulfing Metal Garurumon and blowing away buildings on both sides of the street from the sheer force of it.

Metal Garurumon shook as he hovered in the air, trying to deal with his pain. Then his eyes widened and turned around and cried out in utter despair, "YAMATO!!!!" He caught sight of his partner lying on the ground. The boy wasn't moving and he knew Ishida never would move again. His best friend was dead. His form shrank away to Punimon who fell to the ground hoping to die for his life was over.

"Well, well. Ishida's dead." The fat boy grinned. "Ebemon, I want to tell Takeru this personally."

Ebemon shrugged. With a tentacle at the base of his body, he pointed at the three evil Chosen. A yellowish ray came from him and washed over the kids, making them levitate off the ground towards the metallic alien digimon.

Sayuri might not have Psychemon with her, but she could at least try to do something about the those kids. She wasn't a doctor and had no idea of what she could do to help Iori. And didn't want to check on him in fear that the unthinkable had happened. Focusing on helping the Takaishi family, she rushed for the stairs.

Unfortunately, it took some time for her to climb the many steps. She arrived at the Takaishi apartment behind the three evil kids, their digimon hovering in the air, paying her no heed. The roof and all levels above them had been blown away by the attack. The walls were scorched as if they had been beset by raging fire. Takeru laid on the ground, unmoving. Patamon was no where in sight. Hikari held to her chest a baby wrapped in blue blankets. Tears were streaming down Mrs. Takaishi's cheeks as she stood next to her husband's body.

"Guess I can't tell Takeru I just killed his brother." The fat kid shrugged as if he didn't really care.

Hikari shook. "I... I...."

"Cat got your tongue?" the fat boy asked. "Oh, wait. I already destroyed your cat's mind. You could've avoided all of this by giving us your baby. Now, we just want him dead."

Hikari swallowed hard, her eyes glaring through them as tears continued to flow unending. "I don't care that the Dark Seeds have made you do this," She choked out. "For this, I can never forgive you."

"And what are you going to do?" the fat boy asked.

"Kill you," Hikari said with a sob.

"Mamoru!" Ebemon cried out.

The three evil Chosen and Sayuri turned around to see a gigantic purple dragon glaring at them with unintelligent eyes.

Sayuri stared in horror as the dragon opened her mouth and unleashed a flaming inferno. She screamed as her skin seemed to melt away. She then felt someone hug her almost painfully tight and heard Iori's voice call out in concern, "Sayuri?!"

Sayuri opened her eyes and saw Iori's looking down at her. She latched onto him for dear life while crying.

"See you've made some girlfriends since I last saw you," a woman in red commented dryly.

"And who are you?" Yume demanded.

The woman held her hand to her chest. "Why Hida, didn't you tell them about me? I'm stunned."

"What do you want, Archnemon?" Iori hissed. "Going to try to destroy the world again?"

"Would you believe help save it?" Archnemon replied haughtily. "I was merely testing you with Gururumon. I'd say that girl flunked."

Sayuri pulled free of Iori and tried to calm herself of the dream she just had. She tried to distract herself with the person in front of her. "This is the Archnemon that worked for Oikawa?" Wataru asked.

Archnemon laughed. "I'm the ONLY shape changing Archnemon, so of course I'm the one that worked for Oikawa. After all he was my father."

"What?!" Iori questioned in shock.

"Ever wondered why Mummymon and I could change into human form, well roughly human for Mummymon," Archnemon commented.

"Not really," Iori admitted.

"I thought you were the curious one." Archnemon shrugged. "Oikawa combined his DNA with a Dokugumon to create me. He used a similar method with Mummymon."

"What does that have to do with attacking Psychemon and Sayuri?" Iori demanded.

"Seems Dad was controlled, and the one controlling him is still out there," Archnemon explained, not bothering to answer Iori's question directly. "And it was the 'controller' that made Dad, Mummymon and myself do all those evil things. And it's because of that 'controller' my father and Mummymon ultimately died at Black War Greymon's hands."

"So, you're out for revenge," Psychemon surmised.

"Well, yes," Archnemon replied.

"So, you're not reformed," Armadimon commented.

"Evil is so much fun. You should try it some time." Archnemon smirked.

"No thanks," Armadimon replied.

"Do you know who was controlling Oikawa?" Iori questioned.

Archnemon pouted. "No. All I do know was that Dad had his memory altered. When I found out that Mummymon and I were half-human, he claimed he used his DNA for both of us. However, when I checked his records, I learned he got Mummymon's human genetic information from somewhere else. I suspected that Dad may have been possessed by the one controlling him as his actions in his final days were sometimes erratic."

Iori frowned. "Anything else you can tell us?"

Archnemon smirked. "I think that'll be it for now." She then turned around and began to walk off. "Oh, and give my thanks to Hikari and Taichi for killing Black War Greymon for me, and my congratulations to Hikari and Takeru. Their child is already causing some evil digimon to stir in fear. They best keep on guard. Bye bye."

"Isn't she a fountain of good news," Armadimon clipped.

Iori shook his head and then glanced over at Sayuri. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Just had a strange dream of Dark Seed children with digimon attacking your apartment building." Sayuri shuddered. "We didn't exactly win it. Must have something to do with Noriko and Sakura getting digimon partners."

"What? Are there new Chosen in Odaiba besides us?" Yume questioned.

Sayuri groaned. "Don't you even read your emails? Noriko and Sakura are two of the kids Oikawa infected with a Dark Seed. Sakura tried to kill Hikari with her digimon."

"What are Dark Seeds?" Bakumon asked.

"The Dark Seeds causes those infected to become evil while granting them enhanced abilities, like intelligence and strength. Ken used to have one and nearly conquered half of Server before Daisuke, Hikari, Takeru, Miyako and I were finally able to defeat him with Wormmon's help. Ken was then able to block its effects. Oikawa later took Ken's Dark Seed and made copies of it to infect other children with it. When Black War Greymon killed Oikawa, the seeds went dormant. Or so we thought," Iori explained. "Apparently the growth rate only slowed. Now those infected have enough power to reach the Digital World."

"What do we do about them?" Yume asked.

"We'll have to find out what their plans are and stop them," Iori replied. "And find a means to get them to block the Dark Seed's influence."

"So that's our mission? To stop these Dark Seed Children," Bakumon commented.

"From what Archnemon said about someone controlling Oikawa, it's possible the same person is now controlling the Dark Seed Children as well," Iori surmised. "We'll probably have to stop him too."

"That's great." Sayuri gave a long sigh. "I don't know if I'll be able to help. Mother forced me to send Psychemon here, took away my D-3, and grounded me. I don't think I'll be allowed to go anywhere but school for the next year. I was only able to get here to help Psychemon because Mother wasn't home."

Iori frowned. "That's not good. I'll see what I can do to help. You better hurry home before your Mother gets back."

Sayuri nodded and began to walk off.

"Just one quick thing," Iori called to her. "Can you do me a favor and write down everything you can remember from the dream you just had?"

Sayuri blinked. "I can try. Why?"

Iori shrugged weakly. "Let's just say a bit of 'Jyou's paranoia.'"

Sayuri frowned. She didn't want to remember the dream, but she understood that some things weren't just coincidence.

"You think she'll be all right?" Yume asked.

"Depends on if her Mom is home," Armadimon commented.


The first thing she saw after porting home was her Mother's angry face.

"Why did you go there? You could've gotten killed!" Mrs. Wataru demanded.

Sayuri silently handed her mother her D-3. "There's no point in explaining it now. You won't listen. I'll be in my room."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Mrs. Wataru yelled at her.

Sayuri said nothing as she walked into her room and shut the door.

"SAYURI!" Mrs. Wataru screamed.

"Mom, I think you need a time out," Hitomi commented.

Mrs. Wataru glared angrily. "Go to your room!"

"Why? You're the one that's being bad," Hitomi replied cutely.

"GO!" Mrs. Wataru yelled.

Hitomi shrugged and went to her room to play with her toys there.


Author's Notes:

Next: Entry 16 - Dark Seed Chosen

A trip to the museum for Ken leads to the start of war as the Dark Seed Chosen attack, their sights on something the museum holds within.

For more details of the Battle at Mount Fuji according to the Diaries timeline:

Before Hikari and Taichi made it to the rift that Black War Greymon used to get to Mount Fuji, Tailmon led an argument over Taichi's behavior in regards of Sora beginning to date Yamato. The argument caused them to arrive a minute later before finding Agumon and Gabumon.

Being a minute later, meant Taichi and Hikari didn't arrive in time to stop Black War Greymon from killing Oikawa. Archnemon and Mummymon tried to protect Oikawa, but that only angered Black War Greymon more. Mummymon pushed Archnemon out of the way of a Terra Destroyer and died in the process. Black War Greymon then killed Oikawa. Hikari and Taichi only arrived in time to hear Oikawa's last words of 'I was so close.'

Upset that the children infected with Dark Seeds might die because of the seeds and the only person who could help remove them was murdered, Hikari evolved Tailmon to Angewomon with the intent to kill Black War Greymon. Taichi naturally sided with his sister. Between Angewomon and War Greymon, they ended up killing Black War Greymon before Imperial Dramon could intervene.