Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Warm no more... ❯ Warm no more... ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Warm no more

Frozen heart, warm no more,
Brilliant the fire that be my foe,
The silence of ice shall bring yield yet as I sow,
The dissention of will, my beautiful one shall know,


The sword of unfeeling ice,
Void of all emotion save the cold thrill of victory,
Save bitter frost of anger driven,


Thy heart be in the palm of a curled fist,
Caught in the freezing, taloned embrace of thine icy claws,
The tight grip compelling the weak to their slaughter,


The truest maiden, sister to mine own steel-cold Heart,
The beauty fallen in the coming of thine snow-like grace,
The true cold that be the way that beacons my path to thine touch...


Shatter the souls of those others who face your grace,
The broken symmetry of our storm... perfect ice,
I shan't let thine edge be blunted beneath the ill grace of that fool fox,


Let this fearful alliance be, thou shalt not refuse me thy bond,
My maiden warrior, Goddess, beast... Lady of impenetrable Ice,
By the coming of the twilight thou SHALL be mine.

...Cold Dreamings...

Broken dreams, the fires foe,
In the storm lines cold embrace, ever the ice shall flow,
To shatter the bonds on the warmth's great foe,
An Icy heart, will be warm no more

For those of you who can't tell this is a piece written for a glimpse into Ice-Devimons head... not sure if its in any way accurate though... lol
This one just kinda came outa nowhere and hit me... I wasn't even thinking of digimon when I wrote it... ahh well.
And for those of you who actually take time out to read my Fic The Becoming... please hold a little longer... exams and FFX are not good for getting ideas on the paper, so to speak... Just be patient with me please...