Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ When I Look At The World ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon in any way, shape, or form. It belongs to Saban and Toei I think... All the words in 'quotations' are part of the song "When I Look at The World" by U2. I do not own them. I think this fic is a Koushari, but I am not sure. I will assume it is. Please R&R!


The screen of Koushirou's laptop became a senseless blur as exhaustion dulled his vision. With a heavy sigh he snapped it closed and rested his head on his skeletal hands.

A memory, quiet and faint, drifted across eons of time and space, to settle in Koushirou's weary mind...

'I see an expression
So clear and so true
That it changes the atmosphere
When you walk into the room'

I remember the first I saw. Your slim arm and beautiful smile. Your soft brown hair that framed your face. After months of searching you were finally there. And you were perfect.

You had this glow, a halo of hope, light, and purity. You radiated peace and strength, so I was drawn to you. Maybe you could help me find my purpose.

'When there's all kinds of chaos
And everyone is walking lame
You don't even blink now, do you
Or even look away'

I remember your strength. When we fought terrible battles in the digital world, you were always there in the aftermath. You protected the frail, even though though you were so fragile yourself. Whenever we were scared, you would comfort us, spreading your precious light so we would not be plagued by darkness.

Instead, the darkness sought out you, draining away your light until you were helpless. But still you protected us, and we were too selfish to notice your pain.

'So I try to be like you
Try to feel the way you do
But without you it's no use
I can't see what you see
When I look at the world'

I remember the first time you kissed. The way your indomitable spirit filled my soul and gave me wings. It made me feel that I should help you, the way you helped me.

And I tried. I tried with all my strength. But I failed. I only drained away your purity nd made it worse for you.

'I'm in the waiting room
Can't see for the smoke
I think of you and your holy book
While the rest of us choke'

When I started to drift away, you cried. An angel's tears. Then I knew how much I hurt you. So I ended it. And now I'm here.

...As the memory faded, so did the peace that had settled over Koushirou's soul. He rubbed his bony wrists, running his fingers over the scars from cuts he had inflicted upon himself over the years.

The pain of a broken washed over Koushirou, dissolving the happy memories he tried to cling to. The way he clung to life.

For Koushirou, the suffering was finally over.

"Gomen nasai, Hikari," he whispered, and faded away.


Hikari's slender hands smoothed the newspaper as she read. Births... Aiko Uemura... Tenchi Sakamoto... Deaths... Meiko Nanaka, 1943-2020... Koushirou Izumi, 1990-2020...

A single tear fell on the paper, blurring the ink by Koushirou's obituary. An angel's tear.

'Tell me, tell me, what do you see?
Tell me, tell me, what's wrong with me'


Neko's note: Why is it that whenever I write a song fic, somebody dies?! Why?! ^sighs^ Well, did you like it?