Doctor Who Fan Fiction ❯ Rose and Ten The Inbetweens and backstories ❯ Chapter Nineteen ( Chapter 19 )

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When Rose awoke the next morning, she wasn't sure if she had dreamt, or if it was real, that the Doctor had kissed her. It wouldn't surprise her if it was a dream; she'd had plenty of dreams like that since Cassandra had hijacked her body and taken liberties.

After a shower, and getting dressed, she went to the kitchen for breakfast, and as usual, found the Doctor there waiting for her, with some waffles this morning, and maple syrup.

`Morning,' he said with a smile.

`Mornin',' she replied, looking at him, and trying to work out if he was more cheerful than normal. She dismissed it as wish fulfilment of the dream that she'd had about him kissing her.

After breakfast, they left the TARDIS and hopped on a bus to the O2 Arena, formerly known as the Millennium Dome, and now called the North Greenwich Arena for the Olympics. The Doctor used his psychic paper as a bus pass, which worked very effectively.

This venue was hosting the preliminaries of the artistic gymnastics, and Rose was in awe of some of the performances that she witnessed. When they came out of the arena, they looked across the river at the collection of skyscrapers, the tallest of which was One Canada Square, which was synonymous with Canary Wharf, where, unbeknown to them, their destinies lay.

After the gymnastics, they were able to visit the ExCeL Exhibition Centre, to watch the individual sabre in the fencing, where the Doctor pointed out some of the main players, and their strengths and weaknesses.

`Do you know who's goin' to win? `Cos I'd have thought that would be a bit borin',' Rose said.

`Nah, think of Torvill and Dean, Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics and the Bolero. How many times have you watched it? You know they get a perfect score and win the gold, but it doesn't detract from the perfection of the performance.'

`Oh yeah, I see what yer mean.'

And so, over the next two weeks, they followed the preliminaries in as many events as they could, and attended as many of the finals as they could. They had been holding hands, hugging when a member of the England squad won, and cuddling up in the evening in front of the TV. Rose felt certain that something was changing in the Doctor's demeanour, he seemed to be more open (for him anyway), and more, well, loving is the only word she could think of.

Eventually, it came to the day of the closing ceremony, and Rose was roused from her slumber by a gentle knocking on her door.

`Rose, you awake?'

`Hmmmm.' She lifted her head off the pillow and wiped her hair from her face. `Yeah,' she yawned.

The Doctor backed into the room, opening the door with his bum, `a very nice bum' Rose thought as she saw it enter the room. He turned around and she saw he was holding a tray that contained a breakfast of toast, marmalade, orange juice, and a thin vase which contained a single red rose.

`Mornin',' she said, a big smile spreading across her face. `What's all this?'

`Breakfast in bed, I thought it was about time I spoilt you.'

`Oh, that's lovely, thank you,' she said, risking a peck on the cheek as he leaned forward to put the tray on her lap. She wasn't sure if she was reading the signals correctly, and she wanted to see how he reacted.

She needn't have worried; he gave her a big smile and snuggled up beside her on the bed, helping himself to a piece of toast.

`I could get used to this,' she told him as she spread some marmalade on her toast.

`Quite right too,' he said.

Over the last two weeks, since Rose's question about their relationship, he had been soul searching, and his soul was nine hundred years old, that was a lot of searching. Rose had been upfront with Mickey and told him that they were over as a couple, and the reason for that was that she wanted to be with him.

And all the time that Rose had been travelling with him, she had helped him to confront his demons, and if not banish them, at least tame them. She had also helped him connect with his emotions, to come to terms with his guilt, his anger, his pain, his loss.

It was time for him to be upfront with her, he didn't know where this would go, or how long it would last, Hell, he was nine hundred years old, and no spotty teenaged virgin, and was under no illusions of how difficult this would be. But Rose had shown that she was committed to him, on more than one occasion, and it was only fair that he did the same.

`We need to talk,' he said, looking serious, but happy.

`Wha', is this what I think it is?' her face full of expectation.

`That, Rose Tyler, depends on what you think it is. What I think it is, is me being straight with you, and thanking you for being patient with me when, at times, I've been a complete idiot.'

`Only at times?' she teased, giving him a lopsided smile.

He laughed at that. `You're right, as usual, I mean even a Dalek could see what I couldn't . . . or wouldn't,' he admitted. `I was broken and damaged when you met me, afraid to feel in case it consumed me and destroyed me. But you took the raw wound of my guilt, my anger, and my pain, and you soothed it, caressed it and healed the wound. And for that, I thank you.'

`You're welcome. Does this mean you are now officially my boyfriend?' she said, giving him her teasing, tongue between the teeth smile.

`Oh yeah, I suppose it does,' he said with a smile, and then looking thoughtful, almost worried.

`What's up, not havin' second thoughts before we've even started are ya?' she said with a frown.

`Oh, no, no, nothing like that. I was just wondering what your mum will say.'

Rose spluttered a laugh, and looked at him lovingly. `Oh you, Mum really likes you, I know she makes out that she doesn't, but trust me, when she teases someone, it means she likes them, you'd know if she didn't like you. Now come here.'

She reached up to the side of his face, and tentatively brushed her lips against his, she was still unsure how far and how fast to take this new development. `One step at a time' she thought to herself, one step at a time.

Blimey, he was being kissed by Rose Tyler, and it was brilliant, molto bene, ace-amondo. `Ace-amondo'? No he wouldn't be using that one again. It wasn't the first time they'd kissed, but it was the first time that she had been aware and in control, and it was wonderful.

`Mmmmm, if this happens when we're boyfriend and girlfriend, then yes, I am definitely your boyfriend.'

Rose giggled at his dopey grin. `C'mon, let's finish our breakfast, and we can go an' see the last events and then catch the closing ceremony.'

The Doctor was relieved that Rose was relaxed and enjoying herself. He carried a lot of emotional baggage with him, and it was going to take a long time to unpack it all, iron it, fold it nicely, and put it away. But what he knew about his new girlfriend was that she was kind, considerate, and patient.

That night they walked along Dame Kelly Holmes Close for the last time, and went back at the TARDIS. They walked up the ramp, arm in arm, and at the console they turned to face one another, Rose putting her arms around his neck, and his arms went around her waist.

`You mister, were windin' me up,' she said with a pouty smile.

`Me?' he said innocently.

`Yeah, Papua New Guinea in the shot put you said.'

`Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that . . . You're right, I was winding you up,' he said with his boyish grin. `But tell you what; to make it up to you, I'll take you somewhere where they have flying fish.'

`Oh, I've seen those on the telly, they jump out of the river into the boats.'

`No, I'm talking fish that fly,' he said flapping his arms. `Ray-like fish with hydrogen swim bladders that glide gracefully through the air.' He started setting the controls on the console.

`Wow that sounds great.'

The TARDIS landed in a valley, surrounded by strange, arched rock formations. The rising sun shone through the formations, casting interesting shadows across the valley. Hand in hand the Doctor and Rose walked down the ramp and stepped through the doors.

Rose looked on in wonder at the strange landscape and the sun low on the horizon. There was a low whooshing sound, as a large `Manta Ray' like animal slowly glided over their heads, followed by another, and then another. They performed a graceful, aerial ballet in front of them, and they just stood there in awe, side by side.

`How many more wonders are you goin' to show me?' she asked him in a quiet voice, not wanting to disturb the magical moment.

He looked over at her and smiled. `How long are you going to stay with me?'

She returned his smile. `Forever.'

Their hands found each other, their fingers entwined.

`Then there's a whole lifetime of wonders out there just waiting for us.'

They stood quietly, enjoying the demonstration of aerial prowess until the creatures had finished feeding and flown away.

`Oh, that was beautiful . . . what is this place?' she said, hugging his arm.

`It's an asteroid in the Rings of Akhaten. You can't see the planet Akhaten at the moment, it's below the horizon,' he told her, nodding to his left. `It's sentient you know.'

`What is?'

`The planet, imagine that, a planet that can think. Even better, imagine if your planet could think . . . it'd probably say 'get off and leave me alone',' he said with a grin, Rose laughed. `Oh, and 'just scratch that bit between my Himalayas before you go, I can't quite reach'.'

He pointed to something that looked like a small moon. `The inhabited asteroid Tiaanamat, over there is built on the largest piece of ore on the outer ring as a docking point. Many species from across the universe live there, buying and selling rare and exotic goods in vast winding markets.

`Oh, markets, can I go shoppin'?' she said with a cheeky smile.


Rose stepped out of the TARDIS with her rucksack and put it on while she waited for the Doctor to join her. They were in the children's play area near Bucknall House, where the climbing frames were surrounded with railings. He came out and closed the door and they set off towards her mum's flat.

It was her mum's flat now, not hers, not any longer. Her home was with the Doctor, on the TARDIS. She skipped over the low railing, and their hands instinctively sort each other out. They swung their arms, and had a lightness to their step that reflected the relaxed ease of the new phase of their relationship.

They chatted and laughed as they walked through the courtyard, she was telling him about the latest phone conversation she'd had with her mum. Jackie had asked for something in a shop that could be taken two ways, one of which was very embarrassing.

`She's lovely,' Rose laughed.

`Yeah . . . yeah,' the Doctor laughed. `Brilliant really.'

`We had a big chat about everythin' as usual . . . We get on really well,' she told him, almost skipping with happiness as they approached the security door.

He opened the door for her. `She really wants to see you again.'

`I know, and me her.' Even if they didn't tell Jackie that they were a couple, if they weren't careful, she would see it in the way they were behaving.

`Mum, it's us! We're back!' Rose called out from the hallway as they entered the flat.

Jackie ran from the kitchen to greet them. `Oh, I don't know why you bother with that phone. You never use it!'

Rose just grinned at her pretended annoyance. `Shut up, come here!' she said as she grabbed her into a hug. The Doctor smiled at them and squeezed past.

`Oh, I love you!' Jackie said.

`I love you!' Rose replied.

`I love you so much!' Jackie spotted the Doctor sneaking past. `Oh no, you don't. Come here!'

Jackie grabbed him and gave him a big wet kiss. `Oh, you lovely big fella! Oh, you're all mine,' she cooed, as she hugged him.

`Just, just, just put me down!' What was the matter with her? Hang on, did she know, had she spotted that they were a couple?

`Yes, you are,' Jackie said and gave him another kiss for good luck. The Doctor looked decidedly uncomfortable and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Rose took the rucksack off her shoulders and handed it to her mum. `I've got loads of washin' for ya, and I got you this,' she said showing her a gold ornament. `It's from the market on this asteroid bazaar. It's made of . . . er . . . what's it called?' She looked over her shoulder to the Doctor, who was leafing through a magazine.

`Bazoolium,' he reminded her.

`Bazoolium,' she repeated with an excited smile. `When it gets cold, yeah, it means it's going to rain. When it's hot, it's going to be sunny. You can use it to tell the weather.'

`I've got a surprise for you an' all,' Jackie told her.

Rose looked disappointed. `Oh, I get her bazoolium, she doesn't even say thanks.

`Guess who's coming to visit? You're just in time. He'll be here at ten past. Who do you think it is?'

`I don't know.'

`Oh go on, guess.'

`No, I hate guessing. Just tell me.'

`It's your granddad, Granddad Prentice. He's on his way any minute . . . Right, cup of tea!' she said, going through to the kitchen to put the kettle on.

`She's gone mad,' Rose told the Doctor, in a quiet, conspiratorial tone.

`Tell me something new,' He replied with a smirk.

`Granddad Prentice, that's her dad. But he died . . . like, ten years ago. Oh, my God. She's lost it.' She went to the kitchen door, the Doctor behind her. `Mum? What you just said about granddad . . .'

`Any second now,' Jackie interrupted her.

Rose was concerned about her mum. Was she developing dementia, had she had a stroke? She felt guilty that she hadn't been here for her. `But he passed away. His heart gave out. Do you remember that?'

`Of Course I do.' Jackie gave her a look as though it was Rose who had gone daft.

`Then how can he come back?'

`Why don't you ask him yourself? Ten past, here he comes.'

The Doctor and Rose watched in disbelief, as a shadowy figure walked through the exterior wall, the kitchen units, and stood beside Jackie.

`Here we are, then. Dad, say hello to Rose. Ain't she grown?'

What the hell?!