Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Blue Seed Fan Fiction / 3 X 3 Eyes Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Pain and Pleasure ❯ The games begin ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*Disclaimer: I Don't own DBZ. Or Blueseed. and the the slayer goddess is mine but hasnothing to do with Btvs*

Chapter 2 The games begin

Raksha: W-what? He's not. No. Absolutly not.

Vegeta: You summoned me to pr-protect her?!

Amaterasu: Yes, I did. The arigami are getting restless and her brother and

her are bickering as usual.

Raksha: He started it. I was happy living on my new toy then wham he attacked several of my transports.

Vegeta: Oh, no. I'm not getting in the middle of a brother and sister spat about their toys.

Raksha: It's not some little game like you mortals play. We fight the real wars.

Amaterasu: Like it or not you two are stuck with each other.If either of you disobey me I will stick you both in a room together with a lust spell on both of you.

Raksha: Fine!

[ she stalks off.]

Amaterasu: Follow her, now.

[ he runs off to catch up to her.]

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