Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Ultimate Threat ❯ The tournament begins ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 15: The tournament begins.

Vegeta: I'll go first!

Goku: Veg...Ahhhhh Fine!

Vegeta got up on the platform.

Vegeta: Ready to die!

Cell: No...Not quite

Vegeta: Well you might have won 70 years ago, but not this time.

Vegeta charged up to SSJ4

Cell: Well I have a secret up my sleve to!

All of a sudden to attached blades came out of Cell's arms.

Vegeta: Ahhh Shi....

Trunks: Dad use this.

Trunks threw his sword to Vegeta.

Vegeta: Thanks son.

Vegeta placed the sword holder around his back.

Vegeta: Ready!

Cell: Let's go

Authors note: I am sorry for this but due to time and laziness I am going to skip these battles and get to the important parts. I will rewrite this story in the summer so bare with me. (DON'T FLAME ME FOR THIS)

After many battles the score was tallied. Cell had won 6 battles and lost 2.

Cell: I never knew such power existed, what a waste.

Tai: Wait a minute, why don't the Digimon fight.

Mat: Good idea!

Tai: You guys need a rest let us try, we'll squash him.

Agumon: That's courage, Agumon warp digivolve to... Wargreymon

Mat: And I'll help you!

Gabumon: That's friendship, Gabumon warp digivolve to...Metalgarurumon

Tai: Now for a trick we haven't used since we were in the internet.

Mat: Ready!

Tai and Mat: Go!

Agumon and Gabumon: Agumon and Gabumon, DNA DIGIVOLVE TO...OMNIMON!

Omnimon: Lets squash this bug.

Cell: He's as strong as the others, but I'm very weak and tired! What to do!

Out of the sky come super 17 and super 18. (I made 17 a good guy)

#18: We got here as fast as we...Ungghh

Cell impaled her with his tail absorber thing about to absorb her.

Cell: Peekabo!

Krillen: Get a away from her!

Cell knocked him out the way. Super 17 attacked.

#17: Eat meta...Uggggh

A second tail came out of his back and absorbed #17

Cell: Muhahahaha!!! Time to meet your 'stronger' match! Hahaha.

Battlewas over very soon.

Cell: I guess that's everyone.

Trunks: Not yet!

Goten: I defeated you two!

Trunks: Yes but not both of us!

Cell: I defeated him too!

Goten: Stupid creature...We meant together!

Cell: WHAT?

Trunks and Goten flew to the far edge of the arena

Unison: Fu...Sion...HA!

A bright light and wind flew across the ground.

Akira: So they're the two who mastered it first.

Janeba: Yeah!

Gotenks: Ready?

Cell: Let's go!

They jumped in the air and ready to fight.