Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ World Eating Contest ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"He's doing quite well, isn't he Sanzo?" Hakkai asked as Sanzo lit a cigarette.

"He's having too much fun. We shouldn't have come here," Sanzo muttered.

"What is it hurting? We do need the money for supplies. Besides, Hakryuu needed the rest."

The white dragon on Hakkai's lap chirped and Puar looked at it.

"That's a real dragon," she gasped and Oolong glanced at it.

"Ah...it's not all that special. I can turn into a bigger one," he said.

"You can do it only for five minutes. That's what you get for cheating!"

"Look who's gloating over here. You may be able to do it for as long as you want but mine are bigger and better."

"Oh come on, Oolong. What makes your shapeshifting so special when you can only keep it five minutes?" Bulma asked.

"Would you be quiet! All this talking is distracting my Goku!" Chi-chi said and Piccolo looked at her.

"That woman needs help," he muttered.

"Just don't let her hear you say that," Yamcha said.

"This is kind of fun, isn't it Sanzo?" Hakkai asked and Sanzo looked at him.

"If you're a monkey," Sanzo replied as a few more contestants were lead away, holding their stomachs in pain.

"Disgusting. Now I know why some countries have food shortages," Piccolo said and Bulma looked at him.

"You know, nothing's keeping you here," she said.

"I know. I was just leaving. The rest of you can stay and watch this but I can't handle it."

"Doesn't the heat bother them?" Master Roshi asked as he watched
the two Gokus eat. "I mean you can see the steam for crying out

"My monkey only cares about eating. He doesn't care what temperature
the food is," Gojyo said.

"As you can see, Kakarrot doesn't care about the temperature
either," Vegeta said. "It looks as though you'll be giving me your
money, you little insect."

"My idiot isn't out of the match yet."

"Why not? Does he have some great comeback planned?"

"He doesn't need a comeback. He was never down to begin with."

"So you say."

"Yes I say because it's true. Don't look at me like that. You have
yet to see what my monkey can do."
"MAN! That was SOOOO good? Is there any more? Aw... there's none
left in the pot. I really wanted some more....Hey! that bowl wasn't
even touched! Can I have it? Pleeeease?" Goku asked and gazed up at
the judges with his big amber eyes. The judges looked at each other
then concended to Goku's request. Goku happily took the bowl and
began eating.

"....Thanghs...thank you! Hey...you want some? There's plenty left

"Actually, I'm a little tired of soup. I'm ready for the REAL
meal," Goku said as he watched his counterpart eat.

"Aha! So what do you think of that, your lordship? Your man is TIRED
of soup," Gojyo said and Vegeta folded his arms.

"I also heard that he's looking forward to the actual meal. Or did
you possibly miss that? I suppose you could have because your
antennae aren't standing up straight. They look a little water
logged," he said and Gojyo glared at him.

"All right, I know you're jealous of my scarlet tresses, but my
hair's got nothing to do with my hearing. If your man is so ready
for the next course, then he should have been able to eat something
more. My Goku is looking forward to now AND the next course."


"You don't believe me."

"I don't need that pointed out. Let's just SEE what happens, then.
Shall we?"
"So what's the next course? Hey....? Oh that's right. Everyone else left. I see how they are. They don't care about my Gohan's college fund! Let's see, the next course is...oh! They get a choice. Tokyo Duck, which is a marinated breast of duck served in Japanese tempura batter or Sea Bass Mirin which is
a grilled sea bass fillet marinated with sweet sake, served with snow peas and shiitake mushrooms. I wonder which one Goku will choose...Go Goku!!!" Chi-chi cried as she waved the program that looked a lot like a menu.

"Where did everyone else go?" Master Roshi asked as he walked up to her.

"They left. They said that sitting around watching Goku eat was boring. Can you imagine them?"

"Well perhaps there ARE more exciting things to look at outside. Maybe I'll go look."

"All right mister! You're not getting invited to Gohan's graduation either!!"

"Man....I feel sorry for the guy," Gojyo asked as he watched Chi-chi sit down in a huff.

"Well, that's something we can BOTH agree on," Vegeta commented as a large duck was uncovered on the table. Some of the other contestants looked at the duck and turned green. They were, in turn, led from the arena. Vegeta folded his arms and glanced at Gojyo who was lighting a cigarette.

"There's no way that your puny boy can eat both dishes," he said.

"You'd be surprised," Hakkai said and Gojyo glanced up.

"Hey, so you've decided to join the gambling ring?" he asked and Hakkai politely shook his head.

"Actually, we came over here to give our ears a rest. I'm afraid she's quite loud."

"She was giving me a headache. I don't see how anyone could stand being married to her," Sanzo muttered.

"I bet she's just excited. She can't ALWAYS be like this."

"Wanna bet?" Vegeta asked.
Piccolo glanced at the others who had just stepped out of the arena and folded his arms.

"So, you got sick of it as well," he commented and Krillin laughed.

"Yeah...I guess there's only so much we can stand of Goku chowing down," he said.

"I don't see how you can approve that sort of behavior to begin with."

"He usually isn't this bad."

"So you say."

"Don't start arguing you two," Bulma said as she stretched.

"I didn't know Vegeta had such an interest in gambling," Yamcha commented.

"I think he's more interested in showing that stranger up than anything."

"That's kinda weird, considering he wanted to kill that guy because his pride was insulted."

"I'd rather have them arguing about money than arguing about something else. Well since they're going to be in there for awhile, let's go to the mall or something. Okay, perhaps not the mall. I just want to do something to stretch my legs. They're starting to hurt."

"I could massage them."

"No thank you."

"I'LL do it," Master Roshi said and Bulma glared at him.

"NO!" she cried and Master Roshi shrugged his shoulders.

"Suit yourself, honey."

"Geez, he never changes," Oolong muttered.

"How can you stand being around him?" Puar asked.

"It ain't easy sometimes."