Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Shadows and Light ❯ Chapter II ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, Kingdom Hearts, Inuyasha, Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, or Mortal Kombat. However I do own Saikida, Crystal, Kaura, Nemesis, Ceoan, Dante, all the original villains, dimension names, and secondary original characters.

{A/N: This is my first time doing some story like this, so please if you want tell whether you dislike or like. All the characters from the things that I don't own are going to come later as will most of the action, be patient and you shall be rewarded. Oh, and this is an A/U}

Chapter 2

"Well, well, well if it isn't a saiyan." Frieza snarled at Saikida.

"Okay then, Saikida I think that somebody doesn't like you." Kaura backed a little bit away from the angered villains.

"I think you must be right Kaura, they're giving me evil glare." Saikida responded and backed away slowly as Cell edged one step closer. "Anyways, let's split and try to find the person in charge here." Kaura nodded and flew into the sky, with Saikida following but didn't get far because Cell grabbed Saikida's ankle and drug her down.

"Saikida, hang on!" Kaura yelled but got drug down also.

"Where are you going so soon? We've never got to play with a saiyan female before." Freiza smiled cruelly and edged towards the downed teens.

"Psychotic freak," Saikida spat out as she recovered and stood up, but she soon felt a very large evil chi make its way toward them. "Darn, we don't have time for this. Kaura, get the others, I'll make sure the Melken and these guys are distracted. Go!"

Kaura nodded and flew back to the place where the rest of the group was. Meanwhile Saikida glared back at the villains. Cell laughed a little and raised his hands a bit.

"Hey, Freiza, who does this girl remind you of?"

"Well, I'd say Vegeta, isn't that right little girl, your daddy's Vegeta."

"What the heck are you talking about?! I don't even know who that is, I come from a different dimension idiots." Saikida growled and looked back up at the sky again. "Hurry up Kaura, I don't think this will be too good." She thought to herself and looked back at the charging Cell.

"What do you mean they followed us?! We don't even know where we are?" Dante demanded but soon stopped when he saw Kaura's glare harden.

"Well they did, but that's not the danger right now. Saikida is in trouble and we need to help." The group nodded and together they ran back towards the place Saikida was.

Saikida dodged yet another punch from Cell. He turned and lashed his leg out but Saikida jumped over it and slammed her fists down onto his head. She did a back flip and landed on her two feet with her tail lashing behind her.

"Is that all you got?" Cell recovered and smirked at the confident teen.

"I did say this was a warm-up, like father like daughter I suppose." Cell started to laugh and looked back at the fuming teenager.

"Well it's over!" she yelled and jumped into the air and kicked his head hard. A few bits of spittle and blood flew off, but he recovered quickly and had a crushing hold on her leg.

"Very much like Vegeta," he muttered and was about to say something when Saikida blasted him in the face. Cell's hold loosened and the young girl fell to the ground with a smirk.

"Ha, you kept your guard down." Saikida's smirk instantly vanished when she saw Cell rise up again. He still held his smirk on his face.

"And you have too much confidence young one, it's amazing I let you blast me." He remarked and smiled cruelly. Saikida glare instantly darkened.

"Now let's get truly started," he replied and appeared in front of her. Saikida jumped in the air and tried to stomp on his head but he vanished and reappeared in back of her. He brought his fists down on her back and kicked her into a nearby mountain. Saikida slowly stood up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I'll have to outsmart him somehow, maybe if I confuse him his defense will go down." Saikida thought to herself and looked at the approaching android. She instantly took a fighting stance and went low to the ground.

"As you see girl, I'm much stronger than you are, you're just like your father, too confident for your own good. Maybe I'll spare your life long enough to have last minute thoughts." With that the android charged again, with great speed. However Saikida smirked.

"Let's do this," she thought and leapt into the air and back flipped behind the charging android and quickly gathered enough chi for a small blast. She released it and it hit the android in the legs.

"Argh, you stupid girl. Just wait when I have you on the ground." He growled and changed directions. This time he increased his speed greatly. Saikida though moved underneath him and kicked up into the sky and released another small blast.

"Ha, it's working. That idiot still hasn't figured it out." Saikida thought and smirked as she watched the enraged android speed down towards her.

"What's wrong with Cell, sir?" Zarbon turned towards Frieza and asked. Frieza shrugged his shoulders and the villains watched in shock as Saikida once again smirked.

"You dumb stupid girl, I'll kill you!" Cell yelled angrily as he extended his arm for a punch, however Saikida moved to the side and released yet another energy blast. She moved to the side again and smirked.

"Saikida, you there?" Crystal instantly appeared and she knelt beside her sister, "Hold up a bit, you're bleeding." Saikida nodded and stood up with the group all looking back at her.

"We need to find the person in charge, so everyone split up and look around." Saikida ordered before she looked back at Cell. "We'll finish this some other time."

She then flew off and looked around for anyone who would stop to listen. She flew to a small green planet floating in the sky and landed on it. She instantly heard arguing.

"No Bubbles don't touch that it's not yours. Wait!"


"The foundation of a house soon collapsed and fell on a blue catfish that was screaming that it was crushing him.

"Ah, get it off me! Please it's crushing…" he instantly stopped when Saikida moved the house off of him. "Oh my, who are you?"

"My name's Saikida, I've come from a different dimension to warn the leader of this one about a great danger approaching." Saikida helped the catfish stand up, "Now tell me your name." The blue catfish nodded and his antennas swayed in a faint breeze

"I am the kai of the northern sector, you can just call me King Kai." Silence followed as Saikida instantly bowed.

"King Kai, do you know of the race, the Melken?" Saikida asked hope dripping in her voice. King Kai shook his head and Saikida frowned.

"You know something Saikida, you remind me of someone I know of that lives on planet Earth. Maybe you can meet him there."

"I'm sorry King Kai, but I can't waste any time, the Melken are coming and I must find powerful warriors and saiyans." Saikida replied and was about to leave.

"Stop! You said saiyans? The only two left reside on Earth and one of them is someone I want you to meet. Who knows, maybe you'll even find someone who knows of the Melken." King Kai watched interested as Saikida's furry tailed uncoiled from her waist and lashed about eagerly.

"Fine, but first I must find my friends." Saikida replied and turned around to see all her friends there. "That was fast."

"Thanks, but all I did was tell them to come here." King Kai chuckled and watched as Crystal approached Saikida.

"Now, who is this?" Crystal demanded pointing at the short man. Saikida looked back at her.

"King Kai."

"Yes I am, now would you like to hear a joke?" King Kai asked the group.

The group shrugged their shoulders and plopped down near the trees.

* * *

Saikida groaned as King Kai and Dante were exchanging corny jokes with each other.

"Saikida, why did those villains attack you?" Nemesis asked her friend in concern.

"I really don't know, but they claimed I was a saiyan and somebody's daughter."

"Who was it?" Crystal joined in the conversation.

"Someone by the name of Vegeta, they said…"

"Hold it, how do you know Vegeta?" King Kai demanded stopping his joke in mid context.

"I don't know him, I only heard his name." Saikida scowled at being the center of attention now.

"Where did you hear his name?" King Kai asked.

"Some guys by the name Cell and Freiza were talking about it when Saikida and me saw them." Kaura said as she joined the group again.

"Cell and Freiza are sworn enemies of Vegeta, that's why they attacked you, you look like a clone of him." King Kai explained and watched as the group exchanged glances.

"So if Saikida is the daughter of Vegeta, would that make her a saiyan?" Ceoan asked ignoring the dark glare Saikida gave him.

"Well, partly if her mother was also a saiyan." King Kai answered.

"Well, I am a saiyan." A soft voice made the whole entire group jump up and turn swiftly around when they saw a beautiful woman in weird armor approach them. Her skin was a light tan and she had long silky red spiked hair and a brown furry tail curled around her waist.

"Who are you?" Crystal asked in amazement at the woman.

"My name is Vega, I am the goddess of the saiyans, and mate to the prince and mother to the princess." The woman examined the group, "I also fought in the battle of the six abysses against the leader of the Melken."

"You know about the Melken then?" Dante asked as he recovered from his shock. "Did you seal them away?" The woman nodded sadly at the boy.

"Then it is true that they are breaking the seal." Nemesis stated, "If we are able to travel between the different dimensions."

"You said you are mother to a princess, who's the princess?" Saikida demanded at the woman.

"I must say you've grown Saikida." Vega lightly stroked the young girl's cheek. "It's nice to see you again, how you remind me of your father." She chuckled a bit and ruffled Saikida's red hair, "Still, you have some traits of me."

"If what you are saying is true, then Saikida is half goddess and she is a full-blooded saiyan." King Kai scratched his head thoughtfully, "How amazing."

"I came here to help my daughter in her quest of discovery and hope. The Melken are once again forming and since most of the warriors from the former band are destroyed, I cannot fight, and they have grown powerful. Saikida, you and the others must take up the task of defeating them for the sake of all of the dimensions. I can guide you as far as you fight them and do not give up."

"If that is what we must do I cannot refuse." Saikida responded and turned toward the others, "It is your choice whether you accompany or not, I will not make you."

Crystal stepped forward and nodded, "I speak for every one of us when I say that we will fight to our very last breath to keep the freedom of the races alive." Every one nodded and clasped their hands with each other.

"Well it's settled, we leave tomorrow morning." Nemesis remarked.

"Hey, about some dinner," King Kai was nearly trampled by the hungry teens. He looked for Vega but saw that the goddess had disappeared into the shadows.

* * *

Vega approached the doors of Capsule Corporation building that housed her mate. With a light tap on the door, it swung open to reveal a 18 yr old boy with lavender hair greet her.

"How may I help you?" he asked astonished by the beauty of the woman.

"Yes Trunks, is your father around?" Vega asked quietly. Trunks nodded and left the doorway to find the saiyan. Within a couple of seconds a short man with raven black hair and deep black onyx eyes that was set in a scowl.

"Woman, what are you doing here?!" he demanded angrily and his scowl deepened.

"I came to tell you that your daughter is coming tomorrow morning." With that she left as quickly as she came leaving the man to ponder it himself.

"Vegeta, close the door. You're letting all the bugs in." his wife called from her lab. Vegeta quietly closed the door and angrily smacked a mosquito as he walked away. Meanwhile Trunks was talking to his younger sister at the dinner table.

"That woman was beautiful, her every move was graceful and she didn't even look at me."

His sister looked up from her spaghetti and smirked, "Are you love stricken by any chance?" Trunks frowned at her.

"Shut up Bra, at least you have Goten to love. Me, I'm just a hopeless cutie with no lover."

"Are you sure you're not also a fool?" Bra asked with her deep blue eyes sparkling with mischief. She had her blue hair up in a ponytail and was in a strapless red tank top with a short red miniskirt.

"Brat, get going to your stupid gathering with Kakarot spawn." Vegeta snarled but Bra didn't get discouraged and left happily giggling. Vegeta scowled even harder and glared at Trunks.

"Hi father," the young hybrid greeted quietly, pretending to be interested at the food in front of him.

"What were you and Bra arguing about?" Vegeta demanded angrily grabbing some food from Bra's not finished plate.

"Oh, um well that lady I just saw was beautiful, and she didn't even look at me." Trunks replied sadly.

"That woman is my mate, and she is not the angel you're imaging." Vegeta narrowed his eyes at his shocked son.

"You've been cheating on mom?" Trunks stood up angrily and glared at his father. "You unfaithful jerk." Vegeta glared back at his son and growled low in his throat.

"You can ask your mother if I've been cheating on her or not but don't you ever try to assume things about me boy, or you'll regret every word you said." With that Vegeta stormed off leaving his son to brood. Trunks quickly fled to his mother's lab where she was finishing up on last minute adjustments. She looked and noticed her gloomy son.

"Hi, Trunks anything wrong?" she greeted cheerfully. Trunks looked at her strange.

"Mom, did Dad cheat on you?" he demanded quietly staring at his mother. Bulma placed a hand over her mouth and laughed.

"Oh, you must have met Vega, then? No, it's more like he cheated on her, see Vegeta promised Vega that they would have eternal love for each other when he was working for Freiza, but after one mission he came back and she had never came back from her mission. He thought she died and completely vanished as saiyan religion went, so he buried any memories deep within side of him and married me and had you and Bra. Three years after Bra was born, Vegeta went on a training mission and found her. He still held that promise in high respect and together they had a child, which stayed with Vega."

Trunks was shocked, to say the least. He remembered his actions and nearly kicked himself because of his poor judgment.

"Oh, by the way did she mention anything about their child, it would be a pleasure to meet it," Bulma looked back down at her clothes, that were grimy and sweaty from the intense heat. "Oops I should clean up and ask Vegeta about it, anyways why did you think that he would be cheating on me? He's never lied to us before."

"I made a mistake Mom, I assumed that he was obviously cheating on you because you two barely spend any time together." Trunks replied and walked away from his speechless mother and towards the room that housed his father. "You even sleep in separate rooms at times." He looked at the wall and smiled when he saw the only picture of their family at the park. He was clutching his father's hand and grinning, while Vegeta looked proudly down and had a half smirk, half smile expression. Bulma was holding a baby Bra, and had one arm wrapped around Vegeta, smiling widely.

"What are you staring at brat?" a cold voice sliced through Trunks thinking and he turned around to see an equally cold stare watching him.

"Nothing father, I was just walking back to my room. Goodnight." Trunks bowed stiffly and left the room leaving the saiyan prince to do his own thinking. He quickly grabbed the photo and stared at it. It took place right after Bra was born, after Vegeta accepted Bulma's marriage proposal and they had gone to the park to celebrate.

"Tomorrow is the day I examine my heir, and tomorrow is the day I meet my flesh and blood, the day I face hardships as a father." He placed the photo down and walked into his regular room and soon fell asleep.

* * *

Saikida laid her head down on the hard ground and looked up at the sky.

"Wonder what my father's like? Was he a warrior, or an artist? If anything, why did he abandon me? Will I ever come to forgive him?" Saikida thought angrily as she watched the moon in all its glory blaze down on her. Funny, how she promised herself never to forgive her parents but here she was, wondering how they act, or how they would react to her. She looked next to her and found Kaura sleeping peacefully under a tree. Her slow even breathing made her even seem a little bit defenseless. Maybe, they would fulfill their treaty out and they might even become friends.

"Bah, I wouldn't hold my breath on that. Kaura and me are just allies, nothing more, nothing less." Saikida closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, but it seemed as though she had too much on her mind and it wouldn't shut down. She finally gave up and settled in for a restless night ahead.

{A/N: Well, how did you like this chapter? I thought it was kind of cool that Vegeta did have a first love before Bulma, and how Trunks reacted was kind of cool. I tried to keep them in character as much as possible. Saikida is having inner conflicts just like I think somebody in her position would. Anyways, I'll try to update as soon as possible.}