Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Different Dimension ❯ Who!? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~ (blah) ~ - expressions

*(blah)* - thinking

~*~ - changing scenes or pov's


~* Chichi's pov*~

I was walking home from a daily walk. I had about half a mile left to walk, when all of a sudden I felt a weird type of energy. I stopped when it got stronger. I was about to go run and get Goku when it stopped and I heard something drop and hard. The sound came from the forest to my right.


*Now I wonder what that was?* I thought to myself

Being the strong, curious woman I was. I went to go check it out. I went into the forest and I went deep into it. The forest was so thick and dark I could barely see my arms. I kept walking till all of a sudden I tripped. I fell flat on my face. I got up dusted myself off and turned to see what I tripped on. The forest seemed to light up after I crept back slowly to where I tripped. What I saw made me gasp. It was a girl a teenage girl, and as I look closer she seems to have hit her head. Once again I gasp. I ran over to the girl.

"Miss." I asked

"Miss" I asked once again, but all I got was a weak groan

When I looked at her I see she has a tail…a tail like Goku's except black.

* But that means…that she is probably a sayian, but I'm not sure. I'll have to ask Vegeta…on second thought I'll just asked Goku, hopefully he'll know.* she thought

I knelt by her and got a capsule out of my pocket and open it. It opens up into a first aid kit. I clean and bandage her wounds. I sit there and wait till she wakes up.

* I hope she isn't someone who will kill me. Well, I got a feeling she won't hurt me, but it doesn't stop me from thinking all of the possible bad things that could happen in these…dark…lonely…creepy woods. Okay stay positive Chichi. Everything's going to be fine.* I reassured myself

I stayed there for at lest three hours thinking how worried Goku is and if this girl is okay. As it was starting to get cold the girl's eyes started to flutter open.

"Where am I?" Asked the girl, startling me out of my thoughts

"Are you okay, miss? You took a nasty hit to the head." I asked

"I've got a headache, that's all." Said the girl

"Miss, may I ask, why are you all the way out here?" I asked

"…I don't know…I don't know anything!" panicked the girl

"You mean you can't remember anything. Nothing at all!" I said worried

"No…all I remember is…my name, Kagome…" said this girl, Kagome

"…Nothing at all ~ (Kagome shakes her head) ~ well I guess you could come and live with me and Goku for a while…" I said

"Oh, I couldn't do that I wouldn't want to be a bother to you!" started Kagome

"Nonsense! I would like another girl in the house for a change. It's bad with three males, and the only girl you know is miles away." I said

"Well if you say so…" said Kagome

Then me and Kagome started our long track home

~*~*~*~ Back with inu's group~*~*~*~*

"So ye are saying Kagome has just vanished" asked Kaede

"Yes, Keade-sama. We got there in time to see a woman disappear and then Kagome was surrounded by a bright light and then just vanished." Said Miroku

Then inu gang was all at Keade's hut. Inuyasha was outside in a tree. Sango was unconscious from fainting over Kagome's disappearance, Shippo was bothering Inuyasha, Miroku and Kaede were talking about Kagome's disappearance.

"Well all I can do child is see if I can find a spell that will reverse this one, but I can't promise anything." Said Kaede

*Kagome, I promise you I will find you, no matter what!* thought Inuyasha as he jumped out of the tree and walked into the forest.

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