Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Brief ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own DBZ or Inu-yasha!!! So don't sue I'M BROKE!!!

MoonFlower2020: Thank you for the reviews!!! I'm so glad you gave ur opinons of my story, and im happy to say that the rings going to break really soon! ^^ I just had a really good idea of when. To all the people out their who want to know where I was going to have it break… it was going to be one of two options.

1) It was going to be melted off when Sesshoumaru sparyed his poison at her…


2) It was going to break when Urasue brought back Kikyo and Kagomes spirit comes forth. (Then Kagome's powers would come back and incinerate Kikyo. ^^)


3) Or when Kagome was showing Inu-yasha where Yura's hair was and she cut her hand and the ring.

Oh and before I forget… my grammar and spelling r going to suck for a little while (even worse then it is right now) my spell check isn't working T.T so sorry for everyones inconvenience, I'll need people to edit for me so e-mail (MoonFlower2020@hotmail.com) or IM me (InuyashaKagome16)

…I'm writing this part after I finished writing the chapter, and thought to myself I really need to start writing faster. I ment to write SO many times but didn't. So to attempt and I mean attempt to motivate myself to write I'm gonna date when I began the story and when I finish the story ^^. Oh and people's wish me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! This story is my personal B-day present so u peoples have to review!

BEGAN: 6-15-03

FINISHED: 12-05-03


"I don't know what's happening but… I will not die!" I screamed moving my grasp more firmly on the arrow and tugging, feeling the arrow disintegrate under my fingers, releasing inuyasha from its paralysing effect.

"Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!" Inu-yasha screamed raking his claws down the youkai, quickly doing away with it as hunks of flesh rained upon the ground.

`That was quick,' I thought looking at the littered parts. Of course I could have done better, and with half of the mess. Oh well, beggers can't be choosers.

"Can you see the glowing lump of flesh," Kaede asked quickly seeing the lumps of flesh begin to quiver in an attempt to pull itself back together. Without bothering to answer I reached down and extracted the Shikon no tama from the massacared body, and watched as it froze and disintergrated to dust.

"So this little jewel makes a demon stronger," I said in slight disbelief. Then again you wouldn't think seven golden balls with stars in them would grant wishes.

"That's right, Its useless for weak humans like you, so why don't you just quietly give me the jewel," Inu-yasha said flexing his claws charging forward. `Tonight just isn't my night.'

I turned heal and ran as fast as I could away from the new menace/savior, as he bound after in the tree tops I can't believe this is happening to me again, I thought running faster, but tripping over unseen roots; the jewel slipping from my hand, making a slight "clink," as it hit the ground. Inu-yasha skidded to a stop, slicing his claws through the air, leaving behind five wide gouge marks barely a foot away.

Grabbing the shikon no tama once again in a firm grasp between ty fingers. I stood and faced down my attacker. How dare he attack me. I'm the Saiyan no Oujo! (like father like daughter) "You're really trying to kill me aren't you," I shrieked (inherited from Bulma) in outrage, no ones tried to kill me before… except cell, but Trunk's and I were only infiants at the time.

Inu-yasha just smirked and prepared another attack, when miscellaneous glowing beads surrounded his neck forming a rosary.

"Kagome, utter the subduing spell. It matters not which, any word will do." Kaede said attempting to keep the slight panicked tone from her voice.

"umm… SIT BOY," I screamed not expecting anything to happen. Which is rather unfrotunate for Inu-yasha to have such a misfortunate and humorous comand to follow.

"What the hell is this?" Inu-yasha screamed in rage attempting to rip the rosary from around his neck.

"Do not bother struggling Inu-yasha, your power will not lift the beads from your neck," Kaede said calmly from beside Kagome.

"Why you!" Inu-yasha yelled, once again raising his claws threateningly. Damn, him trying to threaten me again!




"Stop that wench-"

"SIT! SIT! SIT!" Hmmm… I wonder if I keep doing this if his back break.


"SIT!" crack… apparently.

From the background Kaede just stood and watched shocked with huge sweatdrops -_-; Silently wondering who was worse Kagome or Inu-yasha.


A while after Kagome's discovery of sit, and many bandages, Inu-yasha and Kagome sat in Kaedes hut and discused the past while Kaede looked over Kagome's wounds.

"There will be problems with the reamergance of the shikon no tama," Kaede said gingerly smearing salve on her side. Ouch, what I wouldn't do for a senzu bean.

"Many people will come serching for the jewel, not only youkai… but humans with evil in their hearts. That Jewel can achieve anyones desires," Kaede muttered. If this jewel is as powerful as Kaede says it is many people will be after it… is it safe enough to bring back to my world?

"Inu-yasha, why did you want the jewel?" I asked trying to clear my mind.

"He wants the jewel because he's a half-breed," she said. Whats wrong with being a half breed? Most people in my time are half-breeds or talking animals. I can only name a handful of humans and they're abnormal because of their ki manipulations.

Apparently, Inu-yasha didn't feel that way because he suddenly grew angry and snapped at Kaede. "Do you know me?"

"Inu-yasha you don't recognize me? I am Kaede the younger sister of Kikyo. It has been 50 years since you have been sealed, and I have aged."

"Feh, if your this old Kikyo must be a hag," he muttered seemingly careless.

"Kikyo died the same day she sealed you,"

"Well, that's too bad…" he muttered sarcasticly.

"Ye may not celibrate yet Inu-yasha. Kagome, you may be Kikyo's reincarnation," she stated then turned to tend her fire.


Kagome lay in bed at night musing over the going-ons of the day, how could I be this Kikyo's reincarnation? Its just not posible. If I were this `mighty' miko then why didn't Piccolo of Dende mention anything? They would know about things like this wouldn't they? Afterall Piccolo/Kami were the former gaurdian of earth and Dende is the new one. No I can't be her reincarnation.

"I'm not. I won't be…" I murmered to myself before falling into a deep but fitful sleep not noticing that the ring around my finger began to spark and flash only to finally fizzle out in a puff of smoke.


The morning light filtered into Kaedes hut, awakening me from my deep slumber. Yawning and streatching I realized where I was.

"Damn, I'm still in feudal japan aren't I," I grumbled then walked quietly out of Kaedes house, discovering that Inu-yasha was know where to be scene and quickly made a break for it. The last thing I need was for my guard dog to come back.

Coming to the dry well I discretly looked inside at the dry bones ate the bottom. I know that the well is called the bone- eaters well, but I swear I see human bones in their. No way in hell am I getting in that again, even if it might be my only way home.

`snap,' a sharp crack pierced the air, followed by the rustling of bushes… and a pair of arms that grabbed me and dragged me behind them. They dragged me into a old delapitated building. This can't be good I thought as they pushed me down on the floor, It's not that it hurt it was just extremly annoying.

"We brought the foreigner, like you ordered master," one of the men said under his breath, bowing in respect. Others followed each mumbling something likewise.

"Give me the jewel of four souls," the leader demanded in a strong fourceful voice completely contradicting his blank stare and sluggish movements. He reached forward and I was powerless to stop him from taking the jewel from around my neck. I hate being weak, I thought from my prone position on the floor.

The master then stood up and began going on a rampage, sword drawn. The human servants scattered away as their once loyal master continued to take swings at me, and look at them fleeing from a man with a ki so low you can barely read it… Wait… you can't read it… but that would have to mean that your dead.

The corpse took a few more swings at me missing each time. Whats with this guy? I stumble back quickly as the corpse slashed too close falling over a spear laying in the way. Damn, I thought falling on my ass. I staggared to my feet and wildly threw a punch and watched in surprise as it flashed white as I added energy and speed into the punch. There was a briliant flare of light and the corpse disintegrated under the force of the hit. What just happened? How did I use my Ki?


Where is that Bitch! I leave her alone for one second and this happens. I really wouldn't care if she left but she took the Shikon no Tama with her. I quickly followed her scent to the well where it lingered slightly then stopped. Where did she go? It's not like she could fly… ^^. Shit, she must have been captured. She must be the most inept woman I have ever met. Inu-yasha, save me from the Centipede, save me from the gang of theives!

I put my nose to the ground and began to sniff for the scents of the theives, finally catching a foul oder to the north going deeper into the forest to a delapitated hut. `Sigh,' I guess the wench needs saving. Quickly bursting through the wall of the house to see Kagome punching a man in the chest, her fist flaming white.

In a fantastic flash of white than purple the theiff was forced back by Kagomes fist and disolved, screams and frightend caws. Kagome, calmly walked over to the piles of ashes and bent down to pick up something small and shiny, and held it before my face…

"Inu-yasha, I think we have a problem," she whispered holding a single shard of the Shikon no Tama.