Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kajin Itsi Dsrate ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kajin Itsi Dsrate

Chapter 8

By: Yami White Rain

Children were running and playing.

There was another flash of darkness.

A woman and a man were getting married and people were smiling and crying.

Darkness surrounded them again.

People were in what looked like a market place trading goods.

"Sayjins, Humans and Lunerians once lived in harmony. One thousand years ago, tragedy struck when the child of the princess of the Lunerian clan and prince of the Human clan was killed by a jealous Sayjin who wanted the princess of the Lunerian's himself."

A baby with large blue eyes and a mass of black curls was laughing. A young man with wild black hair and angry black eyes pointed his finger at the baby. A yellow light came from it and shot through the girl's heart.

"When the Humans and Lunerian's heard of this act they were furious. The first war on earth started. Many died."

Another flash, this time a field of dead bodies was shown. Blood stained the grass. Trees and grass were blown away. Rabbits, deer's, baby birds were among the dead.

"Please do not shield your children from these images." Linzy whispered, "I know this is horrible, but they need to understand."

For once Chichi complied and removed her hand from Goten's face. Krillen and Bulma let their children watch as well.

"This war lead to betrayal and distrust. The Lunerians and Humans began to fight. They broke their unity and it was an all out war. People of mixed blood were murdered so they fled and hid their children. Not many survived. Some pretend to be full blooded and joined the war."

Another scene was shown. It was a massacre. Innocent people's blood was shed and their bodies cast aside.

"Every clan took part in the killing. Many people forgot why the war started and hatred spread. But it looked like, for a moment, that there was hope. Forty-nine people from all three clans joined together in hopes to stop the fighting. They called themselves Hope."

A group of people were shown sitting in the lush grass talking seriously. Small children were running in the grass and picking flowers.

"When the clans heard of these people united they sent their best warriors out to kill them. They took every last child prisoner. Only one woman got away. She was pregnant and the whole Hope did every thing to protect her so she could go in hiding. Her name was Gekkou"

They saw a young woman run while people were being slaughtered. Children were chained and dragged away.

"The Children that they captured were treated horribly." Linzy whispered, "They were tortured and raped. The children did live but their lives were filled with pain, mistreatment and horror. Some people took pity on them and helped. A few got married and the mixed blood of the clans continued in secret."

Linzy showed them fast scenes of the children of the Hope. They went hungry and split up. They begged for food, but few gave them even a crumb of food.

"Fifteen years later Queen Oura saw the all the hate and death that covered the planet that was once so full of life and hope. She sent the Sayjins far away to a planet that had no name. She sent the Lunerian's to the Moon and the humans stayed on earth. She restored the earth to the beauty it once was."

A woman with long flowing white hair and a white dress held up her wand-not unlike one that Linzy had. Sparkles grew across the land and water became free of blood and plants were lush and green once again. Mountains that had been destroyed appeared again. Trees filled the forests again.

"Yuna, the daughter of Gekkou, was saddened greatly by the separation of her people. She had the blood of Sayjin, Human and Lunerian flooding through her veins. Her tears formed into a black crystal. Her spirit lies still lies in it." Linzy turned to Chichi, "I believe the mother of Gohan has this crystal on a silver chain. She is the descendent of Yuna."

Linzy waved her wand and everyone was on the lookout again. "I have nothing more to show you, feel free to ask anything you want."

No one said anything for awhile.

"I destroyed the moon. How can the Lunerians still be around?" Piccolo asked, breaking the silence.

Linzy shook her head, "You did not, the moon appears to be gone but it's protected by an ancient force and no ki blast could destroy it. If you do not believe me, explain to me how the tides of Earth weren't disturbed?"

Piccolo seemed satisfied.

"What does this have to do with me?" Gohan asked.

Linzy turned to him; "In order for the three clans to unite once again, some one that has a strong amount of each of the clan's blood running threw their veins."

Gohan shook his head, "But I'm half Human and half Sayjin."

"Only a person that had Lunerian blood can enter the Moon kingdom." Linzy said, "Have you never wondered who your mother's mother is?"

"My mother is dead," Chichi said. "I never met her."

"Your mother is immortal. She is the guardian of time. She fell in love with your father and they stayed together for a short while. This was forbidden and almost cost her, her life. She gave birth to you, but she knew she couldn't stay with you and your father, she couldn't neglect her duties."

"I'm not fully human?" Chichi asked.

Linzy shook her head, "No."

"That would make Gohan half Sayjin, one fourth Human and one fourth Lunerian." Krillen said.

"He is not the only one with mixed blood," Linzy said. "Marron is as well. She displayed a Lunerian ability."

"You mean my daughter isn't fully human?" Krillen asked. "That would mean one of us has Lunerian blood as well?"

Linzy nodded, "I did not know of this. It would be almost impossible to tell which one of you is. I know this will be hard for you-and you don't have to choose right now-but I would like Marron to train with Hotaru, the she is blessed under Saturn. If it were any other planet I wouldn't be worried… but as well as healing a life, your daughter carries destruction."

"How much destruction can she cause?" Bulma asked.

"That would depend. She might have the power to destroy the universe. She would absolutely have the powers to destroy earth."

"How could she have so much power if she hasn't trained at all?" Vegeta asked.

"With the power of Saturn, you don't need to have any sort of ki manipulation. She would rely on magic and her inner strength."