Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Kajin Itsi Dsrate ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kajin Itsi Dsrate

By White Rain

Chapter Nine


Notes: I'm sorry it took so long.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Dragonball Z

My word converter isn't working so…

`whatever' = thoughts

*so* = empathize on something

.= flashback or moon kingdom


"Wow," Gohan said.

Linzy orbed them to her school. Right in front of them was a huge castle with many towers. To the east was a large lake and to the west was a lush forest.

Linzy smiled, "You like?"

Gohan nodded. "You… Live here?"

"Yep, follow me."

Linzy led him into the castle, but was stopped by two pretty girls. One of them had short green hair and blue eyes and the other had bright pink hair and green eyes.

"Where have you been Linzy, you know you're not supposed to leave the castle without permission." The pink haired one said.

Linzy blushed, "I had permission."

"Yeah, right," the green haired one said.

"I have to see the queen." Linzy said softly.

Gohan was surprised. Linzy stood up to Vegeta and seemed so assertive when he first met her. What was with the sudden personality change?

"Yeah right, and you brought an outsider," the green haired one sneered.

Before Gohan could respond a tall woman with long, flowing silver hair and light blue eyes walked up to them. He recognized her as Queen Oura from the scenes Linzy showed them.

"Hello Gohan," the Queen said warmly. "Follow me to my quarters."

The two girls stood there in shock as their Queen led to outsider into to castle.

"Come Linzy," Queen Oura said.


"Please, make yourselves at home," Queen Oura said.

"Okay," Gohan said numbly, sitting down on one of the couches near a window.

The Queen sat down across from him in a chair. "Come sit Linzy."

Linzy blushed and sat down next to Gohan.

"Do you have any questions?" Queen Oura asked.

"Your Majesty, I was wondering, there is only one full blooded Sayjin left…"

The Queen smiled, "Just call me Oura. As for that problem, you have the power to bring back Sayjin's that have you or Prince Vegeta's blood-line."

"How?" Gohan asked.

"You'll have to go through extensive training and some tests, and Linzy will guide you through it."

"Oh, and I was also wondering why you chose me instead of Goten."

The Queen smiled, "you show traits of all three clans. In the heat of battle you fight punch for punch, knowing each one could be your last. You also train yourself when you cannot any more, those of common Sayjin traits that shin through when you let it. As a Lunerian you never give up and when things look though you are able to call on your inner strength and pull through. As human you are curious and desire to learn as well as having telepathic abilities."

Gohan looked confused, "what telepathic abilities?"

The Queen grinned, "Piccolo was able to call upon you when he was in trouble through telepathy. Human's have almost lost that ability now that technology has taken over the supernatural."

"This… is a lot to take in," Gohan said slowly.

Linzy gave Gohan a worried look, "you don't have to choose right now, does he my Queen?"

"Of course not, but it would be best to start training some of your hidden abilities unless you're sure you don't want to do it."

Gohan looked curious, "what abilities?"

"Other forms of telepathy and you attacks that you were given by being blessed under Pluto."

Gohan leaned back, deep in thought.

Seeing a good opportunity to jump in Linzy said, "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt, but a girl named Marron has shown some signs of being blessed under Saturn. I talk to her parents and they told me that they would think about it."

The Queen nodded, "inform me with their decision, then we'll work it out with Hotaru, it's a good thing that she's not prejudice against humans."


Linzy and Gohan walked out of the castle. Gohan hadn't said a word since he found out what abilities granted to humans.

"Gohan?" Linzy asked.

Gohan looked up, "yes?"

"Do you wish to go home yet?"

Gohan hesitated, "not yet."

Linzy smiled softly, "follow me, I've got a place we can talk alone."

"Okay", Gohan said.

Linzy led him through the forest and to a clearing near a small lake.

"You're going to do this, aren't you?" Linzy said looking over the lake.

Gohan nodded slowly.


"Because it is my duty," Gohan said.

Linzy shook her head; "you should do this for no other reason then if you want to."

"But… so many people are counting on me. Your people have been waiting for thousands of years. Vegeta will get his people back…"

Linzy looked at Gohan, "when are you going to start living for yourself? You can keep doing what people expect of you. You should do what you want."

"But if I don't do it who will?"

"Who knows… maybe no one. Perhaps your brother."

"I don't want to push it on him…"

"Gohan, you have to understand if you choose to do this, this will be your life!" Linzy said, "You will rule, you will negotiate, you will compromise, you will have little to no time to yourself."

"I know…" Gohan said.

"You can't do this if you're not sure, you won't be able to. Your whole heart has to be into this in order to work. Brining back the Sayjins is just one thing, if you don't truly put yourself into it, how do you expect the others helping you to?"

"How do you know so much about me already," Gohan said.

"Sensing people's nature is on of my abilities. But don't change the subject. Is there something else you really want to do?"

"It's not important," Gohan said.

"Of course it is, it's your future. If it makes you happy then you should do it. Live for yourself, not others."

"I don't really know how," Gohan said.

"Learn." Linzy said. "If you choose to do this, people are going to look up to you and you're going to have to make touch decisions all the time. You'll be giving up a lot, and you won't live for yourself, but for others in service to your people. You should experience living for yourself before you choose."