Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Tempting the Fates ❯ How the Mighty Have Fallen ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiya everyone! Wow the reviews just keep pourin in. Thanks to everyone who has written in and reviewed. The ideas may flow from the author but the will to keep goin comes from the fans. So once more thanks again! You guys are great! As always, read n review! Luv ya!


that's my lullaby so don't steal it! lol

I don't own Sailor Moon or Dragonball Z. sure wish I do though….

Tempting the Fates

By: Rini

Chapter 9: Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen

Cosmos stood up at her question and walked over to the large French doors that opened up into the back patio. She gazed up at her former home, the bright full moon (we'll just say it took all afternoon to tell her story) , and sighed deeply to herself. One last silent crystal heart-felt tear fell down her porcelain cheek. She closed her eyes and tried to think back on all the wonderful memories that stirred in her heart and in her very soul.

" He's moved on," her voice dangerously near cracking under pain," He has a new life and a new family. He doesn't need me anymore. He has everything he could want right now. He doesn't need me to complicate matters further."

Bulma looked away shaking her head and sobbed into Yamcha's shoulder. He clutched her tightly; knowing full well how it felt to be apart from the one you loved. He could only imagine how Cosmos must have felt. She was torn from her lover more than once and for over 1000 years. It amazed him just how strong this fragile looking angel was.

Everyone grew ever silent. They processed all the information they had recently learned. Vegeta wasn't focused on that thought though right now. He was looking at his past lover in the moonlight. She was touching the glass with her right hand ever so softly. She was gazing up at the moon that shed its light over its loving princess. She was framed just perfect, as though the moon only shone for her. A slight breeze stirred her long ivory hair in a dance only the wind could perfect. Her eyes, her perfect lustrous eyes, glowed bright and captured the moonlight with its unshed tears. < She's my angel. How did I ever manage without her? >

Serenity turned and gazed at him, her face taking on a stern expression. < Because you chose to. > He heard it echo in his mind. It reverberated off all the deep memories that framed his very heart. It pained him to hear that. It hurt far deeper than any attack ever had. It hurt not only his heart, but also his pride. How dare she think he willingly gave her up?

Cosmos turned to the group and gave them all a reassuring smile and walked out on the patio. Goten looked over to Trunks and they both nodded. They jumped down off the couches their parents sat on and bounded out the French doors. They quickly walked over to Cosmos and stood not far from her. She was in the middle of the vast yard they called a backyard and was gazing longingly at the moon. Goten looked over at Trunks once more and smiled.

" I miss you Mother," Cosmos choked back," I miss everyone. It doesn't seem I'll find happiness here either."

Suddenly, something warm and strong wrapped around both her legs. She looked down and saw both Goten and Trunks hugging her legs. She smiled and patted their heads and bent down next to them. She grabbed them both in a tight hug and twirled them around. They smiled and clutched to her sweetly. She was smiling and laughing hard, as the other two were as well.

" Don't cry anymore ok Tenshi (Angel)," Goten said in his innocent voice that struck her memory of yet another innocent person.

" I won't cry anymore, as long as I have you guys to cheer me up," Cosmos winked.

" Yeah we get to stay with Tenshi!" Goten cheered.

Trunks tried to put on his father's trademark smirk, but Cosmos ruffled his hair and his scowl turned to a laugh. Both of them were joking around in no time. She was oddly connected to these kids, as though she had always known them. Perhaps it was the innocence only a child possessed. She felt so fiercely protective of them and vowed to never let anything ever harm them.

She looked up to the moon and swore she saw the faint trace of someone and heard in the faintest of a whisper, " Don't give up yet my daughter. There is still hope to be won."

Cosmos smiled at the moon and felt herself finally be overcome in the emotion of happiness and calm. She replied in an equally low whisper," Just maybe you're right."

" What was that Tenshi?" Goten asked.

Cosmos flashed a mischievous smile, " I said, you're it!"

Cosmos tagged Goten and Trunks and jumped away. Her cape flashed and became her white wings once more and she dashed across the yard. The two boys laughed and chased after her. Cosmos was laughing so hard, just as hard as the boys were. She was flying about trying to go slow so they couldn't catch her but fast enough where it wasn't too easy.

All the people inside heard the laughter and went outside to see the two little demi Saiyajins chasing the angel in white. Her laughter was a welcome relief after her long ordeal. She seemed so at peace in her own little world. She seemed so out of place with a frown and tears. Laughter and a smile were her true grace. Everyone couldn't help but grin at the little ones vain attempts to catch her.

Bulma laughed out, " She sure seems happy."

" She deserves it," Videl said.

" I'm surprised she even survived such an ordeal, then again she is the famous Serenity's daughter," Piccolo stated.

" She's far stronger than I had thought. There was even more to this story than I dared to think," Kai said.

" Well she did say they wanted to cover it up," Chi Chi replied.

" I sure wish we could find that prince for her," Videl sighed.

" Let well enough alone," Vegeta barked from the side. His eyes were glued to his angel and he didn't want some annoying people intruding on her. He wanted to do things his way and at the pace they both deserved.

" Can't you let even her be happy for once?" Bulma growled angrily.

" You act like you know it all. She has already told you she knows where the prince is and she would very well know where to find him. Why don't you think she's done anything yet? Let sleeping dogs lie woman. Let things go on their own."

Bulma was taken back, quickly shut up. She blushed and looked away; she wasn't used to being told off like that. Leave it to Vegeta to be the one to do it.

Vegeta felt the stares of the others on him and growled and took off to the air where he sat down on the roof. He watched his angel closely, he felt her laugh roll through him, and he felt her euphoria wash over his weariness. He looked at her with eyes filled of passion and longing. He wanted to feel his skin on hers. He wanted to taste her lips on his. Most of all, he wanted to hear that she loved him. It had been so long since he had held her next to himself. He wanted her in his arms again; he craved her.

Cosmos was laughing with the boys and looked up at the sky quickly and saw that it must have been getting late by the height the moon was at. She slowed down and pretended to get caught. Both of the boys tackling her and hugging her. They were all laughing so hard now it seemed impossible they would ever stop.

Cosmos flew down and landed gently on a rock in the middle of the yard. She held the boys on her lap and kissed their foreheads," I think it's getting late for you boys to be up."

" Awe! We don't want to go to bed yet," Trunks whined.

" Yeah Tenshi. We wanna stay with you," Goten said hugging her tightly.

" How about if you go to bed now I'll sing a lullaby for you."

" You'd do that for us?"

" Of course."

Cosmos rested them in her arms against her chest and held them so the moon framed them all on the rock. She looked up quickly at the moon and smiled, remembering the old lullaby her mother used to sing to her.

" Softly you rest

Your heart be the guide

Let it lead you to

The land of dreams

All you wish

Your heart desire's

Given to you

In the land of dreams

I'll wait for you there

With open arms

To guide you to

The glow of the moon

Here to the safety of my arms

In the land of dreams…"

Her voice floated with a power of its own. The sound was like rain on a pond, it echoed throughout everything around it. Everything seemed to glow and everyone felt a peace well up in them, a peace that had never been experienced before. Everyone felt themselves lost in the power of her voice. Everything came alive. It all seemed to glow.

Vegeta watched her from the roof. She was more like her mother than he thought, but they were different in just as many ways. He knew the lullaby very well. He had overheard it on the moon numerous times. Serenity had also sung it for him before. He had the privilege, no, honor of being able to hear it sung to him. He growled very low in his throat, finding himself wanting her more and feeling jealously for the two boys in her lap.

Cosmos picked them up slowly and walked gingerly to Bulma and Chi Chi, " You might wanna put these two to bed."

Chi Chi was flabbergasted," How did you do it?"

Cosmos winked, " Family secret."

The two women went in the house to lay the children to sleep. The men quickly went in and only a few stayed out on the patio to enjoy the crisp night air. Cosmos had felt the heated gaze on her from Vegeta and she knew he was waiting for her to be alone to approach her. < Might as well get this done with. >

" I think I'm gonna go for a little walk," Cosmos said.

Gohan looked up from the conversation, " Want me to come with you?"

Cosmos shook her head," I'll be fine. I'll be gone for a little while so no need to worry."

Cosmos spread her wings out and glided to the roof and blew a kiss to Vegeta and took off. Vegeta got up and sped after her. Cosmos felt the thrill of the chase overcome her senses and went down to weave through the trees. She knew he was close on her heels, but she loved the thrill. It intoxicated her and made her feel even more of her past. It reminded her of all the times on the moon with Vegeta and it made her wish for more.

Cosmos disappeared in a flash of silver light and reappeared next to a lovely pond with lush plants. Vegeta followed her trail and caught up right to her. He saw her basked in the reflected moonlight of the water. She looked even more like a dream than ever.

He came behind her and wrapped his strong, yet incredibly gentle, arms around her petite waist. He rested his head against her hair and breathed in her deep scent he had only experienced in his deepest dreams. He kissed her head and she leaned back into him. They remained still for what seemed an eternity.

" Why didn't you tell them about us?" Vegeta whispered into her hair.

" Because they didn't need to know."

" You said you didn't want anymore lies."

" Who said I ever lied?"

" You didn't tell the whole truth."

" Neither did you in all this time."

Vegeta was momentarily silenced. He wasn't quite used to being told off by Serenity yet. He wasn't used to the fact that only she ever got around him like that.

" I'm so glad I found you," he said huskily.

Cosmos drew stiff and pulled away and looked him deep in his eyes, " No you didn't find me. You found the Z Senshi. You found Bulma. You found a new life. I searched for you. I went through everything I could to find you. I waited for years to find you. I found you here in your new life. You didn't do anything. You stayed her and left me a memory."

Vegeta was hurt deeply. He felt the sting deep in his heart, in his soul. How could she ever think that? How could he ever let his Serenity be a mere memory? How could she even doubt that? Then he looked away. She had every right to be upset. He did try to find her, he did, but he didn't have the powers she held as Cosmos. He tried all he could think, but she wasn't in this dimension. He found that out now.

He tried to reach out for her but she pulled back, " I tried I swear to you I did."

" Yeah I'm so sure. Looks like Bulma and Trunks was really a way to keep trying."

" Don't even think that!"

" It doesn't even matter now. I guess you've moved on and now I must also."

Vegeta watched as she turned away. He was angry at the whole situation, but she was right in the end. She always was. He grabbed her tightly from behind and this time she didn't let go. He felt the wet tears hit his arm. He felt himself near breaking apart that he was hurting her so much.

" I didn't tell them so the only thing that mattered to you was safe. Your pride. I let you walk away with your pride."

Vegeta grumbled deep in his throat. She was right. Yet again.

He turned her around to him and kissed her ever so lightly on the lips, an action that would have startled the others to see, but not her. She knew Vegeta even better than he did, and he her. They had a bond that was everlasting. It couldn't be broken quite so easily. And that was what kept him believing that his love for her would conquer all.

" Please Vegeta," she begged him," Let me at least walk away with my dignity."

He reluctantly let her go. She looked into his eyes for a moment and moved to kiss him. Right before her lips touched his, she disappeared in a glow of silver. Her lips merely a soft breathe on his. He opened his eyes and sighed at her loss of warmth of her in his arms. He felt utterly defeated. He may have lost this battle, but not the war. He was determined to get her back in his arms again, and this time, for the rest of forever.

" Beyond Forever," Vegeta whispered to the wind, knowing it would carry its vow to her ears.

Cosmos looked on from away in the sky. She sighed, hearing his vow that seemed older than time.

" Oh how the mighty have fallen," she whispered as she teleported back to CC.