Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Tekken Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Crazy Yugi ❯ Not The Monkeys Again ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Rated E for Everyone

Chris:Dammit monkeys,get back here so I can kill you!

Mokeys:We are masters,he is not!

Chris:My barreta!

Monkey:We kill gun,you stay alone.

Yugi:Ehh,whats up Dug.


Jill:Chris,I will shot dem flying zombies.

Anime Fall

Ed:Why are these dickens with my gun?

Jill:Come on Zombies,die for my fry!

Monkeys fly away.

Ad never to be played.

Chris:They are gone for good,i have my gun back.

Jill:Its good zombies are dead,they looked like Beer.

Joey:Hooray Beer!!

Tristan Laughs

Brak:Mysterius Puppeter,can I have ,my hand back!

Jill:Chris!Shoot that freak!

Ryoko:Hey,tils + son.

Dr. Robotnick:I am the Eggman,I have the master plan.

Mai:Hey Ryoko.

Tenchi:Hey!Is this Earth or Japan!

Yugi:Its duelist Kingdom,a little where we live.

Tenchi:I have a real good card deck,my uncle gave it to me.

Yugi:My grampa gave me my deck.

Brak:Tenchi,you are a num num.

Tenchi:Well excuse me.

Bubbles flys in the backround.

Bubbles:Stop being old ladies.


Buttercup:I will beat the living ba jesus out of you.

Jill:Beating us means beating you.

Jill shots zombie boards.


Bonz:Tenchi,I will duel you.

Jill:I will shot The Grim reaper,you shoot the zombie!

Grim Dodges

Bonz:whubu whuba

Grim:You won't have good times with the axe!

Jill shoots the Bazoka,and Grim dodges.

Grim:Spell I CUP!!!


Grim chops Jill in half.

Jill:That what they always poop.

Zorak:Hay intruder!

Zorak shoots Chris

Chris:Order me and taste home.

Kaiba:Dark Magician is worthless!

Yugi:No it isn't it.

Monkeys from Super Monkey Ball 2 come and take Yugis Dark Magician,

Kaiba:Yugi,the evil monkeys are stealing.

Monkeys:I had a little baby and attacked ballz.

Trap:I love you,

Tea:Bickori Bickori Bickori Do,Bickori Bickori boo,give it back.

Chris:Dammit!Come you crappies and give him back his gun!

Ryu kick boxes Gravity Man.

Ryu:Im mega stronger than you.

Ryu puches Gravity Man to the dust.

Shade man bowls.



Jill:Lets shoot the Monkeys together.

Megaman shoots Monkey

Megaman bowls

Roll is a crumb.

Megaman:In your face!

Yugi:My Dark Magician.

Megaman Exe says to Yugi that the Feild has a virus.

Virus occured
Weevil VS Seeker

Seeker:Time for my Rageki.

Shocks Monsters on Seekers feild.

Weevil:Now,time for my Great Moth.

Weevil:Why is it faced down in atack mode and has 0 atack points?

Seeker:My ultimate atack!