Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Delirious ❯ Trouble Ensues ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



kurama gave out a yawn.

"oh my...i'm so hungry..." kurama, kuwabara, hiei and yusuke were now playing a game of cards in the main lobby while

keiko, shizuru, yukina, bura, and pan sat down at the tables to have coffee and ice cream.

every once in a while, bura would blurt out a secret about pan, and the girls would laugh loudly, while pan fumed. and when she did,

hiei oftenly glanced over, and of course, she would always look back at him. he would let out a small smirk, but instead of

yelling at him as she always did, she just accepted it and smiled.

[ hiei must be getting soft...] pan said to herself.

her thoughts of solitude were interrupted by the sudden opening of doors.

a woman that had an uncanny resemblence to pan. she wore a tiny pair of shorts,

revealing her long, skinny legs. she had a gray and black backpack, and she had a tight white tanktop on.

her hair was pin straight, pitch black and very long. instead of the large, natural bottom curls pan had.

her eyes wandered around when she walked in. she strode over to the check in desk. she asked the man for

bura breifs.

"hey bura..." pan nudged her.

"what? cant you see im in the middle of a story here?"

"shut up and look. that girl's looking for you." pan pointed to the girl and bura looked in that direction.

a smile spread across her face as she ran over to her, leaving a very dumbfounded pan.

"Nara-chan!!" bura yelled.

the slender girl turned around.

"bura!!" she joyfully greeted.

they began to talk and bura bought her over to the gang.

"everyone? this is Koishikawa Nara."

the girl waved at the gang.

"hiei! how have you been doing? good? hello kurama!"

hiei and kurama greeted her back.

the rest of the gang had confused looks.

"nara-chan, hiei and i had all gone to the same training school in our teenage years." kurama explained

"Wow. You look alot like pan." yusuke said.

"well who's pan?" she asked, looking around.

bura pushed pan forwards.

"pleased to meet you, pan!" nara let out her hand.

she shook it. "pleasures all mine."

"nara and i went to the same tanning salon all the time!" bura stated.

"yep! we were 'tanning buddies'" nara added.

"so...what do you think of the new girl?" keiko nudged shizuru.

"eh...i dont know...a little too girly..." shizuru answered.

pan noticed that nara was whispering something to bura...eyeing HIEI!

bura was giggling.


[she couldn't possibly...]

pan turned red and was about to fume again.

"pan! calm down!" yukina shook her arm.

pan turned normal again.

[thats it...]

[ i HAVE to do something...]

she walked over to hiei and grabbed his arm.

"c'mon hiei! lets go for a walk!" pan dragged him out the door.

outside the hotel, pan heaved a sigh of relief.

"whew! that was close." pan said, forgetting about hiei.

"wanna tell me whats going on?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"oh yea. nothing...it just looked like that girl was pretty into you." pan said, looking back into the hotel now and then to see if she was watching.

"...shes a friend of mine."

"huh? but you just met her!"

"no i didnt. i met her a couple of years ago. we went to the same training school." hiei explained.

"oh..." pan just scratched her head.

"but anyway...why would you care so much?" hiei smirked, raising a suspcious eyebrow again.

she turned bright pink

"it doesnt bother me!!!!" pan yelled

"okay, fiesty, dont get all mad." he teased.

they walked back into the hotel again.

hiei sat in a chair next to yusuke and kurama and continued his card game.

pan walked over to bura, and nara was talking with keiko.

"bura! what did she say about hiei?" pan asked anxiously

"she said he got more handsome than before...why?"
"and you let her ask you that!?!?!"

"well why not? is it illegal or something? and why do you care so much?" bura asked ritorically.

pan looked over at nara who was now in yusuke's seat, while yusuke was about to beat kuwabara up for cheating.

pan clenched her fists as she saw him actually...listening to her.

"pan? earth to pan!?!?" bura tried to get her attention.

"urgh forget it!!" pan yelled, disappearing into the elevator.

hiei glanced over at bura.

"where did she go?" he mouthed to bura.

bura just shrugged and pointed upstairs.

after about 30 minutes, hiei took the elevator to his room. on the way, he heard some really loud, rock music.

it was coming from pan's room. he rolled his eyes and opened her door.

the song "with you" by linkin park played from her sound system, while she was punching and kicking the crap out of her punching bag.

hiei smirked while he checked her out from a distance, with her very short work out shorts on, a fitted black sports bra and a sweat band over her tied hair.

[ why should i care who he flirts with? ]

[ its not like i...like him...]

[ no way...]

[ i...dont...like hiei...]

"hey." he said cooly as he walked over and sat on her bed, watching her concentrated, rage filled eyes.

she didnt answer.

"woman...?" he tried again.

she still didn't answer.

he rolled his eyes and walked behind her and pinched her ass.

she stopped and turned around as she slapped him.

hiei smirked and rubbed his red cheek.

"hentai!!!" she yelled at him.

"why are you ignoring me?" hiei asked questiongly.

she didnt answer again and returned to her punching.

"lemme guess. is it because of Nara?"

she stopped and turned to look at him. she turned off her stereo.

"you seem to like her" she said, walking across the room to get a towel.

"what, just because she talked to me?"

"no...and i dont care if you like her or not."

"you seem to care..."

pan just looked down.

"but dont worry. i already have a special girl in mind, anyway." hiei grinned.

"oh yea? you probably wont have a chance with her anyway." pan teased

"heh. your probably right. shes too stubborn to probably even believe that i like her anyway." hiei hinted.

pan just froze, wiping her face with her towel.

she let go of the towel and looked at him.

"hiei?" she asked in an innocent and sincere tone.


"get out." pan abruptly broke her tone of voice.

hiei laughed. "goodnight" hiei walked out the door.

pan just shook her head and laughed.

she cleaned herself up and got into her bed.

[ i wonder who the girl is...]

[ could it be...me? ]

[ no!!! of course not! hiei would never!!]

[wait...he said she was stubborn...]

[ekk! but im not stubborn.]

[but im acting stubborn right now...]

[but why am i so jealous of.. nara?]

she heaved a sigh and closed her eyes.