Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ 30 Kisses -- Bulma & Vegeta ❯ Mental Image ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Dragonball Z is owned by Akira Toriyama, Bird Studios, Toei, Shonen Jump, Funimation, and Viz. In other words, not by me. This is a fanwork written by a fan for fans, no money was made by the author of this fanwork.
Mental Image
by LadyLark

“Honey, would you go put away these towels?”
Bulma looked up from the demolished drone she was repairing to see her mother standing in the doorway holding a full laundry basket. “Hmmm. . . What was that, mom?
“The towels, can you go put them away?”
“We have robots for that, Mom,” Bulma replied testily. “I'm busy. Vegeta destroyed all of these training drones and if I don't get these fixed soon, who knows what or who he will start in on next.”
Mrs. Briefs' normally pleasant expression hardened. “Actually, Bulma, we do know. Vegeta decided that the house robots were a good substitute to the drones and destroyed them. Not that I blame him, mind you. The poor dear probably didn't understand the difference. Can you explain it to him, after you put the towels away? I need to make dinner and your father is in a meeting. So until the `bots are repaired, we will have to make do ourselves.”
Bulma thought on that for a moment, trying to find a good excuse. Finding none, she shrugged. “Fine.”
“Good. Here.” Mrs. Briefs shoved the basket into her daughter's arms and walked out the door.
Grumbling under her breath about impatient Saiyajin princes and annoying parents, Bulma stalked down the hall to the guest bathroom. The door was ajar, so she bumped it open with her hip.
And stopped. Vegeta was in there. Naked. Gloriously naked. Little beads of water clung to his olive skin and small rivulets traced their way along his muscles. She longed to run her tongue along the same paths. Blushing at the thought, she backed out of the room and pulled the door closed behind her with her foot.
She set the basket down and leaned against the wall beside the door. What was she thinking! She had a boyfriend! A boyfriend who loved her.
But the image of Vegeta's water kissed body wouldn't leave her mind. If she closed her eyes, she could still see it. The way his hair stuck to his back, falling almost to the small circular scar just above his ass. She wondered if he was just as magnificent from the front. A jolt of desire ran through her at the picture.
Bulma shook her head. “Yamcha,” she whispered. “Think of Yamcha.” But it was no good. When she tried to bring up images of the scarred warrior, she kept visualizing him standing next to Vegeta.
A harsh voice interrupted her fantasies. “Woman, hand me one of those drying cloths!”
“Damn it!” she muttered. Pushing herself off of the wall, she grabbed the top towel. She paused in front of the door, steeling herself. With a deep breath, she opened the door.
He was just as magnificent from the front as from the back. She felt the breath she had just drawn leave her body and her jaw hit the floor.
“Are you going to stand there all day?”
Mentally chastising herself, she hurled the towel at the waiting Saiyajin. Bulma then turned and fled down the hall to her room.
When she was safe behind her door she muttered. “I need to remember to thank the inventor of glass shower doors.”
I had a lot of trouble writing this one. Or anyone for that matter. I am still of the firm opinion that Trunks was right it was a passion thing for them in the beginning. And I also don't see Vegeta as the instigator. I think it was Bulma. This is me playing with that.
This was written as theme #3- Jolt for the 30_kisses community on LJ.