Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Life for A Life ❯ A Life for A Life ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Trunks said his goodbyes to all of the friends he had made in the past.

"Bye, Trunks!" Gohan waved to the other demi-Saiyan.

"Good bye, Gohan!" Trunks floated to the top of his time machine, then entering it.

Trunks waved to the group below him, before the time machine disappeared.

"So Gohan, are you ready to go home?" Chi Chi sweetly asked her son.

Gohan nodded. "Yeah!"

Piccolo walked over to his former student. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine, Piccolo!" Gohan reassured.

"Let's go!" Chi Chi interrupted.

"Okay, bye guys!" Gohan picked his mother up and took off towards their mountain home.

Once home, Gohan and Chi Chi sat in the living room, not really doing anything.

"Gosh, it's so quiet without Goku around..." Chi Chi sighed.

Gohan looked down, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Oh Gohan, I know you miss your father, but he did what he had to!" Chi Chi put her arm around Gohan.

"But, it's my fault mom!" Gohan began to cry harder.

"No it's not, sweetie."

"Yes it is! If I would've listened to him and killed Cell he'd still be here!"

"That's not true..."

"It is and everyone knows it!"

Gohan left his mothers embrace and ran to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Once in his room, Gohan flopped on his bed and cried in his pillow.

"It IS my fault!" the young half-breed said aloud.

Gohan closed his eyes, and began to feel drowzy. "I'm sorry father..."

The Saiyan woke up to the sound of sobbing.

He silently left his room, going to investigate.

"Oh Goku..." Chi Chi said softly, before sobbing some more.

Gohan retreated to his room before his mother had a chance to see him.

Gohan began crying, at the thought of his mother's emotional pain. "I'm sorry you have to go through this because of me..."

"Gohan! Sweetie, are you awake?" Chi Chi knocked, waiting for an answer.

Gohan sat up in his bed, looking at his clock. "Yeah, I'm up!"

"Well come and get some breakfast before Gok--" Chi Chi cut herself off.

The pre-teen sighed. "She was gonna say Goku...daddy..."

"Did you sleep well, Gohan?" Chi Chi asked as her son entered the kitchen.

"Not really."

"Why not?"

"I had a dream about daddy..." Gohan sat in his chair.

Chi Chi joined him. "It's okay, Go-chan."

Gohan poked at the food on his plate for a few minutes.

"Aren't you going to eat?" the mother asked with concern.

"I'm not hungry."

"You should atleast eat something..."

"I told you I'm not hungry!" Gohan snapped.

"Gohan!" Chi Chi yelled, surprised with the way her son responded.

Gohan pushed his plate back, got out of his chair, and went back to his room.

It had been an hour and Gohan was still in his room.

"Poor Gohan..." Chi Chi looked at her child's bedroom door.

The phone rang at the Son residence.

"Hello?" Chi Chi picked up the phone.

"Hey, Chi!" Bulma greeted warmly.

"Hi Bulma."

"I was calling to see how things are over there, like how Gohan was doing."

"He's been so depressed about Goku, he hasn't eaten or left his room."

"Well some of the others are coming over, why don't you and Gohan come too?"

"I don't know..."

"It would help get his mind off the whole Cell thing."

Chi Chi smiled. "You're right, Bulma! We'll be there soon!"

"Okay! Bye Chi Chi!"

"Bye!" the black haired woman hung up the phone.

Gohan finally emerged from his room.

"Hey Gohan, we're going to go to Capsule Corp, okay?"

The demi-Saiyan just shrugged.

The Son's car pulled into the very large parking lot of CC.

"Hey Gohan, Chi Chi!" Krillin greeted the duo as they entered the back yard.

"Hi Krillin, hi everyone!" Chi Chi greeted back.

"Hey Gohan!" Bulma waved.

Gohan didn't reply, and instead went and sat under a tree.

Nobody decided to follow him, figuring he needed his space.

Well, the little gathering of the Z-fighters carried on, and Gohan remained alone, under the tree.

Everyone once in a while somebody would go try to cheer Gohan up, but the young Saiyan ignored them.

"What's your problem, brat?" Vegeta asked the young demi.

Gohan shrugged in response.

"Is it about Kakarot?"

Gohan nodded, holding back tears.

"Don't get all soft! Kakarot's died before and you didn't get so teary, and you were a child!"

The half-breed glared at the prince. "Well it wasn't my fault the first time!"

"And you think it is this time, don't be foolish!"

"It is my fault, if I would've--"

"--killed Cell, right? Kakarot would've found a way to die either way!"

"You don't know that!"

"It doesn't matter anyways, Kakarot's dead!"

Gohan stood up and got in fighting stance.

"What, are you challenging me?" Vegeta chuckled.

That question was answered with Gohan charging at the prince.

Vegeta dodged easily, but didn't have the chance to counter, for Chi Chi ran over to the boy.

"Gohan, what do you think you're doing?!" the angry mother demanded.

"What did it look like?!" Gohan snapped back.

The Z-warriors gasped at the change in Goku's son's attitude.

"Gohan, we're leaving!"

Gohan shrugged. "Like I care!"

"Bye Bulma, thanks for everything!" Chi Chi waved from the car.

The ride back to the mountain home was silent.

The first thing Gohan did upon entering home was going in his room.

Chi Chi followed.

"What do you want?" Gohan questioned.

"I want to know what your attitudes about!" Chi Chi shouted.

The son didn't answer.

"Don't tell me you're still upset?!"

A tear escaped Gohan's eye, making it's way down his face.

"Well I have alot more to be upset about than you! My husband was just killed by my son and--" Chi Chi once again cut herself off, realizing what she said.

Gohan took a step back towards the window. "So you do think it's my fault!"

"No, Gohan, I didn't mean it like that!"

"Bull shit! There was no other way for you to mean it!"

With that Gohan ran out os his room and into the bathroom.

"What are you doing, Gohan?" Chi Chi turned the bathroom door knob, only to find it locked.

Gohan hurried to grab what he was looking for in the medicine cabinet. "Got it."

"Gohan, you come out here now, or I'll break the door down!"

The Saiyan didn't answer and took off out the window.

The door flung open, revealing the bathroom to be empty.

The woman ran to the open window.

"GOHAN!" Chi Chi cried, watching her son flying further away.

Gohan continued to fly, not sure where he was going.

Eventually he landed on a cliff, cyclonic waters swirling below.

"I knew it was my fault, I killed my father!" the pre-teen said to himself.

Gohan stuck his hand in gi pocket to get what he had taken from the bathroom, a razor.

The razor shimmered in the now sun set.

"Why should I still be here when daddy's not?"

Gohan placed the cold metal atop his wrist.

In what seemed like a flash, the Saiyan pulled the razor across his skin.

The cut was deep, and began bleeding immediately.

Gohan put both his arms down, dropping the blade in the process.

The cool red liquid flowed down his hand, to the ground, forming a small puddle.

It took a few minutes for the pain and the blood loss to hit the demi, making him fall to his knees.

The blood from the puddle seeped into his knees, changing the purple into black.

Gohan began to feel faint and his vision blurred.

Falling flat on his stomach Gohan closed his eyes, the life draining from him.

"You won't be alone dad...a life for a life..."

A/N: Not my best work, but oh well. This idea hit me today and I just had to write it, even though I'm suppose to be studying for exams. Once again, oh well!

Please review and tell me what you thought!

Check out my other works and my Veggie shine! ^_^