Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Saiyan's Anger ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

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Chapter Four

Pan lay there, happily in her slumber, but without warning that someone had found her, and entered her cave un-noticed. He stepped in, and looked at the image that was in front of him. (She's beautiful, and yet so................ahh SHUT-UP). He thought shaking his head violently. He quickly stopped as he noticed Pan's cloud ~Demus~ move. The cloud could sense anything, and what it sensed alerted it too wake up and look around.

Trunks first instinct was to grab the cloud and kill it, but instead with a quick speed he grabbed the cloud and threw it outside, where it couldn't get in again.

(GREAT, now that just leaves me and the Girl). He thought. Moving slowly like a predator he made his way to her, and the first thing he did was rub her cheek softly. (Hmmf, rape isn't in my books, but whether she accepts me or not, i will claim her). He thought not noticing that Pan was waking up.

"Grandpa is that................................TRUNKS." She yelled standing up and flipping over Trunks, forming a fighting stance. "What the HELL are you doing here." She snapped not in the mood for him right now. "I came here, to teach you a lesson." He said simply, walking up to her slowly.

"What are you doing, stay back, i mean it." She threatened powering up each second.

"You can't harm me, your not strong enough." He said now inches away from her. Pan took one step back and noticed she was up against the wall. Not liking the situation she was in, she tried to dive out of the way, but Trunks caught her by the arm and pinned her against the cold wall. "Let me go you MONSTER." She snapped looking him straight in the eyes. "Why should i, you deserve everything i'm about to do to you right now." He whispered in her ear.

Pan didn't know why, but she felt goosebumps sting her skin. She inhaled deeply, and growled at the sweet scent that was coming from Trunks. But that didn't last long as her anger came back to her.

"Let me go right now, before i..................." "You'll what." He said interrupting her. "You'll kill me." He said sarcastically. Suddenly Pan threw a fist towards his face, but failed as he caught it and threw both her hands above her with lightening speed. "I'm too fast little one, you cannot free yourself."

Slowly he moved closer to Pan, which made her shake violently beneath him. "I will not be claimed by an IDIOT." She said launching her leg between Trunks legs. Trunks felt the pain go through him, as he doubled over holding the most precious thing of his body, and growled. "That was a cheap move." He snapped glaring at her.

Pan smirked and decided to take control of the situation, she placed Trunks on his back and violently held his hands above his head. Now she was smiling, they both knew he could easily change the position, but for now, he let her have her fun.

"How DARE you just barge into my home, and think you can claim me, who do you think you are." Pan said eyeing Trunks. Trunks looked into her eyes and saw pure anger, which he loved to see. Slowly he took a deep breathe and concentrated on a plan.

(When she gets distracted, that's when i'll make my move). He thought smiling up at her. "Why are you smiling you IDIOT, there's nothing to smile at." "Actually there is, i'm looking at an UGLY girl who thinks she's strong."

That did it, Pan lifted her hand up to slap Trunks across the face, but stopped suddenly as she felt herself falling. Her eyes shut tight, as she waited for the impact of the ground, but it never came. Opening her eyes slowly, she saw Trunks above her, his body connected to hers, and now his mouth was connected to hers.

She could feel his hot lips, and KAMI did it feel good. Slowly she opened her mouth to give him full access, then stopped abruptly as she felt his hands move up and down her thighs.

"Stop." She said moving her head away from him. Trunks couldn't help but growl, he hated it when someone said ~NO~ to him, especially the way she said it. "Why should i, you have give in to me easily, what makes you think i'll stop." He said grazing his lower mid-section against her violently. Pan held every bit of dignity she had left inside her, trying not to moan, and give into the pleasure Trunks was giving her.

"When i say STOP, i mean STOP." She growled. Trunks didn't know why, but his anger had left him long ago, that he didn't know how gentle he was being to her. (Why should i do as she say's, i'm in control, i could easily rape her, but why won't my body return the vibes). He thought. Slowly he moved off Pan, and helped her up, which amazingly surprised her. (He actually listened to me, that's new). She thought.

Still angry she turned her back on Trunks, which made her feel alittle happy. Then after a few seconds she turned back to yell at him, but he was gone. (It's about time he left, that JERK, yet a handsome JERK.........OH KAMI SHUT-UP). She thought smacking herself in the head. "This is just not my day." She said.