Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Ain't Nothing But Magick ❯ Majin Side ( Chapter 47 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Ain't nothing but Magick

Author/s for this chapter: Kitty, The Dragonball Fairy, Jan / J'dee / Selene / S'rac, Dragon Empress, Tobias / Mabelle.

Rating: NC-15 (offensive language)


Author's Note: *smiles* this is soooooo getting interesting... we should have our own series damnit!! We'd make DBZ cool!!! I'm saddened to report Vampire Goddess Jekyll has to with drawl from the fic due to her father cutting her internet time... I wanna keep her a round for a bit because vampire.. *shrugs* could get interesting...

sorry I didn't wait for ya piece Alpha... this whole this was sitting on my compy for three days completed. I wanted to get it up tonight before work so I could work on the other updates tomorrow like Boot Camp, and Trading Places.

Oh I did a sailor scout test can you believe it I'm sailor Saturn / Mistress 9.... -.-;;; and I was so going for Jupiter! How did that happen?! That was pointless telling you that.

***Majin Side***

*It's Just Me Against tha World, Me Against tha World cause it's just,

me against tha world baby, Me against tha World... ooohhhh yeeah...

I got nothin' ta lose, It's Just me against tha world baby. I got nothin' ta lose*



Edd and Kitty were actually some of the first people there, they soon found. Quite a few people showed up later than them, most by flying there. Edd looked startled the first two or three times, then got used to the idea when Kitty explained that there were weirder things to come.

Kitty was standing next to the table, drooling slightly and staring at all the food.

Edd followed her gaze. "Why on earth would they need that much food...? How many of you guys are there, anyway?"

"Um..." She blinked, then felt around the planet(mainly just the party) for familiar kis. "About twenty... something. She said twenty-five, but I think some more kids showed up."

He rose an eyebrow and looked at the food again.

"That's it? But..."

"Well, most of us are saiyans, so I guess it makes sense." Kitty replied, then sat down and reached out to gather some food.


Edd was openly staring as she finished her thirty-third bowl of rice, and was reaching for another. The really scary part was that she wasn't the only one... The entire time he and Kitty had been sitting there, several other kids had come and gone, eating at the same rate, if not faster. There was even a girl who looked normal who had an enormous pile of banana peels in front of her.

Kitty, however, got to about her fiftieth bowl of rice, twenty-seventh bowl of soup, and so on, then leaned back and grinned.

"Uh...." Edd said slowly, still staring at her, then the pile of dirty dishes in front of her.

She noticed his gaze and turned red, laughing nervously.

"H-How the heck...?" He asked slowly, pointing at the bowls.

She gave a Son grin sheepishly, following his gaze.

"Um... I think it has something to do with how much energy saiyans use all the time..."

He simply shook his head. "Okay... Sure..." He then looked up as some older music came on. "Hey, I know this song!" He got up and stepped towards the area where people were dancing, then turned to look at her.

"Um, are you coming?"

Kitty shook her head. "No, I'll ridicule myself to no end... I never really learned to dance, and simply following the music doesn't seem to work for me..." Her face turned reddish again.

Edd looked surprised. "So, you're not even going to try? Why don't you, ah, 'wish' that you know how to dance?"

"Well... I thought about what you said, about there being a limit, and... Oh, I don't know. I just think I realizedhow irresponsible I was being before, and since I'm older now..." She shook her head. "And besides, I've never even slow-danced before, let alone learned how to."

"Oh, please!" Edd exclaimed, grabbing her hand. "Come on, I'll show you how to dance, and if you want, I'll tech you how to slow-dance..." He tugged her arm, but she stayed in place for a moment.


She shrugged, then stood up, looking up at him. "Oh, why not..." She muttered, then smiled and let him 'drag' her out.


They had tried slow-dancing for a little while, but stopped quickly when Kitty tripped, causing them to fall on Vegeta. He glared evilly at them until Bulma hit him with her frying pan, and the two made their escape.

"That was close!" Kitty gasped as they put a crowd between them and the saiyan prince.

"Who was that, anyway?" Edd asked nervously.

"Vegeta... And he has a bit of a temper... We should avoid him for while, I think..." She replied, then looked up and grinned as the 'YMCA' came on.

After playing around doing that, they went back to near the DJ area, where Edd tried to show her how to dance... Which Kitty stunk at.

"Oh, come on, loosen up!" He exclaimed as she lost her patience.

Kitty glared at him, and Edd got a large sweatdrop.

She had stopped dancing and looked annoyed. "You make it sound easy, but it's not!"

"Hey, wait!" He exclaimed as she started to walked off. Reaching out frantically, he accidentally grabbed her tail.

"Ah!" She hissed, freezing in place. To her surprise, it didn't hurt, but it sent tingles all up her spine. She shivered, then slowly turned towards him.

Edd looked nervous and let go. "Um, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... Um..." He trailed off, shaking his head. He had the same confusion happening as he did when he was around Nazz... <Could I have a... a crush on her?!?> Edd thought frantically as Kitty blinked, staring at him.

"Why did you..." She began, then stopped, raising her eyebrows. <What the...?>

His face turned reddish, but he didn't say anything.

"Did you do that on purpose?" Kitty finally asked.

"Um... Eh, heh heh... Not really. I was just trying to get your attention..." Edd explained shakily. "S-Sorry if that hurt, or anything."

"It didn't, but--" Kitty started, when an explosion knocked Edd to the ground, and nearly her.

A lot of yelling started around them as she watched the blaze over in the house. She thought she heard someone yell 'My kitchen!', and she saw a few shapes run towards the blazes.

"Wh-what's going on?!?" Edd exclaimed, climbing shakily to her feet.

Kitty shook her head. "I don't know..." She felt a nagging feeling in her head. Almost like the kis, except... darker. <Someone evil, maybe? Makes sense... but why would someone wreak our party?>

The two watched the fire grow, and tried to figure out what had just happened.


*The Dragonball Fairy*

I looked around for J'dee for a while, until I saw her come in from outside, she appeared fine but something wasn't right but I brushed it off and went to sit down as the party resumed. But I just couldn't seem to get back into the partying mood so I mearly sat and watched everyone dance. I raised an eyebrow as one of the female authors that I hadn't seen before began to grind with J'dee, apperantly J'dee thought it was someone else because when she turned around she looked beyond pissed and was that an M on her forehead?

"No it couldn't be he's dead but he could have been wished back but who would want him back?..." I said quitely to myself. I watched the author smirk and snicker as if she had accomplished something, I thought about following her then thought against it and went back to watching everyone dance, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen...


I was about to drift off to sleep from doing nothing but sitting there for a while when suddenly someone in the room screamed, I looked up and saw J'dee clutching her head in agony, a small crowd was begining to form around her, I watched as J'dee went super saiyan, this all seemed so fimilar...

"J'dee!" Gohan cried, rushing to her only to be backhanded away. J'dee screamed again then flew into the night making anther whole in the ceiling. A few people took off after her I was about to myself when suddenly there some kind of bright light behind my eyes, forcing my to close them. When I opened them it was like I was somewhere else, or rather seeing through the eyes of someone else. Just then the author, I'd seen earleir dancing with J'dee came out and gave something to one of the people in the group someone how I was able to deduce his name, Blake, it was then I noticed what she gave to him, I knew I had seen it before somewhere... then I remembered I think I'd seen J'dee wearing it but why would they want it?

"Good work Jan" he said

"I aim to please" she purred

"It was wise to send you that message through Babidi's telepathy. Now come, we must prepare for your brother and his bitch." Lady Seru said. Babidi snickered.

"So he is back..." I thought

"I have already sent some Saiyins to take care of the bitch." Blake said. then againsted my will I laughed sinisterly with them and took off into the sky. I blinked a few times suddenly I was back at Gohan's house "What was that about..." I said to no one in peticilar I looked

up and shook my heading saying "It's going to be a long night"



Gohan raked his hand through his hair in frustration he could feel her. The bond still linked them despite the purest feeling of insanity running through her.

'Could this be a result of her using magick and author powers together?' he thought worriedly. He saw a flash and the tone of black. 'It's her!'

He ran after her hurriedly. "Jera!! It's me Gohan."

He grabbed her spinning her round pinning her up against a tree and he let go instantly when he saw the marking on her forehead the familiar 'M' made him back up instantly. He hadn't seen that there before. Which meant she must of received it as she lost it at the party.

"Jera." he said keeping his voice calm unsure on how to handle the situation. The mark of Babity and the only one who was strong enough in magickal powers to defeat him was under his spell. Gohan felt despair staring at her. But he tried not to show it.

She looked at him curiously and he felt suddenly stalked.

"Gohan..." She purred, but there was nothing sensual about it. It was a warning. He'd never known her to be evil. Never seen her evil. He'd felt her pain, her suffering, but it couldn't of been that bad to have evil in her heart. She had seemed so pure.

"You're confused." She spoke her voice high in authority. "Don't be. This is the trip Gohan... The best part. The part I really like." She smirked.

Gohan looked at her. "I don't want to fight you."

"Fight me. As if you'd win. you may have mystic powers Gohan, but I have magick and I have Majin. You wouldn't last long with me."

"Would you fight me though?" Gohan questioned.

"Depends." She purred again.

"Babity will pay." Gohan growled angrily.

"If you book him, he will come."

Gohan blinked. "Book him? What do you mean book him?"

"Babity's a very busy evil wizard." She waved her hand about in emphasis.

"This isn't you." Gohan pleased with her. "Evil isn't you."

She growled her tail lashed about angrily. "Me? What do you know about me? You know nothing about me! What I was like before, before- this..." She motioned round her. "I had to fight to survive. I had to fight my own father to live. To prove him I wasn't weak. I nearly killed a girl when I was seven years old. And ya know what it felt good."

Gohan growled annoyed. "No. I don't believe you. You wouldn't ever kill anyone."

"Oh I've killed now Gohan... and you know what. 'Death is only the beginning.' I like that quote." She dropped in to a fighting stance. "So prepare to begin."

Gohan looked at her. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me. Gohan I am Majin."

"I am your mate! You are bonded to me!"

"Bond this!!!" She shouted firing out three string of energy blasts from her hands. "TRRRRRIIIII LASER FIRE!!!"

Gohan leapt out of the way and he looked behind him at his cape which was burning and he pulled it off along with the bandanna and shades.

Gohan charged in flashing in to super saiyan then level two and punched her sending her sailing back through a string of trees leaving broken wood for a mile long.

She got up and brushed her self down and smirked at him.

"This is going to be fun."

"You can't kill me!! You kill me you kill yourself!!" Gohan shouted at her. "I won't kill you but I will defend myself."

"Sentimental crap Gohan. It's what makes you weak."

'She sounded just like Vegeta then. She mentioned that I'm sure, she mentioned her past was a Vegeta complex, then she evolved in to a more calmer loving person.'

She charged at him powering up again and flashing in to super saiyan then to level two the explosion rocked the area. The energy flickering around her, her blonde and auburn hair completely golden and longer.

Gohan dropped in to a defence stance as she charged and he blocked her attacks, jumping back making sure not to get hit. She was serious. There was no weird calling out of random names. She was determined to hurt him. kill him even. He didn't like that. He took off in to the air and she followed with a new burst of energy.

She caught him from behind with a boot in to the back sending him in to a mountain side. He pulled himself out and looked at her floating there in mid air. He rubbed his back. He was going to have to do something about those platform shoes. They hurt. He charged back at her phasing in and out. The small sparring he had done with her was enough to know she couldn't trace energy as fast as anyone else. She relied solely on magick and intuition. But with Babity's influence she had gained brut strength while her intuition had been nullified. Gohan grabbed her by the arm when he phased in behind her and spun her round slamming her in to the wall and created a hole with the impact.

Gohan watched her as she pulled herself out. The battle had only just begun and her clothes were in tatters, her shirt top ripped the sleeves gone. On her upper left arm the ying yang tattoo.

"Oh this is fun." She smirked.

Gohan growled and he charged at her and grabbed her roughly slamming her up against the wall of the cliff. "It's me Gohan! Snap out of it!!"

He was shaking- worried. Vegeta had blown himself up and with that sacrifice Babity's spell had lost all effect. But he didn't want J'dee to die. He was lost on how to save her. He held her hands above her head staring in to her eyes.

"What's wrong with me?" She breathed.

Gohan couldn't see what she could see. But she looked scared she was staring at her blood soaked hand.

J'dee saw it becoming metallic like. The dried blood seeped over her hand like liquid metal. J'dee mentally began freaking out when she felt lips press against hers, hands holding hers in place above her head.

"Gohan..." She breathed.

She could feel her sudden need for him through the bond. She was baffled, confused by it all, he was suppose to hate her, hurt her. Beat her up even, prove to her in all ways that he was the man of the relationship he was the boss. But there was just raw passionate behind the kiss, longing deeper, caring- love. She tried to fight him.



She sat on the porch of the table petting Tiger who was on her lap eating a cheese ball tearing it to crumbs then licking the flavor of and eating the crumbs. The small british tabby seemed quite happy with her situation. Selene just sat there her mind slowly focussing. J'dee was her friend. She was alot of people's friends here, but since the trip to the past they'd become kinda like Goku and Krillen while they were training with master Roshi. Except Selene and J'dee didn't train together. She thought on it. Maybe they should when she returns. Selene had that gift her dreams told her. She knew J'dee would return to normal. Not right away and there would be a battle. But she would return

"I'm here J'dee-chan." She whispered and petted Tiger.

The little kitten mewled up at her. Selene looked round to the party goers they had all seen J'dee take off. Obviously J'dee had cast a spell so evil could enter unless invited, because Babity, Blake, Seru, Tri had no shown but more lurked round the premises and then J'dee left.

Gohan had gone after her. Of course he would he was her mate now.


"We better head back to Capsule Corp." Bulma spoke up to Vegeta.

"Oji-san." Pan tugged at the musketeer sword of Vegeta's. "Where's papa gone?"

Vegeta looked down at her. "To get the majo."

"Selene do you want to come back with us?" Bulma looked at her.

"I'll stay here and let the party continue. "It's best we enjoy what time we have together. But I think it's best if you take Pan-chan so she will be alright."

Bulma nodded and she looked at Bra. "Bra sweetie is that okay?"

"Uh-hu mama, me and Panny can train with papa!!"

Vegeta got a proud look across his face at Bra announcing she wanted to train with him. Bulma sighed.

"Okay. If there is any trouble at all call me." Bulma said.

"I will." Selene smiled and she saw the Brief family off

She decided after they left if any of the other authors needed her in battle she would more than willing help. But not to kill just to help.



She lay under him clothes torn panting the battle had gone wrong, terribly terribly wrong. She tried to sit up, was she reverting back to normal could that one moment with Gohan been all she needed to clear her soul of all the evil. The whooshing sound of their aura's both of them super saiyans, not the first or second levels but the third... that one passion stricken moment caused them both to transform. Was it showing her that no matter what she had done. She was a pure soul. Had he cleansed it for her. Gohan sat up behind her and his hand slipped on to her shoulder and she looked over at him she felt tears and she wiped her face.

'He only wants you body...'

"How could you-" She was suddenly confused as Babity prodded in to her very mind bringing up every painful experience she'd had with all her previous interests.

"How can any of you-?" She gathered her torn clothes throwing them on and she ran jumping up in to the depth of trees moving free tree top to tree top as fast as possible when she heard Babity. She fell from the tree holding on to her head crying out in pain.

'J'dee he is to be turned.'

She looked over to see Gohan running towards her, his saiyanman costume as torn as her own. He stopped suddenly seeing her hold her head. Gohan blinked watching his face filled up concern.

"Jera-" He began taking a step towards her. She looked up at him. He felt himself go soft looking in to her eyes, so much evil and so much pain.

"Let me help you." His voice was soft comforting.

She blinked and Gohan took her hand. She looked at him accepting it.

'Good, let him get close, then feed him the evil you posses, no longer will you be a victim...'

Gohan touched the side of her face and she twitched.

"I'm here. Jera... Come back- please, I won't ever hurt you. Not like they have." He kissed her softly and slowly.


She created a small ball of energy in each of her hands and she sucked in a breath.

Gohan was thoroughly distracted by her and she focussed her magick and half of the evil she possessed in to the two spheres of energy.

She brought them together one on either side of Gohan's head and he cried out, she fell back and watched as he passed out. She breathed out looking at his form. Her entire body trembling. "Megami.. Gohan- what have I done?" she went to go to him when the pain in her head took over and she felt nothing. An emptiness.

'Return to me.'

She took off in to the air to meet up with Babity.


To Be Continued in to pt 2

Why'd I split this in two? heheh cause I'm evil and I wanted to...

read and review
