Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ strange, strange, strange ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Trunks Vegeta Briefs sat in his office, rubbing his tired, bloodshot eyes with his fists. This was insane. And that was the only way he could put it nicely. His job. His life. His friends. His family. Everything was simply total chaos.

He didn't know how his mother expected him to live like this- how she thought that he had the strength enough to ENDURE this slow torture. He may be Vegeta's son, but not even Vegeta himself would be able to put up with this.

"Everything's gone completely to hell," he groaned to himself. First his mother had refused to let him go to college, justifying her actions by saying that he wouldn't need a business degree as long as Capsule Corps had him under it's wing. Though, of course, she hoped to unveil him to the world soon- as if he were one of her prized oddities she was always working on.

No one accepted him at work and he couldn't blame them. Everyone knew that he didn't have the qualifications for the job of Vice President and he wouldn't have gotten this job if his mother wasn't president, but he couldn't help it. Every time one of his snot-faced employees walked into the door and gave him "advice" about how to do his job, he had to fight the urge to not just blow them into the next dimension and be done with it.

Problems at work would be more then enough for him to deal with, but it wasn't just that. It wasn't just work. It wasn't even just his mother's inept tendencies to treat him like a machine and not a real person at the moment either. It was his whole fucking life in general. Not that life could fuck.

He frowned at the thought, wincing at the sheer randomness of it. Look what this whole situation was doing to him! Grumbling slightly, he continued on his mental spew. There was one other reason he hated this job- he had no time for a social life. Most of his old high school friends, who had all gone to college he might add, had given up on him not returning their phone calls or emails. They had dismissed him easily, thinking that he was probably having too much fun having an easy, laid back job that he didn't have to work for to get or to keep. And the worst of it was not the dismissal, but the fact that if he said that he WAS working and he HAD no time to keep up with them, then they'd think he was trying to shove the fact that he was rich and had a job when they were merely in college in their faces. So he was stuck with the only option of doing nothing and apologizing later. Hopefully they'd forgive him…but that wasn't very likely.

Then there was the rest of his family. Bura, at six, was just beginning to understand what it meant to be the youngest sibling as well as a YOUNGER sibling. She knew her duty was to annoy her brother and sister (but more her brother) at all costs and did so gladly. Whenever Trunks was actually home she took to following him around like a lost puppy, asking for him to get things just out of her reach and ask for other things when he just felt like taking a hot shower and sleeping. But he had made the mistake of refusing once, and she had run off crying to Vegeta. A second later he had come stalking down the hallway to drag Trunks to the gravity and proceed to beat the crap out of him. Younger sisters were a big pain in the ass.

Vegeta, of course, acted mostly indifferent of the fact of whether Trunks was eating dinner with them or staying late at the office, ordering in take-out. But that was just on the surface. Trunks had had a long time to learn to read his father, and had done so out of necessity. He understood that the older man couldn't afford to show the world less then his cool sense of boredom, though on the inside he may be incredibly intrigued, or hotly simmering in rage. Something about Trunks' final and last disturbance had peaked his father's interest and he knew that that wasn't a good thing.

It had to do with Goten and Pan, of course. He couldn't get over the fact that they were together. At first he thought that he was repulsed by the fact that his sister and his best friend were dating, but then he realized that it wasn't that at all. He should be fine with that. It was completely natural, after all, for them to have feelings more then friendship towards each other and he wasn't repulsed by that even if Goten turned out to be Akki's uncle.

He was jealous. It had taken him a long time to reach that conclusion, and even longer to accept it. Why would he be jealous? HOW could he be? He had thought long and hard about this for weeks, not able to concentrate on his work because it was on the forefront of his mind. He had thought that he might want such a perfect relationship himself at first, but that didn't make sense because he didn't really particularly WANT a relationship to complicate his life further.

Then he had thought that he might like Akki. Which, naturally, disgusted him. How could he like his sister? His own sister…! It was repulsing and he hated the thought. But on examination of his feelings he realized, to his relief, that he still thought of her as a sister. Still loved her as a sister. Or so he thought and concluded.

Which only left the last option- he was in love with Goten. Trunks had always considered himself as straight as anyone could possibly be, but he had thought long and hard about this possibility. He had always considered Goten as his best friend and had always, though he had never really thought about it much, been a bit possessive over him. He had always dismissed this of course, because he thought it was just something that was normally felt, since he felt the same way for Akki. But it was different, and he could, unfortunately, see that now. And it wasn't just the possessiveness. He could go into many other details that told him that he liked Goten…but he didn't want to think about it. Hell he didn't want to feel it.

It seemed impossible, but he knew it was the truth- he loved Son Goten. And that was something that contributed probably the most to his current state of mind.

(AN: Flame me for it, I don't care. But it seriously doesn't matter in the long run- this is for the people that want G/P/T and Pan/Gotenks. It's all part of the master plan *points to head and everyone falls over*. Plus even if this DOES end up G/P I still wanted to explore the possibility…don't ask. Gundam Wing fanfics, Tokyou Babylon, and real life experiences O.,o in a Prep School (I swear half the guys there are going to turn out gay or…already are *coughs*… ;;) can really change a person's mentality on the whole slash thing…

Please also NOTE, that Trunks has grown up thinking of Akki as his sister, so he'd find liking her MORE disgusting and shameful then to like Goten. I dunno if I'm doing a good job explaining that part;;; gomen…I'm probably not;;;)


A few weeks after Trunks' revelation, the Sons and Briefs' had gone fishing and Krillin had joined them with his own family. By mid-day most were leisurely laying on the grass, too tired from attempting to outdo the others with their fish-catching abilities.

Akki and Goten had been the only ones who hadn't joined in with the fishing, enjoying lying in each other's arms lazily, blissfully unaware of the beyond jealous purple haired Saiyan sitting a few feet away from them.

Goten smiled down at his raven haired goddess, wondering why he had only thought about dating her a few weeks ago. They were perfect for each other. How could he have ever doubted that this wouldn't work out? He smiled at the memory of how it finally happened, pulling it to the surface of his thoughts simply so that he could over go those events once again-

>>Flashback (for Pan-Chan ^^;;;)<<

It was lunch time again, and ever since Goten had been sitting with Akki instead of his friends he had felt his enjoyment of lunch increase dramatically- which seemed impossible for him since it had to do with food and he was already as excited as he ever thought he could be. But whenever he had been with Akki lately it seemed that he was happier and his heart felt lighter.

He wasn't sure if he had felt this way all along or just over the last few weeks, but there was a definite change in how he viewed her now in both his thoughts and actions then two weeks ago when they had been at a celebration party for Trunks' advancement in Capsule Corps to Vice President. But slowly and surely the two weeks that followed of rarely seeing Trunks had forged a new opinion of this beautiful young women into his heart and mind and he wasn't sure if this was a good or bad thing.

Then he saw her, entering the cafeteria, her long raven black hair floating majestically behind her like a cape. Her piercing black eyes that seemed to soften whenever she saw him searching for his familiar figure. He smiled at the sight of her, unable to control the sudden leap in his heart at the sight of her. Kami, was he in love?

"Mooning over your best friend's little sister again, Goten?" He turned sharply just in time to see his friend rolling his eyes at him. "Geesh, just go fuck her and get it over with. It's not like she would mind-."

With a sudden burst of speed of uncontrolled temper, Goten had grabbed his friend by the collar of his shirt and pulled the boy hastily up to face his angry eyes, "She isn't a slut, you fucking piece of shit! And I'd never do that to her!"

"Goten," Pan had said, her voice stern as she reached over to undo his grasp on the choking boy's shirt. He reluctantly let go and the boy sat there, gasping for a minute, his face red from lack of air. Pan dropped Goten's arm, and rushed over to the boy. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"Kami Goten," the boy rasped, his voice hoarse. "You're really off your rocker in love with her."

Goten and Akki immediately flushed identical shades of crimson at this comment. The boy shook his head, grinning at them, though he was still massaging his neck. Akki slowly straightened and turned to lay a critical eye on Goten, while he looked at the ground.

"This boy was goading you about me?" She asked, her arms crossed and her face stern.

"He implied that you were a whore," Goten mumbled.

"It was a joke," the boy rolled his eyes. "I've seen the way you two keep on looking at each other and how much sexual tension is in the air. Seriously, why don't you guys just date and get it over with?"

"We…can't," Akki frowned at the boy, but didn't go into any details. He of course asked why they couldn't so she mumbled, "Our families are really close and would never accept it…plus we grew up together as best friends. It wouldn't be right."

"Why should you care about any of that?" The guy snorted derisively. "Anyway, true love doesn't give a flying shit about family relations or whether or not you grew up together. And I thought that YOU of all people, Akki Briefs would understand that it doesn't matter what people think about you as long as you're true to yourself. THAT at least is what I believe. So why don't you just give it a shot? It's not like you're getting married or anything. Talk it over, lay out a few ground rules, and then go out to a movie or something."

"Would you agree to this Goten-kun?" Akki asked. She liked this guy's reasoning, and therefore couldn't help to be persuaded by it- Goten could see that. In fact, he was getting a bit jealous over how well these two seemed to fit together. A low growl escaped his throat thrown in his friend's direction before he could help it.

Goten's eyes widened. He and Trunks had grown up protecting her, and he had to admit they had growled at their friends and family, warning them to stay away from Akki, more often then not. With Trunks it always made sense why he would do this- after all they WERE brother and sister, and he had always just assumed that he felt the same way Trunks did. But this growl was different. This growl was a jealous warning for his friend to lay off impressing Akki.

"Yes," He said, sudden knowing this was the right answer. "As long as you do too."

She smiled, a genuine Akki smile that she used countless times to get what she wanted when she was little but had somehow been lost during the years. She thanked the boy for his advice, joking that they should be paying him for his troubles and pulled Goten with her to an empty table.

>>End of Flashback<<

They had talked and talked about their relationship after that- forgetting to go to the rest of their classes because they wanted to get this over and done with. In the end they decided on dating under three rules and were now happily a couple.

Goten smiled, burying his head in her hair and taking in the sweet fragrance of it, before stating, "I love you."

"You're back now I presume?" She laughed. "I've been trying to get you to say something for the last ten minutes at least."

"You were?" Goten asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Gomen nasai, Akki-chan."

"It's okay Goten-kun," she smiled and turned slightly, pressing her lips against Goten's ear and whispering huskily, "As long as we do something after this."

"After this?" Goten blinked in confusion. "But…this lasts the whole day…doesn't it?"

"Not all night," Akki said, smirking slightly in amusement.

"Oh," Goten's eyes widened. He rubbed the back of his head in confusion. "But I thought we agreed-."

"Not that," Pan rolled her eyes. "Let's go to a club or something!"

"Um…okay," Goten said, and smiled down at her when she beamed up at him and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I love you too Goten-kun," She said, and Goten smiled like he was just given the biggest treat in the world. He pulled her against him harshly and the two lost all of their senses of time and place as Akki turned in his lap so that now she was straddling him and they had begun to kiss patiently, their mouths red and swelling from the passion between them.
