Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Alternate Future ❯ The Trip Of Power ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]


They started their voyage on the first of January 2002. The first planet they were going to visit was Referral, so they told the Captain and she put it in warp speed and they arrived in the outer skirts of the planet in five days. When they landed the top fighting recruits met them.

"Hi I'm Goku and these are my friends, the Z Warriors.

"Welcome Goku. I am Namu and this is Shen, Shenlon and Tenshinlon and we are the famous four, we have never been defeated on the battlefield."

"WE have come here on a trip around the galaxy and we're looking for some new additions to the gang." Goku replied.

Then Goku and the Z Warriors were taken to the royal palace to see the President. Before they went to the President they were allowed to eat and have showers.

When they were all ready they were escorted as a group to the President's chamber.

When they arrived Namu wasn't there only the other three were, nest to a really nice chair. Namu entered from a building on the right and sat in the empty chair.

"Come forward Goku and speak to me now." Namu said.

"I would be honoured if you would join the Z Warriors and travel with us around the galaxy and then come live at our planet." Goku stated.

"I will be happy to join you once I have chosen a new President. Servant bring me the Presidency runners." They came in and Namu allowed Giddup to be the new President.

They then all headed to the Ship and took off into space. Once they were safely in space Goku asked where they would like to go.

"We would like to go to our home planet, Hoagies please." Replied Namu.

She put on warp speed and they arrived there in two days. When they landed the whole planet had been destroyed. So they all started searching for who or what had destroyed the planet. Bulma spotted Garlic Jr, Dodoria, Zarbon, Salt, Vinegar, Mustard, Spice, Doubler, Huskie and Snow.

Goku just walked over to the side of them without anyone noticing and blasted a Kamehameha and blew them all up.

They all looked at Goku wondering how and when he went over there. But Goku just walked off and they all followed. Eventually they ended up at the Village where Namu, Shen, Shenlon and Tenshinlon's parents lived. They ran into their house but their parents weren't there it was some young people.

"I will be forced to kill you if you do not leave my house." He warned.

"Do you know where Gorman and Trina are?" Namu asked.

The guy didn't answer he pulled out his sword and started swinging it. Shen pinned him on the wall with his daggers and asked him again. They guy muttered out that they were in a Capsule Corp spaceship because Captain Wolf-man and his gang were holding them hostage.

At the Capsule Corp spaceship there were two guards so they beat them up and threw them in the door of the ship.

Wolf-man looked out the door and asked "What the hell happened to them?"

Shenlon through his disks at Wolf-man and hit him in the head, chopped off one of his arms and tail and had three stuck in his gut.

Then the Famous Four went inside and Killed off all of Wolf-Mans guards and helped all the hostages to get outside.

Once everyone was free the Famous four gave their parents a hug and then headed back to their house. They had a long chat and after 3 hours decided it was time to go so they bid goodbye and everyone boarded the ship and left for planet Plant.


It took three months to get to Plant and nobody suspected that it was right below them. When they touched down Goku announced their arrival and told everyone to get their fighting suits on and grab a weapon as there might be some dangers on Plant.

Outside were 3 paths leading through the plants. They went down the middle path and walked for about 5 minutes before running into a giant green house. Goku was about to knock when somebody answered the door.

"Welcome to my home I am Floweran the flower master and you are welcome to come in and train or just have a bite to eat.

They all went in and decided to just sit around. Goku went and started to talk to Floweran.

"How can you manage living here alone with nothing to look at but the flowers?" Goku asked.

"I don't live on my I own I live with the Saibaman, they are always growing. I also study the flowers as well; I study them in my lab on the other side of the planet." Flowered snapped.

"Oh. Sorry I should have received the facts first. So you grow Saibaman here I anted to know where they were created and I guess I do now. I guess we'll be going now so we can get to some other planets before our ten years of exploring the galaxy run out." Replied Goku.

"You're not going anywhere buddy not unless you can get past me and my Saibaman warriors."

"Hey guys we've just been forced into a battle."

Everyone just hacked up all the Saibaman but Floweran just brought in more and everyone was fighting one except for Goku who was fighting Floweran.

Goku used all he could on a kamehameha and it hit Floweran just when he turned to start fighting but it didn't even make him budge.

"None of your petty moves will work on me. I'll just absorb all of it and get stronger than you."

"You get stronger than me. You wish." Goku pulled out the Mage Sword and started slicing Floweran up. He chopped him into little pieces but amazingly he reformed. He swung a giant thorny vine at Goku, but he Zanzokened out of the way and did a solar Flare causing Floweran and all of the Saibaman to die from loss of water. The Z Warriors went over to Goku and told him that it was the best idea ever to do a Solar Flare. The Z Warriors headed back to the ship and took off. As soon as they were a safe distance away they shot the planet and blew it up. They all decided to go back to Earth so they set the coordinates and set off on yet another journey.


They arrived on Earth and it was totally destroyed, not one building was still standing. So they looked around to see if they could find anybody buried in the rubble. They all split up and met back at the ship in two hours. During the search nobody found any living people. When they were about to board the ship Hercule was standing there looking as if he was waiting for something.

Yamcha questioned why he was waiting there and he replied, "I am destined to be a hero like you dudes."

"We are not dudes we are well trained warriors and you are not coming with us so go away."

Hercule started to walk away when Pan yelled "come back you're our navigator."

After everybody boarded the ship they set their target for home.


They took 5 years to get home as they went home slowly, without using warp speed. The day after they arrived home Goku told them that it was time for their next fighting tournament.

"Tomorrow we will train for the tournament so be at the gym by 8."


The next day they all met Goku at the gym to practice fighting and learn new moves. Again they trained for 5 hours and everybody increased their Ki by a fair amount. Brodan was the only one who learned a new move. He learned how to move 20 times the speed of light and while moving transform into the enemy and use their main move on them. He called it Rasion.


A week later they all met at the stadium and Goku told them to try their hardest and prepare to fight.

The first round of fights took place and the winners were:

Shen vs Goku- Goku

Gohan vs Brodan- Gohan

Trunks vs Piccolo- Trunks

Shenlon vs Vegeta- Vegeta

Brolly vs Gothan- Brolly

Goten vs Krillin- Goten

Tenshinlon vs Yamcha- Tenshinlon

Pan vs 18- Pan

Chiaotzu vs Pikon- Pikon

Tien vs Namu- Namu

Again Bulma, Chi-Chi, Maron and Bra didn't compete.

After all of the fights the scores were:

Goku- 19 wins

Vegeta- 18


















Chiaotzu-19 losses

"Goku, Vegeta, Brolly, Pan, Gohan, Pikon, Trunks and Goten make the finals. Next week the fights will be held." Announced Bulma.


One week later they all met up for the Quarter Finals which were matched up as so, Vegeta vs Brolly, Goku vs Gohan, Goten vs Trunks, and Pan vs Pikon.

Vegeta, Goku, Trunks and Pan won the fights and advanced to the Semi finals which were won by Goku and Pan. "Tomorrow will be the final so be here early." Bulma announced.


The next morning everybody met at the stadium for Goku and Pan's ultimate battle.

Goku and Pan took their fighting stances and faced off preparing for their battle. They stared each other down for a couple of seconds before Pan took off towards Goku. She was about to elbow him in the head when he zanzokened behind her. She expected this and pivoted on in mid air and booted Goku flying. He pulled up after 10 metres and returned straight towards Pan. On the way he transformed to Super Saiyan 2. Pan missed her opportunity to transform as Goku Zanzokened to behind her and punched her in the back. She screamed in pain and powered up to Super Saiyan 2. She was spinning around right ads Goku fired a ki blast and slammed her flying and then smashing into the ground. She struggled to get up but was too injured so she just lay there concentrating her energy waiting for Goku to approach. He slowly walked over to her and picked her up by the collar. Right when her eyes were level with Goku's she slammed her fist into Goku's gut forcing him to drop her and keel over in pain. Pan took her shot and slammed Goku into the ground. He bounced about 10 cm off the ground but Pan managed to grab him. She walked over to the edge of the ring and slammed Goku as hard as she could at the ground. Everybody thought Goku was going to lose, even Pan started to grin. But Goku stopped him self just mm from the ground and flew over Pan's head and landed back in the ring. He flew over to Pan and took a lethal swing for her head but she Zanzokened to the middle of he arena. Goku flew at Pan yet again and started going all out. Pan was struggling to keep up with Goku but she blocked every thing thrown at her. Eventually Pan tripped over and Kicked Goku to the ground right as he shot a Ki blast. It exploded beneath him and sent him flying into the air. He stooped on a 45 degree angle from Pan and took his hands to his hips in a V. "Ka..." He yelled Pan started powering up hoping she would collect enough energy in time. "Me..." Pan was continuing to collect her energy but fast enough she didn't know. "Ha…" Pan pushed her arms down towards the ground and started screaming as loud as she could. "Me…" The whole planet began to shake and Pan was going Mental. "HAAAAA." Goku launched his Kamehameha at Pan Right went her power built up enough and she went Super Saiyan 3. She pulled her hands to her hips and as fast and loud as possible she yelled, "KAMEHAMEHA!" It met Goku's about a metre in front of her and just pushed all the way to Goku and nearly took him out. Goku concentrated his power and knew what he had to do. He screamed as loud as possible and his power multiplied by what seemed 100 hundred times. He transformed to Super Saiyan 4. He pushed his Kamehameha back towards Pan but she was holding Goku off and was still winning. So Goku pushed with all his might believing he could beat Pan. His kamehameha didn't even budge Pan's, rather it helped Pan along and she closed in on Goku. She started walking with her kamehameha towards Goku. She took off still pushing her Kamehameha straight at Goku. They were now only a metre apart and they were still pushing their Kamehameha's. Goku saw no sense on wasting his energy so he stopped pushing his kamehameha and instantly Pan's hit his hands. It was stronger than he could have ever imagined and he struggled to block it. Eventually he had a grip and pushed the kamehameha aside. Pan took this chance and jumped forward and slammed Goku in the head with her Elbow. He didn't even budge and just responded by smashing Pan in the stomach with his knee and then blasting her flying. She pulled up quickly and flew back over to Goku. She took a swing at Goku but he dodged to her right and punched her in the side. She spun to do it again but Goku just dodged and hit her again. She kept going not wanting to change her method of attack but Goku just kept dodging and hitting her. Eventually Pan took too much and she flew slowly down to the arena to rest. Goku didn't want this so he flew straight after her and round house kicked her flying into a wall. She slid down the wall and her bum landed on the grass and her hair fell down as she went back into a normal state.

"Pan are you alright." Goku called as he powered down to normal and ran over to her.

"Yeah Goku I'm good, I thought I might as well let you win there, didn't want to embarrass you." Whispered Pan.

"Funny Pan. You put up one good fight. I can't believe you would be the one to be in the Finals, and even nearly beat me. Here eat this." Gestured Goku and handed Pan a senzu bean.

She ate it straight away and everybody felt her ki return to normal as she stood up and walked over to the Z Warriors.

They all stood and talked about the battle for about half an hour before Bulma started to talk, "Okay people go rest now and on Sunday we will present your prizes. Yes Yamcha this year we have prizes."


On Sunday everybody met in the conference room to receive their prizes.

"Goku for coming first you can either have a Gold Saiyan suit with Silver armour or a new fighting suit the same as your old one." Bulma Said.

"I'll take my usual fighting suit please Bulma. Thankyou." Answered Goku as Bulma handed him his suit.

"Pan for coming second you can have either of the suits that Goku could choose from."

"I'll have the same as Grandpa Goku's please Bulma." Replied Pan.

"Trunks and Vegeta for coming third you can either have the Saiyan suit or your normal fighting clothes."

"Give me my normal suit Bulma." Demanded Vegeta.

"Would I be able to get a suit the same as Goku's Mom, but in blue?" Trunks asked.

"Okay just a second." Bulma opened a capsula and threw it to Trunks.

"Thanks mum."

"You all get this sword as well." Announced Chi-Chi as she handed Vegeta, Goku, Trunks and Pan their swords.

The sword was gold handled with the usual silver blade except it had two rows of diamonds down the centre.

"I don't want a stupid sword. I fight with my fists not a weapon." Vegeta threw his sword back on the desk and walked to the back off the room.

"I'm sorry Bulma but I agree with Vegeta." Goku said.

"So do I." Added Pan.

They put their swords on the table.

Trunks took his old sword out of his sheath and placed his new sword in its place.

"Um Excuse me Bulma?" Asked Namu.

"Yes Namu."

"Would I be able to have one of them swords please?"

"Sure thing."

Namu picked up a sword switched it with his and walked away from the table.

Goku jumped onto the table and asked for silence.

"You can all go and relax now and do what ever you want. Just meet here on the 1st of January 2014 so we can make our robotic suits to compete in the mega verse robotics science battle held on Junk Mania on the 1st of January 2015." Goku jumped over everyone and walked into the elevator.