Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ An Awaited Love ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don not own any of the DB/Z/GT characters, no the creator does! However I do own Bryanni, Zeke and Dan coz I made them up! * Stamps her name on their foreheads * hehe!

Author Notes: Okies sorry it's taken my ages to write up this chapter! I have so much shit going on in my life! I promise to update sooner, but I have been working on sum new fics that I will soon write up and post! I've also had a drawing bug, were I wanted to draw shit loads of stuff! Sorry for my language I'm in one of them moods today! Well I'll start writing!

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Chapter 3

Bryanni looked at her mother with her blue eyes. "Mommy who's that?" Pan ignored her and stared at the figure, which Bryanni shared the blue eyes with.

"Well aren't you gonna tell her?" Pan stood up tightening her grip on her daughter. He stood infront of her.

"She doesn't need to know, since you left me." She then walked past him.

"Pan she's his daughter too!" A blonde haired woman stood in front of her, stopping her. The man walked past Pan, standing next to the blonde headed woman.

"Pan she's my daughter too." He looked at Pan then to the toddler, smiling warmly at her. "She even has my hair and eyes." Pan hugged Bryanni even more to her. Bryanni looked at the two people blocking her and her mother.

"Who are they mommy?" Bryanni asked, feeling a little trapped.

"Go on Panny, tell her." His blue eyes stared into her ebony eyes. Pan closed her eyes. When she opened them she stared at him, anger flashed in her eyes.

"Dan you have no right to just walk into our lives now!" She shouted, starting to walk off, but Dan grabbed her free arm and spun her around to face him. She had a look of pure shock written on her face by his strength.

"Pan I will have my daughter!"

Pan looked from his eyes to his hand on her arm. "Let me go!"

"And if I don't?" He smirked looking back to the blonde with him.

Pan lifted her head up, looking at the blonde then Dan. "You will never have my daughter!" Pan struggled to get her arm free.

Dan remained to smirk and hold onto Pan. "Marron can you take my daughter of Pan please?" Pan stepped back clinging to the small toddler to her. "You're not taking her!" Pan screamed at them.

Marron moved in. "Pan we're taking her anyway!" Marron tried to take Bryanni from Pan arms. Bryanni started to cry. Pan struggled to keep hold of the crying toddler, tears escaping her own dark eyes. Marron growled putting more force into taking the child.

"NO!" Pan struggled to keep hold of her crying daughter.

"Pan we're taking her!" Dan smirked at the quarter saiyajin.

"No-one's taking her!" Pan recognized the voice; some one was stood behind her. Marron and Dan looked at the person behind Pan. Marron letting go of the crying toddler. Pan glanced round, she gasped. She then scootered behind him for protection. She tried to hush Bryanni, to stop her from crying.

"And who are you?" Dan asked angrily.

"He's Trunks Vegeta-Briefs." Marron told him.

Trunks looked at the blue haired man. His blue eyes were fixated on Dan and angry expression drawn on his face. "You're not taking her! Now get off my property!" He growled, still standing in a protective stance in front of Pan and her small child.

"She's my daughter!" Dan growled back.

"You weren't there Dan! You weren't ready for commitment, so you said! Bryanni is mine!" Pan shot at him, standing by Trunks' side. She had stopped Bryanni from crying. She had an angry look on her face now.

"You heard her, now get out!" Trunks said coldly.

"You'll have to make me! Cause I'm not going without her!" Dan stared at Pan and the purple haired demi-saiyajin.

"You don't wanna make me!" Trunks growled at him, then turning to Pan and flashing her smile.

"As I said I'm not leaving!" Dan remained in his position.

Trunks looked at Pan the glancing at Bryanni. Pan nodded her head. Trunks turned his gaze to Dan, increasing his ki. "Very well." He clenched his hands into fists, raising his ki rapidly. Pan backed off abit. A white aura surrounding the demi-saiyajin, his purple locks stared to blow in the energy at get longer.

Marron knew about the super saiyajin powers Trunks possessed. She grabbed Dan's arm. Dan had the look of 'what the hell' on his face. Trunks kept powering up the white energy turning to yellow and his hair grew longer and spiked up even more. (A/N: remember I gave him a hair cut, he has short spiked hair now.) His blue eyes flickered aqua green. Pan held onto Bryanni. The force of Trunks' power whirling around the five of them. Pan shielded herself and her daughter. Marron shielded her eyes with her free arm. Dan had both arms shielding his face.

Trunks' hair finally flashed golden blonde and his eyes remained aqua green. All three of them stopped shielding themselves with the exception Pan was protecting her daughter too. They all stared at Trunks.

Marron still had one of her hands on Dan's arm. "Dan let's go! We'll get your daughter another day, another way?" Dan looked at Marron then back to Trunks and finally nodded in agreement. He took Marron's hand and walked past Pan, purposely knocking into her shoulder. Trunks held Pan and stared at Dan, calling back to him. "You won't get her!"

Once the two were out of sight he returned back to normal. He looked at Pan. Her eyes all puffy and threatening to rain tears. He looked at Bryanni, she looked tired with tear dampened cheeks. He looked back to Bryanni's mother.

"Pan I..I-" Pan then threw herself onto him, burying her head in chest, tears flooding her eyes and still holding Bryanni. Trunks was a bit shocked by Pan's action. He took Bryanni from her and shifted her to his right side supporting her with his arm. Bryanni held onto him, resting her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. Trunks put his other hand around Pan, pulling her in closer and stroking her back. "Hey…hey, it's gonna be alright Pan. I'm here now, I'm never gonna let Dan get Bryanni." He promised. Pan looked up at the spiked haired saiyajin; her eyes still filled with tears.

"Come on?" he said warmly smiling down at her, resting his arm around her shoulders.

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"So after Australia, I decided to come back home. I'd been travelling for three years." Trunks had been telling Pan about his travelling after she stopped crying. Pan looked at him, then smiled when she looked at her daughter. Bryanni was lay in Trunks lap, one arm around him and her head resting on his chest. She was sleeping so peacefully, her thumb in her mouth from when she had been sucking on it. (A/N: Like toddlers do.) Some strands of her blue hair sprinkled over her face. Trunks looked down to the sleeping beauty; he smiled then looked back to Pan. She remained to look at her daughter.

"Do you want to move her?" He asked softly looking down at the toddler again and sweeping the strands of hair out of her face.

"No, she looks so peaceful there." Pan looked up at him. "Unless you need to move her?"

He looked up at Pan." Nah, she's fine there."

Pan smiled, resting back against the tree they were sat under. She closed her eyes taking a deep breathe in and then exhaling it out.

Trunks looked down at her a serious expression on his face. "I missed you Pan when I was away."

Pan opened her eyes immediately and stared at him. " And everyone else?" She laughed, wondering what he meant. Trunks laughed too.

"Well yeah." He was covering up. He liked pan and now he thought that she obviously didn't feel the same way about him. They both stopped laughing and looked at the ground, not quite sure what to say. Pan didn't like the awkward silence anymore than Trunks did.

"Pan I-" Trunks finally spoke but at the same time so did Pan.

"Trunks can I-" She started. They both laughed. "You go first?" Pan insisted.

"No way you spoke first, plus ladies first." Trunks told her with a soft smile.

"Okay if you insist." Pan smiled back.

"Well I do." He looked at the twenty-one year old.

She looked at the ground again. She paused before finally speaking up. "Trunks, did you mean what you said? About not letting Dan get Bryanni?" She slowly looked up at him, her eyes looking into his.

Trunks expression changed to a serious but soft expression. He took hold of Pan's hand in his. "I meant it Pan. I'll protect you and Bryanni. No one's going to separate and hurt you two. Not while I'm here."

Pan looked at their hands held together. "But what about when you leave again?"

"Pan." He let go of her hand and gently tilted her chin up, so she was looking at him. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here and I'm going to protect you always." He lowered his face to hers.

Pan looked into his eyes. "Trunks?" She whispered, closing her eyes, moving her face closer to his. He too closed his eyes, moving his face closer, until his lips were brushing hers.

"Hey Pan!" Goku called, walking towards the three.

Pan and Trunks immediately pulled away. Goku was now stood before them.

Pan smiled nervously at her grandpa. "Yeah grandpa?"

Goku looked from Pan to Trunks and then Bryanni sleeping on Trunks. He smiled at the sleeping Bryanni, the returned his attention back to Pan. "We're leaving now."

"Okay." Pan got up taking Bryanni from Trunks. Bryanni woke up for a minute but soon fell asleep again on her mother's shoulder. Pan supported her with both arms. Trunks got up and stretched with a yawn.

"Good to see you again Trunks." Goku smiled at the Briefs boy, then spoke to his granddaughter. "You coming?"

"I'll be there in a sec grandpa." He nodded and walked back to the building.

Pan looked at Trunks." Thanks for…well about tonight."

He looked down at her. "No problem."

"Well see ya then." She turned and started walking to the building.

He watched her; he hesitated and then called to her. "Pan?"

She stopped and turned around." Yeah?"

Trunks jammed his hands into his pockets and looked at the ground, slightly nervous. "Could I call you sometime?" He slowly looked up at her to see Pan smiling. He too smiled. "Ya know since I'm protecting you?"

"Sure." Pan was still smiling.

Trunks smiled very happy with himself. "I will….I mean…cool……that's cool!" He shut up; realizing he was stuttering his cheeks turned a red shade then.

Pan laughed. "Bye Trunks." She then carried on walking to the dome shaped building and disappearing into it. Trunks watched her before he spun around happily; he then leant against the tree. He ran his hand through his spiky hair, smiling happily to himself.

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Ooooo so it was Dan behind her! Will he get Bryanni another day, another way? Or will Trunks be there to stop him? And will Pan and Trunks get together after the kiss nearly shared? Well tune in next time on "An Awaited Love'

Goten: Claire what are you doing?

I guess I got a little carried away!

Trunks: I'd say!

Shut up you two! *glares at them * Well I've updated another chapter so til next time
