Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Annual Villain Bikini Contest ❯ You've Got Mail ^.~ ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Annual Villain Bikini Contest

Disclaimer: I own plot idea but not DBZ .... *goes back to drawing blueprints of kidnapping DBZ characters again*

Summary: Aha! Thought I was only bluffing about the Annual Villain Bikini Contest, eh? *pokes readers* well I wasn't! ^_^ Prepare to be weirded out by villains in bikinis, cat-fighting over a title. ^^;;

(A thanks to the five reviewers who reviewed the prologue! I wuv you! ^-^ meaning: Android18, EmergencyAngel, Zurri, Deathstorm and Morningstar.)


*At the S.U.W.L. movie theater, we find Marron, Bunni, Android T, Goten and Trunks sitting in movie seats, with a mountain high of snacks surrounding them (i.e. Trunks and Goten)*

Bunni:^-^ Here we are for chapter two!

Trunks:*yawns* I'm getting bored. It took FOREVER for this to come.

Bunni:*bonks him* Be quiet! It took a long time to film all thise. O.o;;

Android T: Yeah..*quietly mutters while slugging him* Woman-stealer.

Trunks:O.o;; *rubs places where he was hit*

Goten: Now Bunni? *hand wavers over button*

Bunni:^_^ Yup!

*Lights fade out as the screen glows and black letters come on*

The Annual Villain Bikini Contest
Chapter One- OOH! I got mail! ^_^

*We find the Ginyu force in their apartment as they are currently practicing for a cheerleading contest so they can beat the Satan City's snobby cheerleaders.*

Froggo (whose real name is unimportant to the author): YEAH! How dare they challenge the Ginyu Force!

Jeice: *snorts* Those brats think they're "all that" *waves fist in the air* I'll show that Heather who flips the hair in this one-cheerleadin' town! *flips his hair over his shoulder* besides I do it better..^_^

Ginyu: *doing yoga* Yeah, besides that, I think they're fat..

Racoom:*nods and laughs in that dumb laugh of his* That Stephanie is ESPECIALLY chubby.

*Ginyu Force all laugh*

Computer:*chirps* You've got mail!

Ginyu:*runs over* I'VE GOT MAIL! YAY! *big grin*

Jeice:^-^ It's probably from a female admirer of mine, mates. *sly grin*

Froggo: You wish! It's probably for ME! *clicks email button*

*Bunni's face takes up the screen as she smiles at them*

Racoom: AAAAAH! It's a virus! KILL IT! *whacks computer which miraculously withstands the clumsy oaf's strength*

Bunni:"Dear Ginyu Force,

By now your wondering how did she get our email? Well, I won't reveal my sources, but whatever you do, don't delete this email, FROGGO!."

Froggo:*snaps fingers and looks down in disappointment as he pulls away his hand from the 'delete' button* damn..

Bunni:..Ahem, this is an official invitation to the Annual Villain Bikini Contest held daily in my Secret Underground Writing Lab-" *interrupted*

Jeice: WHAT?! We're NOT going down THERE again! There's not a snowball's chance in HFIL I'm gonna go back there...again..

Bunni:*stops* "And if Jeice says anything like "We're not going down in my S.U.W.L.," you'll be personally disqaulified from the Annual Villain Bikini Contest, and you'll be forced to watch Barney videos again! *gets out bonking stick*"

Ginyu Force:*all glare at Jeice*

Jeice:*pales*..um.. did I say 'not go down there again?' I mean I would LOOOVE to go down there again! ^-^ The S.U.W.L is like my second home! ^_^ *laughs nervously*

Bunni:*grin* "Anyway if your interested all you have to do is arrive *jackhammers outside the apartment prevent the readers from hearing what is next* and then you arrive back to the S.U.W.L. Be sure to be there by 10:00 A.M. sharp otherwise the doors will close automatically. Be sure to pack for several days, and bring any extra friends if you want. ^-^ And who knows, maybe you'll be crowned, "Mr. Best Evil Villain in a Bikini of the Year"? Until later, ja! *Bunni's picture bleeps out*

Ginyu Force:*all look at each other and yell* WAHOO! We're gonna be in the Annual Villain Bikini Contest! ^_^

Jeice: Oh! Oh! I haveta pack! *gets out suitcase*

Froggo: O.o;; I need to excercise! I'm flabby in the middle! *does some situps*

Ginyu: *rushes around yelling* I have to get a personality and quick!

Racoom:-_-;; I just wish I had more time to prepare.. oh well *runs around aimlessly, every now and then contemplating on life*

Big Purpley Guy (who the author also forgot his name yet is very unimportant): Er...*sits down and meditates* I need to find inner peace so I can win! ^-^ I'm gonna win, win, win *chants to himself*



*At Veggie and Bulma-chan's bedroom*

Bulma:*tosses clothes around as she gets ready*

Vegeta:*grumbles as he walks in* Stupid onna and her fancy dinner parties.. *growls* I don't why she goes to them. Some old fart always puts their hands on her ass! *powers up a little* THAT'S MY ASS!

Bulma:*throws a shoe at him* be quiet! ^-^ Their business clients and it's MY ass..

Vegeta:*mutters* a cute ass too..*turns around and begins to walk away*

Computer:*chirps cheerfully* You've got mail!

Vegeta:*has ki-ball pointed at the screen* Mail? o.O;; *smirks* Well I AM a prince so I should have fans *superior look as he clicks the 'email button'* ^_^

*Falls from chair in surprise and shock as Bunni's face appears*

Vegeta: WHAT THE-?! *blinks at Bunni* Isn't she the rabbit-eared onna stalker that kidnapped me and the damn DBZ crew? *growls and has ki ball pointed at the computer at a second time and about to blow it but stops as Bunni speaks*

Bunni: "Yo, Bunni here. This is for Prince Vegeta, the Saiyajin no Ouji, who is the best in the whole wide world. ^-^ Hiya there! This is an official invitation for *dramatic drum roll* the Annual Villain Bikini Contest. *Vegeta smirks* Be sure to go to *Bulma starts blowdryer preventing readers from hearing once again* and you're there. ^-^ Arrive at 10:00 A.M. sharp 'cause the doors lock up afterwards. ^-^ You may bring any Bikini you desire and be sure to pack up for about several days. And you may also bring your family, or i.e. friends. *coughcoughDBZcrewcoughcough* Sorry, frog in my throat. Hope to to see ya soon! Later! And who knows, maybe you'll be the one crowned "Mr. Best Evil Villain in a Bikini of the Year" chosen above from the others, the creme of the evil crop! *electronic video clip ends*

Vegeta:*evil smirk* Hmm..*calls to Bulma* Onna, we're going on a trip! *chuckles as he goes to train some more and prepare for the bikini contest*


*We see the Ice-jin family sitting down having a nice friendly poker game with lots of cigar smoke and betting chips*

Zarbon: *coughs a little as he strains to see through the fog of smoke* Um.. I think I'm gonna say, "go fish" on this..*puts card down, still straining to see*

(yes, we know he isn't Ice-jin, but hey he's real close to Frieza! -_-;; umm not in that way hentais!)

Dodoria:*coughs* O..*wheeze* kay, Zar *coughgag* bon..*holds throat, rasping for clean air* *throws in chips* Deal me *wheeze*

Frieza:*coughcough* Father *wheeze* do we *hackcough* really have to to smoke cigars *wheezecough* and have that dreadful smoke in here? *gaghackcough*

King Kold: Be quiet boy! *puffs on cigar and coughs a little* We have to do it like the movies! *coughs*

Frieza:*coughs* Fine, *wheezecough* but we should really *hackcoughgag* think about our health here. *coughwheezecough* I mean look at Cooler!

Cooler:*passed out from too much inhalation of smoke* X.X

Zarbon and Frieza:*begins to slowly loose conscious*

Computer:*chirps* You have mail!

Frieza:*jerks awake* Mail? *giddily laughs* WEE! Email! *runs slowly, wheezing from all the smoke* *hackcoughgag* damn smoke..*wheeze*

King Kold:*wheezes also as he puts out his cigar*

Dodoria:*pushes red button on the poker table and fans come out of nowhere and blow the smoke away* *takes breath of clean air* Ah... refreshing ^_^

Zarbon:*beats chest* I feel like a million bucks!

King Kold: *laughs*

Zarbon: What's so funny?

King Kold: Well it's just that you do look alot like dollar bills. ^^

Zarbon:-.- very funny.. make fun of the green guy, why don't you!

King Kold: Hey thanks, I think I will. ^-^ *pokes Zarbon*

Frieza: Sorry to intrude on your lover's tiff *both males scoff at that* but we got mail! ^_^

Dodoria:*drags Cooler* Really? Is it from our therapist that thinks we need serious meds or from that bitch with rabbit ears that keeps stalking us?

Frieza:*clicks email button and Bunni's face appears* It's the bitch.

Dodoria: WEEEE! *pushes Frieza aside* I've been flaming her for weeks. ^_^ It's about time she responded.

Frieza:*on the floor* How dare you knock me down! I should kill you for that!

Dodoria:*rubs back of head and sheepishly smiles* Er, sorry Lord Frieza..*is knocked to the floor*

King Kold:*pushes the pink blob aside* Grr. what does she want? And is this another threat?!

Zarbon:*pushes King Kold to the side* Probably some sick joke.

*Dodoria lands on Frieza and King Kold lands on Dodoria*

Bunni:*begins to speak* Dear Ice-jin Residence,

By now you're either wondering if this is a threat to stop flaming me *glares* or if this is some sort of sick joke. Well it's neither. This is an official invitation to participate in the Annual Villain Bikini Contest! ^-^ Yes, the Annual Villain Bikini Contest..


Bunni: Be sure to pack for at least several days, blah blah blah, all that stuff. You know the way to the S.U.W.L Just go right at *fans overpower the hearing of the readers* and then your there. ^_^ Be sure to arrive at 10:00 A.M. sharp, otherwise the doors will lock automatically and you'll have to wait til' next year for the contest. ^-^ And hey, even you might be crowned, "Mr. Best Evil Villain in a Bikini of the Year". So until later. Bye! *picture bleeps out*


King Kold:*gets up and brushes dirt off him and looks around* Where's Frieza?

Dodoria:*shrugs as he is still on the floor*

Frieza:*muffled, "Ow..."*

Zarbon: Dodoria! *pulls Dodoria off*


Frieza:*flattened..* *strained whisper* Tha...nk...you....Zar...bon..*passes out* X.X

Everyone:*blinks then turns to glare at Dodoria*

Dodoria:*nervous laugh*.. so.. what do we do now?

King Kold: Are you retarded or something? O.o;; DUH! Get ready for the contest that's what! *runs off to pack as well*

Cooler:*still passed out* X.X

Zarbon:*superior smile* Well since I'm gonna win, 'cause I'm hot, I might as well get ready! ^-^ *grabs Frieza and drags him as he walks off to look at himself in a mirror* Come Lord Frieza. We must prepare!


Dodoria:*looks around and sees everyone gone except him and Cooler* Well, Cooler buddy, it's just me and you. Wanna go pack?


Dodoria: ^_^ Thought so! *drags Cooler by the tail* *hums, "We are the champions"* Do do do, we are the champions, we are the champions.. of the world! ^__^

Cooler: X.X


*At Dr. Gero's Lab*

Dr. Gero:*watches T.V.* NOOOO!! *cries into hankerchief* Bambi's mommy.. died... noo! *with teary eyes as he shakes his fist at the ceiling* Damn you hunters! *walks off to invent something to kill off the hunters* O.O I'm gonna show them not to mess with deer anymore. *diabolical laughter*

Cell: O.o;; Weird man.. that is just freaky.. *rolls eyes as he trains*

17:*keeping his distance from his roomates* *talks to the air* Why? Why did I have to agree to room up with these freaks?

Cell: 'Cause you were homeless and hungry..

17: Who asked you, you sorry-excuse for a grasshopper?

Cell:*growls* How dare you! I'm perfect! O.o;; more than I can say for you. Your just a tin man!

17:*gets up* Why you green- *is cut off by computer*

Computer:*sensual female voice* Hey, babe, you've got mail, hotlips! ^_~

Everyone:*blinks and rushes over*

17: It's probably for me, ^-^

Cell: You wish! *rolls eyes* It's for me, no doubt. ^_^ What can I say? I'm perfect.

17: *getting annoyed* Will you cut it out with that 'perfect' crap?

Dr. Gero: *ignores them and clicks 'email' button*

*Bunni's picture pops up*

Everyone:*screams* AAAAAH!!

Cell: Isn't she the scary rabbit person that kept us locked up in that secret underground writing lab of hers?!

17:*grabs unto Dr. Gero* I'm scared..

Dr. Gero:*gulps* O.o;; she's an evil genius.. even more evil than me..

Cell and 17:*shudders*

Bunni:*cheerfully smiles* Dear Um.. *looks down at card in her hand* Dr. Gero and company,

By now your probably screaming your head off or wet your pants..

Everyone:*looks at Cell and moves away from him*

Cell:*grimaces* What? Seeing her was scary! o.O;;

17: I was scared too, but at least I didn't wet myself.. and you call yourself perfect *scoffs*

Cell:*thinks about blasting him* humph.. whatever.. Just watch your back android..

17: O.O

Bunni: Well, I'm just here to invite you to *dramatic drum roll* to the Annual Villain Bikini Contest! ^-^

Everyone:*wide eyes*

Bunni: Yes, yes big shock. Anyway if you do decide to participate, go to *sounds of the T.V. prevent listener from hearing* and be sure to arrive at 10:00 A.M. sharp tomorrow, 'cause the doors lock automatically afterwards, and I know you guys don't want to wait all year for the next contest. ^-^ If you want, invite friends and er.... pack for like several days. ^-^ And who knows, maybe even YOU can be crowned "Mr. Best Evil Villain in a Bikini of the Year". So until later. *picture bleeps out*

17: Well that was.. interesting..

Cell: *grin* I'm so gonna win this contest! Afterall I am-

17: Perfect. Yeah, we know O.O

Cell:*annoyed with him* I should asorb you, but *looks at clock* I have to get my beauty sleep. Not that I need it, afterall I am-

17: Perfect. What-ever. *rolls eyes and goes to pack* Just to let you know, I'M gonna win, not some mutant grasshopper that thinks he's Kami's gift to the world..

Cell:*narrows eyes* Stupid android. When I am crowned, "Mr. Best Evil Villain in a Bikini of the Year" I shall asorb him and that little dog of his..*evil cackle imitates Wicked Witch of the West*..wait.. O.o;; 17 doesn't have a little dog...*shrugs and walks off* I guess I'll have to make due. *skips as he hums*


*At the Evil Saiyajin Residence, we find our favorite evil Saiyajins in the living room. Turles at the table, Raditz on a random chair, and Nappa in front of the T.V., lounging on the couch.*

Nappa:*zoned out as he stares at the T.V. screen* ...*a bit of drool comes out of his mouth*..

Raditz:*growls as he plays paddleball* Damn ball! Get on the paddle, will you?!

Turles:*watches a fly zoom around him*..Kami, I'm bored. O.o;; *blasts fly* Bwahahaha..^-^ take that..

Fly:*squeaky voice as it crashes to the floor* May day! May day! AAAHH! *crashes to the floor*

Turles: O.o;; Weird..^__^ But I feel stronger because of that!

Raditz:*still trying to play paddleball* ERGH! Damn Chikyuujin game! *incinerates paddle and ball*.. *stops* Great.. now I'm bored again. O.o;;

Nappa:*growls as commercial comes on* Damn commercials! *blasts T.V.*

T.V.:*sparks fizz out of the broken screen*..

Nappa: AAAAAAH! What did I do?! *hugs T.V.* I'm sorry! Come back! *sniffles*

T.V.:*stops making noise but sparks still come out*..

Raditz:*puts hand on Nappa's shoulder*..Nappa... it's dead. Let it go.

Nappa:*cries and crumbles to the floor hugging the T.V.* It was my only love..


Raditz:*pats Nappa on the back* It's ok, buddy, let it all out.

Nappa:*sobs on Raditz's shoulder* My only love... gone forever..

Turles: That's kind of sad..

Computer:*on desk on the other side of the room* *deep male electronic voice* You've got mail, Masters.

Nappa:*stops crying aruptly* Mail? ^__^

Raditz and Turlis:*run over* OOH! We've got mail! ^-^

Turles:*pushes Raditz to the ground and clicks 'email' button*

Raditz:*pushes Turlis a little so he can see*

*Bunni's face appears*


Nappa: AAAAAHHHH!! IT'S THE ANTICHIRST! *runs around*

Turles:*eye twitches* How the hell did she get our email address?

Raditz:*bites fingernails nervously* What does that rabbit-eared stalker want from us?!

Bunni: Dear Evil Saiyajins and Company,

Hi there! *cheerfully smiles* Long time no see, guys. *winks and playfully growls*

Turles: O.o;;

Raditz: O.O

Nappa:*still running around yelling*

Bunni:*continues talking* Well I'm not here to pick up dates with Turlis *winks again* even though I missed you all *says in cute voice* so so very much, I have come to *dramatic drum roll and she glares off screen* KNOCK THAT OFF! *throws a shoe offscreen and drums stop*

Everyone: O.O

Bunni:*coughs* Anyway, you, yes you *points at screen* are invited to The Annual Villain Bikini Contest!

Everyone: O.O

Bunni:*big cheesy grin* Be sure to arrive at *Nappa's yelling prevents the readers from hearing* and your there. ^__^ Pack for around a week, you can bring friends and family O.o;; whichever, and by the way, unlike the other villains, YOU ARE TO COME!..otherwise you'll be forced to watch Barney videos..


Bunni:^__^ And don't forget to come by the S.U.W.L. doors by 10:00 A.M. otherwise the doors will lock automatically. So until then, later my hotties. *winks again and her picture bleeps out*


Raditz: Well that was certainly something.

Turles:*snaps out of it* Should we go?

Nappa:*thinks* Yeah we should. Afterall ^___^ I wanna win.

Raditz: O.o;; *thinks also*.. I wonder who else is gonna be there?

Turles: Duh! *rolls eyes* Villains of course. The Annual Villain contest. What do you think?

Raditz:*rubs back of head* Eh.. ^_^;; Sorry I lost my head there.

Nappa: Yeah, you were acting like Kakarott!

Raditz and Turles:*shudders*

Turles: It's bad enough we're related to the goody-goody-good traitor but I LOOK like him, and am his EVVVVVVIIIIIIIL twin, twin, twin!*echos*


Raditz: O.o;; Uhhhhh...... So....what do we do now?

Nappa:...um...*sweatdrop* Watch the Sailor Moon marathon upstairs and pig out on junk food?

Turles&Raditz:*shrug* Ok. *go off to pig out on junk food and look at girls in mini-skirts and forget about the contest until the last minute* O.o;;

*they all walk out*

*Brolli walks in and looks around*

Brolli:..where the heck is everyone? O.o;; I'm all alone!..*crickets chirp as he looks around again*


Brolli: WAHOO!!! *runs around, trashing the place* Free of those idiots! ^___^ *blasts the walls down and screeches like a monkey*


*At Underground Volcano, we find Emperor Pilaf and his minions at a long table. Pilaf is wearing his usual outfit except with a dorky pointy birthday cone strapped on his head. Mai and Chou are dressed as clowns with birthday hats on as well.*

Pilaf:*yells at Mai and Chou* YOU BUMBLING IDIOTS! I said custard, not mustard! *throws a forks and spoons at them* Now my birthday cake is ruined! *points to badly put together cake with mustard leaking out*

Chou: Well Sire, it was an easy mistake to make! *screams as a fork stabs itself into his forehead* *runs around waving his hands* THE AGONY!!!! AAAAHHH!!

Mai:*winces* ouch..

Pilaf: *mutters* Well he deserved it for being such nimrod..

Lagre Database Computer: *monotone voice* You got mail, Emperor Pilaf, Future Ruler of the Entire Enslaved World.

Pilaf: MAIL?

Mai: Mail?


Pilaf: ^_^ *runs over and takes out his small stool and sits on it* Mai, click the button!

Mai: As you wish, Sire. *clicks button*

*Bunni's face appears*

Pilaf: Who the hell is she?

Mai:..? I don't know, Sire.

Bunni:*grins* Dear Emperor Pilaf,

You may not know who I am, but I know who you are..

Everyone: O.O...

Mai: That's kinda creepy..

Bunni: ^___^ Anywho, my name is Bunni, I'm a big fan of yours *waves* and I have come to invite you to a once-in-a-lifetime experience...*drumroll is heard* *narrows eyes and glares offscreen* Damn authors.. O.o;;

Everyone: O.O...

Bunni: I am to invite you to....*more drumroll* The Annual Villain Bikini Contest! *sprays confetti around*

Everyone: O.O...

Pilaf: The what?

Mai: I think she said, "Annual Villain Bikini Contest"..

Pilaf: Oh...

Bunni: ^__^ *puts away confetti* If you choose to participate, please go to *sounds of Chou's yelling block the reader's from hearing properly* and arrive at the S.U.W.L. doors at 10:00 A.M. sharp. Bring several days worth of clothes and feel free to invite your friends and family. O.o;;*says in eerie whisper* Everyone is invited...

Everyone: O.O...

Pilaf: I don't know why but I'm scared of her..

Mai: Me too, Sire.. me too..

Bunni: So until later, ^-^ Ja my friends! *picture bleeps out*

Mai:*pulls fork out of Chou's head*

Pilaf: ^_^ Did you hear that? She called us friends! And I have a fan!

Chou:*stops screaming and mutters* wow..what a surprise..

Pilaf:*gets out another fork and throws it Chou* Shut up!

Chou:*screams in agony as the fork implants itself in his forehead..again* AAAAAAAH!!! THE PAIN!!! THE PAIN!!! *runs around again*

Pilaf: Now to go to the pinata..*runs off with Mai* ^_^


*At Mountain Retreat, we find the Buu Family settling in for a nice dinner outdoors*

Fat Buu: DAMN MOSQUITOS! *swats around his face*

Kid Buu:*picks at his food* Aww... do I really have to eat this crap?

Mama Buu:*hits him with a spoon* Quiet and eat!

Kid Buu:*watches as his burrito crawls off his plastic plate* But-

Mama Buu:*hits him with a spoon again* Shut up, brat and eat it!

Kid Buu:*watches curiously as his burrito starts tap dancing* Ok, I'll eat it after he finishes his act. ^___^ I'm enjoying this. *starts drumming with his fork and spoon so that music comes out for his burrito* Go Burrito, go burrito, it's yo birthday, it's yo birthday! ^__^

Buu Family:*sweatdrop*

Pa Buu: I am slightly frightened for that boy's future..

Mama:*shakes head sadly* Yes..

Fat Buu: O.o;;*preoccupied with mosquitos* DAMN YOU ALL!

Nerdy Buu:*busy playing with on his laptop* O.O Why did Kami curse me with such a backward family?

Lil' Buu:*molds her mashed potatoes with her feet* Aha! The leaning tower of pizza! ^-^

Nerdy Buu:*rolls eyes*

Laptop:*Jamiacan accent* Yo mon, tis some email for you mon. ^_^

Nerdy Buu:*blinks* Email?

Kid Buu:*claps* wahoo! We got email AND Burrito has finished his tap dancing..*watches as his burrito does the Swedish impersonation* HAHAHA!! *rolls over laughing* Those Sweds are stupid! ^__________^

Fat Buu:*gets out a can of "Spray-Away Pest!" and kills the mosquitos* WAHOO! ^_^ *big grin* Free at last!

Buu Family:*sweatdrop*..

Pa Buu: I sometimes worry about those boys..

Nerdy Buu: Hey the email's for all of us! ^______^

Fat Buu:*screams as he runs away from mosquitos* THEY'RE RETALLIATING! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! RUN AWAY!!!

*Everyone ignores him and crowd around the laptop*

Nerdy Buu:*clicks 'email' button*

*Bunni's face pops up*


Buu Family:*scream bloody murder* AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

Ma Buu: Kill it, Pa!

Pa Buu:*gets out shotgun and fires at screen*

*bullet is blocked by invisible force field*

Nerdy Buu: O.o I don't remember installing that feature..

Pa Buu:*blinks* It's accursed by the devil..

Ma Buu:*grabs unto Pa Buu* Hold me Pa.

Pa Buu: It's alright, Ma. *holds her* We're safe as long as we do the daily prayers of yonder Bible.

Kid Buu: O.o;; since when the Hell were we religious....?

Buu Family:...*silent*...

Bunni:*finally speaks* Dear Fat Buu and Kid Buu,

^____^ Hey there y'all! It's me, Bunni. *leans in* Didya miss me?

Buu Family: O.o...

Kid Buu: Hell no.

Bunni:*assumes that they said yes* Good, 'cause I missed ya too! ^-^ anyway no time for pleasantries. I have come to invite you to the Annual Villain Bikini Contest!

Pa Buu: The what?

Kid Buu: I think she said, "Villain Bikini Contest"...

Pa Buu: Those bikini's are the devil! *growls and attempts to shoot laptop again*

Computer: I wouldn't do tat, mon.

Pa Buu:*sputters* What the-?

Nerdy Buu:...O.o;; It never did that before either..

Bunni:*continues on* Anyway as you are all shocked I assume. As well you have all reason to be. ^_^ Come at 10:00 A.M. Sharp and the directions to my S.U.W.L. are *Fat Buu's yelling prevents the readers from hearing the direct location* and you're there! ^_~ Invite your friends and family to the event, everyone is welcome! ^_______^ *big grin* So until then, guys, later! *picture bleeps out*

Buu Family: *blink*...

Kid Buu: Well that was special. ^-^ *looks back to his plate*...hey.. where's my Burrito?

Fat Buu:*swats the mosquitos with the burrito* Take that you demon flies!

Kid Buu:*slow motion* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs over to burrito, and holds it to his chest* *sniff* I never even got a chance to *sobsniff* eat it! *weeps* And now it's too mutiliated to even lick at!

Pa Buu:*shakes head* He always was the weird one in the family..

Cletus Buu: Pa, pass the potatoes, will ya?

Pa Buu:*throws mashed potatoes at him* There ya go, Cletus.

Cletus Buu: ^__^ *with mashed potatoes hanging off half of his face and grins at Pa Buu* Thanks Pa!

Kid Buu:*stands over burial ground for his burrito*... *throws salsa over the dirt* we hardly knew ye, Burrito..

Fat Buu:*crawls back to table, face half eaten*...*sighs heavily* Pa... I'm hungry for some ducks..

Pa Buu:*shoots gun into the sky and ducks fall down on the table* There you go, boy.

Fat Buu:O.o... Whatever happened to calling people in the yellow books for food?


Trunks: O.O. That...was...scary..

Bunni:^__^*wearing 3-D glasses and looks at him with a tub of popcorn in her hands* Really?

Trunks: Yes.

Android T: For once I agree with the hybrid.

Trunks: *glares* Shut up Metal-Bot Me 2005.

Android T:*growls and takes out his eight-foot long ax*Now you did it, Woman-Stealer. Let's get it on.

Trunks: Oh! *sneers* It's already on! *gets out sword*

Bunni:*bonks them both* Be quiet! I need someone to do the "TBC" thingie. Marron did it last time. So who's it gonna be?

Goten:*mouth full of junk food* I'b bo it. "I'll do it." *swallows* Ahem *girly valley-girl voice* Like, Oh my gosh, what's going to happen, like now? O.o;; Bunni like sent the emails and invitations but like what's going to happen next? Like oh my gosh! I'm so excited! Tune in, like, for, like, the next chapter, "Chapter Two: Let Me Drive! WEE!!! *people scream*" ^-^ *twirls hair* Like, Ya know? *gets in his normal voice* That good enough?

Everyone except Marron: O.O...

Marron:*squirts ketchup all over her hotdog* Yup, Goten! ^__^ It was great.


Give the poor, insecure rabbit a review...she needs it more than you! ^-^;; Hey that rhymed!