Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Blame ❯ Drabble ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

By Kricket

“It was Gohan.”

“He’s studying.”

“It was Rodger.”

A distressed Goten thrust his scruffy teddy bear at his mother, averting his gaze shiftily.

“Are you sure he broke the cookie jar?”

“Yes, Mom.”

Chi-Chi took the teddy by an ear, gazing down at it bleakly. “Then Rodger’ll just have to clean up the mess.”

Goten nodded vigorously, and disappeared behind the kitchen door.

Half an hour later, a sullen Goten trudged into the living room.


“Yes?” Chi-Chi peered at him over her magazine with a droll stare.

“I did it.”

“I know.”

“Can I have Rodger back now?”
