Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bra and Goten ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: The usual....

It was nighttime when Goten arrived at capsule corps. to confront Bra, he didn't even go home to freshen up. He knew that he has no time to waste, if he's going to confess his feelings it has to be now before he loses his courage. He went to the garden because that's where he felt Bras' ki. He saw her sitting on a bench looking up just staring at the stars. She looks so beautiful; her hair was bound in a single braid and she wore a white nightgown that showed her figure. He had to be blind not to have seen how magnificent she was. She suddenly stood up and started walking away. He stepped from the shadow of the trees and called out to her.

"Bra" Goten said softly.

She froze in mid-stride as she turned slowly towards him, her eyes seeking him in the dark. When she found Goten her eyes widened as if she did not believe what she saw. There was an awkward silence as she continued to stare at him. She has no idea what to think of his sudden appearance at their house at this time of night.

"Goten, what are you doing here?" she asked him incredulously.

Goten had planned what he would say and how he would say it but at that moment he could not remember a thing. He glanced nervously around him trying to think of what to tell Bra. But for the life of him no thought came to mind.

"I Love You," he suddenly blurted out. He didn't mean to declare it like that but it just came out. He saw as her eyes widen and her lips part in shock and then she turned around and walked away from him. "Bra, wait" he said as he started to follow her.

Bra ignored Goten and just tried to walk as far away from him as she could. She could not believe what she just heard. She has been waiting all her life to hear that from him. But now that he has she doesn't know what to do. She is getting married in two days and here is Goten saying that he loves her. She hated him for saying the one thing she has prayed for to hear at this point in time when it was already too late. Suddenly he reached for her and tried to stop her from walking away.

"Bra, would you please listen to me?" Goten pleaded with her.
"No" she said while shaking her head.
" I have fallen in love with you hopelessly and completely and I have came here to ask you, no to beg you..." he stopped when he felt Bra jerked away from him.
"No!" she repeated starting to walk away again.
"Daphne and I had broken up and I know you have feelings for me but I was just too blind to notice It.," he said bluntly and that finally got her attention as she turned to face him.
"I'm sorry to hear that your relationship has ended, but that has nothing to do with me," she said coldly.
"Listen Bra, all my relationships didn't work because deep down I've always wanted you. Maybe I was waiting for you to grow up, heck, I don't know. But now I'm certain that I love you like I've never loved anyone in my life. I want to be with you forever and I don't think I can live without you." he said desperately.
"I don't know what you think you would accomplish by coming here but I'm getting married in two days and there is nothing you can do about it!" she shouted.
"Have you heard a word I've said?!!" Goten roared angrily at her.
"Oh I heard you, but what do you expect me to do?! Jump for joy that you've finally realized your feelings and abandon the man who has shown me nothing but his love and kindness!" Bra yelled, "I can't help but wonder why...why now when it's already too late..." she whimpered.

Goten felt so frustrated that she would not listen to him. He didn't know what else to say to let her know how he feels. He suddenly grabbed her shoulders and kissed her hard on the lips with all the love and passion that he felt for her. She stood still at first too shocked by what happened and then she finds herself surrendering to the kiss with the same intensity as Goten. He deepened the kiss when he felt her respond to him. Love and desire that she thought were long gone swept through her, until her thoughts clouded her passion. Images of Matt went through her mind as she became aware of what she was doing. Guilt washed away her ardor as she broke the kiss.

"You shouldn't have came here," she whispered.
"Bra..." he rasped in her ear.
"No...I can't be with you Goten, you have to leave," she said while stepping away from him.
"Bra please don't do this," he said trying to reach for her again.
"I can't...I'm sorry...I...I can't" she sobbed turning away from him.

She started running out of the garden as she made her way to the house. She heard Goten call out to her but she ignored him. Tears blinded her by the time she reached her room. She paced around the room trying to control her emotions. She is so distress she didn't know weather to laugh or cry. Forgetting him was the hardest thing she ever did in her life and to hear him say that he loves her now was so devastating. Why does he have to come here and make a mess of everything? No, there is no mess, she reminded herself, she is getting married in two days and that was that. But how can she marry Matt when she can still feel her lips tingle with Gotens' kiss? She felt so guilty just thinking about what she did, Matt doesn't deserve to be treated that way. She was wrong to assume that she finally got rid of her feelings for Goten, because when she heard his declaration of love she felt all her resolve going down the drain. She is so confused and she doesn't know what to do. She threw herself at her bed and cried her heart out.

Goten hardly slept last night after talking to Bra. He is feeling desperate at the moment. He must have called her about ten times all afternoon but she still wouldn't speak to him. He even tried to ask Trunks for help to convince Bra to listen to what he has to say but she still refused to talk to him. He has to face the possibility that he had lost. He hated to admit it but it seems that Bra really felt some sort of affection for Matt. Did that mean that she doesn't love him anymore? But after the way she responded to his kiss last night he wasn't so sure. He decided he would try one last time, if she didn't give him some sign that there was hope he would give up. If she was truly happy to be with Matt, he has no other choice but to let her go no mater how painful it is for him. Goten flew in the direction of Capsule Corps. He was about to land when he saw two figures hugging each other. He went closer to catch a glimpse of whom it was but what he saw broke his heart. It was Bra and Matt, embracing each other like there was no tomorrow. He couldn't stand the sight in front of him any longer so he turn to leave. He flew around aimlessly trying to control the rage inside of him that he knew he has no right to feel. He had recognized the truth the moment he saw them together. That Bra is going to marry Matt and not him. He has to deal with that fact somehow and accept it.

Goten wanted to let his parents know that he was back plus he really didn't want to be alone right now so he decided to go visit his parents. He landed near the house and seeing the front door open he walks in. Chichi is cooking dinner and Goku is doing sit-ups while waiting for the food. They both look up when they saw him enter the house.

"Goten, what are you doing here? I thought you have a conference or something." Goku asked his son.
"Well yeah I did but it finished sooner than I expected" Goten lied not saying the true reason he was back early.
"Have you eaten already? Why don't you stay for dinner? " Chichi asked.
"Not yet, but I'm really not that hungry" Goten replied
"Are you okay dear? You're not sick are you?" Chichi asked worriedly and went over to his son to check his temperature.
"I'm in good health mom, don't worry," he answered smiling at his mother.
"I think this is the first time I've heard you say that. I never knew you to pass on your mothers' cooking before. Are you sure you're alright?" His father asked becoming concerned as well.
"Gees, I'm fine really," Goten said laughing quietly becoming amused by their reaction of his refusal to eat. "I'll stay for dinner, okay," he agreed not wanting his parents to fuss over nothing.
"It's good that your meeting finished early," Chichi said changing the subject.
"Why is that?" Goten asked curiously.
"So you could attend Bras' wedding of course," Chichi said looking at Goten strangely. "You did know that she's getting married tomorrow, right?" Chichi asked his son.
"Yeah I heard" Goten said glumly he doesn't want to be reminded of Bra right now "but I'm not going" he mutters.
"What do you mean you're not going? Don't be ridiculous of course you will go. Bra is your friend and you have to be there to show your support." Chichi said in a commanding tone.
"I'm sorry mom but I've decided not to attend. Bra is marrying Matt, not me. It wouldn't make a difference if I go, she would still be his wife whether I am there or not." Goten said his voice turning hard.
"You listen to me young man, I am your mother and you..." Chichi started getting angry with his son when her husband interrupted her.
"That's enough Chichi..." Goku said to his wife. "I think Goten is old enough to make his own decisions. If he doesn't want to attend then don't force him"
"Thanks dad" Goten said giving his dad an appreciative glance. "I think I'll skip dinner," he said staring nervously at his mother who looks like she would like to skin Goku alive.

Goten walked out the door in haste before her mothers' anger exploded. His father rarely stands up to his mother and he is grateful that he did it in his defense. He didn't want to be the cause of his parents fight but he could not bring himself to attend Bras' wedding. There are some things a man can stand and things he could not. And watching Bra get married is an event he does not wish to witness. With that decision in mind he went to the nearest bar he could spot to get so roaring drunk that he wouldn't be able to tell what day it was. And if he was lucky maybe by the time he sobered up Bra was already married and on her way to her honeymoon.