Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ can't com up with a good one ❯ Bulma ( Chapter 1 )

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Bulma's POV - Sweet Revenge

I cried myself to sleep

Waking up with a headache you wouldn't believe

Stomping to the bathroom

Falling over my own feet

Luck's on my side, so it seems

As I reach my destination

I cry out in frustration

Shocked at what I see

My eyes blood shot

My hair a total mess

I just wish I could hide in bed

Suddenly anger fills me

Cursing that bastard to seventh hell and back

How dared this ASS

Making me look weak

The bastard wasn't, isn't or won't ever be worth a goddamned tear

I clean myself up

Ask out his archenemy

Just to get him back for what, that son of a bitch, did to me

He will regret the day he met me

Or Bulma Briefs, my name won't be

© Gruber Martina