Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Destruction ❯ Intro ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Children of Destruction


Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ only Galaxia

`…' = thought

"…" = saying

Pan was 5, Bra 6 and Chi-Chi's newest family member was 5, 6 in a matter of days. Chi-Chi had named her daughter Galaxia. The girl just seemed to fit the name. For some reason she had silver hair which, in the right light, sparkled black. When she was born her hair went down to the small of her back and never seemed to go any further. If it were cut it would simply grow back. But the weirdest thing was that Goku (or Kakarot) had been dead for some time now and she hadn't given herself to anyone else.

The girl had no tail, but had the qualities of a saiya-jin. And she only wore dresses that went to mid thigh (you know those really nice Chinese dresses) and they were always black, blue, or red.

"Mother? Mother, where's Goten?" she asked running into the kitchen. "He should be outside, hunny."

Chi-Chi replied. "Thank you." And she ran out to find her 10-year old brother (I know he's not really 10 when Pan's alive, but this fic needs him to be). "Go-kun? Go-kun, where are you?" she screamed while running to his ki. "Go-kun, Come on you said you would teach me to fly," she whined.

Goten came down from the tree with Trunks behind him (Trunks is 11). "Galaxia, What?" "You promised you'd teach me to fly," she whined then put on a serious face, "and if you don't I'll tell mom," she warned.

Goten mumbled something then sighed. "Fine. At least you know how to fire a ki blast," he commented not at all happy. "It's easy. You basically concentrate your ki like your going to fire at someone. Then instead you use the energy to lift you up by pushing it to your feet and making it propel you up. Got it?" he said.

While he was talking she did as he said. When he stopped she was already floating. "Yep!" she chirped happily. Goten sighed again. "Told you she learns fast," he said to Trunks. "Thanx Go-kun. Bai Bai," she waved and flew off. "Let me guess she can go super saiya-jin," Trunks said sarcastically. "Nope. She's not saiya-jin at all," Goten said like it was no biggy. "I thought I already told you, that." Trunks just stared "How…but…Chi-Chi…and Goku… HOW THE HELL? And don't tell me Chi-Chi did…?" he trailed off. "No mom hasn't seen a guy around the house other then us and Gohan. So don't ask. I don't know." Goten said.

Galaxia sped though the clouds, fast as lightning. `This is so much fun!' she thought. `I think I'll go to Capsule Corp.' with that she sped toward C.C. She could sense that Pan and Bra where already over there (well of course bra, she lives there). They planned to go flying to a kid tournament. It had been sponsored by a rich family. Any one 12 or younger could join and the 3 girls had their harts on winning.

She flew at half speed and arrived in less then a minute at C.C. She knocked on the door and Vegeta answered. Galaxia didn't smile instead she scowled at him making it so she could have been his female twin (only much younger). He let her pass and she ran to Bra's room. Just as she reached the door it opened to reveal Pan and Bra. Galaxia smiled at her friends. "Finally! What, Grandma give you chores?" Pan asked. "No. Goten hesitated to teach me how to fly. Anyway lets get dressed and go before we're late." With that she stepped in the room and closed the door.

"Bra, did your mom fix my outfit?" Galaxia's "gi" was the only thing she owned (or would wear) that wasn't short. It was actually a long black dress that hugged her torso then belled out at the hip and spread onto the floor about 2 inches all around. The sleeves where long with the ends going passed her hand (in other words it went out from the wrist). The V-neck had a beautiful bright blue sapphire, that glowed whenever she powered up (it was more for distracting purposes). The material looked like silk, but was harder then steel and more comfortable then any thing on Earth.

"Yep. She finished it about 2 days ago." She pulled out a black capsule from her pocket and tossed it at Galaxia. "Good now I'm going to go change." She said caching it and going in to the bathroom. "We better get ready to." Bra dug in her drawers and Pan dug in her backpack that she had put on Bra's bed earlier.