Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Danger in the horizon ❯ Hidden power ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 24 - Hidden power (NC 17)

Note: I don't own DBZ

Please note: There are sexual situations in this chapter and if they offend do not read.

Very special thanks to: Kajidragon - without your help and support, this whole story would not have made it this far. And to Mandy, my number one fan, who is also a great source of encouragement when writers block hits!

Thanks also to: Susan (do you ever stop reading?), Jadedbest, EmberMaxximus (it's a great picture!), mizu megami, a wee problem (thanks, I didn't realise I had stuffed up - I had better fix it, pronto!).

# passage taken from "Cross Stitch" By Diana Gabaldon

Vegeta lay on his side carefully studying Bulma as she slept, obviously exhausted from the previous nights activities. Her blue hair was tangled and wet from sweat, her skin still slightly flushed. His tail softly grazed her exposed back, earning a contented little sigh from her lips but not waking her totally. Bulma had surprised him with her stamina, being able to keep up with him. He smiled, a genuine smile. Bulma was worthy of him in every way, as Vegeta knew he was for her. The bonding of their bodies had been extremely pleasurable and had taken his mind away from the dangers that lay ahead, if only for a short time. As Vegeta slowly brushed his hand over the curve of her hips he debated whether to wake Bulma from her slumber so that they could complete the last part of the ritual. It would be painful, more so for her than him.

As he continued to stroke her back with his tail, Bulma stirred and rolled over, pressing her bare breasts against his chest, giving both of their bodies a burst of warmth. "It doesn't matter how much it hurts," she whispered, nuzzling his neck, fully aware of his thoughts.

He did not reply and rose from the bed and stretched his hand out to her. Bulma grasped his hand and Vegeta pulled her up gently, fully aware of her apprehension. Carefully he wrapped a sheet around her, covering her nakedness. Her eyes held his for a second before she knelt on the floor, tension visible in her movements.

"Stay here." He commanded, and entered the bathroom to retrieve the dagger left there some hours ago.

He bent down and picked the dagger from the wet floor, turning in it his large hands, testing the balance and admiring the craftsmanship. It was a worthy weapon to mark him with. Vegeta paused momentarily before leaving the bathroom, slowly replaying Bulma's life events in his mind. Her memories were pure, untainted by the stench of death and betrayal, his own were rotten to the core, a complete opposite of hers. On a strange level however, the mind link served to as a way for them both to strengthen each other.

Even if he did not mark Bulma as his, Nappa and Radditz would be able to detect his scent on her, making it plain that he had claimed her albeit as his unbonded mate. But Vegeta desired to be fully bonded with Bulma, and the full reasons were unknown to him. The only things he knew for certain right now were that she would play an important part in his battle with Freeza and that he never wanted to be apart from her.

Radditz he knew would be angry and broken but utterly unable to do anything about it. Nappa on the other hand, was an entirely different story. Vegeta knew that Nappa had fed him misinformation and propaganda from an early age about bonding. The much older battle worn Saiyan had just wanted to protect his Prince from the torment he himself had gone through for the past twenty or so years. Both of his soldiers would have to accept his decision.

Slowly, Vegeta strode back into the bedroom, to find Bulma in a kneeling position, her long hair swept aside from her neck in preparation for the final part of the ritual of bonding. The low light in the room shone on her half naked body, giving it an ethereal glow, increasing Vegeta's desire to complete the ritual. The link between them was already strong, her mind and body clearly at ease, ready and willing to go through what would be painful to be completely his.

He knelt behind her, caressing her back with his hands, then slowly unfurled his tail and secured it around her slender waist. As his lips brushed the back of her neck, he murmured, "Be strong woman, it will not take long."

Bulma's muscles quivered slightly as she nodded her assent and when the ki beam cut into her soft creamy skin, an involuntary sob of pain escaped from her lips as she felt the sting of her skin being cut and her blood dripping down her spine. Vegeta moved his finger over her neck, cutting the royal emblem of Vegetasei into her, reciting the words of the final part of the ritual of bonding.

# "You are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.

I give you my body, that we Two might be One.

I give you my spirit, till our life shall be Done."

As Vegeta uttered the last word the mark was complete. He pulled Bulma in closer with his tail and licked the blood from her neck, gently sucking on the wound to take the pain away, relishing the taste of her blood. The pain that had been throbbing from the moment Vegeta had started cutting subsided

Bulma was overwhelmed with the feeling from the simple lines that Vegeta had recited, to her more powerful and full of more meaning than the words "I love you" would ever be. She shook as the tears fell from her eyes, cascading down her face and onto the sheet partially covering her body.

"Bear up, now you must complete your part." He gently admonished, releasing her from his grasp and handing the small dagger to her.

Bulma experienced a brief moment of panic as the dagger was pressed firmly into the palm of her right hand. What do I do?

"Vegeta? I, I don't know what mark to give you," she stuttered, clumsily holding the dagger. Vegeta turned his back to her, his muscular neck exposed and ready. "You already know. As you mark me recite the words."

Calmed by his words and taking a deep breath Bulma made the first cut into his neck, guided by the link with Vegeta's mind, slowly tracing out a symbol, foreign and yet strangely familiar to her. She recited the words that Vegeta had spoken; guided by his mind, but the emotions were so overwhelming, Bulma had to compose herself so as not to stumble over them.

Bulma finished on the last word as Vegeta had and let the dagger fall from her now bloody hand. Then, as if on instinct Bulma moved in close to him and gently sucked on his wound, savouring his blood, both salty and sweet to the taste. After several moments, Bulma removed her lips from Vegeta's neck, and eased herself into his waiting arms. He lifted her chin, gazing into her eyes, drowning in the clear blue depths, before possessively moving his mouth over hers, tasting his own blood on her lips, delving into her mind once again.

As Vegeta released Bulma's mouth he murmured to her in a low voice, "Now we are truly one."

"Never to be apart." Bulma replied softly.

________________________________________________________________ _

Radditz woke with a start. His head was pounding and with sleep blurred eyes he took in the scene around him. His armour and clothing had been carelessly thrown to the floor and the air was filled with the musky aroma of sex. He sat up, rubbing his eyes to clear them. Gradually the memories of the previous night came back to him, causing him to smirk in pleasure. Lisa had been just the right person at the right time, assisting him in wiping Bulma from his mind, although for a short time only.


The name burned like a hot coal, searing his mind painfully. Radditz groaned softly, betraying the feelings he still harboured for her, even though she was now most likely Vegeta's. Turning his head to the other side of the massive bed, Radditz noted that Lisa was sound asleep, her tanned and petite body curled in the foetal position with her back to him. He resisted the impulse to rouse her and have his way with her again, because as he remembered the night before he had in an unsubtle way informed Lisa that he was in no way wanting a permanent arrangement and he did not want to confuse the woman. As far as he was concerned, Lisa had served a purpose, nothing more. Silently, he rose and swiftly dressed himself and let himself out the room, making his way back to his own quarters to get cleaned up.

Lisa cracked open her eyes and smiled as he left. "Poor, poor Radditz, she mumbled to herself, He doesn't realise that he has betrayed his Prince yet. Oh, well." The meeting with Zarbon had gone very well. He had been pleased with the information she had relayed to him, and reaffirmed his promise to her. Once Zarbon had completed his little job, she would get what she wanted.

Power and control of Station Delta and Capsule Corporation.

Since she had arrived at the station, Lisa had ingratiated herself with Bulma, becoming her friend, being a shoulder to cry on as Bulma's romantic entanglement with Yamcha came to an end and falsely offering the hand of friendship to get what she wanted.

Bulma, for all her intelligence and mental ability never suspected that all Lisa wanted was not friendship, but a means with which to get what she desired. Lisa had carefully researched Bulma, her family and Capsule Corporation. It was the most technologically advanced company in the galaxy, with unlimited resources and wealth and she would have it all, with Zarbon's muscle. Her relationship with him was a means to an end. Lisa was not in any way in need of a permanent arrangement with him as Zarbon was just a warm body to occasionally connect with. It had been necessary to give the impression of a torrid relationship gone tragically awry to Bulma, to gather help gather information about the Saiyans on the station. The plan had worked perfectly.

Lisa was fully aware of Zarbon's intentions towards Bulma, in fact she wholeheartedly endorsed them. Anything to get Bulma out of the picture. Lisa was looking forward to the moment when she was able to see the expression of betrayal on Bulma's face.

Being a sociopath has its benefits.

Stretching, Lisa moved from the bed to enter the bathroom and start another day of subterfuge and treachery.

Soon the bastards on this station and on Earth will know who is control…

________________________________________________________________ ____

Removing herself from Vegeta's arms, Bulma made her way into the bathroom, eager to wash away the sticky blood that had collected and dried on her back and mouth. Vegeta let her go reluctantly, but he was aware of her need to be alone for a few moments. He smirked as she walked, a tad unsteadily away from him. Don't get too comfortable Bulma; I'm coming in soon.

Bulma tensed slightly as the warm flow of water from the shower trickled down her neck, causing a small stab of pain in the mark Vegeta had cut into her. She smiled, remembering the night before and words he had uttered to complete the bond between them not more than 10 minutes ago. Bulma was not been able to recall a time when she had been more content, apart from her adventures with Goku and the others on the hunt for Dragon balls. Even as much of a romantic as Bulma was, she knew that her bond with Vegeta was not based on love, well not yet anyway. The fates had determined that she and Vegeta belonged together.

Who would go against the will of the fates?

As she washed her hair, Bulma's mind drifted back to the memories of her younger days, briefly touching on the on off relationship she had shared with Yamcha. Suddenly, she snapped back to reality. True, she and Vegeta were together, but did this mean she would be going with him to Earth? What would be the reaction to her unexpected union with a man, who was considered by many to be a mass murderer? She had accepted him, but would Goku? Yamcha? Her parents?

Back in the bedroom, Vegeta had strongly sensed Bulma's worry; fully aware of the turmoil she was going through. Now that the both of them were joined, he had access to her thoughts and her memories, as she had to his. But for now Bulma did not actively access his mind, and Vegeta was aware of her disgust at some of his past, although she had accepted it. He knew that she had the fortitude to overcome the obstacles set before her. Some of Bulma's memories though, had intrigued him greatly. There were these mystical Dragon balls for example. Able to grant any wish. Now that could be useful….

Then there was the man she had once been joined to. Would he prove to be a problem? Vegeta snorted. It was unlikely. Bulma was now his, bonded and mated by the soul, by the mind and by the body. No one would ever be able to undo that.

Recalling what he really wanted to do before leaving Bulma in the care of Nappa, Vegeta strode naked to the shower, grinning lustfully and stepping in behind her curvaceous and wet body.

"Really, woman. I would think that you just did this to force me to seduce you." he rumbled, his hands moving lightly over her back, before coming to rest on her hips, tugging her lightly towards his now fully aroused member.

Bulma turned her head and glanced at Vegeta's lustful expression. "You sure do think a lot of yourself, your highness," she replied sarcastically, snapping her eyes down his torso, trying to ignore the heat quickly growing between her legs.

"Of course. I am a prince after all," he drawled before spinning Bulma around in his arms and captured her full lips with his own.

"Vegeta," she mumbled against his lips, "We don't have time for this, work to be done, remember?"

Vegeta merely stroked his large hands over her full breasts rubbing against her now stiffening nipples, causing Bulma to whimper softly in response. She struggled to regain control, "I won't be long woman, and I don't want to wear out my little asset, do I?"

"Bastard." She growled back, angry at the small jibe and the fact that her body was acting in a most treacherous manner.

Vegeta raised an eyebrow and remained silent, continuing to stroke Bulma's breasts, leaning in to nibble on her jaw, making Bulma throw her head back under the spray of warm water from the shower. "Unnngh…..I'll get you for this." She groaned, her own hands busily trailing down his muscular chest, teasingly brushing against his groin once her hands reached it.

Vegeta chuckled at her attempt at a threat towards him. "Later," he growled back, growing impatient. With one smooth movement, Vegeta turned Bulma around again bending her over slightly, and slowly entered her from behind, his hands firmly holding her hips in place as he found his rhythm. As he expected she was aroused, her womanhood slick with moisture, the muscles lovingly caressing him as he thrust. Bulma put her hands against the wall of the shower, bracing herself while Vegeta thrust into her, small whimpers of pleasure escaping her mouth as he nibbled on her sensitive neck.

Eager to give her release, Vegeta moved his hands from her hips, one hand caressing her breasts as the fingers from his other hand located the small nub of pleasure hidden deep within the blue curls covering Bulma's womanhood. His nimble fingers rubbed against her, quickly setting her body on fire, feeling her body tense and watching her skin flush as the orgasm washed over them both, giving him release at the same time. By the gods, I don't ever think I will have my fill of this woman….

Gradually withdrawing from Bulma, Vegeta pulled her up into his arms, holding her tightly against his body, looking closely at the mark that matched his own. As he had suspected, the wound was already closing up as was his, but would leave a scar forever on Bulma's slender neck. For the first time, Vegeta was filled with pride that this woman he held in his arms had willingly taken a great deal of pain to honour his culture and be his. It was an indication of her inner strength.

After dressing hastily and as with the previous day, Vegeta left Bulma with Nappa to protect her, proceeding to the experimental gravity chamber on the 35th floor. As much as Vegeta wanted to stay with Bulma, his training needed to take precedence for the time being and he trusted Nappa to protect his lifemate.

Vegeta realised that Freeza was not going to be too far away, due to Zarbon being stationed as his eyes and ears on Station Delta. Then there was his ascension to Super Saiyan status. It was now so close that he could practically taste the sweetness of triumph in being the legendary.

No one, not even Freeza himself would be able to stand in his way. Then revenge for the beatings, the humiliations and near starvation would be heaped upon those who had sought to break him. With a familiar smirk gracing his lips, Vegeta plunged himself headlong into a full days training, ready and waiting to break the elusive barrier.

Bulma, meanwhile had settled into a now familiar routine, hunched over her laptop in the docking bay, busily cracking the shield codes. As advised by Vegeta, Bulma had taken care to cover the wound on her neck, by not tying up her hair as normal, instead allowing the blue strands to cascade over her neck and shoulders. It meant that until it healed completely, no one would question her about how the mark had occurred.

Bulma had noticed a difference in Nappa's attitude towards her, and physically he was keeping as far away from her as was possible, without her being out of his sight. This made her wonder if he was aware of the bonding between her and Vegeta. Bulma was reluctant however to probe Nappa's mind to ascertain if the bald man had any inkling of the change in her situation. Shrugging off the idea, Bulma dove back into the work at hand, her fingers feverishly tapping the keyboard, hoping to get the job finished and ready for when departure time came. Bulma was so embroiled in her work that she did not notice Nappa gradually move closer to her, halting abruptly at her shoulder.

"You are marked." His voice was guttural, betraying a tinge of anger towards her.

Slightly panicked, Bulma sharply turned her head upwards to look at Nappa, his face twisted in an ugly grimace. "But how? I covered ……….."

"The mark? I don't need to see, I know. I can smell the Prince on you as I was able to sense your scent on him." He paused, carefully thinking about the words about to come from his mouth. "Witch," he finally whispered hoarsely, "you have condemned him to a lifetime of torment, never able to be parted from you, unless I can do something about it."

Bulma shrank back from the large man looming over her, getting ready to make a run for it. No other technicians were in the area as it was so early in the day, so there was no way of getting them to alert security. "Why do you hate me, Nappa?" she choked out, eyes wide with terror, fully aware of his desire to destroy her.

He cocked his head, examining her fearful expression, a curl of disgust present on his lips. "You have already reduced one formerly proud warrior to a snivelling idiot, I will not stand as you continue to bewitch my Prince as well."

Gradually edging away from the now very obviously enraged Saiyan, Bulma whispered, "You see bonding as a curse."

"Yes," he hissed, "and now its time to get rid of you, before the bond takes too strong a hold on him." Before Bulma could make a move to escape he brought his large hands around Bulma's throat, cutting of her air supply, slowly squeezing the life from her body. In desperation, Bulma tried in vain to prise his fingers off, but Nappa merely increased the pressure, forcing her to the ground, her legs flailing uselessly in the air. His face held a maniacal look, eyes glazed with blood lust, outwardly enjoying the act of killing her. Bulma sent out a pitiful mental plea to Vegeta, hoping beyond hope that he could hear her. Help me Vegeta, I am dying……Nappa is…….

"Prince Vegeta won't be coming to save you witch." Grunted Nappa as if he was aware of her plea for help. He wanted to enjoy the full sensation of slowly and painfully snuffing out Bulma's life. It had been a long time since he had last killed someone this slowly.

Vegeta fell to his knees on the floor in the training facility suddenly unable to breath properly. As he struggled to force breath into his burning lungs he could faintly hear Bulma's voice in his mind begging for him to help her. With not a second to spare, he burst out of the room, ignoring the questions from the technicians. The only way down to the docking bay was an elevator, which Vegeta promptly got into, cursing its slow speed as it descended. His own breath was coming in short quick gasps, which indicated to him that Bulma was losing her grip on life. Somehow Bulma had been able to link his mind fully to hers, causing him to feel her pain. Fight with everything you have Bulma, I'm coming…….

The pain was incredible, and Bulma could feel her windpipe being torturously crushed, her life starting to ebb away. She continued to struggle, being aware of Vegeta coming to save her. She was not willing to give up. As Nappa tightened his grip around her throat, Bulma snapped, a rage previously unknown erupted within her, releasing hidden power from deep in her subconscious. She had to try to save herself from this monster. Following a seemingly primal instinct she stretched her hands towards Nappa's face and slapped her small hands on his temples. With a fierce expression of determination on her contorted and red face, Bulma forced a thought into his mind; I have a present for you, Nappa…..

Nappa had a look of shocked surprise on his face as Bulma then bounced the pain he was giving her back at him, burning his mind. Tapping into her own rage and fear, she doubled the amplification of the pain, causing blood to gush repulsively from his mouth and nose and spatter on her face. The pressure from his hands lessened and Bulma grabbed the opportunity to deliver a crushing blow to his gut with her feet, fuelled by the increase in endorphins in her blood, making him release his hands and sending him flying by several metres.

With the release of her throat Bulma tried to sit up, coughing and gulping in large deep breaths of wonderful sweet oxygen. As the coughing subsided, Bulma looked around, blinking rapidly, as she saw the prone body of Nappa several metres from her, face down with blood still dribbling from his mouth.

She lay on the metal floor for a few more moments before rising to her feet, firmly grasping the chair to support herself.

What the hell happened? Where did all that rage come from?

Bulma's hands started slipping from the chair as she felt her head growing muzzy from the exhaustive mental effort of repelling Nappa, her eyes drooping, vaguely aware of the strong and gentle hands of Vegeta carefully lifting her up before everything went dark.